

单词 百般刁难

See also:


in every possible way
by every means
in hundred and one ways


deliberately make things difficult
be hard on sb

External sources (not reviewed)

她們 在求職時,受到僱百般刁難,即使各方面的條件都合適,但提到年齡 30 歲過外,僱 [...]
There is a group of women beyond 30 years of age with low academic
[...] qualifications who are generally discriminated against [...]
by employers of all trades.
它注意到不丹在其中一个难民营 参加了一项核实进程,对本应获准返回不丹但仍然未能这样做的 百 名 难 民 作了 核实。
It noted Bhutan’s participation in a joint verification process in one of the refugee
camps, which had resulted in the
[...] verification of hundreds of refugees who should have [...]
been allowed to return to Bhutan,
but were still unable to do so.
通过Sweet Home 3D中高效实用的测量系统,你可以快速有效又精准无误的设计房屋室内环境,创建房屋内部架构就好比是简单勾勒线条 般。
You'll be able to design indoors environments very accurately thanks to the measurement system integrated in Sweet Home 3D.
勾選裁切 HUD 以百萬像素顯示裁切圖像的最終尺寸。
Check the Crop HUD to see the resulting size of the cropped image in megapixels, based on the dimensions of the crop.
[...] 所有这些问题都包括进去,那么这次辩论会对于那些 因缺乏“人的安全”而遭受难的千 百 万 人 来说,也 许不会有多大帮助。
Unless we include all these issues, this debate may not be of
[...] much help to the millions who are suffering [...]
from a dearth of human security.
勞工團體及傳播媒介最近不斷收到工㆟的投訴, 指責部分僱主為求獲准輸入外勞,對求職的本㆞勞工提出苛刻條件 百般刁 難 , 刻意 營做「有工無㆟做」的假象。
Labour organizations and the mass media have been receiving complaints from workers; these workers criticize some employers for offering harsh employment conditions to local workers who look for jobs, and finding faults with them so as to create an illusory situation that "there are jobs available but nobody is taking them up".
般来说,很难确定 肇事者是否属于民兵, 因为其中大部分人穿着平民服装。
Generally, it was difficult to identify whether [...]
perpetrators belonged to militia groups, as most of them were in civilian clothing.
例如在墨西哥,可以拒绝侮辱性的申请或此 前已经回应过的申请。在英国刁难 性 或重复的申请,对已经公开信息的申请和将要被公布 [...]
In Mexico, for example, offensive requests or requests
which have already been dealt with are
[...] excluded, in the United Kingdom vexatious [...]
or repeated requests, requests for information
which is already accessible and requests for information intended to be published are excluded.
然而,应当注意到,由于国际组织的特征, 般难 以 确 定哪个机关有权以该 组织的名义放弃要求,并评估是否该组织方面已经默认。
However, it is to be noted that the
special features of international
[...] organizations make it generally difficult to identify which [...]
organ is competent to waive a claim
on behalf of the organization and to assess whether acquiescence on the part of the organization has taken place.
对应构成不法行为,但因某一 情况同有不法性的行为所造成的损失作出赔偿的问题 难 以 确定 一 般 规 则
It would be difficult to set a general rule concerning compensation for losses caused by an act that would be wrongful, but for the presence of a certain circumstance.
在土地稀少的地方,焚烧往往被选中为唯一经济 上可行的处理方式,但由于污染和高成本,这种方式最终 般难 以 持 续。
Where land is sparse, incineration is often chosen as the only economically viable treatment option, which, however, typically turns out to be unsustainable in terms of both pollution and high costs.
本來以這樣一個“力不從心”的領袖,加上這樣的劣績,便早已應該被 “一筆勾銷”,無奈百名“有票氏”卻漠視民意,堅決支持他連任。
But due to the stubbornness of
[...] those several hundred "eligible" electors [...]
who ignore the public opinions, he will be re-elected to the office again.
面對㆗方不斷插手未來特區內部事務的情況㆘,我們今日若為求 龍顏息怒百般遷就 ,甚至自我閹割,主動提出將九五年的議員任期限制在九七年六月㆔ 十日時,無疑是將㆒國兩制、特區高度自治的權利,拱手相送。
In the face of the Chinese Government’s incessant interference with the internal affairs of the future SAR government, if we readily yield to its demands or even volunteer to castrate ourselves by spontaneously proposing to limit the tenure of the Members elected in 1995 to 30 June 1997, we will be virtually giving up our own rights to having the SAR administered according to the principles of “one country, two systems” and “a high degree of autonomy”.
同样刁难性、 侮辱性或重复的申请对公共机构造成巨大的经济负担,而且也不会推动信息获取权。
Similarly, vexatious, offensive [...]
or repetitive requests can impose costly burdens on public bodies and yet not advance the right to information.
我在此加 入法案委員會主席的行列,感謝少數族裔團體及其支持者在爭取消除種族歧 視的過程百般忍耐 、不屈不撓的精神。
I join the Chairman of the Bills Committee in thanking the minority groups and their supporters for their patience and quiet tenacity in pressing their case.
人口基金的代表指出,第六次亚洲及太平洋大会,将为亚太国家勾勒 《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》2014 年以后工作的未来,并确保将人口动 态全面纳入 2015 年后的发展议程,提供了一个重要机会。
The representative of UNFPA indicated that the sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference would be an important opportunity for Asian and Pacific countries to shape the future of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014 and to ensure that population dynamics were fully integrated into the post-2015 development agenda.
本年度报道腐败丑闻的记者和编辑经常面临当局 刁难。
During the year journalists and editors who exposed corruption scandals frequently faced problems with the authorities.
今日,我內心充滿哀傷百般無奈 ,去尋求美 國給與㆗國無條件的最惠國待遇,因為這些關乎香港 600 萬㆟的生活 落,這些關乎 ㆗國 10 多億㆟口的生計的難求。
Today, with great sadness and reluctance, I have to ask the United States for its unconditional renewal of China's MFN status, because it is a matter affecting the livelihood of the 6 million people in Hong Kong and that of more than 1 billion people in China.
南非也排除了即将公布的和过于随意 刁难 性 的 查询申请。
Information about to be published and frivolous or vexatious requests are also excluded in South Africa.
我要促请广受尊敬的安 理会今天不要发出任何其他呼吁,而应发出一个我认 为将会而且也应当非常有帮助的呼声,那就是呼吁贝 尔格莱德停止仅仅因为科索沃塞族人希望与我们合 作,希望参与世界上这个最年轻国家正在取得的进步 而实施干预百般阻挠 ,对他们进行操控。
And to the honourable Council I say that instead of making any other calls today, there is a single call that, I believe, would be and should be very helpful — that is to call on Belgrade to stop interfering, to stop obstructively manipulating the Kosovo Serbs just because they wish to work with us, just because they wish to be part of the progress that the youngest State in the world is making.
在九成半置信水平下,以綜合樣本而論,特首董建華及施政報告滿意程度評分的抽樣誤差分別為正負1.4及2.0分; 般百 分 比 的抽樣誤差為少於正負3個百分比,而有關施政報告滿意程度及前途信心改變百分比的抽樣誤差則分別為少於正負5及4個百分比。
The sample size of the survey is 1,259 respondents. At 95% confidence level, for the aggregate sample, the sampling errors of the rating of CE and his Address are plus/minus 1.4 and 2.0 marks respectively, that of most other percentages is less than plus/minus 3 percentage points, while that of percentages relating to people's satisfaction with the policy address and confidence in Hong Kong's future are less than plus/minus 5 and 4 percentage points respectively.
在九成半置信水平下,特首董建華評分的抽樣誤差為正負1.4分; 般百 分 比 的抽樣誤差少於正負3個百分比,而有關施政報告滿意程度的抽樣誤差則少於正負4百分比。
The sample size of the survey is 1,050 respondents. At 95% confidence level, the sampling error of the rating of CE is plus/minus 1.4 marks, that of most other percentages is less than plus/minus 3 percentage points, while that of percentages relating to people's satisfaction with the policy address is less than plus/minus 4 percentage points.
那麼,一方面我們希望長遠能把175,000元的 門檻盡快提高至一個合理水平,讓那些低收入人士的香港 般百 姓 可以 進行訴訟伸張正義。
If that is the case, we hope, on the one hand, that the threshold of $175,000 can be raised expeditiously to a reasonable level in the long run so as to allow ordinary Hong Kong people earning a low income to seek justice through litigation.
主席,因此我認為,如果今天說政府 百般 理 由 ,要採取一些有 別於一貫安排的程序,難保日後政府又以另外一些理由,把整套《議 事規則》棄之不用。
President, in my opinion, if the Government has all sorts of grounds to adopt some procedures which are different from the usual arrangement, there is no guarantee that Government will not discard the full set of RoP again in the future on the pretext of other reasons.
窃取的燃料随后在几内亚湾各主要港口 黑市出现,如果不是各港口官员与海盗勾结,他 们难偷窃到这些燃料,难销赃 ”(S/2012/45, 第9段)。
The Secretary-General’s report notes that it is “unlikely that the pilfered fuel, which subsequently resurfaces on the black market in the main ports along the Gulf of Guinea, is being stolen and distributed without the collusion of officials at the ports” ( S/2012/45, para. 9).




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