单词 | 百位 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 百位—the hundreds place (or column) in the decimal systemExamples:百万位—the millions place (or column) in the decimal system See also:百—numerous all kinds of surname Bai
Debbe通过此热线帮助了数百位女性,从而挽回550多个小婴儿的生命。 clarinsusa.com | Debbe has come to [...] the rescue ofhundreds of women, saving [...]the lives of over 550 babies. clarinsusa.com |
如今协会在法国共设有15个分会,已有数百位儿童得到协助与支持。 clarinsusa.com | Today, the Association has 15 branches [...] in France and hundreds of children have [...]benefited from its help and support. clarinsusa.com |
诺德专员参观了几家 烟花工厂目睹了其生产 [...] 过程;视察了美标测试 程序的操作;并且在业 界大会上对来自各产区 的近三百位代表发表重 要讲话。 afsl.org | C o m m i s s i o n e r Nord toured fireworks factories to witness the manufacturing process; observed the AFSL testing program in operation; and was the keynote [...] speaker at an industry seminar that [...] included nearly three hundredrepresentatives [...]from all manufacturing regions in China. afsl.org |
Nico吸引了数百位顾客涌入店中参观,许多买了手表的同时,也获得Nico签名的上衣、帽子及明信片。 oris.ch | Hundredsof customers visited the [...] stores during Nico’s visit and many left with watches – as well as with signed shirts, caps and postcards. oris.ch |
於2008年这位殿堂级歌后更被挑选参加迎奥运歌曲《北京欢迎你》的录制,与百位群星合作并参加奥运倒数计时100天晚会。 yp.mo | Tickets for the 8 pm, December 1 performance of HAN HONG WORLD TOUR 2012 go on sale Tuesday, November 6 at 10 am, at all Sands China box offices*. yp.mo |
教科文组织两次出席了在法国体育场举行的青年网球赛开幕式:2002 年 7 月举行的 [...] “2002 年菲拉杯”赛和 2003 年 7 月举行的有 60 多个国家的数百位青年运动员参加的比赛。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO took part twice in the Youth Tennis Tournament “Fila Cup 2002” at the Stade [...] Français (Paris) – in July 2002 and July 2003 – [...] involving several hundredyoung players hailing from [...]more than 60 countries. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为数百位在列车事故中受伤的人祷告,也记念罹难者的家属。 amccsm.org | Pray for theseveralhundred people whowere [...] injured in the train crash and for the relatives of those who died. amccsm.org |
目前,中东的数百位科学家参与了可从同步辐射设备中受 益的研究活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Presently, [...] there are several hundredscientists in the [...]Middle East engaged in research activities that would benefit from [...]a synchrotron radiation source. unesdoc.unesco.org |
因该届双年展被取消,维多克勒在柏林设立了一个名为“联合国广场”(Unitednationsplaza)的独立项目, 该项目为期一年,得到了上百位艺术家、作家、哲学家的参与,吸引了来自各行各业的受众。 shanghaibiennale.org | In response to the cancellation, Vidokle set up an independent project in Berlin called [...] Unitednationsplaza—a twelve-month project [...] involving more thana hundred artists,writers, [...]philosophers, and diverse audiences. shanghaibiennale.org |
此后,司法机关执行可能违反人权标准的国 内法律,漠视司法保障,将数百位良心犯判以重罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Subsequently, the judiciary delivered hundreds of harsh sentences against prisonersof conscience, applying national legislation that might be contradictory to human rights standards, with disregard for judicial guarantees. daccess-ods.un.org |
每天都有数百位操作者使用我们的系统印刷,每年消耗数吨的油墨。 muchcolours.com | Hundredsof operator every day print [...] whit our systems consuming tons of ink annually. muchcolours.com |
电影节是香港最大型的文化活动,每年搜罗来自五十多个国家,超过二百五十部作品,在香港十一个主要文化场地上映,吸引观众人数超过五十八万人次,当中包括四千五百位出席香港国际影视展 (FILMART) 的电影业界人士。 society.hkiff.org.hk | Screening over 250 titles from more than 50 countries in 11 major cultural venues across the territory, the Festival is Hong Kong’s largest cultural event that reaches an audience of over 580,000 including 4,500 business executives who attend Hong Kong Film and Television Market (FILMART), a concurrent event of the HKIFF. society.hkiff.org.hk |
众多来宾(包括上百位媒体记者以及VIP贵宾和客户)莅临欣赏了这一全新展示空间。 vacheron-constantin.com | The numerous [...] guests, including a hundred or so journalists as well as many VIPS and clients, [...]were able to admire this new showroom. vacheron-constantin.com |
澳门特区政府旅游局组织来自新加坡、马来西亚及印尼近百位东南亚旅行社代表于14至17日来澳考察及洽谈,进一步加强国际客源市场的推广。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) organized a familiarization group of nearly 100 Southeast-Asian travel agents coming from Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to Macau for site inspections and business networking during April 14 – 17. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
The Perfume Shop於九月十九日在爱尔兰都柏林举行年度经 理会议,超过二百位分店经理、总部员工及特别嘉宾应邀 出席并获得贵宾式招待。 aswatson.com | The Perfume Shop held its Annual Managers Conference in Dublin, Ireland on 19 September, with more than 200 store managers, head-office staff and special guests treated like VIPs. aswatson.com |
当天更会有传达祝福的许愿墙,大会还会借助三百位到场人士的力量,齐心创造大型光影涂鸦,寓意以「光明希望」划破天空,把祝福传达给远方的眼疾病人。 yp.mo | Moreover, ORBIS not only will present a featured wall for pledging wishes, it will also join hands with the 300 participants to create a large-scale light painting to hope and light to the visually impaired people around the world. yp.mo |
逾二百位香港旅游业伙伴及传媒朋友应邀出席,包括香港特别行政区政府旅游事务专员容伟雄、亚洲旅游交流中心主任徐惠芳、香港旅游发展局副总干事雷咏闲、香港旅游业议会主席胡兆英及其他嘉宾朋友,场面热闹。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | Present at the luncheon were over 200 guests, including Commissioner for [...] Tourism of the HongKong SAR [...]Government, Philip [...]Yung, Director of Asia Tourism Exchange Centre, Xu Hui Fang, Deputy Executive Director of Hong Kong Tourism Board, Daisy Lui and Chairman of Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, Michael Wu and many others who all shared the joy of the party. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
成立至今两年多的时间里,全球公民Global Citizen的香港中心已经为数百位客户提供了培训服务。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Created two years ago, the centre of Hong Kong has already [...] trained several hundredsofpersons. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
在帮助数百位学员学习英语,并目睹他们获得足够的自信并且能够进行日常交流以后,我越来越相信 [...] dexway 体验具有强大的功能。 dexway.es | After helping hundredsof students learn [...] English and watching them gain enough confidence to use it on a daily basis, has [...]given me more and more belief in the power of the dexway experience". dexway.co.uk |
保时捷总代保时捷总代理 永业也於车展开幕记者会当天, 盛大举办全新 911 车款发表会,此次发表会吸引了上百位媒体及贵宾的光临,全新的911 发表会特别邀请保时捷亚洲卡雷拉盃官方媒体代言人及在华人地区颇负盛名的 F1主播龚怀主先生担任主持人,也象徵保时捷品牌的赛车基因与热情,紧接在科技前卫的机械舞表演後,全新 911 由保时捷亚太区总裁 Christer Ekberg 与保时捷总代理 永业李智龙总经理的揭幕下正式与国人见面,在会场里展出的一黑一白全新 [...][...] 911,以极高的 911 车型辨识度但绝对创新的外型再加上全新设计的驾驶舱,获得现场来宾的注目跟一致的好评,车展现场也运用巨大的液晶电视墙放映并介绍全新 911 车系的相关性能及配备的影片,让现场的车迷可以更快速的了解完整的第七代 911 车系。 pap.porsche.com | At the launch event, videos on the features of the Porsche 911 model line were played on the large-sized LCD wall, so that attending sports car fans could quickly learn about the seventh-generation 911. pap.porsche.com |
每天摄取量的平均值代表摄取量属一般的中学生,而每天摄取量是在第95位百分位的则代表摄取量偏高的中学生。 cfs.gov.hk | The mean and the 95th percentile of the daily exposure levels were used to represent the dietary exposure for average and high consumers respectively. cfs.gov.hk |
本院为鼓励院友及其家人以开放及正面态度面对生老病死,举行连串「生死教育活动」,如与元朗盲人安老院合办之「善终至善生死教育讲座」及「生命号列车」参观长生店,吸引了共一百位院友、亲友及义工参加。 hksb.org.hk | In joint collaboration with Yuen Long Home for the Aged Blind, a talk on “Life and Death Education” and a visit to a funeral parlor were organized, with a total attendance of 100 participants including residents, relatives and volunteers. hksb.org.hk |
Aon 台湾总公司位於台北,并於高雄及新竹都有服务处,旗下员工约百位专业人士,为国内唯一聘有合格核保人、损害防阻工程师、仲裁人及土木技师之保险经纪公司。 aon.com | Headquartered in Taipei, we have also set up service centers in both Kaohsiung and Hsinchu. Currently, we have about 100 qualified & experienced employees,equipped with professional specialist knowledge in diverse areas such as risk control, underwriting, law, finance & insurance broking. aon.com |
修改办法是,从 2001 年 1 月开始,按照从 11 月到 11 月期间纽约测定的消费物价指数变化幅度(按百 位整数四舍五入)的 90%,每年对咨询委员会主席和公务员制度委员会主席和副主 席的年报酬净额进行调整(同上,第 9 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the same report, the Secretary-General also recommended that, so as to ensure that the level of compensation of the three officials concerned was adjusted with sufficient regularity and did not lag behind, the provision approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 35/221 that the CPI should have moved a minimum of 5 per cent in order to effect a revision, be modified so that, beginning in January 2001, the annual net remuneration of the Chair of the Advisory Committee and the Chair and Vice-Chair of ICSC would be adjusted every year based on 90 per cent of the CPI movement for New York measured over the period from November to November (rounded to the nearest whole number) (ibid., para. 9). daccess-ods.un.org |
会场中最引人注目的展品莫过於由 2010 年度亚洲创新设计大赛两岸总冠军—台湾大学参赛队伍所设计的 VisualSonic Studio!令人眼睛为之一亮的 VisualSonic 由 DE2-115 平台、相机镜头模组、印有各式不同图案手掌大的圆筒控制钮以及配有 LED [...] [...] 灯的框架所组成,使用者可随心所欲以直觉配合转动或替换不同控制钮创造出各式各样的旋律及节奏,展会期间每日皆有数百位跃跃欲试的观展者蜂拥而至,并对於 [...]DE2-115 加上相机模组能实现的成果感到耳目一新!请按此参考更多 DE2-115 的详细规格 。 terasic.com.tw | The star attraction of the show by far was the VisualSonic Studio project, originally introduced by a team of students from National Taiwan University, who had won first place at the Altera InnovateAsia Design Competition 2010. Featuring a system of pattern-based tokens, a DE2-115 FPGA development kits, a camera sensor, and an LED backlit frame, VisualSonic Studio impressed visitors [...] with its intuitive control scheme to produce [...] great-sounding musicalmelodies and [...]beats via mixing and matching various tokens. terasic.com.tw |
结合游戏与群众外包後,摩尔想像出新型「模拟城市」,民众能主动参与,发挥城市各项潜力,在目前的《模拟城市》(SimCity)电玩里,仍采取从上到下的传统都市规划心态,由单一玩家决定城市里一切设计;摩尔提议的平台中,数百位玩家可一同互动与设计城市。 thisbigcity.net | By combining gaming and crowd sourcing, Moore imagines a new kind of Simulated City where citizens can actively participate in fulfilling the potential of their own city. thisbigcity.net |