

单词 百分之百


out and out
a hundred percent



See also:






one hundred percent
totally (effective)


(indicating a fraction)

External sources (not reviewed)

公司经理指出,缺乏收入流不够影响 Liberfor 系统 的核心职能,因为在这些条件下不能保百分之百
The SGS manager noted that the lack of revenue flow affects the core
function of the Liberfor systemas itis not possible to provide a
[...] guarantee of 100 per cent compliance under these conditions.
百分之百了其对原子能机构技术合作基金的捐 款,鼓励其他国家也缴纳其各自的份额。
His country had a 100 per centrate of attainment in its contributions to the IAEA Technical Cooperation Fund and encouraged other States to pay their respective shares.
任何时候只要我们能够让战斗者暂停一天或一周,思考并反省他们正 在对自己的人民和环境所做的一切,就伟大的成就,我百分之百持它。
Any moment, where there is a day or a week that we can give the combatants to pause, to think and reflect on
what they are doing to
[...] their own people, and to the environment, would be a great achievement, and I would support it ahundred percent.
我们 将确保到 2011 年使小学净入学率达百分之百2014 年消除各级教育中男女不平等现象,到 2021 年 将妇女参与经济活动的比例提高到 40%,到 2021 年 将孕产妇死亡率减至 15%,并将婴幼儿死亡率减至每 1 000 活产 15 例,到 2021 年将预期寿命增至 70 岁, 到 2011 年为所有人提供安全饮用水,到 2013 年为所 有人提供卫生设施,到 2021 年实现孟加拉国数字化, 通过执行我们的国家信息和通信技术政策将我国与 全球各地连接起来。
We will ensure 100 percent net enrolment at primary school level by 2011, eliminate gender disparity at all levels of education by 2014, raise the economic participation of women to 40 per cent by 2021, reduce maternal mortality by 15 per cent and infant mortality to 15 per 1,000 live births by 2021, increase life expectancy to 70 years by 2021, provide safe drinking water for all by 2011 and hygienic sanitation by 2013, and achieve a digital Bangladesh for global connectivity by implementing our national information and communications technology policy by 2021.
此外,许多国家的辍学率仍然 很高,这意味着要实百分之百学毕业率仍然是一个挑战。
Furthermore, dropout rates remain high in many countries, implying that achieving 100 per cent primary school completion rates remains a challenge.
[...] 及防卫和/或保护器材,特别是因为,设计一个天衣无缝和有效率达百分之百擅自闯 入系统是极为艰难的。
The chief means of deterrence is therefore the visible nature of the defences embodied in security personnel and defence and/or protective equipment,
all the more so as it is extremely
[...] difficult to imagine a sitewithabsolutely no [...]
loopholes and a completely effective anti-intrusion system.
如属或有债务及承担,则风险加权幅度 为零百分之属滙率、利率及其他衍生工具合约,则风险加权幅度为零百分十。
The risk weights used range from 0 per cent to 100 per cent for contingent liabilities and commitments, and from 0 per cent to 50 per cent for exchange rate, interest rate and other derivative contracts.
由于曾有这样的先例,而且青年党发 言人还声称人道主义紧急局势是“完全的百分之百的而且毫无依据的宣 传”,是联合国出于政治目的而捏造的,据此独立专家对于青年党宣布开放的实 际范围感到担忧。
Given these precedents and the claim by the Al-Shabaab spokesperson that the humanitarian emergency situation is “totally, 100 percent wrong and baseless propaganda” fabricated by the United Nations for political purposes, the independent expert is concerned at the real scope of the opening announced by Al-Shabaab.
[...] 理,对于资金分配没有年度或双年度中断限制,这就使资金筹集率比耗时百分之百比 率相对更低。
With regard to the implementation of extrabudgetary projects, it was stressed that the funds are managed on an ongoing multi-year basis
without an annual or biennial cut-off
[...] constraint forfunds allocation, whichresults [...]
in a relatively lower expenditure rate
than the timeelapsed theoretical rate of 100%.
伊斯兰教法 规范了马尔代百分之百的全部婚姻和家庭关系”。已将这些问题的大部分 纳入 2008 年生效的新《宪法》,鉴于妇女现在可以担任总统,对第 7(a)条提出 的保留不再是必要的。
Much of these concerns have been incorporated into the new Constitution that came into force in 2008 and the reservation to Article 7(a) is no longer necessary as women may now hold the post of President.
本年度内本集团最大之五名客户合占本集团营业之百分於 30%,而本集团最大之五名供应商合占本集团采购之百分低於 30%。
During the year, less than 30% of the
Group’s sales was
[...] attributable to its five largest customers and less than 30% of the Group’s purchases was attributable toits five largest suppliers.
(2) 百分比数目乃按照所持相关股份数目占本公司於最後可行日期之已发行股份总数(即 2,052,021,654股股份之百分算。
(2) The calculation is based on the number of underlying shares as a percentage of the total number of issued shares of the Company (i.e. 2,052,021,654 shares) as at the Latest Practicable Date.
KMP之百分之权益由林逢 生先生拥有,余之百分之益则由其他人士拥有。
KMP is owned as to 90 percent by Mr Salim, Anthoni and as to the remaining 10 percent by other parties.
实际税率由㆓零零㆓之百分之点六,㆖升至 ㆓零零㆔之百分之点八,主要由於香港利得税率增加㆒点五个 百分 点。
The effective tax rate for 2003 increased to 12.8 per cent from 11.6 per cent for 2002, mainly reflecting the 1.5 percentage points increase in the Hong Kong profits tax rate.
(I) 倘及只要(惟仅倘及只要)董事及其联系人直接或间接 持有或实益拥有一间公司(或其取得有关权益的任何第 三方公司(本公司或其任何附属公司除外))任何类别 已发行的有投票权股本或该公司任何类别股份投票百 分之(5%)或以上的权益,则该公司被视作董事及其任 何联系人拥有该公司任何类别有投票权股本或该公司任 何类别股份投票百分之(5%)或以上的公司。
(I) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which a Director and his associates own five (5) per cent. or more of any class of the voting equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he and his associates are (either directly or indirectly) the holder of or beneficially interested in five (5)
per cent. or
[...] more of any class of the issued voting equity share capitalof such company (or of any third company, other than the Company or any of its subsidiaries, through which his interest is derived) or of the voting rights [...]
of any class of shares of the company.
翟克信先生及魏义军先生分别拥有十六万三千五百股(本公司已发行股之百分之零四二)及 五千股(本公司已发行股之百分之零零一)本公司普通股之个人权益。
Peter JACKSON and William WADE had a personal interest in 163,500 (0.042%
of the issued share capital of the
[...] Company) and 5,000 (0.001% of the issued share capital of the Company) ordinary shares respectivelyin theCompany.
该 公 布 亦 必 须 列 明 本 公 司
[...] 已 发 行 股 本有关 类之 百 分此 等 股 份 数 目 所 [...]
占 之 本 公 司 投 票 权 百 分 比 。
The announcement must
[...] also specifythe percentages ofthe relevant [...]
classes of issued share capital of the Company and the
percentages of voting rights of the Company represented by these numbers of Shares.
When the working populationwas furtherdivided intoprofessionals and semi-professionals, white-collars, [...]
and blue-collars, the proportions
of these sub-groups who were worried about themselves were 62%, 65% and 68% correspondingly, and the proportions for family members were 75%, 79% and 82% correspondingly.
(b) 董事局依据(a)段之批准配发或有条件或无条件同意配发 (不論其为依据认购权或其他形式配发)之股份面值总额 (不包括 (i)因供股或 (ii)任何以配发股份代替公司全部或 部份股息之以股代息或其他類似安排配发之股份),不得 超过本决议案获通过当日已发行之股份面值总百分之,但根据本决议案按此方式配发(或按此方式有条件 或无条件同意配发)全數收取现金之股份,其面值总额不 得超过本决议案通过当日已发行之该類别股份面值总之百分之及 『有关期间』指由本决议案通过之日起至下列三者最早 者为止之期间
(b) the aggregate nominal amount of shares allotted or agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted (whether pursuant to an option or otherwise) by the Directors pursuant to the approval in paragraph (a), otherwise than pursuant to (i) a Rights Issue or (ii) any scrip dividend or similar arrangement providing for the allotment of shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on shares, shall not exceed the aggregate of 20 per cent of the aggregate nominal amount of the sharesin issue at the date of passing this Resolution provided that the aggregate nominal amount of the shares so allotted (or so agreed conditionally or unconditionally to be allotted) pursuant to this Resolution wholly forcash shall not exceed 5 per cent of the aggregate nominal amount of theshares inissue at the date of passing this Resolution; and
(c) 一家「公司」应视为一家由某董事连同其任何联系人拥百分之以上 权益的公司,假如及只要(但只假如及只要)他连同其任何联系人(直接 或间接)是该公百分之以上任何类别股本或该公司的成员可有的投 票权的持有人或实益权益人便可。
(c) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which
a Director together
[...] with anyof hisAssociates own five per cent. or more if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he together with any of his Associates are (either directly or indirectly) the holders of or beneficially interested in five per cent. or more of any class of theequity share capitalof such [...]
company or of the voting
rights available to members of such company.
对已经加入养恤金制度第二支柱下 的养恤基金的人,国家会为每个孩子再向养恤基金支付父母补助金百分之
For persons who have joined a pension fund under the second pillar of
the pension system, the state pays
[...] additional one per cent perchild of the sumof parental [...]
benefit to the pension fund.
3.5 在不违反公开发行公司规则及开曼公司法之情况下,本公司得由董事会以三分之二以 上董事出席,出席董事过半數之决议,订定一个或以上之激勵措施并得发行股份或选 择权、认股权凭证或其他類似之工具予本公司及附属公司之员工;(i)该等激勵措施每 次发行得认购股份數额不得超过已发行股份总之百分之且(ii)加计全部董事会决 议通过之激勵措施流通在外余额,不得超过已发行股份总之百分之
3.5 Subject to the Applicable Public Company Rules and the Law, the Company may, by a majority vote cast at a meeting of the Board with two-third (2/3) or more of the Directors present at the Board meeting, adopt one or more incentive programmes and may issue shares or options, warrants or other similar instruments, to employees of the Company and its Subsidiaries, provided that in no event shall (i) the number of shares to be issued pursuant to
each of any such
[...] programmes exceed ten percentage (10%) ofthen total issued and outstanding shares of the Company and (ii) the aggregate number of shares to be issued pursuant to any board approved incentive programmes exceedfifteen percentage (15%) ofthe then [...]
totalissued and outstanding shares of the Company.
(E) 在考虑有关委任两名或以上董事担任本公司或本公司拥有权益 之任何其他公司之职务或受薪职位(包括委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 安排时,须就每名董事分别提呈决议案,而每名有关董事均可就各项决议案投票(及 计入法定人数),惟有关其本身委任(或委任条款之安排或修订或终止有关委任)之 决议案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之职务或受薪职位)该董事连同 其任何联系人士拥百分之(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何类别股本之已发行股份 或该公司任何类别股份之投票权。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associatesowns five (5) percent ormore of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
(J) 倘董事连同其任何联系人士合共持百分之(5)%或以上其任 何类别股本或其股东可享有之任何类别股份之投票权之公司於一项交易中涉及重大 利益,则该董事亦须被视作在该交易中涉及重大利益。
(J) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his associate(s) holds five (5) per cent or more of any class of the equityshare capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
在审议了秘书长的报告(A/62/538 和 Add.1 及 2)以及咨询委员会的相关报告 (A/62/7/Add.36)大会在其第 62/547 号决定中决定从 2008 年 4 月 1 日起, 法院法官以及两法庭法官和审案法官的年净基薪定为 158 000 美元,加上一个相 应的工作地点差价调整数,其中工作地点差价调整数由相当于净基薪一百分指数点酌情乘以适用于荷兰或坦桑尼亚联合共和国的工作地点差价调整数乘 数得出,同时考虑到秘书长报告(A/62/538)第 77 段所提议的调整机制。
By decision 62/547, the General
[...] Assembly, having considered the report of the Secretary-General (A/62/538 and Add.1-2),and the related report of the Advisory Committee (A/62/7/Add.36), decided to set, effective 1 April 2008, the annual net base salary of the members of the Court and the judges and ad litem judges of the two Tribunals at US$ 158,000, with the corresponding post adjustment per multiplier point equal to 1 per cent of the net [...]
base salary, to which
would be applied the post adjustment multiplier for the Netherlands or the United Republic of Tanzania, as appropriate, taking into account the adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report (A/62/538).
由於根据IP许可证协议拟进行之交百分(盈利比率除外)按年 度计算均低於1%,而根据IP许可证协议拟进行的交易仅因涉及一位身为本公 [...]
司关连人士的人士(基於其与本公司附属公司的关系)而成为关连交易,故 IP许可证协议获豁免遵守上市规则内有关申报、年度审阅、公告及取得独立 股东批准之规定。
As each ofthe percentageratios(other than [...]
the profits ratio) for the transactions contemplated under the IP License Agreement
is on an annual basis less than 1% and the transaction contemplated under the IP License Agreement is a connected transaction only because it involves a person who is a connected person of the Company by virtue of its relationship with the subsidiary of the Company, the IP License Agreement is exempted from the reporting, annual review, announcement and independent shareholders’ approval requirements under the Listing Rules.




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