

单词 的确良

See also:


very adj
virtuous adj

very much

External sources (not reviewed)

波兰人口的年轻化结构以及 大学优的教育水平确保了具有良好 技 能和较 高教育程度的劳动力的持续稳定供给。
The young structure of Poland’s population and the
[...] high standard of Universities ensure a continuing and growing potential [...]
for a highly skilled and educated labour force.
全新的NT系列泵采用专利设计的驱动系 统,振动低,噪音小,使用创新性的连 接设计确保良好的气体密封性。
The new NT series pump models have a
[...] patented drive system for low vibration and [...]
noise, and feature an innovative connection
system for high gas tightness.
缔约国应通过立法承认依良心拒 服兵 的 权 利 , 确 保 依 据 良 心 拒 服兵役者不受 歧视或惩罚。
The State party should adopt legislation recognizing
the right of
[...] conscientious objection to military service, ensuring that conscientious objectors are [...]
not subject to discrimination or punishment.
的最佳清洁确保良好纸 质和纸机高效运行的先决条件。
Optimum conditioning of the dryer fabric is an important prerequisite for good paper quality and efficient machine operation.
[...] 于如何定义,例如是按行为(捕捞领域不同力量同意具体的行动或签署承诺), 或是按产出(有相当多的措施或指标 确 认 良 好 操 行 的 结 果 )。
The size of the shift in balance towards sustainable fisheries will also depend in part on how it will be defined; whether, for example, by conduct (the fishing sector agreeing to specific actions or signing commitments of varying force)
or by outcome (where significant measures or indicators
[...] are put in place to confirm the consequences of [...]
good practice).
他回顾了定于 2009 年 4 月在日内瓦举行的德
班审查会议的目标,即:审查所有利益攸关方执行 《德班宣言和行动纲领》的进展并确定其具体措施;
[...] 评估和加强后续行动机制的有效性;促进世界各国 批准和执行《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》并 适当审议消除种族歧视委员的建议 ;以 确 定并良好做法。
He recalled that the objectives of the Durban Review Conference, to be held in April 2009 in Geneva, were to: review progress toward and identify concrete measures for the implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action by all stakeholders; assess and enhance the effectiveness of follow-up mechanisms; promote universal ratification and implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and proper consideration of
the recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination
[...] of Racial Discrimination; and identify and share good practices.
论坛在审议该项目时,面前有“土著人民和 森林问题国际专家组会议报告”(E/C.19/2011/5),“各国就处理土著问题常设论 坛各项建议的情况提供的资料”(E/C.19/2011/8),“主题为‘跟踪评估促进土著
[...] (E/C.19/2011/11),“研究土著人民与公司问题以审查有关公司和土著人 的现 行机制和政策确定良好做法”(E/C.19/2011/12)和“联合国土著问题常设论坛 [...]
秘书处编写的分析报告:经济和社会发展,环境及自由、事先和知情同意” (E/C.19/2011/13)。
For its consideration of the item, the Forum had before it the documents entitled “Report of the International Expert Group Meeting on Indigenous Peoples and Forests” (E/C.19/2011/5), “Information from States on addressing the recommendations of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues” (E/C.19/2011/8), “Report of the international technical expert meeting on the theme ‘Keeping track: indicators, mechanisms and data for assessing the implementation of indigenous peoples’ rights’” (E/C.19/2011/11), “Study on indigenous peoples and corporations to examine existing mechanisms and
policies related to corporations
[...] and indigenous peoples and to identify good practices” (E/C.19/2011/12) [...]
and “Analysis prepared
by the secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues: economic and social development, the environment and free, prior and informed consent” (E/C.19/2011/13).
拟议预算将用于(a) 联合资助伙伴关系方案;(b) 加强方案对公平问题的 重视;(c) 拟订并出版方案经验和有关核定战 的 指 南 ( d) 确定良好做 法, 评估经验教训;(e) 在对儿童和妇女有利的关键领域收集数据,进行研究和分 析;(f) 传播与改善儿童福祉有关的知识;(g) 评价方案执行情况;(h) 改善工 作人员能力和方案管理;(i) 信息系统。
The proposed budget will be used for (a) the co-funding of partnership programmes; (b) greater focus of programmes on equity; (c) development and publication of programme experience and guidance on approved strategies; (d) identification of good practices and assessment of lessons learned; (e) data, research and analysis in key areas for children and women; (f) dissemination of knowledge relevant to improving the well-being of children; (g) evaluation of programme performance; (h) improving staff capacities and programme management; and (i) information systems.
2012 年,会计准则问题工作队成立了一个工作组,根据联合
[...] 国系统各组织实施公共部门会计准则的现有经验,分析公共部门会计准 的好 处确定良好做 法,以期在全系统范围充分利用公共部门会计准则带来的益处。
In 2012, a Working Group was established by the Task Force
on Accounting Standards to analyse
[...] IPSAS benefits and identify good practices on the basis [...]
of existing experiences in IPSAS
implementation by United Nations system organizations with a view of harnessing IPSAS benefits for the system-wide level.
由于使用一系列 指标进行了全面监测与评估,因而就能够衡量适 的 有 效 性,并 确良 好 做 法和 吸的教益 ,从而可推进适应项目、政策和方案。
As a result of comprehensive monitoring and evaluation using a range of indicators, it should be possible to measure the effectiveness of adaptation and to identify good practices and lessons learned so that adaptation projects, policies and programmes can be enhanced.
This mechanism
[...] is an important tool to ensure a sound and sustainable environment.
[...] 题、以豁免为规则,不如从国家及其代表在有限的几种情况下担负的责任的角度 审视这一问题更为确――人类的良 心 将 受到震撼――再考虑是否存在豁免这种形 [...]
Instead of addressing the matter in terms of rule and exception, with immunity being the rule, it seemed more accurate to examine the issue from the perspective of responsibility of the State and its
representatives in those limited
[...] situations — which shock the conscience of humankind — and [...]
consider whether any exceptions thereto,
in the form of immunity, may exist.
在不预断国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭关于咨 询意见的裁决的情况下,墨西哥认为,这一程序将显 示国际法院如何能够通过在它的裁决和咨询意见中 逐确立良好的原则 ,丰富其他国际法律机构的工 作,从而促进国际法的整体发展。
Without prejudice to the decision of the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea regarding the advisory opinion, Mexico believes that this procedure will demonstrate how the Court, in developing good principles in its decisions and opinions, can enrich the work of other international legal bodies, thus furthering the development of international law as a whole.
一些代表团指出,由信托基金提供支持可以为在国家或区域一级利用发展中国家 学术机构的专业知识提良好的机会 , 确 定 可 以利用哪些专家和数据来源来提供科学 建议。
Some delegations pointed out that the support of the Trust Fund was a good opportunity to take advantage of the expertise available in academic institutions in developing countries at
the national or
[...] regional level in order to identify experts and sources of data that could be used to provide [...]
scientific advice.
在区域层面,非洲粮食危机应对 计划于2008年设立,旨在短期内减少贫困 和营养良并在中、长确保可持续 的粮 食安全。
At the regional level, the Africa Food Crisis Response (AFCR) initiative was established in
2008 with the aim to reduce
[...] poverty and malnutrition in the short term, and to ensure sustainable [...]
food security in the medium to longer term.
他的结论是,虽然关于执行 支助股的供资模式存在多种意见,但各方的广泛共识是,执行支助 的良 好 运转 十分重要,而且需确保它 继续向缔约国提供高质量的服务。
He concluded that while there was a diversity of views regarding a financing model for the ISU, there was broad agreement
regarding the value of a well
[...] functioning ISU and on the need to ensure it continued to deliver its high [...]
quality services to the States Parties.
要想使维护工作令人 满意,先决条件是技术人员应具有相应的资质,也就是说,技艺高超、熟悉产品、操作 确 , 并且 有 良好 的直觉
A requirement for satisfactory service work is that the technicians have the right qualifications, i.e. good workmanship, thorough knowledge of the product, precision and intuition.
因为,大会和执行局以 往经常强调“教科文组织制定准则行 的 重 要性,应为其创 良 好 条件 , 确 保 其 质量和效 率”(第 105 EX/5.6.1 号决定),并强调“有必要……继续开展有助于改进本组织准则性行 [...]
动的研究工作”(第 19 C/6.112 号决议)。
Indeed, the General Conference and the Executive Board have often, in the past, stressed “the importance of
UNESCO’s normative
[...] action, for which the optimum conditions of quality and efficiency should be provided” [...]
(105 EX/Decision
5.6.1) and “the need … to continue the search for ways of improving the Organization’s normative action” (19 C/Resolution 6.112).
为了持久解决危机,我国政府制定的其他优先工 作包括:向穷困者和境内流离失所者提供人道主义援 助;制定全面国家安全战略,使政府能在国际恐怖团 体发动的安全威胁的情况下,更有效地开展工作;在 国家机构巩固善治、问责、透明度和公正;重建能确保可 持续经济复原的国家基础设施;为沿海社区和 其他地区建立替代性生计项目,使年轻人不参与海盗 和其他犯罪活动——我们认为这项工作非常重要;和 加强区内各的良好关 系、相互了解和合作。
Other priorities laid down by the Government with a view to finding a lasting solution to the crisis include the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the needy and the internally displaced; the formulation of a comprehensive national security strategy that would enable the Government to function more effectively in the midst of security threats unleashed by international terrorist groups; the consolidation of good governance, accountability, transparency and justice in the State institutions; the rebuilding of the
infrastructure of the
[...] country that would ensure a sustainable economic recovery; the creation of alternative livelihood projects for the coastal communities and other areas to dissuade youth from piracy and other criminal activities, which we see as very important; and the strengthening of good relations, [...]
mutual understanding
and cooperation among countries in the region.
战略第三部分的标上侧重于发展运 良 好 的 制 度, 以 确 保 儿 童的福 祉。
The objectives in the third part of the Strategy focus on
[...] development of wellfunctioning systems to ensure the well-being [...]
of children.
克服这方面障的良好做法是确保为 很可能需要寻求或提供 正式合作的人员提供必要的信息和资源,以便尽可能有效地提出请求或对请求 做出回应,并且确保其知道在正式合作之前何时去寻求非正式合作,或者甚至 [...]
A good practice in overcoming this obstacle is to ensure that personnel [...]
who are likely to need to seek or provide formal
cooperation are equipped with the information and resources necessary to make or respond to requests as efficiently as possible, and are aware of when to seek informal cooperation prior to or even in lieu of formal cooperation.
第一大趋势涉及全球金融危机与人权问题,政府发起了一项政策,避免 人民生活水平降低、保护他们不受金融危 的 不 良 后 果 影响 确 保 正 常生活,以此 作为 保 障其人权的基 础 。
First with regard to the global financial crisis and human rights, the Government launched a policy to avoid any reduction in people’s living
standards, by protecting them
[...] from the negative consequences of the financial crisis and by ensuring that normal [...]
life proceeds as a
foundation for their human rights.
缔约国应说明接受或驳回兵役替代役申请的理由,并采取有关措 确 保 出 于 良心 拒服兵的权利
The State party should clarify the grounds under which applications for an alternative to military
service are accepted or rejected and take
[...] relevant measures to ensure that the right to conscientious objection is upheld.
在可能和适当的时候,工作组将力求 促成一个涉及所有各方的努力核心,以分享举措之 的 教 训 和 良 好 做 法, 确保 各个单的举措 具有多面性和补充作用,从而应对特定产业部门和运作背景下出 [...]
Wherever possible and appropriate, the Working Group will seek to foster a central core of effort involving all
parties, to share lessons learned and good
[...] practices between initiatives, and to ensure that separate initiatives are faceted [...] [...]
and complementary, in order to meet the specific implementation challenges and opportunities presented by particular industry sectors and operating contexts, among other factors.
不仅是提供维修的依据,而且还 可以发现参数变化的趋势,调节 制造 过程,及时减少产品良率,确保产品 的高品质和一致性。
This is not only the basis for repairing units but also for discovering trends in parameter variations
and in adjusting the manufacturing process in
[...] time to reduce the rejection rate and assure high and consistent [...]
良好做法是确保采 取加强边境管制等 直接预防措施,同时辅之以长期努力,摧毁从事偷运移 的 犯 罪 组织并应对产 生偷运服务需求的根源。
Good practice is to ensure that immediate prevention measures such as strengthened border control are complemented by longer-term efforts to [...]
dismantle the criminal
organizations behind smuggling of migrants, and to address the root causes of demand for smuggling services.
在东京举行闭会期间会议有以下目标:㈠ 扩
大发展中国家的废弃物管理服务;㈡ 提高对公私伙伴关系双赢机会的认识;㈢
[...] 促进关于建立废弃物管理伙伴关系的对话,包括分享废弃物管理伙伴关 的良好 模式和做法;确定和 制定具体合作倡议,为各项需要找到适当的解决办法; [...]
㈤ 确定‘成功'公私伙伴关系必须具备的有利条件,特别是提供对需求反应灵敏、
具有成本效益和可持续的高质量服务所必须具备的有利条件;及㈥ 讨论并最后 确定预期将在可持续发展委员会第十九届会议期间建立的国际伙伴关系的范围, 其宗旨是扩大地方当局和处理废弃物的公用事业的废弃物管理服务。
The intersessional conference held in Tokyo was organized with the following objectives: (a) to expand waste management services in developing countries; (b) to raise awareness about win-win opportunities for public-private partnerships; (c) to facilitate dialogue on building partnerships for waste management, including by sharing good models and practices of partnerships in waste management; (d) to
identify and establish concrete,
[...] collaborative initiatives to ensure that needs are met with appropriate [...]
solutions; (e) to identify
the necessary enabling conditions for successful public-private partnerships, especially regarding quality service that responds to demand, is cost-effective and is sustainable; and (f) to discuss and finalize the scope of a prospective international partnership with the objective of expanding the waste management services of local authorities and public waste utilities, to be launched during the nineteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development.
各位部长重申 2009 年 11 月 15 日《世界粮食首脑会议宣言》以及第二次
[...] [...] 不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议的重要性,此次会议由埃及在罗马粮农组织总部 召开,因为考虑到粮农组织在解决饥饿和营养 良的 许 多 方面以 确 定 可 由不 结盟运动第一夫人发起以解决这些问题的具体步骤方面所发挥的作用,包括通 [...]
过交流确保妇女获取资源,特别是土地和信贷以及人力资本和知识的国家经 验。
The Ministers reaffirmed the Declaration of the World Food Summit on 15 November 2009, and the importance of the Second NAM First Ladies Summit, convened by Egypt, at the FAO headquarters in Rome in view of its
role in addressing many aspects
[...] of hunger and malnutrition and identifying concrete steps [...]
that NAM First Ladies could initiate
to address these issues, including through the exchange of national experiences in ensuring women access to resources, particularly land and credit, as well as human capital and knowledge.
[...] 著人民……所面临的问题,途经是开展着重行动的方针和具体项目、增强技术援 助和进行有关的标准制订活动”,6 哥伦比亚主张,这项评价应视为这 的 一项 行动:帮确定所获进展、所得教训 良 好 做 法, 确 定 国 际社会和成员国应加 倍努力的领域,以期推动圆满执行“十年”的宗旨和目标。
In accordance with the goal of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People to achieve “the further strengthening of international cooperation for the solution of problems faced by indigenous people […] by means of actionoriented programmes and specific projects, increased technical assistance and relevant standard-setting activities”,6 the Colombian Government agrees
that this
[...] evaluation should be viewed as an exercise to help identify the progress that has been made, the lessons learned [...]
and best practices, and the areas
in which both the international community and Member States must redouble their efforts to promote the satisfactory achievement of the purpose and the goals of the Decade.
他提出一些关键问题, 引导就安理会在确保追究责任方的 作 用 进行讨论,包括:从安理会努力确保追 究刑事责任中可吸取哪些教训确定 哪 些 良 好 做 法?
He put forward key questions to guide the discussion on the role of the Council in ensuring
[...] including the following: what lessons can be learned, and what good practices identified, from the Council’s efforts to ensure criminal responsibility?




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