

单词 皂荚树

See also:


soap n
shampoo n

police runners, from the black clothes formerly worn by them


External sources (not reviewed)

这与影响 宽荚鱼鱼 量的严峻环境和科学工作组编写的相关 报告直接相连。
It is directly linked to the critical situation affecting the stock of jack mackerel and the related report prepared by the Science Working Group.
阿兰藤黄为热带森林常见树木, 主要以其 荚 提 炼 的油深受农产品加工业和美容业等的青睐。
The oil from Allanblackia pods, a tree common to tropical forests, [...]
is used in the food and cosmetics industries.
[...] 化妆品公司之间的合资公司,计划在 2011 年供应 40 吨树脂肥皂。
As a result, a joint venture company has been set
up between the women’s groups and a French cosmetics company for the supply of 40
[...] tons of shea-based soap bars in 2011.
加纳籽是一种原产于西非的灌木,可结出椭圆形的 荚 , 种子常被当做蔬菜食用,且据说有轻度的催情作用。
Native to West Africa, the Griffonia shrub produces an oval pod containing seeds traditionally eaten as vegetables and said to provoke a slightly aphrodisiac feeling of well-being.
面向少数民族的教育电台皂剧继 续流行,并被越来越多的 地区加以改编。
Educational radio soap operas for ethnic [...]
minorities continue to be popular and are being adapted in more and more regions.
秘鲁的金枪鱼、荚鱼、 鲐鱼以及大鱿鱼法律要求悬挂该国国旗 的船主遵守适用的国家和区域养护和管理措施。
Peru’s legislation for tuna, horse mackerel, chub mackerel and giant squid fisheries required shipowners operating vessels flying its flag to comply with applicable national and regional conservation and management measures.
上世纪90年代突出的研究成果包括鉴定并确认硼和锌在棉花(Rashid等人 2000)、小麦、 柑橘、芒果和其它作物缺乏的面积,确定苹果 荚 果 作 物(如花生和鹰嘴豆)(Rashid等人, 1997; Rashid和 Din, 1992) 以及柑橘(Rashid等人. 1991)的铁缺乏,修正了更有效和经济的微 量营养素土壤测试(如Zn、Cu、 Fe和Mn的AB-DTPA以及B的盐酸稀释法) (Rashid 等人 1997c; Rashid等人, 1994),并且制订了一系列本地农作物基因型的植物分析诊断标准(Table 3)。
Salient research accomplishments of 1990s included identification and establishment of field scale deficiencies of B and Zn in cotton (Rashid et al., 2000), wheat, citrus, mango, and other corps, establishment of Fe deficiency in apple and legume crops (like peanut and chickpea) (Rashid et al., 1997; Rashid and Din, 1992) and citrus (Rashid et al. 1991), calibration of more efficient and economical soil tests for micronutrients (i.e., AB-DTPA for Zn Cu, Fe and Mn and dilute HCl for B) (Rashid et al., 1997c; Rashid et al., 1994) and determination of plant analysis diagnostic criteria for a number of locally grown crop genotypes (Table 3).
为 评 估 中 学 生 从 食 物 摄 入 赭 曲 霉 毒 素 A 的 情 况 , 用 以 估 计 摄 入 量 的 食 物 项 目 , 是 根 据 食 环 署 在 二 零 零 零 年 进 行 的 「 香 港 中 学 生 食 物 消 费 量 调 查 」 所 涵 盖 的 种 类 而 定 , 其 中 包 括 (i) 谷 类 及 谷 类 制 品 ; (ii) 荚 果 、 豆 类 及 其 制 品 ; (iii) 肉 类 、 家 禽 及 其 制 品 ( 包 括 什 脏 ) ; (iv) 朱 古 力 ; (v) 干 果 ; (vi) 果 汁 饮 品 , 以 及 (vii) 咖 啡 和 茶 。
In order to assess the dietary exposure of secondary school student to ochratoxin A, the food items used for exposure assessment were based on those covered in the Food Consumption Survey in Secondary School Students carried out by FEHD in 2000 including the following food groups: (i) cereals and cereal products, (ii) legumes, pulses and products (iii) meat, poultry and products (including offals), (iv) chocolate, (v) dried fruits, (vi) juice drinks, and (vii) coffee and tea.
巴勒斯坦平民继续遭受以色列不分青 皂 白 、 过 度和不成比例的使用坦克、F-16 战斗机、直升机和其 他重武器、包括含磷弹和致密惰性金属炸弹等武力, 人民的沉重苦难在继续,加沙人民无处躲无处藏。
As the Palestinian civilian population continues to be subjected to Israel’s indiscriminate, excessive and disproportionate use of force by means of tanks, F-16s, helicopters and other heavy weapons, including white phosphorous shells and dense inert metal explosive bombs, the profound human suffering continues to mount, as the people of Gaza have nowhere to run and nowhere to seek refuge.
价格包括对涵盖露台政府税IVA部(12%),互联网在大堂酒吧接入,无线上网,每天家务,毛巾, 皂 , 线,毛毯,24​​小时热水,邮箱服务,免费地图基多,基多的一个惊人的观点,特别是从我们的老城区和另外一个美好的工作人员,他们准备在你需要的一切帮助你顶露台。
The prices include government tax IVA (12%), internet access at the lobby bar, WIFI on the
covered top terrace, housekeeping
[...] everyday, towels, body soap, lines, blankets, [...]
24 hours hot water, mailbox service, free
maps of Quito, an amazing view point of Quito from our top terrace especially of the Old Town and besides a wonderful staff that they are ready to help you in everything you need.
对于攻击的一方来说,这包括尽一切可能核实被 攻击的目标既不是平民,也不是民用物体,同时不进 行那种不分青皂白的 攻击,包括预计可能会造成非 有意的平民伤亡攻击,而这种伤亡超过了具体攻击所 期望获得的具体和直接的军事优势。
For those launching attacks, this includes doing everything feasible to verify that the objectives to be attacked are neither civilians nor civilian objects and refraining from any indiscriminate attacks, including those that may be expected to cause incidental civilian casualties that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated from that specific attack.
[...] 叉污染,切勿调换 A 组份 (异氰酸酯)和 B 组份树脂)的零配件。
To prevent cross-contamination of the equipment’s wetted parts, never interchange component A (isocyanate)
[...] and component B (resin) parts.
它也表明一个赛季2插曲,莫妮卡有一个暗恋他的她吻他作为他回到她的日记和她的 Ĵ - 荚 从 老 师的“没收藏匿”衣柜里的插曲年底,而他也将返回一些其他项目,其他一些学生。
It is also shown in an episode in season 2 that Monica has a crush on him as she kisses him
towards the end of the episode as he returned her
[...] diary and her J-pod from the teacher’s [...]
“Confiscated Stash” closet, while he
also returns some other items back to some other students.
开展这方面 活动的方式,是利用皂剧、 无线电广播和杂志宣传这些论题。
This was done by raising
[...] these topics in soap operas, on the [...]
radio and in magazines.
由于已知的、大量 水层鱼类资源,包括金枪鱼和荚鱼 等 具有很高单位价值的鱼种,这些资源的长 期开发对这一区域的经济和粮食安全具有重大意义。
Fisheries resources within 200 nautical miles off the coast of Somalia have been conservatively estimated to be capable of providing sustainable annual catches of 200,000 tons.26 Because of the known substantial pelagic fish resources, including tuna and mackerel species which have high unit values, the long-term development of these resources could be of vast importance to the economy and food security in the region.
通常果一2瓣裂蒴果,通常称长角果(siliqua)什么时候长度3 * 或超过宽度,或(silicula)什么时候长度少于3 * 宽度, 开裂或者不裂, 有时schizocarpic,坚果状,具荚,翅 果状的或,与否裂片,圆柱状,有棱,扁平对隔膜平行的或具宽隔膜或, 裂爿2(或3-6); 假隔膜(持久的胎盘)绕行,很少使或具翅变平; 隔膜完全,在上打孔,退化至一凸缘,或缺乏; 花柱1,离生,废退,或无; 柱头头状或圆锥状,全缘或2裂,有时裂片和离生或合生。
Fruit typically a 2-valved capsule, generally termed silique (siliqua) when length 3 × or more than width, or silicle (silicula) when length less than 3 × width, dehiscent or indehiscent, sometimes schizocarpic, nutletlike, lomentaceous, or samaroid, segmented or not, terete, angled, or flattened parallel to septum (latiseptate) or at a right angle to septum (angustiseptate); valves 2(or 3-6); replum (persistent placenta) rounded, rarely flattened or winged; septum complete, perforated, reduced to a rim, or lacking; style 1, distinct, obsolete, or absent; stigma capitate or conical, entire or 2-lobed, sometimes lobes decurrent and free or connate.
Â赛亚空荚通过 空间碰撞地飞行在地球上,其中一个受伤的Broly爬出来。
A Saiyan space pod flying through space crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Broly crawls out.
其中一个例子就是预防以经济利益驱动的替代物掺假,如果不能区分由香草 荚 制 造 的香草产品(允许在标签中标注为“香草精”)和由木浆制造的合成香草(必须标注为“人造香草”),则会上当受骗。
One example is the prevention of economic substitution, which would occur if one could not
distinguish between vanilla produced from
[...] vanilla beans, which is allowed to [...]
be labeled as "vanilla extract," versus synthetic
vanilla manufactured from wood pulp, which must be labeled as "artificial vanilla.
[...] Cafè生产几类全豆咖啡的混合物,研磨咖啡和 荚 , 它 可以迎合和满足在世界上最受欢迎的饮料鉴赏家的口味。
Through its long-standing experience over many years of business, Lazzarin Cafè
produces several blends of whole bean coffee,
[...] ground coffee and pods that can tickle [...]
and satisfy the palate of all connoisseurs
of the most popular drink in the world.
李 斯 特 菌 及 产荚 膜 梭 状 芽 胞 杆 菌 等 致 病 菌 通 常 存 在 于 泥 土 中 。 如 没 把 蔬 菜 清 洗 干 净 , 这 些 致 病 菌 或 会 污 染 三 文 治 制 成 品 (1) 。
Vegetables if not properly cleansed would be contaminated with Listeriamonocytogenes and Clostridium perfringens commonly found in soil(1).
经社会了解到太平洋小岛屿国家为保护生物多样性和维系生态系统服 务能力而出台的各种举措,诸如太平洋最大的海洋保护区——基里巴斯的菲
[...] 尼克斯群岛保护区、以及涵盖亚太区域若干国家的珊瑚礁三角区倡议——这 一地区拥有世界最大面积的树林, 提供了金枪鱼和其他全球重要鱼种产卵 [...]
The Commission was informed of initiatives that were being undertaken by Pacific island developing countries to protect biodiversity and the maintenance of ecosystem services, such as the Phoenix Islands Protected Area in Kiribati, the largest marine protected area in the Pacific Ocean, and the Coral Triangle Initiative, which covered a number of countries in
the Asia-Pacific region, included the
[...] greatest extent of mangrove forests in the [...]
world and provided a critical spawning and
juvenile growth area for tuna and other globally significant fish species.
另一方面,产荚膜梭 状芽孢杆菌等部分致病细菌则主要在人体内释出毒素。
On the other hand, some pathogenic bacteria like Clostridium perfringens, primarily release toxin inside your body.
叙利亚戈兰居民私有财产的做法,掠夺其自然资源, 包括水资源,并在整个戈兰和巴勒斯坦建立定居点, 利用水资源作为一种对戈兰的叙利亚人民施加压力
[...] 的手段,用推土机摧毁他们的土地,将他们的树 连根 拔起,在经济上对他们实施封锁,对他们特别 [...]
The report also confirmed once again Israel’s continuing practice of confiscating the private property of Syrian citizens in the occupied Golan, plundering its natural resources, including water resources, and creating settlements throughout the Golan and Palestine, using water as a means of exerting pressure on the Syrian population of the Golan,
bulldozing and destroying their land,
[...] uprooting their fruit trees, blockading them [...]
economically and imposing exorbitant taxes
on them, particularly on agricultural workers.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建立分地区水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其树 林系统的可持续性,以及利用当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water issues, the creation of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for the protection of the environment.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了 一个可喜的榜样,它拿出了正常预算资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 育)、新知识的获取方法(包括信息与传播技术的强化学习、媒体和信息扫盲)、多样性和相互 了解(包括使用多种语言和遗产保存),以及对于冲突后国家和受灾国家的支持。
Finally, Major Programme V has set a welcome example by earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral engagement, with particular focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity and mutual understanding (including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
经常有人在现场为低收入家 庭提供卫生服务,有多种行为者参与提供这种服务,这些活动涉及到从建设、维
[...] 护和排空厕所和化粪池到与公共设施的管理和销售有关的诸如清洁剂和 皂 的一 系列产品。
Sanitation for low-income households is often provided on site and multiple actors are involved, with activities ranging from constructing, maintaining and
emptying latrines and septic tanks to managing public facilities and selling related
[...] products such as cleaners and soap.
一 些 微 生 物 , 例 如 弯 曲 菌 类 、 沙 门 氏 菌 、 肉 毒 梭 菌 、 产荚 膜 梭 状 芽 胞 杆 菌 和 蜡 样 芽 胞 杆 菌 , 是 生 肉 和 内 脏 天 然 存 在 的 微 生 物 (1) 。
Clostridiumbotulinum, Clostridium perfringens and Bacillus cereus,are the normal floras naturally present in raw meat and offal (1).




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