

单词 白色人种

See also:


fig. reactionary

人种 n

ethnic origin n
race n

人种 adj

ethnographic adj

External sources (not reviewed)

不同色人口之 间的挣钱能力差距是显而易见的白人所赚收入是工资中位数 131%,黑人 93%,混血及其种族 88%。
A disparity between earning power is apparent as whites earn 131 per cent of the median wage, blacks 93 per cent and mixed and other races 88 per cent.
其中有些材料公开号召进行恐怖活动,并为恐怖主 义辩护,将此说成是打击白人灭绝 种 族 ” 行为的唯一真正手段。
Some of these materials openly call for the
commission of terrorist activities and justify terrorism as the only true
[...] means to combat “genocide of the white race”.
这是种色谱分 析技术,采用特殊的色谱柱以不同组分的体积差异分离天然与合成聚合物、生物聚合物、 白 质。
This is a chromatographic technique that employs specialized columns to separate natural and synthetic polymers, biopolymers, proteins on the basis of size.
人都属于波人种。主 要的少数民族为德人、白俄罗 斯人、乌克兰人和罗马尼亚人。
The major ethnic minorities are German, Belarussian, Ukrainian and Romanian.
身体因应压力所产生的蛋白质可能 白 癜 风 ——这是 种 造 成 人 们 在 随机的皮肤区域失 色 素 从 而导致不规 白色 斑 块 但其它方面感觉像是正常皮肤的皮肤疾病——的发病中扮演着某种角色。
Proteins produced by the body in response to stress may play a role vitiligo, a skin condition that causes people to lose pigment in random areas of the skin, resulting in irregular white patches that [...]
otherwise feel like normal skin.
本发胶专为色人种发质制备,内含具有护理效果的 白 质 , 及能够为头发增添亮泽效果并改善湿发定型性能的SilSense™ Copolyol-1硅氧烷。
Created especially for ethnic hair, this gel contains conditioning proteins and SilSense™ Copolyol-1 [...]
Silicone for added
shine and better wet styling properties.
(17) 經營所有或任何涉及以任何方式預備、紡織、編織、梳理、沖刷、裁切、白、著色、染色、印刷及整理或製造棉、羊毛、絲、亞麻、麻、亞麻布、黃 麻、皮革、合成纖維及其他纖維或紡織品(不論屬任何狀態下之動物、植物 或礦物纖維及不論是否類似上述物質),及處理及使用及買賣任何來自任何該 等業務(不論由本公司或其人士進行)之廢料之行業或業務,亦生產硫酸 鹽及漂白及染整物料以及買入及賣出及買賣上述所有或任何物質。
(17) To carry on all or any of the trades or business of preparing, spinning, knitting, doubling, weaving, combing, scouring, sizing, bleaching, colouring, dyeing, printing and finishing, working or manufacturing in any way whatever, cotton, wool, silk, flax, hemp, linen, jute, leather, synthetic fibres and other fibrous or textile substances, whether animal, vegetable or [...]
mineral in any state and whether similar
to the foregoing substances or not and to treat and utilise and deal in any waste arising from any such operations, whether carried out by the Company or otherwise, and also of makers of vitriol and of bleaching, dyeing, and finishing materials, and the buying and selling of and dealing in all or any of the aforesaid substances.
刑法典》第 431-1 条将歧视定为犯罪,并将其定义为“任何以民 族血统、社会出身、色、种族、 家庭地位、健康状况、残疾、政治见解或工会 会员为由,或因人实际 或指称加入或未加入特定种族、国籍、种族群体或宗教 而在自人之间所作的区分”。
Article 431-1 of the Code criminalizes
[...] discrimination and defines it as “any distinction between natural persons on grounds of national origin, social origin, colour, race, family status, state of health, disability, political opinion or trade union membership, or on account [...]
of the person’s actual or alleged membership or non-membership of a particular race, nation, ethnic group or religion”.
这一分化也种族相关,86%的白人反 对独立,而反对独 立的黑人比例则为 64%。
The divide was also
[...] reflected along racial lines, with 86 per cent of whites opposing independence [...]
versus 64 per cent of blacks.
[...] 与军政权之间的对话,收集一项请愿的签名,穿白色衣服和要求其 人 穿 白色衣 服 ,发起请其他宗教的人一起为和平解决缅甸政治问题祈祷的一次祈祷运动,鼓 [...]
For instance, calling for dialogue between the National League for Democracy and the military regime, collecting
signatures for a petition,
[...] dressing in white and asking others to dress in white clothes, [...]
initiating a prayer campaign
in which people of all religions were asked to pray for a peaceful resolution to Burma’s political problems and encouraging citizens to write letters explaining their plight to the military authorities.
(a) 在 有白 色 接 納 表 格 及 有 關 股 票 及 ╱ 或 過 戶 收 據 及 ╱ 或 任 何 其 他 所 有 權 文 件( 及 ╱ 或 就 此 所 需 之任何 充 分 彌 償 保 證 )在 各 方 面 均 完 備 良 好 , 並 已 於 截 止 日 期 下 午 四 時 正 或 收人 根 據 收 購 守 則 可 能 決 定 及 公 佈 之 較 後 日 期 及 ╱ 或 時 間 送 抵 登 記 處 之 前 提 下 , 一 張 金 額 相 當 於 就 各 接 納 獨 立 股 東 根 據 股 份 收 購 建 議 所 交 回 收 購 股 份 而 向 其 應 付之現 金 代 價 減 賣 方 從 價 印 花 稅 之 支 票 [...]
, 將 盡 快 但 無 論 如 何 於 登
記 處 接 獲 所 有有關 文 件 致 使 有 關 接 納 完 整 及 有 效 之 日 期 起 計 10 天 內 , 以 普 通郵遞方 式 寄 發 予 各 接 納 獨 立 股 東 , 郵 誤 風 險 概 由 其 自 行 承 擔 。
(a) Provided that the relevant WHITE Form of Acceptance and the relevant share certificate(s) and/or transfer receipt(s) and/or any other document(s) of title (and/or any satisfactory indemnity or indemnities required in respect thereof) are in complete and good order in all respects and have been received by the Registrar [...]
by no later than
4:00 p.m. on the Closing Date or such later time and/or date as the Offeror may determine and announce in accordance with the Takeovers Code, a cheque for the amount representing the cash consideration due to each accepting Independent Shareholder in respect of the Offer Shares tendered by him under the Share Offer, less seller’sad valorem stamp duty payable by him, will be despatched to each accepting Independent Shareholder by ordinary post at his own risk as soon as possible but in any event within 10 days of the date on which all the relevant documents which render such acceptance complete and valid are received by the Registrar.
值此“2010 年世界诗歌日”之际,我们想到诗歌是各 人 民 可 以用种 色彩、 各种节律和各种韵味的词句来相会的一个共同世界。
On this World Poetry Day 2010, let us
recall that poetry is a universal country in which peoples may
[...] meet through words of all colours, rhythms and musicality.
(c) 宣布凡传播基于种族优越或仇恨的思想,煽动种族歧视,对任何种族或 属于另一色或人种的群 体实施暴力行为或煽动此种行为,以及对种族主义活动 [...]
(c) To declare as an offence punishable by law all dissemination
[...] of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, [...]
and incitement to racial discrimination,
as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof
更令人可笑的是,當有一羣拒絕隨波逐流的青 少年拒絕成年人灌輸其價值觀,並作出反抗時,政府及一眾既得利益 者,很快會作出反應,予以反擊,甚至 白色 恐 怖 的手段,意圖令這些 年人閉嘴
What is most ridiculous is when a group of youth refusing to drift with the tide put up resistance to follow the values instilled by adults, the Government and those with vested interests
responded promptly with counter-attacks, and even
[...] resorted to means of white terror in order to make these young people shut up.
[...] Corporation)(纳斯达克股票代码:IMMR)达成了一份新协议,支持电容式触摸产品实现快速的高品质触摸反馈,这些电容式触摸产品范围广泛,从手机和 人 导 航 设备等的便携产品,到多功能打印机 白色 产 品 等的非移动打印机。
(NASDAQ: LDIS) today announced a new agreement with Immersion Corporation (NASDAQ: IMMR) to enable rapid implementation of high-quality haptic feedback in capacitive touch enabled devices ranging from portable
devices, such as mobile phones and
[...] personal navigation devices, to non-mobile products, such as multi-function printers and white goods.
[...] 400》的放映活动,强调参与联 合国意味着会给色人种社区 带来何种变化。
Showings of “The Durban 400” were organized in cities around
the United States to highlight the difference that participation in the United
[...] Nations can mean for communities of colour.
法 庭裁定,一白人农场主没有在津巴布韦获得合法赔 偿,并且受到种族歧视。
It had ruled that a number of white farmers had been denied access to legal remedy in Zimbabwe and been discriminated against on grounds of race.
需要接种多剂含破伤风类毒素疫苗进行初次免疫的7岁及以上年龄的儿童,应当根据相应的年龄 种 “ 白 喉 破 伤风联合疫苗”或“百日咳-白喉-破伤风联合疫苗”;所有年龄段 人 都 需 要每10年接种一剂破伤风疫苗加强剂。
Children 7 years or older who need primary series doses of tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine should receive Td or Tdap, as age appropriate; people of all ages need tetanus vaccine boosters every 10 years
它是由公民组成的;所有公 民在法律面前都是平等的,而不问其语言 人种 、 肤 色 、 种 族 、 宗教或其他任何 这类特性等出身,个人根据相关法律享有和行使其基本权利和自由。
It is composed of citizens, who are equal before the law irrespective of
their origins in
[...] terms of language, race, colour, ethnicity, religion [...]
or any other such particularity, and whose fundamental
rights and freedoms are enjoyed and exercised individually in accordance with the relevant law.
对露西与乔治奥塔而言,南极洲无疑是一座乌托邦:这是一片欢迎任何来客的大陆,它的极端气候令人们不得不携手互助,团结一致,自由地开展科学研究,为了全人类的利益相互分享与合作:“这片广袤无垠 白色 平 原 蕴藏 人 类 共 同的愿望,向子孙后代传递着希望的讯息”。
For Lucy + Jorge Orta, Antarctica embodies Utopia: a continent that welcomes everyone, a place whose extreme climate imposes a situation of mutual aid and solidarity, freedom of research, of sharing and collaboration
for the good of the whole planet:
[...] “Where the immaculate whiteness contains all the wishes [...]
of humanity to spread a message
of hope for future generations”.
在 聆 訊 日,亦 即 將 保 釋 金 送 交 法 庭 的 日
[...] 子,J 4 應 確 保 保 釋 登 記 冊 的 正、副 本 都 已 抽 出, 連 同 保 釋 金 、保 釋 表 格 的白 色 紙 )正 本 及 發 送 表 G.F.1 2 1 的 正 本 一 併 送 交 指 定人 員 。
On the date of hearing, when bail money is being sent to court, J4 will ensure that the original and duplicate copies of the Bail Register are detached
and handed to a
[...] nominated officer, together with the bail money, the original bail form (white) and original despatch schedule G.F. 121.
上 述 行 動 將 被 視 為 不 可 撤 銷 地 指 示 及 授 權 廣 發 證 券 及 ╱ 或 收人 及 ╱ 或 其 各 自 任 何 代 理 , 於 有 關 股 票 發 行 時 代 表 閣 下 向 本 公 司 或 登 記 處 領 取 , 並 向 登 記 處 交付有 關 股 票 , 以 及 授 權 及 指 示 登 記 處 按 照 股 份 收 購 建 議 之 條 款 及 條 件 持 有有關 股 票 , 猶 如 有 關 股 票 已 連白 色 接 納 表 格 交付登 記 處 。
Such action will be deemed to be an irrevocable instruction and authority to each of GF Securities and/or the Offeror
and/or any of their respective agent(s) to
[...] collect from the Company or the Registrar on your behalf the relevant share certificate(s) when issued and to deliver such share certificate(s) to the Registrar and to authorise and instruct the Registrar to hold such share certificate(s), subject to the terms and conditions of the Share Offer, as if it was/they were delivered to the Registrar with the WHITE Form of Acceptance.
此外,教育部管理和推动向有需要学生提供资金援 助的方案;推动为妇女和色人种学 生 实现教育公平;协助学区向夏威夷土著居 [...]
民、美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加土著居民提供教育机会;并提供赠款,加强传统的 黑人高中和大学以及其他服务于以前学校力量薄弱人口的机构。
In addition, the Department of Education administers and promotes programs that seek to provide financial aid to all students in
need; promotes educational equity for women
[...] and students of color; assists school [...]
districts in offering educational opportunities
to Native Hawaiians, American Indians, and Alaska Natives; and provides grants to strengthen historically Black colleges and universities and other institutions serving previously underserved populations.
例如,在加拿大,安大略人权委员会于 2009 年通过人权和租赁房政 策》,其中规定不能种族、肤色、 种 族 背 景或公民身份、包括难民身份为由拒 绝向潜在租户出租公寓。
For example, in Canada, the
[...] Policy on Human Rights and Rental Housing, adopted by the Ontario Human Rights Commission in 2009, states that a prospective tenant cannot be refused a rental apartment on the grounds of, among other things, his or her race, colour, ethnic [...]
background or citizenship, including refugee status.
一份知名报纸写道,波兰“为其巨大的 损失而感到震惊”,人们看到,许多年龄和政治信仰 各不相同人、一个个家庭以及一群群男孩和女孩聚 集在华沙市中心,手持色和白色的 蜡 烛,点点烛光 闪动,他们在悲痛、痛苦和悲伤中团结起来,但也团 结在对他们的国家、民主以及自由硕果的深爱中,卡 [...]
Poland felt “shock at the immensity of its loss”, as one prominent newspaper wrote at the sight of so many people of all ages and political persuasions, families, and groups of boys and
girls gathered in
[...] central Warsaw holding flickering flames, candles in the red and white colours; united in grief, pain and sorrow, but also in care for [...]
their nation, their
democracy and the fruit of freedom to which President Kaczyński contributed so much.
這 表 示 他 不 用 前 去
[...] 交 出 他 的( 黃 色 紙 )保 釋 表 格 副 本;這 時 主人 員 應 將 銷 保 通 知 書 副 本 一 份 連 同 保 釋 表 格 的白 色 紙 ) 正 本 黏 貼 於 保 釋 簿 內 的 保 釋 表 格 ( 藍 色 [...]
紙 ) 第 二 副 本 上 。
This will mean he will not attend to surrender his (yellow) bail form
copy, in which case a
[...] copy of the voiding notice, together with the original (white) bail form will be pasted to the triplicate (blue) copy [...]
of the bail form in the Bail Book.
[...] 加了民间社会和非政府组织的讨论,向大家介绍自己的关怀模式,并基于加拿大 对待黑人妇女和色人种妇女的经验提出了移民所涉性别层面的问题。
At the fiftieth session of the Commission on the Status of Women held in February and March 2006, WHIWH participated in civil society and non-governmental organization discussions, shared information about its model of care and
raised issues of the gender dimensions of immigration based on Canadian experience
[...] with black women and women of colour.
人权委员会的主要职能是促进和保 人 权 ;鼓励发展和谐关系;促进平等就 业机会;为基于(除其他外)肤色、种 族 、 族裔或民族血统的歧视投诉提供解决争 端方面的服务。
The main functions of the Human Rights Commission are to promote and protect human rights; to encourage the development of harmonious relations; to promote equal employment opportunities; and to provide a dispute resolution service for complaints of discrimination on the grounds (among others) of colour, race, and ethnic or national origins.




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