单词 | 百度知道 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 百度知道—Baidu’s online Q & A forum, zhidao.baidu.comSee also:百度—Baidu, Internet portal and search engine, www.baidu.com, listed as BIDU on NASDAQ since 1999 知道v—knowv understandv knowsv realizev
在美国和世界各地都有人知道百度。 embassyusa.cn | People know about Baidu in the United [...] States and around the world. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我知道你在百度待的时间不是很长,但是你已经告诉我们你对这座大楼的感受以及你对这里气氛的感受,跟其他中国网络公司相比,你感到这里有非常不同的一些东西,但是也有熟知的一些东西。 embassyusa.cn | Iknow that youhaven’t been here at Baidufor very long, but [...] you were already telling me about how you sort of feel it [...]in the architecture and you feel it in the atmosphere, you feel there’s something very different about this place compared perhaps to other Chinese internet companies, but also maybe something familiar to it. eng.embassyusa.cn |
毫无疑问,百度将继续这样做,而且类似谷歌或腾讯(HKEx: 700)这样一个聪明而资金强大竞争对手应利用这种情形将这些告知公众,减少百度的流量。 youngchinabiz.com | I have no doubt that Baidu will continue to engage in such practices, and a smart, well-funded competitor like Google or Tencent (HKEx: [...] 700) should take advantage of the situation to [...] launch a campaign to informthe public and stealsomeofBaidu’straffic. youngchinabiz.com |
我们赞扬古特雷斯先生和高级专员办事处的其 [...] 他高级官员,同时叙利亚当然期待着有一天我们的伊 拉克兄弟——各位成员知道,他们有几百万人——将 能够在迫使他们逃离家园的条件消除之后,安全地返 [...]回家园。 daccess-ods.un.org | officials of the Office of the High Commissioner, Syria of course looks forward to the day when [...] our brothers from Iraq — who, as [...] members are aware, number in the millions —willbe able [...]to return to their homeland in [...]safety, after the conditions that compelled them to flee their homes are eliminated. daccess-ods.un.org |
而且当我们从着名的百度MP3搜索引擎上试图找一些(我们知道这是非法的——我们很抱歉,但每一个知名的音乐艺人/歌曲都可以从这个渠道找到资料)她的MP3歌曲下载时,结果却是零。 spla-t.com | And when we tried to find some (illegal – sorry, but every famous song/ artist is available via this route) MP3 downloads of her songs using the infamous Baidu MP3 search engine, the result was ZERO songs found. spla-t.com |
年度上限由董事厘定,过程中已考虑(其中包括)(i)本集团对范围内产品(使用任何 3D专利权)的未来需求增长的估计,该估计乃根据范围内产品的估计未来需求及生 产趋势厘定;(ii)范围内产品在全球市场的前景、展望及竞争环境;(iii)范围内产品 的定价趋势;(iv)3D专利权许可使用费退款的分成百分比,如知识产权协议所协 定;(v)估计3D专利许可费率;及(vi)完成日期的可能变化。 cre8ir.com | TheAnnual Caps were determined by the Directors after taking into account, amongst other things, (i) the Group’s estimates for the increase in the future demand for the Scope Products (utilizing any 3D Patents), which was determined with reference to the estimated future demand and production trend for the Scope Products; (ii) the prospects, outlook and the competitive environment of the global market for the Scope Products; (iii) the pricing trend for the Scope Products; (iv) the sharing percentage of the 3D Patents royalty rebate as agreed in theIntellectual Property Agreement; [...] (v) the estimated 3D Patents [...]royalty rate; and (vi) possible change of the Completion Date. cre8ir.com |
根据对中心的拟议活动及战略性计划的优先事项和目标的审查,可以断定中心的活动 将促进获取信息和知识的机会、促进文化多样性和多种语言的使用,提高对信息社会道德尺度的认识,提高媒体和信息素养并促进本地区会员国关于开放式获取方面的能力建设和政策 制定。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Based upon a review of the Centre’s proposed activities and its strategic programme priorities and objectives, it may be concluded that the activities of the Centre [...] will improve access to [...] information and knowledge, fosterpromotion of cultural diversity and multilingualism, and increase awareness aboutethical dimensionsof the [...]information society, [...]improve media and information literacy and promote capacity-building and policy development on open access in the Member States in the region. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中前者发起了一个新的地区教育项目。全民教育监测报告在有 关全民教育的讨论和决策中所起的澄清思想和警觉后进的作用,正应验了一句老话:知己知彼,百战不殆的道理。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The role of the EFA Global Monitoring Report in giving clarity and urgency to discussions and decisions on EFA underscores the old adage that if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. unesdoc.unesco.org |
融合后的10010客户服务系统为客户提供了统一的服务渠道,支持全业务的业务咨询、业务办理、障碍受理、在线营销和投诉受理等工作,使得北京联通公司的客户服务更加全面和优质高效,对提高客户感知度和改善客户体验具有重要意义。 surekam.com | The 10010 client service system, as merged, [...] provides clients with a [...] uniform service channel andsupports tasks such as business consulting, business transaction, acceptance of obstacles, online marketing and acceptance of complaints across the business items, so that Beijing Unicom’s client service becomes more general, superior and efficient, which is significant for enhanced client perceptibility and [...]improved client experience. surekam.com |
尽管修复 了很多灌溉渠,建设了数百英里的道路和修复或连通 了电力供应,但还需要做很多努力才能在很大程度上恢复境内流离失所者的生活和生计,包括清除村庄里 的地雷。 daccess-ods.un.org | While many irrigation canals have been repaired, hundreds ofmilesof roads have been reconstructed and electricity supplies have been [...] restored or connected, much more needs [...]to be done to restore the lives and livelihoods of the displaced to a reasonable level, including by clearing mines from villages. daccess-ods.un.org |
侍立在上帝左右的天使加百列清楚地知道耶稣是上帝之 子。 centerformissions.com | Gabriel, an angel who stands [...] in the presenceof God, knew that Jesus was the Son of God. centerformissions.com |
我们爱Drupal主题已经被下载了数百次,这让我们知道,我们正在处理一个非常先进的Drupal主题提供优质的支持。 pro-themes-plugins.com | We love that Drupal theme has [...] been downloadedhundreds of times, this allowsus toknow thatwe are [...]dealing with a really advanced [...]Drupal theme with quality support. pro-themes-plugins.com |
就淫亵物品审裁处评定物品类别的标准而言,即既非淫亵亦非不雅的物品为第I类,适合所有人士观看;不雅的物品为第II类,不适合18岁以下人士观看;淫亵的物品为第III类,不适合任何人士观看;总样本中有六成被访市民认为此评定类别的标准「适当」(60%),而认为「不适当」及「一半半」的则分别占21%及14%,另有五个百分比表示「不知道/很难说」(5%;表二十八)。 hkupop.hku.hk | As for the classification standard set by the OAT, i.e. articles that are neither obscene nor indecent and suitable for all persons as Class I; articles that are indecent and unsuitable for persons of age below 18 as Class II; articles that are obscene and unsuitable for persons of all ages as Class III. hkupop.hku.hk |
例一:传媒在报导市民对最熟悉政治团体的最新评分结果时,可以说明「调查由港大民意研究计划进行,在上月中以电话随机访问千多名18岁或以上巿民,回应率六成七 … 在九成半置信水平下,政治团体认知度的抽样误差少於三个百分比,支持度评分则少於1.8分。 hkupop.hku.hk | Example One: In reporting POP's latest ratings of the most well-known political groups, it could be mentioned that "the survey was conducted by POP in the middle of last month, over a thousand people aged 18 or above were interviewed by telephone at random, with a response rate of 67% … at 95% confidence level, the sampling [...] errors of political groups' [...] recognition rates were less than 3 percentagepoints, while thoseof support [...]ratings were less than 1.8 marks. hkupop.hku.hk |
为了使财务披露方案咨询会个性化并提高方案的知名度,道德操守办公室尽 可能在总部和外地举行面对面的会谈。 daccess-ods.un.org | To personalize the FDP advisory sessions and enhanced the programme’s visibility, the Ethics Office holds [...] face-to-face meetings [...]whenever possible, at Headquarters and in the field. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,就巿民如何评价泛民主派於明年立法会选举的胜算方面,最新调查显示,51%相信是次区议会选举的结果会减少他们於明年立法会选举的胜算,15%则认为区选结果会增加他们的胜算,而认为「胜算不变/影响不大」或不知道的百分比分别为10%和24%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding the winning odds of the Pan-democrats in the Legislative Council election next year, findings showed that 51% said the results of the District Council elections have decreased their winning odds, while 15% said their odds have increased. Those who believed the District Council elections have "no effect" on their winning odds or those without any definite answer accounted for 10% and 24% of the total sample respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |
在出任百度大 客户部总经理全面负责百度的广告产品规划、广告销售和客户服务期间,李峰先生更是和同事们一道缔造了百度大客户广告业务。 ece-china.com | While serving as the chief executive of the major client division, he was responsible for merchandising, sales and marketing and client services. ece-china.com |
亚洲五号卫星是接替於东经一百点五度轨道位置运作的亚洲二号卫星;它的C波段覆盖范围广阔;东起日本,西至中东及部份非洲国家,南括纽西兰及北达俄罗斯,遍及亚太区内五十多个国家。 asiasat.com | A replacement satellite for [...] AsiaSat 2 attheorbital locationof 100.5 degreesEast, AsiaSat 5’s [...]C-band footprint covers [...]more than 53 countries spanning from Russia to New Zealand and from Japan to the Middle East and parts of Africa. asiasat.com |
经修订的所罗门岛民陆地和 海洋环境知识百科全书以及提高认识活动所产生的其他主要出版物正在编写中。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A revised encyclopedia of [...] Solomon islanderknowledge of land and sea [...]environments is under preparation as well as other [...]key publications from awareness-raising events. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席 安保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任, 再加上复杂的人道主义紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level [...] as, in terms of size, [...] complexityanddegree of responsibility, in combination with a complex humanitarian emergency, [...]the security management [...]system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在罕见情况下,根据该模型的计算是可能数以百计的人,不知道它,可以在同一时间获得相当大的辐射剂量的黑暗"。 cn.500destinations.com | On rare occasions, according to the [...] calculations of the model, is [...] possible thathundreds of people, without knowingit, can be at [...]the same time receiving a considerable dose of radiation of dark. 500destinations.com |
作为中国网络广告行业的资深专家,李峰于2004-2009年间服务于百度公司,任华东分公司总经理,负责百度华东地区的市场推广和销售工作,带领团队创造了耐克、飞利浦、欧莱雅、阿迪达斯等全球知名品牌与百度深度合作的经典案例。 tfmchina.com | As a senior professional in China’s online advertising industry, Mr. LI took in charge of in-depth cooperation between Baiduand world’s top brands, including Nike, Phillips, L’Oreal, and Adidas. tfmchina.com |
应为新入狱的女性囚犯提供便利,让她们与亲属取得联系;寻求法律咨询; 了解监狱规则和规章、监狱制度,知道在需要其所通晓语言的帮助时向何处求助; 如果系外国人,则还需为其提供寻求领事代表的便利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Newly arrived women prisoners shall be provided with facilities to contact their relatives; access to legal advice; information about prison [...] rules and regulations, [...] the prison regimeandwhere to seek help when in need in a language that they understand; and, [...]in the case of foreign [...]nationals, access to consular representatives as well. daccess-ods.un.org |
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中心迁移至便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队,重新调查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Zimbabwe [...] recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining squadron, to resurveyall known minefields [...]and suspected hazardous [...]areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education. daccess-ods.un.org |