

单词 百物

See also:

all kinds of
surname Bai

External sources (not reviewed)

市民眼百物騰貴 ,儘管對經濟前景充滿信心,但市民的收入事實上仍追不 上加價的幅度。
As prices soar, even though the public have [...]
great confidence in the economic prospect, the incomes of the public actually
cannot catch up with the pace of price actually increases.
但是,面百物騰貴 ,而中國人又非常重 視要有雞過節,特別是在過年的時候,如果當局仍要嚴謹限制活雞的入口數 [...]
Nonetheless, in view of the
[...] general increase in prices and the importance [...]
for Chinese to have chickens on festive occasions,
Chinese New Year in particular, will it not be too conservative for the Government to continue exercising stringent control on the amount of imported live chickens?
物 資 短 缺百 物 藤 貴 ﹐ 而 通 貨 膨 脹 則 因 為 政 府 狂 印 紙 幣 清 付 外 債 而 惡 化 。
Shortages caused prices to soar, and inflation was made worse by the government’s folly in printing paper money to pay its own debts.
結果顯示,以總樣本計,各有9%表示與「住所僭建問題」及「香港樓價高企/住屋問題」有關,另分別有4%主要針對「政府官員表現」及「財政預算案」,其他答案包括 百物 騰 貴/通脹」(3%)、「最低工資」(2%)、「內地孕婦來港產子問題」(2%)、「教育政策」(2%)等。
Results show that 9% of the overall samples mentioned"the problems of illegal structures in residence" and"high property price/housing problems" respectively.
結果顯示,以總樣本計,10%表示與「財政預算案」有關,當中有5%沒有註明具體內容,5%表示不滿「後來修訂方案的建議,包括每人派6000元,退稅等」,3%主要針對財政預算案中「原先的建議,包括強積金注入6000元,不退稅」,其他答案包括「香港樓價高企/沒有復建居屋」(4%)、 百物 騰 貴 /通脹」(2%)、「特區政府的施政」(2%)、「遊行示威/暴力行為」(2%)等。
Results show that 10% of the overall samples mentioned"the Budget talk", within that, 5% had no specifics, while 5% were not satisfied with the revised Budget and 3% focused on the original suggestions of the Budget.
同时,我们也希望政府能够更加体恤民情,在 百物 齐 涨 的时刻,避免增加各种税务和收费,以免商业成本和生活费用持续上升。
While we are all feeling the tremendous strain of inflationary pressures, we appeal to the government to put a moratorium on various taxes and fees, and do its best to keep in check the continued rise in business costs and overall costs of living.
国际博物馆理事会的红色名录以及 百 件 失 物 ” 汇 编被大多数国家认为是必要的,可 用来开展教育和鉴别失踪财产(阿根廷)。
The ICOM Red
[...] Lists and the “One Hundred Missing Objects series” are [...]
considered to be necessary by most States and their
use for educational purposes and for the identification of missing property is appreciated (Argentina).
在美容方面,研究表明,柠百里 香萃 取 物 有 助于防止皮肤松弛。
In cosmetics, studies
[...] carried out on lemon thyme extract have revealed [...]
its capacity to help prevent skin slackening.
这个热带海滨公园拥百余种植物种 植 在约上万棵椰子树旁。
This tropical seaside
[...] garden has over a hundred species of plants [...]
growing alongside approximately ten thousand coconut trees.
全世界每年产生百万吨电子物, 其 中大部分被运到发展中国家进行处理。
The world produces million tons of electronic waste each year, and [...]
much of it is shipped to developing countries for disposal.
不管是冬季的冰还是船舶事故:突然间, 百 上 千 吨的 物 被 滞 留。
Be it ice in winter or a shipping accident:
[...] All of a sudden, hundreds of tons of cargo are held up.
在这方面,两架埃及 飞机已抵达伊斯兰堡,载有百吨药 品、医 物 资和 设备、帐篷以及食物。
In this regard, two Egyptian planes
have already arrived in
[...] Islamabad, carrying hundreds of tons of medicine, medical supplies and [...]
equipment, tents and food aid.
全球变暖、数百万吨计的物、森 林被毁 和物多样 性的丧失、土地沙漠化以及极端天气现 象,这些问题正变得日益严重。
Global warming, the creation of millions of tons of waste, the destruction of forests [...]
and loss of biodiversity, the desertification
of soils and extreme weather events are becoming increasingly acute.
与前次报告所述期间相比,物折扣 百 分比 已变。
The percentages of discounts of medicines [...]
have changed as compared to the previous reporting period.
这份报告综合我们对行业的研究、业内人士访谈、以及对近 百 家 购 物 中 心运营者、商户和消费者的问卷调查,并在此基础上分析中国购物中心的发展与迷思,以及成功要素,希望对行业参与者有所启发。
The report includes analyses on the developments and
[...] myths of China's shopping centers, and their [...]
success factors.
由瀋陽時尚將予投入的金額及按以下標題為「調整」分段所列的調整 機制乃瀋陽時尚及 SYNWH 基於公平基準,並考慮到(其中包括)所有有關拆毁該房 屋地上一層至四層的成本,以及就新世 百 貨 的 新 物 業 的 設計、建築及支付的任何相 關土地出讓金後釐定。
The sum to be contributed by Shenyang Trendy and the adjustment mechanism set out in the subparagraph headed “Adjustment” below were determined after arm’s length negotiations between Shenyang Trendy and SYNWH, taking into account of, among others, all of the related costs of demolition of upper ground level 1 to level 4 of the Building and design, construction and payment of any relevant land grant premium of the New NWDS Property.
哥斯达黎加代表团建议将乳脂和物 脂 肪 的 百 分 比 加在该食品名称旁。
The Delegation of Costa Rica proposed to add the percentage of milk fat and vegetable fat in close proximity to the name of the food.
国家公园中栖息着各种动物—有数 百 种 仅 在公园内生长繁衍。
The national park provides shelter to diverse types of native
[...] flora and fauna - several hundreds of them are [...]
found only in the park.
使用路博润标准测试程序 745-C 来测定样品中的总固物百分比 (TS)。
Determine the percent Total Solids (TS) of the test sample using Lubrizol Standard Test Procedure 745-C.
於二零一二年六月三十日,本集團之債務淨額為 1,208.0 百萬美元,即現金及現金等物 155.3 百萬美元減借款總額 1,363.3 百萬美元(包括銀行借款 1,060.6 百萬美元、關聯方借款 300.0 百萬美元及融資租賃負債 2.7 百萬美元)。
As at 30 June 2012, the Group was in a net debt position of US$1,208.0 million, representing cash and cash equivalents of US$155.3 million less total borrowings of US$1,363.3 million (comprising bank borrowings of US$1,060.6 million, related party borrowings of US$300.0 million and finance lease liabilities of US$2.7 million).
於 二 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 , 本 集 團 之 現 金 及 現 金 等物 總 額 為 49.64 百 萬 港 元( 二 零零九 年 ︰ 26.64 百 萬 港 元 ), 綜 合 資 產 淨 值 則 為 149.70 百 萬 港 元( 二 零零九 年 ︰ 147.86 百 萬 港 元 )。
The Group also had total cash and cash equivalents of HK$49.64 million as at 31 December 2010 (2009: HK$26.64 million) and consolidated net assets of HK$149.70 million (2009: HK$147.86 million).
分攤費用包括下列三種付款的任意組合:(1) 計劃在承保服務或藥物前徵收的自付額;(2) 計劃要求在獲得特定服務或藥物時支付的任何固定「共付 額」;或 (3)
[...] 計劃要求在獲得特定服務或藥物時支付的任何固定「共同保險額」,亦即服務或 物 總 費百分比
Cost sharing includes any combination of the following three types of payments: (1) any deductible amount a plan may impose before services or drugs are covered; (2) any fixed “co-payment” amount that a plan requires when a specific service or drug is received; or (3) any “co-insurance” amount, a
percentage of the total amount paid for a service or drug, that a plan requires
[...] when a specific service or drug is received.
其组成范围可以 MONi 或 MONij 来表示, 其中 i 和 j 为整数,代表氧化氮在该混物中的 百 分 比 (如 MON3 中 含 3%的氧化氮,MON25 则含 25%氧化氮,通常上限为 MON40)。
There are a range of compositions that can be denoted as MONi or MONij where i and j are integers representing the percentage of Nitric Oxide in the mixture (e.g. MON3 contains 3% Nitric Oxide, MON25 25% Nitric Oxide.
一项新的对人类及黑猩猩进行的全基因组分析披露,这两 物 种 在 数 百 万 年 中同时拥有着某些相同的会导致多态性—— [...]
A new genome-wide analysis of both humans and chimpanzees
[...] reveals that the two species have shared some [...]
of the same combinations of mutations that
result in polymorphisms, or different physical forms within the same species, for millions of years.
法院在裁决中裁定,德国公司的多数行政管理工作出自布雷 德福总部,德国公司的融资由布雷德福总部组织,向德国公司供应的 物 有百 分之七十(70%)是根据设在布雷德福的持股公司签订的合同供应的。
The court in its decision determined the majority of the administration of the German companies was conducted from the Bradford head office, financing of the German companies was organized in the Bradford head office and seventy percent (70%) of the goods supplied to the German companies were supplied under contracts made by the holding company in Bradford.
近年 來有多項研究顯示低碳水化物百分 比 的飲食能夠幫助控制健康的個人及第二型糖 [...]
尿病患者的血糖控制,並在 6-12 個月內改善空腹時的三酸甘油酯、高密度膽固 醇,以及總膽固醇與高密度膽固醇的比例(7, 8)。
A number of recent studies have
also demonstrated that a diet with a lower
[...] proportion of carbohydrate improves glycemic [...]
control in both healthy individuals
and type 2 diabetic patients and can lead to improvements in fasting triacylglycerols, HDL cholesterol and the total cholesterol-toHDL ratio over a 6 to 12 month period (7, 8).
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁百分之 五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.




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