单词 | 白描 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 白描 —line drawing in traditional ink and brush stylesimple and straightforward style of writingSee also:描—depict • copy • touch up • trace (a drawing)
若使用 VRS 软件进行黑白扫描,则 会显示灰阶影像。 graphics.kodak.com | If scanning in black and white using VRS software, [...] a grayscale image will be displayed. graphics.kodak.com |
有關產品利用LED燈作為光源,亮度較氙燈高1.5倍,耗電量減少約80%,而且不會影響彩色及 黑 白 掃 描 數 據 的影像質素。 ipress.com.hk | With an LED lamp as the light source, it allows 1.5 times the brightness of a xenon lamp and reduces [...] power consumption by approximately 80 percent without having to compromise the [...] image quality of scanned data both for color and monochrome. ipress.com.hk |
注意:此选项对于 300 dpi (或更高)分辨率的黑白扫描文档 最有效。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: This option is most effective on [...] documents scanned as black and white scanned at 300 dpi [...](or higher) resolution. graphics.kodak.com |
若进行黑白扫描,则会显示黑白影像。 graphics.kodak.com | If scanning in black and white, a black and white image will [...] be displayed. graphics.kodak.com |
除了主图,Shotopop还为每个故事创作了20幅 黑 白 线 描 小 图。 ba-repsasia.com | In addition to the lead illustration, [...] Shotopop created 20 smaller black & white line drawings for the [...]individual stories. ba-repsasia.com |
值此2011年“消费者权益日”之际,CIC正式发布《从社会化媒体迈向社会化商业》系列白皮书主题一:“中国社会化媒体的蓬勃发展与变革”,该白皮书介绍了与全球比肩的中国社会化媒体浪潮,总结了中国从1994年到2011年企业针对社会化媒体应用经历的蜇伏、培育、成长、爆发、变革5个历史阶段;并从社会影响和自我表现两个动因出发,对七大类网络达人进行了细致 的 白描。 iwommaster.com | In this issue, we will discuss China’s social media trends from the period of 1994 to 2011, focusing on corporate utilization of social media through 5 stages: Incubation, Cultivation, Development, Proliferation and Revolution. iwommaster.com |
上图中的白板描述了 一次典型的学术讨论会的情况,包括Java小应用和Java应用开发、向文件和数据库写入数据等内容,展示了应用程序迭代式和递增式的实现过程。 infoq.com | The white board above shows a typical [...] week’s spike covering Java applets and applications, writing data to files and then [...]to databases, to illustrate how applications can be implemented iteratively and incrementally. infoq.com |
代 理主席,把全國人民代表大會 常 務 委 員會根據中 華人民共和國的憲 法 、 根據全 國人民代表大會的議事程 序 , 以 及根據中 華人民共和國 香港特別 行 政 區 的《基本 法》的規定而 對 《基本 法》作出的 解釋, 聯想為 文 化 大 革 命 的 做 法,以 及 把反對 派 年年、 月月、 日日不停 號 召、發 動和組織市 民 上 街 、 遊 行 及 抗 議 稱 為和平 、 理 性 及 溫 和 的 爭 取 , 對 事 實 現 象 顛 倒 是 非黑白 的 描 述 , 莫 此 為 甚 legco.gov.hk | Madam Deputy, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPCSC) has made the interpretation of the Basic Law in accordance with the Constitutions of the People's Republic of China, the procedures of the National People's Congress and the provisions in the Basic Law for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. legco.gov.hk |
当我选择忽略空白页和扫描双面 文档时,所产生的图像是两页单面图像(而不是在同一页上产生一个正面和背面图像)。 graphics.kodak.com | When I select Skip Blank Page, and I scan a two-sided document [...] the resulting image is two one-sided pages (instead of a [...]front and rear image of the same page). graphics.kodak.com |
具有大于此 值的内容的任何影像都将被视为非空 白 , 并 提交给 扫 描 应 用 程序中。 graphics.kodak.com | Any image that has more content than this value will be [...] considered non-blank and will be given to the scanning application. graphics.kodak.com |
这通常是在 将黑白文档扫描到 TIFF 或 PDF 时使用。 graphics.kodak.com | This is typically used when scanning black and white documents to either [...] TIFF or PDF. graphics.kodak.com |
这个白皮书描述了 Pentaho 商业智能平台:一个面向解决方案(Solution)的BI [...] 平台,其 将开放源码组件/公开标准和流程驱动引擎集成在一起。 docs.huihoo.com | This white paper describes the Pentaho [...] Business Intelligence Platform: a solution-oriented BI platform that integrates open [...]source components and open standards with a process-driven engine. docs.huihoo.com |
最大长度的范围始终为 2.5 - 180 英寸,但实际的最大扫描长度将 取决于位深 (彩色 / 灰阶 / 黑白以及对扫描使用的分辨率)。 graphics.kodak.com | The Maximum Length will always range from 2.5 to 180 inches but the true maximum [...] length of the scan will depend on the bit depth [...] (color/grayscale/black and white and the resolution used for the scan). graphics.kodak.com |
描效果,建议您将黑白照片扫描为彩 色影像,然后使用灰阶扫描 进行例外处理。 graphics.kodak.com | recommended that you scan black and white photos as color images and use grayscale scanning for [...] exception processing if [...]color scan results are not what you desired. graphics.kodak.com |
除非用户在扫描前更改这些默认值,否则,它们将会在 扫描文档时使用。如果您的公司通常将 黑 白 文 档 扫 描为 PDF 文件,您可 能想要将默认设置更改为扫描为:黑 白。 graphics.kodak.com | If your organization typically scans black and white documents into PDF files, you may want to change the default settings to Scan As: Black and White. graphics.kodak.com |
黑白的插画描画了East Village标志性的地标和人物,以及旗舰店的所在位置。 ba-repsasia.com | The black and white illustration features [...] iconic landmarks and people from the East Village, the location of the Kiehl’s flagship store. ba-repsasia.com |
选择黑白、灰阶或彩 色,选择扫描仪将视为空白的最 大内容数量。 graphics.kodak.com | Select Black and White, Grayscale or Color to choose the maximum amount of content that the scanner will consider to be blank. graphics.kodak.com |
此选项适用于以彩色模式扫描的黑白 和 彩 色影像。 graphics.kodak.com | This option [...] applies to black and white and color images scanned as color. graphics.kodak.com |
加上,利用无限制的每日工作周期,以及在200 [...] dpi下,高达每分钟150页(ppm)的黑白和 彩色 扫 描 速 度 ,Ngenuity可帮助您获得您需要的更多高质量影像 [...]— 而且更快。 graphics.kodak.com | Plus, with an unlimited daily duty cycle and [...] speeds of up to 150 pages per minute (ppm) [...] at 200 dpi in bitonal and color, Ngenuity helps [...]you get more of the high-quality digital images you need — fast. graphics.kodak.com |
因為這樣做可以讓 不 同 意見的人知 道 香港的 情況,亦 讓 對 方 聽 到不同 的 聲 音 , 不 會 描 黑 或 描 白 內地和香港的 關 係 。 legco.gov.hk | For that would make people who hold different views learnt about the situation in Hong Kong, so that they will be able to hear other voices. legco.gov.hk |
下列选项只有在扫描为中选择黑白时 可 用。 graphics.kodak.com | The following options [...] are based on a Scan as selection of Black and White. graphics.kodak.com |
白皮書把家庭描述為 「社會的重要組成部分」,並指出家庭福利服務 的整體目標,是維持和加強家庭作為㆒個單位及建立互相關懷的㆟際關係;協助個 ㆟及家庭成員預防及處理個㆟及家庭問題;並在家庭未能滿足其成員的需要時,提 供所需服務。 legco.gov.hk | Social Welfare into the 1990s and Beyond, describes the family as "a vital component of society" and states that the overall objectives of our family welfare services are to preserve and strengthen the family as a unit and to develop caring interpersonal relationships, to enable individuals and family members to prevent personal and family problems and to deal with them when they arise and to provide for needs which cannot be met from within the family. legco.gov.hk |
D、 M (中 度 耐 [...] 久 ) 或 S这 几 个 子 类 也 用 于 描 述 对 白 蚁 的 抵 抗 力 。 wrcea.cn | Subclasses of D, M (moderately durable), or S are [...] also used to describe resistance to termites. wrcea.org |
描述优质白葡萄 酒(尤其是霞多丽)中可以品尝出的味道。 emw-wines.com | Describes taste sensation found in better white wines, particularly [...] Chardonnay. en.emw-wines.com |
我還記得政府在㆒九八八年白皮書這 樣 描 述 : 「從現在到㆒九九七年期間,政府的目標是 使香港現有的代議政制能繼續逐步發展,而發展的方式應要取得香港市民的充分信心,和 [...] 確保政府繼續能顧及社會不斷轉變的需求,並能有效㆞管理香港。 legco.gov.hk | I am reminded by the following passages from [...] the Government’s 1988 White Paper, “The aim of the [...]Government in the period after 1997 [...]is that Hong Kong’s system of representative government should be able to evolve gradually and progressively from the present system, in a manner that commands the full confidence of the people of Hong Kong, ensures that government remains both responsive and effective and provides for a smooth transfer of government in 1997 and a high degree of continuity thereafter. legco.gov.hk |
所有滤色选项在扫描为选项为黑白时 都 可用。 graphics.kodak.com | All Color Dropout options are [...] available when the Scan as selection is Black and White. graphics.kodak.com |
相關修訂包 括修改若干描述黃金及白金的 用詞的中文名稱,以免產生誤會,並規 定零售商須在發票及收據內就以黃金或黃金合金或白金製成的製品向 [...] 購買人提供更多資料。 legco.gov.hk | The amendments include revising the Chinese equivalents [...] of certain terms describing gold and platinum to avoid [...]misunderstanding and requiring retailers [...]to provide to purchasers further particulars regarding the articles of gold or gold alloy or platinum in the invoices or receipts. legco.gov.hk |
包含所有系列3D扫描仪(白光、 激光等等)在内的Creaform便携式3D扫描系统系列,提供业内卓绝的表现品质,能够在扫描同时转化为高精准和高分辨率的数据。 creaform3d.com | All types of 3D scanners combined (white light, laser, etc.), [...] Creaform’s portable 3D scanners offer the best-in-class surface [...]quality, which translates into accurate and high resolution data. creaform3d.com |
参加示 [...] 范项目的每所学校都配备了一个电脑实验室,里面至少有 20 台个人电脑、以及 一个服务器和联网基础设施和其他辅件,如 扫 描 器 、电 子 白 板 和 打印机。 daccess-ods.un.org | Each school in the demonstration project was equipped with a computer laboratory containing at least 20 personal computers, as well [...] as a server and networking infrastructure and peripheral [...] devices such as scanners, electronic whiteboards and printers. daccess-ods.un.org |
将估算出的覆盖率百分比与所选术语结合 使用,是一种描述区 域中油量的一致且灵活的方法,该方法 在 描 述 方 面达到的准确度足以满足作 出应对决策的需要。 itopf.com | In combination, the estimate of % coverage together with selected terms, provides a consistent and flexible method of describing the amount of oil in an area to a degree of accuracy sufficient for response decisions to be made. itopf.com |