单词 | 白矮星 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 白矮星—white dwarfSee also:矮星—dwarf star 矮adj—lowadj 矮—short (in length) 星n—starn satelliten saturnn
这个发光的、有点蓝色的直径2光年的星云并非在所有方向上都是一致扩张的,这可能是因为垂死的恒星——其残留物如今成为星云中心的一颗白矮星—— 拥有一个近距离环绕的伙伴。 chinese.eurekalert.org | The glowing, bluish lobes of the 2-light-year-diameter nebula aren't expanding uniformly in all [...] directions, possibly because the dyingstar—whose [...] remnantsarenowawhite dwarfin the center of [...]the nebula—had a close-orbiting companion. chinese.eurekalert.org |
决不 允许极端分子继续施行零星、不分青红皂白的暴力,以此破坏迄今所取得的成果或已经建立起来 的公众信心。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is imperative that extremists not be allowed to undermine these gains or the public confidence hitherto achieved by continuing with sporadic and indiscriminate violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
光学电竞鼠标SAPHIRA圣武士及限量版签名鼠标垫是展位上最闪耀的一颗星; 同时,白大妈『White-Ra』也很清楚的表逹出SAPHIRA圣武士的出现将会带给玩家们与众不同的电竞手感,因为SAPHIRA圣武士勘称是他目前最满意的代表作且此举也响应了曜越Tt [...][...] eSPORTS也会持续秉持着「致力于创造完美的使用者经验」的终极使命提供更多的电竞舞台空间。 ttesports.com.cn | On our booth you [...] can see the brandnew “White-Ra” gaming peripherals [...]which include the “Special Tactics” Mouse Pad and the [...]Tt eSPORTS “Saphira” gaming mouse, which have both been expertly developed, based on Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk’s feedback and suggestions to create the perfect end user experience. ttesports.es |
三星明白到,要满足企业对流动性的需求,不能只讲求装置的种类和功能,安全和管理实乃至关重要。 ipress.com.hk | Samsungunderstands that meeting [...] the needs of enterprise mobility goes beyond device style and functionality ¡V security [...]and management play an important role. ipress.com.hk |
若干世纪前,冰川运动在这个地区 形成了许多湖泊和低矮丘陵。 paiz.gov.pl | Glacial action in this region formed many [...] lakes and low hills over many centuries. paiz.gov.pl |
结果表明,参环毛蚓神经细胞的神经细胞特异的烯醇化酶特性、神经微丝蛋白特性与星型胶质细胞的GFAP特性不同于哺乳动物;其神经组织存在有数量较多的吞噬功能的类似于哺乳动物小胶质细胞的细胞;参环毛蚓的脑不含有NO能神经细胞,而咽下神经节和腹神经节含有NO能神经细胞。 actazool.org | There are no astrocytes containing GFAP, but there [...] are many macrophagesresembling mammalian microglia cells in the brains of Chinese earthworms, i.e., the astrocytes in the brain [...]of the Chinese earthworm [...]have a different GFAP cytochemistry to those of mammals but the cell like microglia in the brain of the Chinese earthworm share the same ED1 cytochemical characteristics as microglia in the brains of mammals. actazool.org |
他认为这些理论也未能圆满解决星系形成的问题, 也解释不了为何在宇宙巨洞中没有矮星系。 shawprize.org | In his opinion such theories also do not yield a satisfactory [...] solution for the problem of galaxy formation, nor [...] do they explain why dwarf galaxies do not appear in [...]large cosmic voids. shawprize.org |
为一个多功能设备,可提供的经济性和动力的最终平衡,看起来没有比三星黑白激光多功能一体机SCX-4729FW系列进一步。 zh-cn.samratbazaar.com.sg | For a multifunction device that delivers the [...] ultimate balance of economy and power, look no [...] further than the Samsung Mono Laser Multifunction [...]Printer SCX-4729FW Series. samratbazaar.com.sg |
索马里的森林和植被主要是粗草、矮荆和 刺槐,这是牧民风险和干旱管理战略的重要组成部分,也是最主要的家庭能 源来源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Forestry and vegetation in Somalia are mainly coarse grass and stunted thorn and acacia trees, which constitute a critical component of pastoralist risk and drought management strategies, and are a central domestic energy source. daccess-ods.un.org |
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap [...] Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最吓人的是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐烂尸体和硫磺味道。 discoverireland.com | For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said [...] to be haunted by a number of spectres, the [...] most terrifying being asmallhunched [...]creature whose apparition is accompanied [...]by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur. discoverireland.com |
国际西藏邮报2012年8月30日达兰萨拉报导』8月29日拉喀日(Lhakar),也是称为「白色星期三」的吉祥日,一群来自康巴地区达多(Dzadu)村的西藏商人,从中国商人手上买下数大卡车的羊,拯救他们待宰的性命。 thetibetpost.com | Dharamshala: On the [...] 29th of Lhakar ‘White Wednesday’,agroup of [...]Tibetan businessmen from Dzadu village in Kham Region purchased [...]a truck full of sheep from Chinese business people in hope of saving the sheep lives. thetibetpost.com |
齿轮状的瓶盖与刚毅的方型瓶身,以Montblanc的六角 白星来传达稳定与力量。 hk.eternal.hk | The weight of glass, the firmness of the square [...] shoulders and thestar-decorated cap [...]give an impression of stability and strength. hk.eternal.hk |
这项重新评估 收集了在 Palos [...] Verdes Shelf 研究区域捕捉到的六种 [...] 鱼类包括:花鲈 (kelp bass)、白花鱼(white croaker)、星云副鲈 (barred sandbass)、石斑 [...](rockfish)、河鲈 (surfperches) 和石九公 [...](California scorpionfish) 来 做体内 DDT 和 PCB 的浓度分析。 pvsfish.org | The reassessment analyzed DDT and PCB tissue concentrations found in six species of fish [...] collected from the Palos Verdes [...] Shelf Study Area: kelp bass,white croaker,barred sandbass, rockfish, [...]surfperches, and California scorpionfish. pvsfish.org |
身体需要几个星期才会将白血球 恢复到辐射事件前的水 平。 daccess-ods.un.org | It takes the [...] body several weeksto restore levels to what they were [...]before the radiation incident. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,您亦必须明白,您在任何四星期运转周期 所累积的第一个200分个人销售额,会归入您的商 务中心001中。 usana.com | It is also [...] importantto understand that your first 200 points in PSV during any givenfour-week rollingperiod [...]will be placed in your Business Center 001. usana.com |
世界野生动物基金」总部的建筑物,有着华盛顿特区第三大的环保屋顶,并且获得能源之 星白金等 级(LEED Platinum Energy Star)的认证,是一座完全绿化环保的建筑。 karmapainamerica2011.org | He toured the WWF building, which features the third largest green [...] roof in Washington DC and has received [...] LEED PlatinumEnergyStar certification, [...]which means that the building is truly sustainable. karmapainamerica2011.org |
座钟上方的水晶球包含了太阳及其行星,行星是 按照哥白尼的 天文体系运动的。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | The crystal globe on the top [...] contains the sun andits planetsfollowing Copernicus's [...]planetary system. en.chateauversailles.fr |
当天活动曜越Tt eSPORTS的星海战将『白大妈White-Ra』亲临现场与来到摊位的观众及粉丝一起同乐,也顺便让玩家一赌何谓【白大妈独门战术】,当然白大妈一如往常地展现超高亲和力,现场接受访问及合照,让玩家及粉丝们无不与高采烈的索取签名照,也因为如此现场的电竞产品完全被抢购一空。 ttesports.com.cn | The booth will also be the [...] home of TteSPORTS Superstar Aleksey “White-Ra” Krupnyk who [...]is competing in the Starcraft 2 Tournament [...]at Dreamhack, but when not competing in his tournament matches you can visit and watch him at the Tt eSPORTS Booth Stage as well as ask for autographs and pictures. ttesports.es |
18K白金的彗星项链,镶嵌645 颗钻石。 ravenelart.com | This piece is [...] made from 18-karatwhite gold and inlaid with [...]645 diamonds. ravenelart.com |
万宝龙决定展开大冒险的制表时,第一只表签署了标志性的白Mei sterstük洗礼,明星的艺术写作,内部代码的值...但是很快,万宝龙手表中解脱出来,成为真正的大使的优良制表。 zh.horloger-paris.com | When Montblanc decided to embark on the great [...] adventure of watchmaking, the first [...] timepiece signed the iconic star white Meisterstük baptized, took [...]up the values of the art [...]of writing, the house codes ... But very quickly, Montblanc watches are freed to become true ambassadors full of fine watchmaking. en.horloger-paris.com |
例如,见国际危机组织,“斯里兰卡境内的战争罪”(2010 年 5 月 17 日)(提到卫星图像提供侵 犯人权的证据);人权观察,“格鲁吉亚与俄国:2008 年 8 月使用集束弹药的情况”(2009 年 4 月 9 日)(提供了使用集束弹药地点的地图和卫星图像);人权观察,“以色列与加沙:使用白磷弹的卫星图像”(2009 年 3 月 25 日 ) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | In recent years, the United States of America, Israel and the Russian Federation, have asserted the legality of targeted killings in excessively broad circumstances, outside the limited permissible context of armed conflict, while at the same time failing to demonstrate that their use of targeted killings complied with the applicable rules. daccess-ods.un.org |
从那时起,万宝龙产品都带有这个明确无误的圆星, 代表着白雪覆 盖的勃朗峰—欧洲山脉的最高峰,象征着该品牌对于至尊品质及欧洲顶尖工艺的承诺。 hautehorlogerie.org | Since then, Montblanc products wear the [...] unmistakable rounded star, representing the snow-covered [...]peak of Mont Blanc – the highest [...]European mountain, which symbolizes the brand’s commitment to the highest quality and finest European craftsmanship. hautehorlogerie.org |