

单词 百事可乐

See also:


(loanword) cola


Lay's (brand)

乐事 n

delight n

External sources (not reviewed)

First introduced in 1893, Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink produced by PepsiCo, the second largest food & beverage business in the world.
In a previous project with a leading media
[...] communications company, Pepsi had developed [...]
a pyramid adoption model on the cultural influence of bloggers.
艾默生KCE/KCN系列分马力压缩机,作为饮料(冷藏机)销售机的核心,达到了可口 乐 和 百事可乐 的 高 环境测试标准的严厉要求。
Emerson’s range of KCE/KCN series FHP compressors is at the heart
of the beverage coolers (merchandisers) and is qualified as per
[...] stringent Coke® and Pepsi® high ambient test standards.
最近,Intelligence Group 和Creative Artists
[...] Agency在1000名美国西班牙裔年轻人中展开的市场调研显示,麦当劳 百事可乐 以 及Univision和Roca wear是14-24岁人群中知名度最高的品牌。
A recent market research conducted among 1000 young Hispanics living in the US and authored by Intelligence group and Creative
Artists Agency revealed
[...] McDonalds and Pepsi, but also Univision and Rocawear, to rate highest for [...]
brand recognition among Hispanics of 14-24 age group.
与会者的职业背景各不相同,有的从事市场调研职业;有的是跨国品牌的员工, 百事可乐 、 可口可乐、诺基亚、联合利华等;还有一些诸如音乐人、演员的特约嘉宾,为会场注入创意元素。
Attendees were from a variety of professional backgrounds, including market
research professionals, employees of
[...] global brands such as Pepsi, Coca Cola, Nokia, [...]
Unilever and more, as well as special
guests such as musicians and actors to give a creative flair to the occasion.
从最早担任客户服务总监,带领整个研究团队负 百事可乐 、 耐 克等跨国企业的网络口碑研究和咨询项目,规划设计公司产品线,健全公司品牌管理体系,到分别设立市场及业务拓展团队,知识管理团队,再到担任公司的 首席运营官,她不但负责公司每天的正常运转,督导公司各部门的工作,同时负责制定公司未来发展战略和运营规划,使CIC的销售业绩逐年倍增,作为行业先锋和思想领袖始终一枝独秀。
In addition, as COO, she led the strategic planning for all future company development which aimed to double CIC’s revenue and maintain CIC’s position as the pioneer and thought leader in the social media industry.
2011 年的创新包括百事可 乐和美 国国际开发署建立了公共-私营伙伴关系,在埃塞俄比亚生产和销售鹰嘴 [...]
Innovations in 2011 included a publicprivate
[...] partnership with PepsiCo and the United States [...]
Agency for International Development
to produce and market chickpeas in Ethiopia and to develop ready-touse supplementary foods to address malnutrition.
[...] Group报告说,现在中国的销售量分别占据其销售量的20%和28%,而对于较平常的品牌(例如福斯汽车 [Volkswage n ] 和 百事可乐 ) 而 言,则只占有销售量的3%和5%。
For example, luxury retailers Richemont and Swatch Group report that China now accounts for 20 and 28 percent of sales
respectively, whereas for more ordinary brands like
[...] Volkswagen and Pepsi China makes up just [...]
three and five percent of sales.
作为全球行动学习领域的大师,Michael现场与我们分享了行动学习可以为企业和个人带来的巨大收益:解决当前面临的重要而紧迫的问题、培育团队领导力、创造学习型组织……如今,行动学习法已帮助世界各地包括:联合国环境项目、索尼音乐、唐纳、丰田 百事可乐 等 知名企业和机构提升组织绩效,高效地解决问题。
As the master in Action Learning across the world, Michael shared with us on the spot about Action Learning’s huge benefits to both companies and individuals, such as solving the current important and urgent problems, cultivating team leadership, establishing the learning organization… Today, Action Learning has helped most renowned companies and institutions (including United
Nations Environmental
[...] Program, Sony Music, Downer Construction, Toyota and PepsiCo) to improve organizational [...]
and effectively solve problems.
这不是品牌第一次试图踏入中卡路里软饮市场了,而这一市场 百事 和 可 口 可乐 而 言 都不算成功。
This is not the first time companies try to establish their
grounds in the mid-calorie soft drink market and it has hardly been a
[...] success in the past for both Pepsi and Coca Cola.
百事NEXT的目标消费群体就是那些不一定在节食,但想减少自己的糖分摄入,同时又能享用同样口味 可乐 的 人
Pepsi NEXT is targeting towards consumers who are not necessarily dieting but rather just want to cut-back on their sugar intake yet still enjoy the same Pepsi taste.
事处还 做出努力来扩展和提高捐助方的供资水平,捐助方包括:福特基金会、 英国石油公司可口可乐。
An effort has been made to extend and improve fundraising with donors, among them: Ford Foundation, British Petroleum (BP) and Coca-Cola.
如果发生,此举将为市场带来受欢迎的变动,该市场一直被少数国内外公司主导,包括国际品牌可 可乐 ( NY SE: KU)百事(NY SE: PEP),以及当地巨头娃哈哈和汇源(HKEx: [...]
This move, if it happens, could provide a welcome shake-up for a market that has become dominated by a small group of both domestic and
international firms, including global
[...] brands like Coke (NYSE: KU) and Pepsi (NYSE: PEP), and local [...]
giants including Wahaha and Huiyuan (HKEx: 1886).
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董事分別提呈決議案,而每名有關 事 均 可 就 各 項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案除外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁百分之 五(5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and
in such case each of
[...] the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity [...]
share capital of
such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
由于该生态园建于国家一级森林公园,且本身为休闲 乐 场 所,所以要求污水站具有占地小、外形美观、无噪音和臭味污染、处理效率高等,设计处理能力500m3/d。 针对这些要求,在本污水站设计中采用了以下措施: 1整个污水站采用全地埋方式,仅有一间操作室在地面以上; 1采用SBR工艺,占地面积很小; 1气味有专门的排放口,可加活 性碳吸附设施, 1曝气采用日百事德公 司生产的回转式风机,噪音很小,不会对周边地区产生噪音污染。
As the eco-park built in the national forest
[...] park, leisure and entertainment in itself, it requires the sewage station has an area of small, beautiful shape, no noise and odor pollution, deal with high efficiency, design capacity 500m3 / d. In response to these requirements, the design of the sewage station adopted the following measures: 1 the sewage station buried with full mode, only one operating room above ground; 1 using SBR technology, small footprint; an odor with special discharge, may be added activated carbon adsorption facilities, an aeration of Japan Pepsi de produced rotary [...]
fan noise is very small,
no noise pollution to surrounding areas.
在旅行 12 个月后,他在 Coca-Cola and Schweppes(可可乐玉泉 )公司开始其管理职业生涯,担任全国客户经理,并获得 事 业 上 的成功。
Following 12 months traveling, he
[...] commenced his managerial career at Coca-Cola and Schweppes where he enjoyed a successful career as a National Account Manager.
这篇文章的撰写和责任的特邀专栏作家约瑟夫Osney可 可乐 的 创 始人 交易团队,专门事成投 资者在股市在线课程和DVD。
This article is authored and responsibility of the guest columnist Joseph Osney Cola, founder of Trader Team, which specializes in forming investors in the stock market with online courses and DVD.
(J) 倘事連同其任何聯繫人士合共持 百 分 之 五(5)%或以上其任 何類別股本或其股可享有 之任何類別股份之投票權之公司於一項交易中涉及重大 利益,則該董事亦須被視作在該交易中涉及重大利益。
(J) Where a company in which a Director together with any of his associate(s) holds five (5) per cent or more of any class of the equity [...]
share capital
of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company is materially interested in a transaction, then that Director shall also be deemed materially interested in such transaction.
(B) 在法規條文規限下,倘董事會認為必要或適用,則本公 可 在百 慕達以外事會認 為適合的有關地點建立及存置股東分冊,而在董事會的同意下,就 本公司的已發行股本於香港任何證券交易所上市,本公司將在香港存置股東分冊。
(B) Subject to the provisions of the
[...] Statutes, if the Board considers it necessary or appropriate, the Company may establish and maintain a branch register of members at such location outside Bermuda as the Board [...]
thinks fit and, while
the issued share capital of the Company is, with the consent of the Board, listed on any stock exchange in Hong Kong, the Company shall keep a branch register in Hong Kong.
可乐公司董事长兼 首席执行官在投资与伙伴关系高级别会议上发言表 示,该公司今后十年将向世界最贫穷国家投资 [...]
20 亿美元。
Speaking at the High-Level Meeting on [...]
Investment and Partnerships, the Chair of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of
The Coca-Cola Company stated that the company would invest $2 billion in the world’s poorest nations over the next 10 years.
事會可不時 酌情行使本公司一切權力籌措或借貸資金、按揭或抵押本 公司全部或任何部分業務、物業及資產(現時及未來)及未催繳股本, 可在 不百慕達 公司法之情況下,發行本公司之債權證、債券及其他證券作為 本公司或任何第三方之任何債項、負債或義務之全部抵押或附屬抵押。
The Board may from time to time at its discretion exercise all the powers of the Company to raise or borrow money, to mortgage or charge all or any part of the undertaking, property and assets (present and future) and uncalled capital of the Company and, subject to the Companies Act, to issue debentures, bonds and other securities of the Company, whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
卡塔尔国第一夫人谢哈·莫扎·宾特·纳赛尔·阿尔-米斯那德,各国议会 联盟秘书长安德斯·约翰松,可 可乐 公 司 董 事 会 主 席兼首席执行官穆泰康,会 议知名人士小组共同主席詹姆斯·沃尔芬森和会议民间社会指导委员会全球协调 [...]
Statements were also made by Sheikha Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned, First Lady of the State of Qatar; Anders Johnsson, Secretary-General of the InterParliamentary
Union; Muhtar Kent, Chair of the Board and Chief
[...] Executive Officer of The Coca-Cola Company; James [...]
Wolfensohn, Co-Chair of
the Group of Eminent Persons for the Conference; and Arjun Karki, Global Coordinator of the Civil Society Steering Committee for the Conference.
在马主之夜上揭晓了HORFA2011中国杰出马主榜单,包括奥运马术骑手黄祖平、知名歌手沙宝亮、海澜集团总裁周建平、中国第一个马术俱乐部负责人王冀豫、香港育马会主席叶克勇、厦门立德信马术俱乐部林碧亭、京城马汇张宝生、南京赛马场吴有红、武汉东方马城胡越高、新疆野马国际陈志峰、无锡世界贸易中心董事长盛向东、上海全进马术 乐 部 胡 雪飞、上海马主石磊 百事 公 司 杨琢等60位马主入选。
During the program, the HORFA2011 China Outstanding Horse-Owners were announced. Over 60 owners were awarded, including Mr. Huang Zuping, the Olympic rider, Mr. Sha Baoliang, a famous singer, Mr. Zhou Jianping, president of Heilan Group, Mr. Wang Jiyu, the first equestrian club manager in China, Mr. Peter Yep, president of Hong Kong Breeders Club, Mr. Peter Lin from Xiamen Litek Equestrian Club, Mr. Zhang Baosheng from Beijing International Equestrian Club, Mr. Wu Youhong from Nanjing Racecourse, Mr. Hu Yuegao from Wuhan Oriental Lucky Horse Club, Mr. Chen Zhifeng from Xinjiang Yema International, Mr. Sheng Xiaodong from Wuxi World Trade
Center, Mr. Hu Xuefei from Shanghai
[...] QJ Equestrian Club, Mr. Yang Zhuo from Pepsi and Ms. Shi Lei, an individual [...]
中 興 通 訊《公 司 章 程》規 定,公 司 最 近 三 年 以 現 金 方 式 累 計 分 配 的 利 潤 不 少 於 最 近 三 年 實 現 的 年可 分 配 利 潤百 分 之 三 十;公 司 利 潤 分 配 方 案 由事 會 負 責 制 定,由 股 東 大 會 審 議 批 准,股 東 大 會 對 利 潤 分 配 方 案 作 出 決 議 後,董 事 會 在 股 東 大 會 召 開 後 兩 個 月 內 完 成 股 利(或 股 份)的 派 發 事 項;公 司 董 事 會 未 做 出 現 金 利 潤 分 配 預 案 的,應 當 在 定 期 報 告 中 披 露 未 分 紅 的 原 因、未 用 於 分 紅 的 資 金 留 存 公 司 的 用 途,獨 立 非 執 行 董 事 應 當 對 此 發 表 獨 立 意 見。
Following a resolution on the profit distribution plan by the General Meeting, the Board of Directors should complete the distribution of dividend (or shares) within two months after the General Meeting; if the Board of Directors has not drawn up a cash profit distribution proposal, the reasons for not making the profit distribution and the use of funds not applied to profit distribution and retained at the Company should be disclosed in regular reports, and the Independent Non-executive Directors should furnish an independent opinion thereon.
来自未来经济咨询公司、洛克菲勒慈善顾问公司、威 廉·J·克林顿基金会、标准渣打银行、可 可乐 公 司 、世界银行学院、促进国 际谅解商业事会、 希奈戈研究所、问责咨询公司、国际工商领袖论坛和沙特阿 拉伯常驻联合国代表团的代表讨论了实现千年发展目标的新合作形式。
Representatives from NextEconomics, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, the William J. Clinton
[...] Standard Chartered Bank, Coca Cola, the World Bank Institute, the Business Council for International Understanding, [...]
Institute, AccountAbility, the International Business Leaders Forum and the Saudi Mission to the United Nations discussed new forms of collaboration to address the Millennium Development Goals.
作为特殊奥林匹克全球赞助计划的一部分,可 可乐 公 司 董 事 长 兼 首席执行官穆泰康先生(中)将500,000欧元(逾700,000美元)的支票赠予2011年雅典世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会营销与传播主管Alexandra [...]
As part of a global sponsorship of Special Olympics, Mr. Muhtar
Kent, Chairman and Chief Executive
[...] Officer, The Coca-Cola Company (center) presented a check [...]
for 500,000 euros (more than $700,000
USD) to Alexandra Oikonomidou, Head of Marketing and Communications, Special Olympics World Summer Games Athens 2011 (left) and Tim Shriver, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Special Olympics International (right).
每件出售價值高過 500 美元的庫存貨物;例如:如果你的雇主經營汽車
[...] 買賣,你就可以對他所有的汽車行使留置權。但如果你的雇主經營的是 一個小雜貨店,那你就無法對一瓶瓶 百事可 樂 行 使留置權。
inventory that sells for more than $500 per unit; for example, if your employer is a car
dealership, the cars would qualify, but if your employer is a small grocery store, the
[...] individual bottles of Pepsi would not.
迄今为止,这方面的经验已使古巴阻止或挫败了 630
[...] 多起攻击古巴革命领导 人菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯事件, 以及数 百 计 的 其他恐怖主义行为,其中许 多在古巴提交给安理会反恐怖主义委员会的第一份报告(S/2002/15),1 [...]
古巴关 于执行《消除国际恐怖主义宣言》的声明2
This experience has enabled it, thus far, to prevent or foil over 630 attacks on
the leader of the Cuban Revolution,
[...] Fidel Castro Ruz, and hundreds of other terrorist acts, [...]
many of which were mentioned in
the first report submitted by Cuba to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (S/2002/15)1 and in the declaration on the implementation by Cuba of the Declaration on Measures to Eliminate International Terrorism,2 among other documents.




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