

单词 百货公司

See also:


(business) company

公司 n

companies pl
corporate n
corporation n
firm n
operation n
enterprise n

External sources (not reviewed)

今天是平安夜和Bean决定参观的哈罗兹,造成混乱的行为,而不是不适当,而这样一个著名 百货公司 内 他 一贯的品牌。
It is Christmas Eve and Bean decides to visit Harrods, causing his usual brand of chaos by behaving rather inappropriately while inside such a prestigious department store.
澳大利亚主要的食品杂货连锁店包括 Coles、Woolworths 和 Aldi,大百货公司则有 Myer 和 David Jones。
Mainstream grocery stores in Australia include Coles, Woolworths and Aldi.
Crawling through the department store, Bink is stopped by a worker who works for Mother Goose Corner, a nearby day care center, who believes he escaped from there.
新年期间高街店铺和未来主义风格的塞尔福里奇(Selfridg es ) 百货公司 都 将 进行大幅减价销售。
You'll find big discounts in the New Year at high street stores and at the futuristic Selfridges shop.
在第五大道上漫步,您可以饱览名闻遐迩的旗 百货公司 和 奢 华专卖店,享受最极致的纽约购物体验。
Stroll up Fifth Avenue to discover some of New York’s best shopping at flagship department stores and luxury boutiques.
每年在亚历山大街和卡斯库斯街 (Keskuskatu) 交界的斯托克曼 (Stockmann) 百货公司的圣诞橱窗揭幕,也是赫尔辛基年少市民所期待的一大盛事。
The unveiling of the Christmas window in the Stockmann department store on the corner of Aleksanterinkatu and Keskuskatu is an awaited annual event for young Helsinki citizens.
从那以后,许多游客开始出入 SODO 地区,其中包括星巴克员工及在同一幢大楼的西尔 百货公司 ( Sears)的员工。
SODO neighborhood. Many visitors including employees of Starbucks, and of Sears department store, also in the same building have been around this area ever since.
所有Curél珂润的产品均以相同的品质制造,完全没有面向日本与面向中国的差别,并且与进 百货公司 的 高档化妆品使用同样的生产线、同样的品质管理。
Every Curél product is subject to a series of thorough verification processes before they are shipped out from the factory.
仙台站前的SAKURA野百货公司前, 每隔30分钟就有一班前往石卷的快速公车。
Rapid buses for Ishinomaki leave from the bus stop in front of Sakurano department store every 30 minutes.
是美国领先的零售商之一,在美国各地和波多黎各经营着 1100 多家 J. C. Penney 百货公司,并 且经营着最大的服装和家居互联网网站之一:jcp.com。
one of America's leading retailers, operates over 1,100 jcpenney department stores throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, as well as one of the largest apparel and home furnishing sites on the Internet, jcp.com.
自 2013 年二月开始,客户可以在大多数 J. C. Penney 百货公司内看到不同的 Martha Stewart 零售店。
Beginning in February 2013, customers will be able to visit distinct Martha Stewart retail stores inside the majority of jcpenney department stores.
这里有许多出售各种各样廉价服装和鞋类商品的超市,例如 K-Mart 和 Big W;而 Myer 及 David Jones 等百货公司与专 卖店则以经营较为昂贵的高档服装品牌为主。
There are a number of quality variety stores such as K-Mart and Big W where you can find low cost clothing and shoes of all varieties.
1967年成立的远东百货,为台湾唯一上市的连 百货公司 , 以 丰富的专业知识搭配灵活的行销策略,展现求新求变商品内涵,不断引领市场趋势。
With professional know-how and nimble marketing
[...] strategies, the Company constantly presents [...]
innovative merchandise mix and leads in market trend.
建筑内有5屏幕影院和IMAX,加上CITYSUPER和地库的大食代等食肆,板桥大远百标志着在台 百货公司 的 新 一代。
With a 5 screen cinema and an IMAX, plus gourmet offerings such as Citysuper and Food Republic in the basement, Megacity marks a new generation of department store in Taiwan.
2011年秋,拥有新面貌的‘Spiceal'街将为'Bullring’带来新的维度,形成圣马丁教堂的补充,并为赛尔福利 百货公司 增 添 了餐厅气氛从而活跃了圣马丁广场”。
In the Autumn of 2011, the new-look Spiceal Street will bring a new dimension to Bullring with great architecture
to complement St Martin’s Church and
[...] the pioneering Selfridges building adding [...]
a buzzing restaurant atmosphere to enliven
St Martin’s Square" (Spiceal Street vision quote)
位于法国鲁昂的Magasin Printemps巴黎春百货公司看上 去有些过时,已经无法再满足当今顾客的视觉要求,因为他们已经习惯了在极具吸引力的照明条件下欣赏现代化的商品展示。
The out-dated Magasin Printemps department [...]
store in Rouen, France, no longer met the visual expectations of today’s customers,
accustomed to modern product presentation under attractive lighting conditions.
佩特鲁斯L'Hospitalet 大厦坐落在一个最具商务影像的巴塞罗那大都会区:附 近具备所有的生活设施:市司法学校,医疗中心 百货公司 , 梅尔卡多·圣欧 拉利娅购物中心,电影,公园,绿地和t 加泰罗尼亚的公共汽车,地铁和铁路 连接。
The PETRUS “L'Hospitalet” building is located in one of the areas with more business projection in the metropolitan area of Barcelona: “Ciudad Judicial” (Judicial City), with all conveniences at your fingertips: schools, medical centers, shopping malls, the Santa Eulalia market, cinemas, parks, areas green and perfectly communicated by bus, subway and railways of the Catalonia´s public transport system.
他公司的客户包括苹果电脑,微软,柯达,迪斯尼,宝马,丰田,Teknekron通信,日落杂志,宝丽来,Mer vy n ' s 百货 , 戴 顿-赫德 公司 和 东 芝。
His corporate clients include Apple Computer, Microsoft, Eastman Kodak, Disney, BMW, Toyota, Teknekron Communications, Sunset Magazine, Polaroid, Mervyn's, Dayton-Hudson and Toshiba.
公司总共拥有 70,000 m2 的仓储面积,存储 着供百货商店的 15,000 种商品。
The company has a total warehouse space of 70,000 m2 from which it supplies its stores with [...]
a range of up to 15,000 different items.
(J) 倘董事連同其任何聯繫人士合共持 百 分 之 五(5)%或以上其任 何類別股本或其股東可享有之任何類別股份之投票權 公司 於 一項交易中涉及重大 利益,則該董事亦須被視作在該交易中涉及重大利益。
(J) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his associate(s) holds five (5) per cent or more of any
class of the equity
[...] share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested [...]
in a transaction,
then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其 公司 之 職 務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁百分之 五(5)或以上之上述其 公司 任 何 類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or
place of profit with any
[...] such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting [...]
rights of any class of shares of such company.
Bazaarvoice 是一家领先的社交软公司,致 力于将顾客的声音传达到企业的业务策略中心,目前在全球拥有 700 多家客户,其中包括百思买、Costco、戴尔、梅 西 百货 、 宝洁、松下、QVC 和 USAA 等。
Bazaarvoice, a leading social software company, brings the voice of customers to the center of business strategy for more than 700 clients globally like Best Buy, Costco, Dell, Macy's, P&G, Panasonic, QVC, and USAA.
本年度全球十大环公司是Sa ntander(巴西)、Wipro(印度)、Bradesco银行(巴西)、IBM(美国)、澳大利亚国民银行(澳大利亚)、英国天然气集团(英国)、慕尼黑保险(德国)、SAP(德国)、荷兰皇家电信(荷兰)和玛 百货 ( 英 国)。
This year’s top ten global green companies were Santander (Brazil), Wipro (India), Bradesco (Brazil), IBM (USA), National Australia Bank (Australia), BG Group (Britain), Munich Re (Germany), SAP (Germany), KPN (Holland) and Marks & Spencer (Britain).
关于安理会第 1970(2011)号决议第 9 和第 10 段及第
[...] 1973(2011)号决议第 6 和第 7 段,已向白俄罗斯航公司和航空货 运 商 下发了关于禁止和(或)限制向阿 拉伯利比亚民众国空运或从该国运出制裁和利比亚领空禁飞规定及不适用情况 [...] [...]
With respect to paragraphs 9 and 10 of Security Council resolution 1970 (2011) and paragraphs 6 and 7 of Security
Council resolution 1973 (2011),
[...] Belarusian air carriers and air cargo operators have [...]
been given appropriate guidance regarding
the ban and/or restrictions on air transport into or out of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya of military goods or other cargo covered by the sanctions and the ban on flights in Libyan airspace and the exceptions thereto.
在 7 月 29 日第 41 次会议上,下列人士作了介绍性发言:(在项目 13(a) 下)联合国秘书处经济及社会理事会的经济及社会理事会支助和协调 公 室主 任,和发展政策委员会代表;(在项目 13(d)下)联合国人类住区规划署(人居署) 纽约办事处处长;(在项目 13(e)下)联合国环境规划署纽约办事处、联合检查组 和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的代表;(在项目 13(m)下)欧洲经济委员会运司危险货物和特别货运科科长。
At the 41st meeting, on 29 July, introductory statements were made by the Director, Office for Economic and Social Council Support and Coordination, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, and the representative of the Committee for Development Policy (under item 13 (a)); the Director, United Nations Human
Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), New York
[...] Office (under item 13 (d)); the representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme, New York Office, the Joint Inspection Unit and the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (under item 13 (e)); and the Chief, Dangerous Goods and Special Cargoes Section, Transport Division, Economic Commission for Europe (under item 13 (m)).
(c) 一家「公司」应视为一家由某董事连同其任何联系人拥有百分之五或以上 权益的公司,假如及只要(但只假如及只要)他连同其任何联系人(直接 或间接)是公司百分之 五或以上任何类别股本或该公司的成员可有的投 票权的持有人或实益权益人便可。
(c) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which a Director together with any of his Associates own five per cent. or more if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he together with any of his Associates are (either directly or indirectly) the holders of or beneficially interested in five per cent. or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights available to members of such company.




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