

单词 的政制

See also:

的政 n

existing policy n

政制 n

political system n

External sources (not reviewed)

政務司司長進一步表示,由 於吳議員在 前 一 天舉的政制事務委員會會議上 , 亦 就 擬 議問 責 制提出 相同疑 問,當局會盡 快向該事務委員會提 交 文件,解釋為 何 透 過 分 別 根 據 第 1章第54A及 62(3) 條提出的決 議及命 令 , 移轉有關法 定 職能此 一 做 法 是 合法、 恰 當及合理的。
CS further said that as Miss NG had raised the same query concerning the proposed accountability system at the meeting of the Panel on Constitutional Affairs (CA Panel) held on the previous day, a paper would be provided to the Panel as soon as possible to explain why it was legal, appropriate and reasonable to effect the transfer of statutory functions by way of a resolution and an Order made respectively under sections 54A and 62(3) of Cap 1.
如果自由黨是有道德、有原則的話,應該支持㆒個香港 ㆟真正渴的政制。
If the Liberal Party has any morality or principle, it
[...] should support a political system really coveted by the people of [...]
Hong Kong.
14.16 律政司司長表示,香的政制發展 與行政長官及立法會 的產生辦法,須符合《基本法》指定的程序及全國人民代表大 會常務委員會的相關決定,而香港特別行政區(下稱"香港特區") 政府提出的建議,必須取得立法會三分之二多數議員支持、行 政長官同意及全國人民代表大會常務委員會通過。
14.16 SJ stated that Hong Kong's constitutional development and the electoral methods for selecting the Chief Executive and forming the Legislative Council had to be in accordance with the procedures as stipulated in the Basic Law and the relevant decisions of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and the proposals put forth by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) must obtain the support of a two-thirds majority of all Legislative Council Members, consent of the Chief Executive and endorsement of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
話 說回來 , 我 希 望 大 家 共 同 做 點 實 事,為 香 港 創造共 識 , 按照《基本 法》 推 動 香的政制發展
Anyway, I hope that we can come together to do something practical,
to create a consensus for Hong Kong, and
[...] to promote constitutional development in Hong Kong according to the Basic Law.
本會對於政府當局於 2007 年 12 月 12 日發的《政制發展 綠皮書》 公眾諮詢報告,扭曲市民要求盡快落實行政長官及立法會雙普選的 意願,未有就雙普選訂定具體和明確的時間表及路線圖,以致未能早日 落實行政長官及立法會的全面普選作出強烈譴責;此外,本會認為應 [...]
不遲於 2012 年落實行政長官及立法會雙普選。
That this Council strongly condemns that the Report on
Public Consultation on
[...] Green Paper on Constitutional Development published on 12 December 2007 by the Administration has given a [...]
distorted account of public
aspirations for expeditiously implementing dual universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council, and has failed to provide a specific and clear timetable as well as a roadmap for dual universal suffrage, thus universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council cannot be fully implemented at an early date; in addition, this Council considers that dual universal suffrage for the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council should be implemented by no later than 2012.
政府當局則必須修改本身的處事程序,以適應本港現 已實行的、更具代議形的政制。
For its part, the Administration must adapt its own procedures to the more
[...] representative form of government we now have.
本會 認為任何 涉 及 增 加 立法會功 能 界 別 議席及選 舉 委 員會中代表功 能 界 別 的 委 員 數的政制改 革 方 案 , 皆 違 背《基本 法》第四十五 條及 第 六 十八條 所訂定,按照“循 序 漸 進 ” 及 “實際情況” 的 原 則 以 達 至 普 選 的 目標;並要求政 府 在 政制發展專責小組 第 五 號 報 告 中 明 確表 明,將 來 提 出 的 任 何 所 謂 “ 主 流 方 案”,都 不 會 包括增 加 立法會功 能 界 別 議席及選 舉 委 員會中代表功 能 界 別 的 委 員 數 目 的 建 議 。
That this Council considers that any constitutional reform proposal which involves an increase in the numbers of functional constituency seats in the Legislative Council and of the members representing functional constituencies in the Election Committee violates Articles 45 and 68 of the Basic Law, which stipulate that the principles of "gradual and orderly progress" and "actual situation" should be followed in achieving the aim of universal suffrage; and requests the Government to state clearly in the Fifth Report of the Constitutional Development Task Force that any so-called "mainstream proposal" which will be put forward in the future will not include proposals to increase the numbers of functional constituency seats in the Legislative Council and of the members representing functional constituencies in the Election Committee.
It is for this reason that I will accept the
[...] most democratic political proposal.
我 非 常同意 譚耀宗議員所說,專責小組應 “ 盡 快 和 中 央 政 府 釐清制發 展 的 原 則及程序, 促 進 社 會 各界理 性討論, 並 與中央 政 府進行良 性 互動的 商 討 ,務求 在 尊 重 及 嚴 格 遵 守 《基本 法》所 訂定的原 則的基礎 上 , 達 致一個 全 面 貫 徹 一國兩 制 、 港 人 治港及 高 度 自的政制發展方案, 為香港開 創 一 個 民 主及穩 定的局面"。
I agree very much with Mr TAM Yiu-chung that the Task Force should "expeditiously clarify with the Central Government the
principles and procedure
[...] relating to constitutional development, and promote rational discussions among various sectors of the community, and establish positive and interactive discussions with the Central Government, with a view to formulating, on the basis of respecting and strictly complying with the principles prescribed in the Basic Law, a constitutional development proposal that fully implements the concept of "one country, two systems" whereby Hong [...]
Kong people rule Hong
Kong with a high degree of autonomy, so as to develop a democratic and stable situation in Hong Kong".
政務司司長補充,政府會嘗 試 在社會 中
[...] 謀 求 共 識,以確 定 怎的 政 制 才 符 合 整 體 香港市民 的最佳 [...]
利 益 。
CS added that the Government would
try to achieve broad consensus within the
[...] community on a political system that would [...]
serve the best interests of the people of Hong Kong as a whole.
特別是美國,更有 ㆒個使㆟震驚的濫用㆟權紀錄,在過去 40 年來,美國以精良的武器,屠殺世界㆖許
[...] 多國家內數以百萬計的㆟民,剝奪這些國家的民族自決權,並且試圖迫使它們採納美 國模的政制。
The United States in particular has a horrifying record of human rights abuses, having in the past four decades slaughtered, by superior arms, millions of people in many countries of the world to deprive their
countries of their right to self-determination, and to try to force them to adopt the
[...] United States form of government.
我們認為這樣更能配合香的政 制發展 步伐,包括立法會選舉不斷民主化,以及區議會委 [...]
任議員在立法會選舉及行政長官選舉委員會界別分組選舉 所擔任的角色的改變。
We consider that this is more compatible with
[...] the pace of constitutional development [...]
in Hong Kong, including the continued democratization
of the Legislative Council Election and the changes in the role of appointed DC members in the Legislative Council Election and the Chief Executive Election Committee Subsector elections.
主席女士,我想向楊議員及在座每一位議員重申,我會盡最大的努力, 與不同黨派及議員,就 2007 年以的政制檢討 及發展謀求共識,希望我們 可以共同為香港創造新的發展空間,希望我們將 的政制 發 展 是符合香港社 會的需要。
Madam President, I wish to reiterate to Dr YEUNG Sum and all the Members in this Chamber now that I shall exert my utmost to strive for a consensus
with different parties
[...] and Members on the political review and development after 2007, in the hope that we can work together to create new dimensions of development for Hong Kong, and that our future political development can meet [...]
the needs of the community of Hong Kong.
5)在缺乏認受性的政治環境下,政治領袖以至民間可以運用全民投票機制為他 的政制 或 政 策目標爭取所需的認受性。
(5) In a political environment lacking in legitimacy, political
leaders and even the civic society may use referendums to gain legitimacy
[...] for their political system or policy [...]
我相 信在現階的政制發展 ,行政與立法兩個機關的角色有可能混淆不清,引致削弱行 [...]
I believe that at the present
[...] stage of our political development, [...]
there is a danger of confusion and muddle in their roles
which will both undermine the competence of the executive and inhibit the effective development of the legislature as an independent check on government.
況且,從「澳人治澳」的觀點來看,澳 的政制 發 展 是澳門社會的大事,也是澳門社會自己要決定的事。
As a matter of fact, viewing the matter
from the principle of "Macau people ruling
[...] Macau", the constitutional reform in Macau [...]
should be an important matter to be
decided by Macau society on its own.
所以, 假 如我們要改變以上一切 以確保 我們設的政制是合理的話 ,則 這 制 度 應政制的每一部分互相關連 、相互問責、 交 相 制 衡 , 而香港人 亦 覺 得它是 帶領香港前進的 決 策 架 構 , 而不是我們現正 擁 有 [...]
的 過 時 及 令香港停 滯 不前的制度。
So, if we are to change all these to ensure
[...] that we design a political system that makes sense, it should be the one where each part of the political system relates to [...]
each other, that is
accountable, that has checks and balances, and where the people of Hong Kong feel that it is a decision-making structure that leads Hong Kong forward, rather than what we have right now which is a system that is out-dated and is holding Hong Kong back.
同樣道理,在「一國兩制」的前提下,澳 的政制 檢 討 ,也應該完全在澳門特區之內、基本法框架之下解決。
Similarly, under the principle of
"one country, two systems", the
[...] constitutional reform in Macau should also be resolved within the Macau Special Administrative Region and the [...]
framework of the Basic Law.
對於這個制度,我感到十分擔心,因為在一個已是十分傾斜、失衡的社 會裏,即權力和資源均過分集中在一小撮人手中的背景下,以及在一個不民 主、市民無權選擇他們的領導 的政制 下 ,進一步擴大委任,令我實在感到 非常擔心。
I am very concerned about this system because in a society which is already excessively skewed towards one side and imbalanced, that is, with the excessive concentration of power and resources in the hands of a small group of people and in an undemocratic political system in which members of the public have no right to choose their own leader, the further expansion of such appointments really makes me feel very concerned.
因此,在這個時候,面對回歸 10
周年,我相信兩件事情,作為中央政 府,可能真的不要再干預;作為特區政府,也應該守着自己的崗位,應該清
[...] 楚自己的角色,應該協助香港有好的管治,有 的政制 , 而 非自己事事甘願 邀請一些不必要的干預,跟一些營商的人一樣,就每件事情想向中央取得好 處。
Therefore, at this point in time when it is going to be the 10th anniversary of our reunification with China, I believe in two things: Perhaps the Central Government must really cease its interference, whereas the SAR Government should faithfully play the part expected of it; it should understand clearly its
role and help ensure effective governance
[...] and a sound constitutional system in Hong [...]
Kong, rather than willingly inviting
unnecessary interference in all circumstances and like some businessmen, thinking to obtain advantages from the Central Authorities in all cases.
大多数低收入和中等收入国家所缺的是组织,具体讲是缺乏 明确有效的体制框架、可持的财 政制 度 , 以及推动现代化议程和提高制度表现 的明确进程。
What most low- and middle-income cities lack is organization, specifically, a clear and functioning institutional framework, a sustainable financial system and a clear process for promoting the modernization agenda and improving the system’s performance.
政党的活动违背规定的法律 限制,或在国内或国外加入更广泛的政治联盟,和/或加入一个其活动违背规定 的法律制的政党, 这个政党将被取缔。
Prohibition of the work of a political party is decided upon by the Constitutional Court, and the parties whose activities are in contradiction to the named legal limitations or who enter wider political alliances in
the country or abroad
[...] and/or join a political party whose activities are in contradiction to the named legal limitations, shall be banned.
几内亚:联发援框架(2007--2011 年)“提高管理水平、加强机构与人员办事能力” 的首要纲领是(i) 深化地方分权/权力下放以及公民参与国家管 的 程 度 ;(ii) 强化公共政制 度建设;(iii) 提高救助效率;以及(iv) 强化国家管理能力。
Guinea: The first main line of action of UNDAF for 2007-2011, namely the improvement of governance and reinforcement of institutional and human capacities, aims to (i) increase decentralization/deconcentration and citizen participation, (ii) strengthen public financial systems, (iii) enhance aid efficiency and effectiveness, and (iv) build State capacities.
此外,摩尔多瓦 尤为关注经济学方的研究 ,特别是在完善 政制 度 和 货币制度及其对实体经的导向 作用、建立经济增长机制、完善居民社会保障体系,以及建立经济和社会 后果分析模型方面的研究。
Special attention was given to the research in the field of economy, especially improvement of the financial and monetary system and its orientation towards the real economy, development of economic growth mechanisms, and improvement of the population’s social protection systems, modelling of the economic and social consequences.
秘书处在根据第 55/2
[...] 号决定编写关于一“贷款和其他来源的额外收入的融资 制 ” 的政 策 文 件时,也将考虑到 该案头研究的结果,并考虑到对臭氧和气候变化二者带来的好处、及时执行各个项目,以 [...]
The results of the desk study should also be considered
by the Secretariat
[...] when preparing a policy paper on a "facility [...]
for additional income from loans and other sources" as per
decision 55/2, taking into account: the benefits for both ozone and climate change, the need for the timely implementation of projects in order to adhere to the compliance schedule of the Montreal Protocol, and the need for the development of an exit strategy.
政府於立法局通過劉千石議員就 1994 年僱傭(修訂)條例草案所提出的修訂動 議後將草案撤回,本局對此予以譴責,並促請政府承諾尊重立法局作為立法事務 的決策當局,有權作出各種立法決定,包括對條例草案提出修訂,藉以維持市民 對立法局及民政制的信心
That this Council reproves the Government for withdrawing the Employment (Amendment) Bill 1994 after amendment to the Bill moved by the Honourable LAU Chin-shek was carried in the Legislative Council, and urges the Government to pledge its respect for the Legislative Council as a decision-making authority on legislative matters, including the making of amendments to bills, in order to maintain the public's confidence in the Legislative Council and the democratic system.
同時,我認為區議會應是本港政壇的 重要訓練場所,為我們訓練參政議政的人才,因此,加強區議會的功能,亦
[...] 有助於培養地區政治領袖,加強市民對社區事務的參與,提高政府在地區層 面對公眾的負責程度,更有助於本港民 政制的 進 一 步發展。
Therefore, the enhancement of the functions of District Councils can help train up future political leaders, increase public participation in
district affairs, increase the public
[...] accountability of the Government at the district [...]
level, and contribute towards the further democratization of Hong Kong.
此外,小组负责每年直接编制 2 至 5 份贯穿各领 域的重要指导文件(如《联合国维持和平行动:原则和准则》、《准则:特派团开 办外地指南》、《政策:制定指导》以及《标准业务程序:制定指导》),并支助
按照维和部和外勤部的职能领域制定专门指导(2009/10 年度计划 21 份指导文 件),支助协作实体编制至少 3 至 4
[...] 份指导材料(如《关于联合国维持和平行动的 权力、指挥和制的政策》、《关于警察和其他执法官员认证支助的政策》以及《维 [...]
Furthermore, the Team is responsible for directly producing between two and five major cross-cutting guidance documents per year (e.g., “United Nations peacekeeping operations: principles and guidelines”, “Guidelines: mission start-up field guide”, “Policy: guidance development” and “Standard operating procedure: guidance development”) and also supports the development of specialist guidance by functional areas in DPKO and DFS (21 guidance documents were planned in 2009/10) and, at a minimum, three to four
guidance materials by collaborating
[...] entities (e.g., the Policy on Authority, Command [...]
and Control in United Nations Peacekeeping
Operations, the Policy on Support for Certification of Police and other Law Enforcement Officials, and the Guidelines on Drafting Correspondence for DPKO Political Affairs Officers).
環球經驗亦顯示,沒有證據顯示全民投票會嚴重削弱代議政制,很多國家反而是以全民投票彌補代 政制的 不 足,鼓勵更多公民參與公共事務,讓既有的政治架構回應公眾訴求,增加公眾對民主制度的信心。
On the contrary, many countries complement their representative systems with referendums and encourage more citizens to
participate in public affairs, thus enable
[...] the established political framework to [...]
respond to public demand and at the same time,
increase the general public's level of confidence on democracy system.




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