

单词 百叶箱

See also:

all kinds of
surname Bai


foliage n
leave n
page n


box n
chest n

External sources (not reviewed)

Novak 教授补充道,对涡轮机齿箱和叶片 的 研究也是其中一个部分。
Professor Novak adds that advanced study of
[...] the turbines’ gearboxes and blades will [...]
also be part of the research.
这与一摩凡陀运动风本身的口袋模型时自动打开或关闭了其在皮革护 百叶 窗。
This pocket model with a Movado movement winds itself automatically when opened or closed its shutters sheathed in leather.
鞋店前放着幾個箱,火百合、 滿天星、野薑花,隨興地‘扔 ’在裡面, 愛買不買。
In front of a shoe shop there were a few
[...] buckets into which fire lilies, gypsophila and ginger [...]
flowers were tossed randomly, as
if nobody cared about selling or not selling them.
专家组正在调查据报 2010 年 12
[...] 月至 2011 年 1 月期间发生的事件,比如阿 比让向西部城市达洛亚空运约 125 个箱子(内百万非洲法郎)事件等。
The Group is also currently investigating incidents, which reportedly occurred in December 2010 and
January 2011, in which aircraft
[...] transported some 125 boxes, containing a multimillion amount in [...]
CFAF funds, from Abidjan to the western city of Daloa.
因此我们认为,将此项计划纳入贝 尔蒙计划第二阶段工程已刻不容缓,在此之前应先购置一些电扇和修理破损的 百叶 窗。
However, we believe it is urgent to include it in Phase II of the Plan and, in the meantime, to
[...] purchase a store of fans and to repair broken blinds.
2002--2003 年双年度的工作规划考虑到了在丰特努瓦、米奥利斯和邦万大楼应进行的 紧急维修工程,这些工程主要是:更换可饮水水龙头和供水网络,对预防大叶性肺炎系统进 行处理,翻修丰特努瓦大楼卫生设施(第三层和第四层);更换邦万大楼每层的配电盘和翻
[...] 新丰特努瓦大楼的主要楼梯的台阶,更换 百叶 窗 , 为放映室安装现代化设备等。
The work plan for the 2002-2003 biennium takes into account the urgent maintenance work to be carried out at the Fontenoy, Miollis and Bonvin sites. This includes replacement of the drinking fountains and water system, treatment of systems against legionnaire’s disease, renovation of sanitary facilities (3rd and 4th floors, Fontenoy), replacement of the electrical substations on the various floors at Bonvin
and renovation of the main staircase at
[...] Fontenoy, replacement of window blinds and [...]
modernization of projection equipment.
其他收入包括出售 蛇口集箱碼頭百分之 七點五股權所得的收益。
Other receipts include the proceeds received from the sale of 7.5%
[...] shareholding of Shekou Container Terminals.
[...] 購入近期收購電訊盈科中心的一家公司百分之二十 權益,以及購入蛇口集箱碼頭II期 百 分 之 七點四八 股權。
Capital expenditure and investments are mainly in respect of construction costs for Three Pacific Place, the purchase of a 20% interest in the company
which recently acquired the PCCW Tower and the acquisition of 7.48%
[...] shareholding of Shekou Container Terminals Phase II.
TCC-175R和TCC-80R各两台,分别配套两台6100kw感应炉的电源和炉体,下图为设计系统图,图中的“设备”是指“电源”或者“炉体”,设备中需要被冷却的工质进入冷却塔内,经过热质交换,达到要求的温度后,再流入设备,设备本体采用优质玻璃钢,保证15年以上不变色,填料采用阻燃自熄材料,而且防紫外线;冷却塔钢结构件全部热镀锌,水槽里有自动补水浮球装置,设备运转噪音 百叶 窗 10 米处小于60dB(A)。
TCC-175R and two TCC-80R respectively has tow, supporting two 6100kw induction furnace and the furnace power, the next picture shows the design of the system map, map of "equipment" means "power" or "furnace", the refrigerant which in equipment need to be cooled into the cooling tower, after heat and mass transfer to reach the required temperature, and then flows to equipment, equipment with high-quality fiberglass to ensure that it do not change color more than 15 years, fill is used of self-extinguishing flame retardant materials, and UV ; cooling towers all the hot-dip galvanizing steel
pieces, tanks have automatic replenishment float devices, equipment
[...] operating noise for blinds from 10 [...]
m less than 60dB (A).
内院立面为带轻质遮百叶的、 印有竹子图案的中空玻璃幕墙。
The facade facing to the inner garden uses the screenprinting glass with the bamboo motivtion, the light sun-shutter window blinder in-between.
在苏州新工厂的设计和建设过程中,博世就引入了一系列环保理念,如以地源热泵系统及太阳能作为能量来源,并安装外遮 百叶 窗 以减少能量消耗。
They include a geothermal system and solar panels as energy sources as well as sunshades to reduce energy consumption.
S 代表平台安装驱动机;34 为大齿轮齿节的直径;A
[...] 是次级减速箱的尺寸;F 是初级减 速箱的类型;L 代表配有提升机械装置;D 代表叶轮驱动;34 表叶轮变速箱齿节直径; 5 表叶轮的功率。
S is for a bridge-mounted drive unit; 34 is the size of the final gear pitch diameter in inches; A is the size of the secondary speed reducer; F is the type of the primary
reducer; D is for a
[...] turbine drive; 34 is the size of the turbine gear pitch diameter in inches; [...]
5 is the turbine horsepower.
无论是窗帘、布帘百叶窗、 家具罩、装饰布、地板、床上用品、桌布、毛巾、床垫还是毛毯:家用织物为每个家带来了独有的感受和外观。
Whether it's curtains, drapes, Venetian blinds, furniture [...]
covers, upholstery, textile floor coverings, bedding, tablecloths,
towels, mattresses or blankets: domestic textiles give each home a special look and feel of its own.
百叶窗能够让日光成为设计房 间的自然元素,轻松营造氛围。
Wood blinds will ensure that [...]
daylight forms a natural part of the room design and atmosphere.
就餐区,对长条座椅进行了全新的改良设计,先前型号由于顶部的限制,需要充分利用 光线,而现在在所有大的垂直窗户上都安装 百叶 窗。
In the dining room, the banquettes have been entirely redesigned, as has the ceiling, enabling more effective indirect lighting, and it now includes the option of installing adjustable blinds on all the wide vertical windows.
著眼於提升全球經營能力,訓練我們的員工商用英語,是我們的員工訓 百 寶 箱 裡 最 有效的工具。
Teaching business English to our employees is the most effective tool in our training arsenal for improving our ability to function as a global organization.
齿箱输出 轴和连 杆体现出虚拟凸轮轴的效果,当压力下降时加速 (泵的 [...]
下缸体处于转换位置时),当压力增加时降速 (两个下 缸体都在填料时)。
The output
[...] shaft of the gearbox and the connecting [...]
rods experience the effect of the imaginary camshaft by speeding up when
the pressure drops (pump lower is at a changeover) and slowing down when pressure increases (both lowers are pumping).
關於 海運方面,例如在香港轉運往返珠三角港口以外的貨物,在2007年, 有 138 000個標準箱(TEU),佔香港整體載貨集 箱 的 0. 7%,所佔 百分 比較空運方面為低。
As for sea freight, transshipment via Hong Kong to and from ports outside the Pearl River Delta totalled 138 000 TEUs, representing 0.7% of Hong Kong's total laden container throughput in 2007.
此外,宋韶光的著作有《風百寶箱 》 、 《家居好風水》第一、二、三輯,《古靈精解》、《風水新廣場》、《風水百答》、《為你解風水》 、《為你解命理》及《為你解掌相》等等,議論精闢,文筆淺顯生動,風行港澳、台灣、星馬及歐美各地。
In addition, the Song Infoking writings feng shui treasure chest "," home good feng shui, two, three series, DIE solution "feng shui Square," feng shui 579 "," solution for your feng shui " solution numerology "you" for your solution-telling, "and so argumentative incisive, vivid writing is simple and obvious, popular Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Europe and America around.
此 外 , 該處亦要求政 府 物 料供應商
[...] 盡量少用包裝物 料 ,而即使在有 需要使用紙板箱包裝時,也要確保 該等紙箱是由百分之一百再 造纖維 製 成
Suppliers of government purchases are also required
to minimize the use of packaging
[...] materials and, if carton boxes are used for packaging, [...]
to ensure that they are made from 100% recovered fibre
新建筑的入口大 门采用开孔青铜板构造,能够过滤日间光线,营 造宁静的氛围,类 似于中国传统建筑通百叶装 饰窗获得的效果 。
The entrance doors to the new buildings are made of perforated bronze plates that filter the daylight, producing a muted atmosphere, like that of traditional Chinese buildings obtained through typical decorated shutters.
不无讽刺的是,如今大多数住宅业主在给门厅挑 百叶 窗 上 花费的时间比选择将要安装的冷热水管道系统还要多。
It’s ironic that most homeowners today spend more time picking out the
blinds for their foyer
[...] than choosing the plumbing system they will have installed—ironic because of the ease and frequency with which blinds can [...]
be changed compared to
a plumbing system, which is presumed to last.
Films with reflective
[...] properties for blinds, fire [...]
and / or water resistant membranes, rugged films for long term outdoor
use, the range of applications is endless.
二零零五年七月三十日,現代貨箱碼頭有限公司(「現代貨 箱碼頭」)另外兩名股東根據公司章程所載的優先購買權接 納公司所提出的要約,以總代價港幣二十九億元收購公司 於現代箱碼頭的全百分之 十七點六二股權。
On 30th July 2005, the Company’s offer to sell its entire 17.62% interest in Modern Terminals Limited (“MTL”) for a total consideration of HK$2,900 million was accepted by two of the other shareholders of MTL pursuant to the provisions on pre-emption rights contained in its articles of association.
百叶窗, 用木板或强力胶带封闭所有窗户
Close shutters and board up or heavily tape all windows
在当今世界,期望对每年 在成千上万个商业港口之间流通的 百 万 集 装 箱 或 空 运、邮政运输或快递公司处 理的数亿件货物进行实物检查是牵强的。
In today’s world, it is far-fetched to expect a physical examination of the millions of containers that circulate every year between thousands of commercial ports or the billions of consignments processed by air freight, postal freight or express carriers.
所需经费增加的主要原因是:(a) 地震后为新办公室和宿舍购置了预制设 施、水净化和空调设备、杂项办公设备以及备件和用品;(b) 增购了发电机,
以支持境内流离失所者营地以及安全理事会第 1908(2010)号决议通过后立即部 署的新特遣队中的电力供应;(c)
[...] 为运送更多设备到海地增购了海运集 箱; (d) 柴油的平均费用增至每升 0.60 [...]
美元,而预算编列的费用为每升 0.47 美元; (e) 在没有得到稳定团的法律审查结果之前处理稳定团燃料供应商以往索赔预
计所需费用;(f) 地震后在船上为工作人员提供住所的所需经费。
The additional requirements resulted primarily from: (a) the acquisition of prefabricated facilities, water purification and air conditioning equipment, miscellaneous office equipment, and spare parts and supplies for the new offices and accommodation as a result of the earthquake; (b) the acquisition of additional generators to support power supply in internally displaced persons camps as well as for new contingents deployed immediately following the adoption of Security Council
resolution 1908 (2010); (c) the acquisition of
[...] additional sea containers for the shipment [...]
of the additional equipment to Haiti;
(d) the increase in the average cost of diesel fuel to $0.60 per litre compared to the budgeted cost of $0.47 per litre; (e) projected requirements for the settlement of past claims by the Mission fuel supplier, pending the outcome of the Mission legal review; and (f) requirements to provide staff accommodation on a naval vessel following the earthquake.
前我们钢恩斯利工程网站上伯明翰的城市邻里提供棕色影响的一个明显的例子: 450++ 英亩的工 业土地一旦 (自 1984 年) 支持 600 就业仍然百叶窗。
The former US Steel Ensley Works site provides a glaring example of brownfields impacts on Birmingham’s urban neighborhoods: a 450+ acre industrial site once supporting 600 jobs remains shuttered (since 1984).




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