

单词 百端待举

External sources (not reviewed)

自 2000 年《宣言》通过以来,尽管工 百端待举 , 但 在实现整套目标方面仍取得了巨大进展。
Since the adoption of the Declaration in 2000, significant progress has been made towards the set targets though much remains to be done.
还要解决民主建设方面的软 性问题,例如选举环境、法治、尊重多样性、和平调解 端 、 以 及接受 举结 果
There is also a need to address soft issues in democracy building, such as
election context, the rule of law, respect for diversity, peaceful mediation
[...] of conflicts, and acceptance of election results.
它报告说,近来的举 有很多弊端,包 括女性参与比例很低和为欺诈目的广泛使用女性投票站和选民登 记卡。
It reported that
[...] the recent elections had been deeply flawed, including the [...]
low female turnout and widespread use of women’s
polling stations and voter registration cards for fraudulent purposes.
端仁先 生同意,教統局張秀文女士在二零零三年四月三十日致 教資會黃海韻小姐的信件中提出,由於教院的未來尚 待 政 府 考慮, 故建議延擱院校評審。
Mr Stone agreed that the letter dated 30 April 2003 from Ms Cheung of EMB to Miss Wong of UGC suggested holding up the IR pending deliberation of HKIEd’s future by the Administration.
如秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团的特别报告(S/2009/299)所述, 2009 年 4 月 26 日至 5 月 6 日访问该国的技术评估团指出,尽管许多主要领域 取得了进展,但起点极低——该国经过 14 年内战百废待兴, 基础设施支离破 碎,全国三分之一人口流离失所,公共部门也完全崩溃——有争议的问题和政治 暗流众多,如果没有联利特派团的制止,这些问题都会迅速发展成为主要的破坏 稳定因素。
As the Secretary-General indicated in his special report on the United Nations Mission in Liberia (S/2009/299), the technical assessment mission that visited the country from 26 April to 6 May 2009 noted that, although progress had been made in many key areas, notwithstanding an extremely low starting point — that of a completely failed State after 14 years of civil war, with an infrastructure in ruins, a third of the population displaced and a completely collapsed public sector — there were many contentious issues and political undercurrents that, without the deterrence provided by UNMIL, could rapidly develop into major destabilizing factors.
本组织在华盛顿特区待了联合国 端 贫 穷和人权问题独立专家, 这是他在美国的实况调查的一部分,并且为提交消除种族歧视委员会的美国民间 社会非正式报举行首 次国家战略规划会议。
The organization hosted the United Nations Independent Expert on extreme poverty and human rights in Washington, D.C., as part of his fact-finding mission to the United States, and hosted the initial national strategic [...]
planning meeting for United States
civil society shadow report to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
为此,联合国将支持涉及政党、公民身份、个人状况和流离失所者和难 民身份证件的立法框架改革,支持为确保妇女在 举 管 理和 争 端 解 决机构中享有 实质性代表权,以及所有选举进程(包括选民登记、公民教育、投票、候选人安 [...]
党工作者和候选人)可能遭受暴力的脆弱性勘查以及采取行动防止和应对这些威 胁。
To this end, the United Nations will support reform of the legislative framework relating to political parties, citizenship, personal status and identity documents for internally displaced persons and refugees; efforts to ensure that
women achieve substantial
[...] representation in electoral administration and dispute-settlement [...]
bodies, and that all election
processes (including voter registration, civic education, polling, candidate security and media access) are free from gender discrimination; and vulnerability mapping to assess potential violence facing women (as voters, party workers and candidates), as well as action to prevent and respond to such threats.
拆卸喷嘴举起喷枪的端并扳 住喷枪,以帮助喷 枪排放并防止喷枪内的涂料或溶剂进入空气通道。
Hold the front end of the gun up and trigger the [...]
gun while removing the nozzle to help drain the gun and prevent any paint
or solvent left in the gun from entering the air passages.
但是,几名成员对以下问题表示顾虑:其中第二阶段技术转型的供金资格 待 解 决的 基百分比(19.2%);一些建议的替代品的较高全球升温潜能值,特别是关系到第 60/44(f)(iv)号决定的成本效益相关的供资规定;针对配方厂家的技术援助的大量资金请求, [...]
ODP 值;2012 年的消费量明显增长和维修行业的技术援助在遏制这种增长中 的作用;在执行消耗臭氧层物质政策和法规方面所取得的进展;以及,印度四氯化碳淘汰 计划的剩余余额 140 万美元,可用于氟氯烃淘汰管理计划的执行。
Several members, however, expressed concerns
relating to: the
[...] funding eligibility of the second-stage conversions therein; the percentage of the baseline [...]
to be addressed (19.2
per cent); the high-GWP value of some of the proposed alternatives, particularly in relation to the cost-effectiveness-related funding provisions of decision 60/44(f)(iv); the request for substantial funding for technical assistance for systems houses with no associated ODP value; the apparent growth in consumption in 2012 and the role of technical assistance in the servicing sector in curbing that growth; progress in implementing ODS policies and regulations; and the balance of US $1.4 million remaining from CTC phase-out in India, which might be used for implementation of the HPMP.
以前曾报告(A/AC.109/2008/10,第 66 段),团结和种族平等委员会实施国 家合作伙伴关举措,通过百慕大 公民根除种族主义(一个基层非政府组织)赞 助的计划打击种族主义,促进消除种族歧视;并且与百慕大政府内阁合作,发起 [...]
As previously reported (see A/AC.109/2008/10,
para. 66) Citizens
[...] Uprooting Racism in Bermuda (CURE) has engaged national partnership initiatives to fight racism [...]
and promote the elimination
of racial discrimination in schemes sponsored by Citizens Uprooting Racism in Bermuda, a grass-roots non-governmental organization and partnered with the Cabinet of the Government of Bermuda in organizing the Bermuda race relations initiative.
端仁先生被問及李教授或羅太是否對教 院有負面的看法時說,他說兩人對推動深入協作協議以進一步達致合 併一事無甚進展,曾表示感到失望。
When asked if Professor Li or Mrs Law had any negative sentiment towards HKIEd, Mr Stone said they had expressed frustration at the lack of progress in taking forward the DCA to achieve a merger.
我们位于圣 多明各的三个机场以及北部的三个机场——圣地亚 哥、普拉塔港和萨马纳机场——以及位于距离边境 45
[...] 分钟的希马尼的巴拉奧納机场都在满负荷运作,每天待成百上千 架次向海地运送紧急援助的国内和国 [...]
Our three airports in Santo Domingo, three airports in the north — in Santiago, Puerto Plata and Samaná — and the Barahona airport, which is 45
minutes from the border at Jimaní, are working at full
[...] capacity, managing the hundreds of daily national [...]
and international flights
bringing emergency aid for Haiti.
I know that you
[...] haven’t been here at Baidu for very long, but [...]
you were already telling me about how you sort of feel it
in the architecture and you feel it in the atmosphere, you feel there’s something very different about this place compared perhaps to other Chinese internet companies, but also maybe something familiar to it.
(将近2,000人),2009 年羁押了百名有待其他 解决办法的人(虽说 2009 年底人数有所回升)。
As compared with larger numbers in the year before
(nearly 2,000), one country
[...] reported a couple of hundred being detained in 2009, pending other [...]
solutions (although the figures
went up slightly at the end of 2009).
此項交易尚未完成,仍待達成 一項條件,內容為增資協議之完成 待 股 東 於 百 利 電 氣股東 大會批准,方可作實。
The transaction is yet to be completed pending fulfillment of a condition in respect of the approval by the
[...] shareholders in the general meeting of Benefo.
在這情形㆘,既然他們退休後,所得的退休金會比 現時所得的公共援助收入還要低,那麼,這批㆟便會千 百 計 ㆞ 逃避供款 待 退 休 後, 乾脆申請公共援助。
Under the circumstances, they will try every means to evade making contributions and apply for Public
Assistance instead when they realize that
[...] the pension they receive upon retirement would be less [...]
than the amount of Public Assistance they are entitled to.
[...] 外交努力中必须特别注意保障选举的透明度,弥补对 解决举争端的常规机构缺乏信任的现象,以便增加 [...]
整个选举进程作为移交权力的一个途径的公信力,并 且巩固当选官员的合法性,以避免出现可能阻碍和损 害他们推行民主进程的情况。
Given the recent eruption of post-electoral violence, special attention must be paid in preventive diplomacy efforts to guaranteeing
the transparency of elections, remedying the lack of trust in conventional bodies
[...] for settling electoral disputes, increasing [...]
the credibility of
the electoral process as a whole as a way to transfer power, and consolidating the legitimacy of elected officials in order to avoid situations in which their democratic process could be blocked and undermined.
在回應余資深大律師的問題:如果李教授要為難教院,最好 從哪些方面入手,端仁先 生說這可以是幼兒教育證書課程、小學教 育第一年學士學位課程和中學教育第一年學士學位課程的美術、音樂 和體育等“非核心”科目。
When asked by Mr Yu SC which areas would be best targeted if Professor Li wanted to create difficulties for HKIEd, Mr Stone suggested that they would be C (ECE), FYFD (Primary), and FYFD (Secondary) in “non-core” subjects of Arts, Music and PE.
我们知道,有些人仍将科索沃同战争、难民 和危机联系在一起,但任何到访过新独立的科索沃的 人都会报告说,这个新国家富有活力,朝气蓬勃,蒸 蒸日上百业待兴。
We are aware that some people still associate Kosovo with war, refugees and crisis, but, as any visitor to the new, independent Kosovo can report, the new country is dynamic, young, growing and open for business.
為確保香港律師行與外地律師行在此方面獲得一視同仁待遇, 政府當局會提出一項修正案,以刪去擬議第7AD(3)條; 該條訂明,開始在香港營業時已以有限責任合夥模式組成的外 地律師行,無須根據擬議第7AD(1)條給予另外的通知。
In order to ensure consistent treatment among Hong Kong firms and foreign firms in this regard, the Administration will propose a CSA to remove the proposed section 7AD(3) which provides that a foreign firm constituted as an LLP when it commences business in Hong Kong is not required to give a separate notice under the proposed section 7AD(1).
此外,日本首相小泉純一郎一方面就第二次世界大戰日本侵略其他國家,待平民百姓的 戰爭罪行公開道歉,但另一方面又在過去幾年,差不多每年 都到日本國內的靖國神社向第二次世界大戰時的日本軍人進行官式參拜,反 映出他根本不是真心的道歉,而且仍未對當年日本政府的罪行徹底悔過。
Moreover, while Japan's Prime Minister Junichiro KOIZUMI openly offers his apologies for Japan's invasion of other countries and for the war crimes they committed such as torturing the civilians during the Second World War, over the past few years, he has been paying official homage to the Yasukuni Shrine where Japanese military officers of the Second World War are worshipped.
这些标准依据特定食品/食品组造成的耐受摄入量(或类似健康危 端 点) 的百分比 ,以及膳食暴露量超过该百分比的地理区域(由 [...]
GEMS//食品区域确定) 的数量。
These criteria are based upon the
percentage of the tolerable intake (or
[...] similar health hazard endpoint) that is contributed [...]
by a given food/food group and the
number of geographic regions (as defined by the GEMS/Food Regional diets) for which dietary exposures exceed that percentage.
究竟我們議會的尊嚴......如果要罵人,先想一想自己以往 有否做過吧!我覺得如果大家要維護議會的尊嚴,並不是好像王國興 議員所說般,不讓3司 11局  不是,是5司 14局  通過的話, 這個政府便百廢待興。
In order to defend the dignity of this Council, we must not think that if, just as Mr WONG Kwok-hing said, the set-up of three Secretaries of Departments and 11 Directors of Bureaux ― No, it should be five Secretaries of Departments and 14 Directors of Bureaux ― is not passed, this Government would have to carry out a lot of work to rebuild from ruins.
能源宪章条约》(ECT)要求所有缔约方遵守有 关外国投资保护、能源贸易与过境运输非歧待 遇、争端解决 、提高能源效率与能源环 举 措 等的 特别规定。
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) requires parties to observe certain rules on the protection of foreign
[...] non-discriminatory treatment of energy trade and transit; dispute resolution; and promotion of energy efficiency and environmental practices.161Its provisions [...]
are “designed to
promote energy security through more open and competitive energy markets.
端仁先 生否定向教資會提交具體人力 需求是製造既定事實的說法,又斷然否認二零零八至零九年度中學教 育學士學位課程中,美術、音樂及體育科的收生額是根據政府的“指 示”而訂立。
Mr Stone denied the suggestion that the specific manpower requirements were presented to UGC as a fait accompli and he categorically denied that the intake of B Ed (Secondary) in Arts, Music and PE for 2008/09 was the result of “instructions” from the Administration.
端仁先 生證實,他就梁博士與曾先生在二零零六年八月四 日會面擬備的簡報資料草稿,其原文是“為確保教院能夠長遠發展下 去,推行類似合併或聯盟制的計劃是唯一實際可行的方法”,但經由 教統局送達曾先生的版本卻變成“類似合併的計劃是唯一出 路……”。
Mr Stone confirmed that his draft briefing note for Mr Tsang’s meeting with Dr Leung on 4 August 2006 referred to “some form of merger or federation was in practice the only way to guarantee a long term viable future for HKIEd”, but when the briefing note reached Mr Tsang through EMB, it became “some form of merger was the only way …”.




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