

单词 百白喉

See also:


throat n
uvula n



laryngeal adj

External sources (not reviewed)

白破疫苗(即“破伤风和白喉疫苗”,Td)可用于预防破伤风 白喉 ; 百白 破 疫苗(即“破伤 风 - 白喉-百 日 咳疫苗”,Tdap)可用于预防破伤风和百日咳。
Td is to protect against tetanus and diptheria; Tdap is to protect against tetanus and pertussis.
可以免 疫接种预防的疾病也得到了控制,因此脊髓灰质炎、新生儿破伤风 百 日 咳 和白 喉这类疾病不再存在。
Vaccine-preventable diseases have also been
controlled to such an extent that diseases like polio, neonatal
[...] tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria are nonexistent.
协会还为 764 个体重不
[...] 足儿童提供营养食品。Jivaka 医院还为婴儿提供免费的肺结核 白喉 、 破 伤风百日咳、麻疹和甲型肝炎接种疫苗。
The Society provided nutritious foods to 764 underweight children, and Jivaka Hospital has
been providing free vaccinations against
[...] tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles and [...]
hepatitis A for infants.
需要接种多剂含破伤风类毒素疫苗进行初次免疫的7岁及以上年龄的儿童,应当根据相应的年龄接种“ 喉 破 伤风联合疫苗”或 百 日 咳 - 白喉 - 破 伤 风联合疫苗”;所有年龄段的人都需要每10年接种一剂破伤风疫苗加强剂。
Children 7 years or older who need primary series doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine should receive Td or Tdap, as age appropriate; people of all ages need tetanus vaccine boosters every 10 years
[...] 方案获得成功,疫苗预防性疾病也得到控制,诸如小儿麻痹症、新生儿破伤风百日咳及白喉病等 疾病达到接近根除的程度。
With the success of the Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI), vaccine preventable diseases have also been controlled to such
an extent that diseases such as polio, neonatal
[...] tetanus, whooping cough and diphtheria are on the [...]
brink of elimination.
一岁以下儿童可在儿童健康日接百 日 咳 、 白喉 和 破 伤风三联疫苗,因此索马里 首次在 20 年中达到这一疫苗 51%的接种率。
The Child Health Days have allowed children under 1 to receive the third dosage of diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine, and for the first time in the past 20 years Somalia has achieved 51 per cent coverage of this vaccine.
最新消息:雖然7-12年級的學生需儘早接種百日咳疫苗,州長, Jerry Brown簽署了參議院法案614,在學校開課後,
[...] 給予教育機構, 額外的30天時間,驗證學生是否接種破傷 風, 白喉, 百日咳混合疫苗。
Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 614, giving educational agencies 30 extra days after classes start to
[...] begin verifying the whooping cough vaccinations.
在免疫接种覆盖率方面继续呈现积极的趋势 白喉、 百日咳、破伤风三联疫苗接种率已达到有史以来的最高水平(2008 [...]
年达到 82%)。
Trends in coverage of immunization continue to be positive:
global immunization rates for three doses
[...] of combined diphtheria/pertussis/tetanus vaccine [...]
are at their highest level ever (82 per cent in 2008).
在报告所涉期间,1 周岁以上儿童肺结核免疫率为 98.8%至 99.2%;白 喉、破伤风百日咳疫苗接种率为 96%至 98%;小儿麻痹症(急性骨髓灰白质炎) 免疫率为 97.3%至 98.5%;麻疹免疫率为 89.1%至 96.9%;病毒性乙型肝炎免疫 率为 98.8%至 99.2%;腮腺炎免疫率为 93.2%到 96.9%。
Children that have reached the age of 1 year varied during the reporting period: against tuberculosis between 98.8% and 99.2%, against diphtheria-perthussis-tetanus between 96% and 98%, against poliomyelitis between 97.3% and 98.5%, against rubeola between 89.1% and 96.9%, against viral hepatitis B between 98.8% and 99.2% and mumps between 93.2% and 96.9%.
代 理主席,我很同 意 關 注兒童疫 苗 人士的建議,盡快將 現 時衞生署為初
[...] 生 嬰 兒 提 供 的 所 謂四合 一(白喉、破 傷 風百日咳 及 小 兒 麻 痺 )混 合 疫 苗 , [...]
提 升為包括乙型 流感嗜 血 桿菌的 五 合 一 混 合 疫 苗
, 甚至是 包括乙型 肝炎的 六 合 一 混 合 針 。
Deputy President, I very much agree with those showing concern for childhood vaccination on their proposal of expeditiously upgrading the
so-called four-in-one combined
[...] vaccine (that is, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio) [...]
currently provided by the Department
of Health for new born babies to a five-in-one combined vaccine that includes haemophilus influenza B vaccine, or even a six-in-one combined vaccine that includes hepatitis B vaccine.
在本报告所述期间,在联合国和伙伴的支持下,在全国范围内开展了儿童主 题活动,提供了麻疹白喉、百日咳 、破伤风和脊灰炎接种,并分发了维生素 A 药片。
During the reporting period, the United Nations and partners supported a nationwide campaign for
children, which provided vaccinations
[...] against measles, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and polio [...]
and distributed vitamin A supplements.
防 疫注射擴展計劃 現 時 建 議
[...] 世界各 地 就 脊髓灰質 炎白喉、 百日咳 、 破 傷 風 、 麻疹及 乙型肝炎進行 [...]
防 疫注射, 而 結 核病感 染 發 病率高 的 地方亦 應 進行結核病防 疫注射。
The EPI currently recommends that all countries immunize against
[...] poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, [...]
measles and Hepatitis B, and that places
with a high incidence of tuberculosis infection should also immunize against tuberculosis.
自 1978 年以来,没有关于小儿麻痹症白喉 、 百 日 咳 的本国病例的报告。
No indigenous
[...] cases of polio, diphtheria and whooping cough have [...]
been reported since 1978.
儿基会应对 2010 年重大灾难的行动包括:在海
[...] 地开展紧急大规模免疫接种活动,防治麻疹 白喉 、 百 日 咳 和破伤风,以及重建 孕产妇和儿童保健服务并为分散提供保健服务和建立社区保健服务提供支持。
The response of UNICEF to the major disasters of 2010 included an emergency mass
immunization campaign in Haiti
[...] targeting measles, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, [...]
and the reestablishment of maternal
and child health care services and support for decentralization and community health services.
自1980年以来,根据“免疫扩大方案”,针对6种疫苗可预防疾病(结核病白喉、百日咳 、破伤风、脊髓灰质炎和麻疹)提供了免疫服务。
Immunization services against six vaccine-preventable diseases
[...] (tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, [...]
poliomyelitis and measles) are provided
under the “Expanded Programme on Immunization” since 1980.
在 兒童免疫 接 種 方 面 , 世 衞 現 時建議成員國採 用 的
擴 大 免 疫 規 劃 ( Expanded Programme on Immunization), 是 針 對 6 種 高 風 險 的傳染 病 而
[...] 制 訂 的,即 結核病 、 小 兒 麻 痺白喉 、 百日咳 、 破 傷 風 和 痳疹。
Regarding immunization for children, the WHO has currently advised member states to adopt the Expanded Programme on Immunization which
targets at six high-risk communicable diseases including
[...] tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus [...]
and measles.
主席女士,香港 的 兒童疫 苗 接 種 計 劃由六 十年代 開始推 行至今 , 計 劃現時 只 針 對 9 種 小 兒 傳 染 病 ,
[...] 包括結核病 、 小 兒 麻 痺 、乙型 肝炎白喉 、 百日咳 、 破 傷 風 、 痲疹、 流 行 [...]
性 腮腺炎及德國痲疹。
Madam President, the Childhood Immunization Programme of Hong Kong was launched in the 1960s, currently targeting at only nine types of childhood
communicable diseases, including tuberculosis, polio,
[...] hepatitis B, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, [...]
measles, mumps and rubella.
衞生署的免疫注射服務是根據世界衞生組織的防疫注射擴展計劃的原 則而制訂的,服務對象為全港初生嬰兒至小六學童,目的是預防 9 種小兒傳
[...] 染病,分別是結核病、小兒麻痺、乙型肝炎 白喉 、 百 日 咳、破傷風、麻疹、 流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹。
The immunization services of the DH were developed according to the principles laid down under the Expanded Programme on Immunization of the World Health Organization (WHO). The service targets are infants and school children up to Primary Six with an aim to protect them from nine childhood infectious
diseases, namely, tuberculosis, poliomyelitis,
[...] hepatitis B, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, [...]
measles, mumps and rubella.
2009 年,卡介苗接种覆盖率为 98%,白喉/百日咳/破伤风三联疫苗 为 100%,小儿麻痹症疫苗为 100%,麻疹疫苗为 99%,乙肝疫苗为 98%。
In 2009, vaccination coverage was 98 per cent for tuberculosis (BCG), 100 per cent for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus (DPT3), 100 per cent for polio (POL3), 99 per cent for measles (MCV1) and 98 per cent for hepatitis B III.
过去三十年来,越来越多的儿童接种 白喉 、 百 日 咳和破伤风疫苗,增强了对这三种致命疾病的抵抗 [...]
Over the past three decades, growing numbers of children
[...] have received the diphtheria-tetanuspertussis [...]
vaccine, which guards against three deadly
diseases and is a strong indicator of overall vaccine coverage.
预防性药 物的普及:一岁 以下婴儿 的预防性
[...] 药物的普及 率切 实增加,其 中一岁以下婴儿白喉、破伤风百 日 咳 预防药物的普及率从 2003 年的 73%增至 2007 [...]
年的 82%,麻疹预防药物的普及率从 2003 年的 69%增至 2007 年的 79%。
Prevalence of Preventive Medicines: The infants under 1 year of age have contentedly increased, in which
the prevalence of the preventive
[...] medicines for diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough for [...]
infants under 1 year of age has
increased from 73 per cent in 2003 up to 82 per cent in 2007, while prevalence of preventive medicines for measles has increased from 69 per cent up to 79 per cent in the same year.
芝加哥 – 据发表在11月28日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在一项对加利福尼亚州儿童百日咳病例的检查中,研究人员发现,患百日咳的儿童接受过全部5个剂量 白喉 、 破伤风和无细胞 百 日 咳疫苗(DTaP)系列的可能性较小,但这种可能性会随着自最后一次DTaP接种以来时间的延长而增加,这与最后一次DTaP疫苗接种后估计的每年疫苗有效性的进行性减少是一致的。
CHICAGO – In an examination of cases of childhood pertussis in California, researchers found that children with pertussis had lower odds of having received all 5 doses of the diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) vaccine series, however the odds increased as the time since last DTaP dose lengthened, which is consistent with a progressive decrease in estimated vaccine effectiveness each year after the final dose of DTaP vaccine, according to a study in the November 28 issue of JAMA.
這些綜合數據顯示,過去 10 年,香港 嬰兒幼童接白喉、百日咳 及破傷風混合疫苗、小兒麻痺疫苗, 以及麻疹、流行性腮腺炎及德國麻疹混合疫苗接種的覆蓋率平均 超過 96%,是國際上最高疫苗接種覆蓋率的地方之一。
In addition, as an established practice, the School Immunization Teams of the DH also collect routine statistics on immunization received by primary school children. These figures reveal that in the past 10 years, the immunization of the babies and infants in Hong Kong with the diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccine, poliomyelitis vaccine and measles, mumps and rubella vaccine has reached an average coverage rate of over 96%, which is one of the places with the highest immunization coverage rate in the world.
然 而 , 這 計 劃 的 落 後 程 度 卻 令 人 咋舌, 除
了 在 1986 年 把乙型 肝炎疫 苗 納 入
[...] 計 劃 , 以 及在 2007 年 2 月 引 入白 喉 、 破 傷 風 、無細 胞百日咳 及 滅 活 小 兒 麻 痺 混 合 疫 苗 [...]
” , 以取代原有 的 “小兒 麻 痺 口
服 劑 ” 及 “ 全 細 胞 型 百日咳 疫 苗 ”外, 便 沒 有 其他的 更 新 了。
However, the Programme is so outdated that people are left speechless. Apart from incorporating the hepatitis B vaccine into the Programme in 1986, as well as
replacing the original
[...] "oral polio vaccine" and "whole-cell whooping cough vaccine" by the combined vaccine [...]
of "diphtheria,
tetanus, acellular whooping cough and inactivated polio" in February 2007, there has been no other updates.
食物及衞生局局長:主席,世衞的擴大免疫規劃(Expanded Programme on
[...] Immunization)是針對 6 種高風險的傳染病而制訂的,即結核病、小兒麻痺白喉、百日咳、破傷風及麻疹。
SECRETARY FOR FOOD AND HEALTH (in Chinese): President, the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) of the WHO is developed to
target at six high-risk infectious diseases, namely, tuberculosis,
[...] poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus [...]
and measles.
儿童基金会协助维持免疫覆盖面,向 120 000 名儿童提白喉、百日咳、破 伤风三联疫苗和 B(乙)型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗(覆盖率达 [...]
97%),为 51 000 多名孕妇 提供两剂破伤风类毒素疫苗。
UNICEF contributed towards sustaining
immunization coverage, targeting 120,000
[...] infants with diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus [...]
(DPT3-Hib) vaccines (97 per cent coverage),
and reaching over 51,000 pregnant women with two doses of tetanus toxoid.




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