

单词 登记用户

See also:

用户 n

user n
customer n
consumer n

External sources (not reviewed)

外地系登记用户人数 增多产生的相关软件许可证及其维护费用,以及维 护外地系统的订约承办事务费用,将计入维持和平行动预算。
Software licences and their maintenance
fees in connection with the
[...] expansion of the pool of registered users for field systems [...]
and contractual services for the
maintenance of field systems would be included in the budgets of peacekeeping operations.
随着实施 工作的逐步推进,拟议系统的 登记用户 群 扩大引起的新的和现有的软件许可证 费用及其维护费用,将列入各维持和平行动的预算。
New and existing software licences and their maintenance
fees in connection with the expansion
[...] of the pool of registered users for the proposed [...]
systems would be included in the budgets
of peacekeeping operations as implementation advances in phases.
为了便于使用,建议您创登记用户 账 户
We encourage
[...] you to create a Registered User account [...]
for your convenience.
My calendar can be viewed by only the user who created the calendar.
评注将解释,担保交易法可笼统规 定,登记处用户由于登记处工作人员的过失、严重过失或故意行为而遭受的 损失或损害,登记处工作人员负有赔偿责任,也可针对具体指明的情形(举例 说,登记处工作人员把以纸质通知提交的信息错误地输入登记处记录)规定登 记处工作人员负有赔偿责任,或规定免除登记处工作人员的任何赔偿责任,或 者也可规定将该事项留待一般性法律处理。
The commentary will explain that secured transactions law may foresee liability of registry staff for loss or damage suffered by a registry user as a result of negligence, gross negligence or wilful conduct on the part of the registry staff in general or in the case of specified situations (for example, information submitted in a paper notice was entered erroneously into the registry record by the registry staff) or that the registry staff are exonerated from any liability, or, alternatively, the matter may be left to general law.
此外,由于直接的电子访问降低了费用,登记处的设计应当允 许第三方私营部门服务供应商用户 提 供 登记 处 的 服务。
In addition, owing to the reduced costs of direct electronic access, the
registry should be designed to permit third-party private sector service
[...] providers to provide registry services to users.
任何此类带手铐或使用其他强制手段的做法都应在相关 登记 簿 上 全面记 录,其中包括使用强制手段的安全理由和时间长度。
Any such handcuffing or use of other restraints
should be fully recorded in the
[...] relevant register and include the security reason and length of the use of the restraint.
You can delete only the sites that you added.
(2) 尽管细则条文载有任何规定,如用 法 律 准许,在本公司已或股份户登记处已 代本公司将之拍摄成缩微胶片或以电子方式储存后,董事可授权销毁本 细则第(1)段(a)至(e)分段载列的文件及与股份登记有关的任何其他文件,惟本细则 只用于本 着善意及在本公司及其股份 户登记 处 未 有获明确通知该文件的保存与 申索有关的情况下销毁的文件。
(2) Notwithstanding any provision
[...] contained in these Articles, the Directors may, if permitted by applicable law, authorise the destruction of documents set out in sub-paragraphs (a) to (e) of paragraph (1) of this Article and any other documents in relation to share registration which have been microfilmed or electronically stored by the Company or by the share registrar on its behalf provided always that this Article shall apply only to the destruction of a document in good faith and without express notice to the Company and its share registrar that the preservation [...]
of such document was relevant to a claim.
(1) 倘股东为有关精神健康的病人或已由任何具司法管辖权(可保护或管 理无能力管理其本身事务人士的事务)法院颁令,则可由其财产接管人、监护人、 财产保佐人或获法院委派具财产接管人、监护人或财产保佐人性质的其他人士投票 (不论是否以举手方式表决或投票表决),而该等财产接管人、监护人、财产保佐
[...] 言,视作犹如该等股份的登记持有人,惟须于大会或续会(视情况而定)举行时间 不少于四十八(48)小时前,向办事处、总办事处或 户登记 处 (倘 适 用 ) 递呈董事 会可能要求的证明拟投票人士有权投票的凭证。
(1) A Member who is a patient for any purpose relating to mental health or in respect of whom an order has been made by any court having jurisdiction for the protection or management of the affairs of persons incapable of managing their own affairs may vote, whether on a show of hands or on a poll, by his receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person in the nature of a receiver, committee or curator bonis appointed by such court, and such receiver, committee, curator bonis or other person may vote on a poll by proxy, and may otherwise act and be treated as if he were the registered holder of such shares for the purposes of general meetings, provided that such evidence as the Board may require of the authority of the person claiming to vote shall have
been deposited at the
[...] Office, head office or Registration Office, as appropriate, not less than forty-eight [...]
(48) hours before
the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting or poll, as the case may be.
对等网络(P2P)文件共享是互联网上不同计算 用户登 录同 一个网络共享计算机文件(文本、音乐或视频)的一 种方式。
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is a way in which
[...] different computer users across the Internet who are logged on to the same [...]
network can share computer
files (text, music and/or video).
这八项原则是:缔约国对于在其 管辖登记或开 展业务的私营军保公司的军事和安全活动负有责任;私营军保公 司应尊重法治;私营军保公司要尊重国家主权;缔约国有义务禁止私营军保公司 直接参与敌对状态、恐怖主义行为和违反国际法的军事行动;禁止将国家的固有 职能外包给私营军保公司,包括使用 某 些 具有过度或过分伤害性的武器;禁止私 营军保公司及其人员非法取得、占有或贩运武器和弹药。
The eight principles are: that the
[...] State party bears responsibility for the military and security activities of PMSCs registered or operating in their jurisdiction, respect for the rule of law by PMSCs, respect of State sovereignty by PMSCs, the State party’s obligation to prohibit PMSCs from directly participating in hostilities, terrorist acts and military actions in violation of international law, the prohibition on outsourcing inherently State functions to PMSCs, including the use of certain weapons [...]
of a nature to cause
superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering and the prohibition on PMSCs and their personnel with regard to illegally acquiring, possessing or trafficking in arms and ammunitions.
在某些情况下,第三方用程序 可能会为 户登记 的 目 的而要求提供电子邮件地址 用 户 名 、密码和地理位置。
In some cases, the third-party application
[...] may request an email address, username, password, and geographic location for account registration purposes.
安装了动联UNIX/Linux认证代理以后, 用户登 录 到 UNIX/Linux系统时,首先提示用户输入正确的用户名和静态密码,当用户正确输入以后,UNIX/Linux系统根 用 户 名 定位 记 录 , 确认其是否需要双因素强认证,如果是,则提示用户输入正确的动态密码,只有用户输入了正确的静态密码和动态密码以后,才能进入到系统,否则就会被拒绝在外。
After Installing dynamicode UNIX /
Linux certification
[...] agency, when the user login UNIX / Linux system, first, the user enter the correct user name and static password, after the user entered correctly, UNIX / Linux system based on user name locate their records, to confirm [...]
the need for strong
two-factor authentication, if so, then prompt the user to input the correct dynamic password, only after the user entered the correct static passwords and dynamic password can get into the system, otherwise it will be rejected out.
[...] 约国推行每位公民一个登记号,从而可在俄罗斯领土内的任何一地,不 户 籍登 记地,或是否户籍登记,尤 其不论是缔约国境内的无家可归者、罗姆人,还是 其他各类贫困或遭排斥的群体,均可享有缔约国提供的一切社会福利。
The Committee further recommends the State party to adopt a single registration number for each of its citizens that may give access everywhere on its territory to the enjoyment of all social benefits
accorded in the State
[...] party irrespective of the place of registered residence or lack thereof, in [...]
particular with regard to
the homeless, Roma and other categories of disadvantaged or marginalized groups in the State party.
用户登记过程 中和其它情况下,我们可能会采集姓名、邮政地址和电子邮件地址等信息。
During the registration process and in [...]
other instances, we may collect information such as your name, mailing address, and e-mail address.
工作组注意:工作组似宜注意到:(a)根据第 1 款备选案文 C,登记处应当 同时有按数字和姓名编制的索引,查询人员应当能够 使 用 其 中 某项索引编制标 准进行查询;及(b)插入第 4 段是为了让工作组审议设保人地址问题;及(c)设保 人及有担保债权人或其管理人的地址必须是记录的一部分,但不一定是身份识 [...]
别特征的一部分,除非需要补充信息来确定有担保债权人、其管理人或设保人 的身份。
Note to the Working Group The Working Group may wish to note that: (a)
under option C in
[...] paragraph 1, the registry should have both numerical and name indexes and searchers should be able to search with one or the other [...]
indexing criterion;
and (b) paragraph 4 has been inserted for the Working Group to consider the matter of the address of the grantor; and (c) the address of the grantor and secured creditor or its representative has to be part of the record, but not necessarily part of the identifier, except if there is a need for additional information to identify the secured creditor, its representative or the grantor.
近东救济工程处表示,后来拟定包括风险评估方法的概念文件,之后还聘 用一名咨询人,支助总部部门和外地办事处拟定各自的风险登记册初稿,这一工 作的第一阶段将在
[...] 2010 年第一季度后不久完成,并将在 2010 年下半年开始用 登记册进程,其中包括降低风险措施。
UNRWA stated that a concept paper had since been developed, including a risk assessment methodology, following which a consultant was recruited to support headquarters departments and field offices to develop their own first drafts of risk registers, with the initial phase of the exercise expected to be completed shortly after the first
quarter of 2010, and that the process of
[...] incorporating the use of the registers, inclusive [...]
of risk mitigation measures, would
commence during the second half of 2010.
它的用户界面是按照最用户(新闻记 者 ,编者,出版者)的习惯来设计。
Its user interface is based
[...] on end-user ( news reporter , editor , publisher [...]
) to design the habit .
秘书长在其报告(A/64/380)第 57 段中说,企业资源规划项目的实施 通常分为 4 个主要阶段:㈠ 准备:在此期间,建立项目结构、组建项目 团队、选定服务提供商和工具、收集和分析业务需要、评价改进的机会记录现有的业务流程和系统;㈡ 设计:在此期间要为今后的解决方案确 定蓝图并为后续各阶段制订一份详细的执行计划;㈢ 建立:在此期间一 个组织的解决方案将根据蓝图配置为标准软件,系统得到彻底测试,技 术基础设施得到落实用户群得 到培训;㈣ 部署:在此期间,组织过渡 到新的工作方法和系统,这一过渡本身也分为若干阶段进行。
The Secretary-General indicates in paragraph 57 of his report (A/64/380), that the implementation of ERP projects is usually broken down into four major phases: ( a c ) preparation, during which the project structure and team are set up, service providers and tools are selected, operational requirements are collected and analysed, opportunities for improvement are evaluated and
existing business processes and systems are documented; (b ) design, during which a blueprint for the future solution is established and a detailed implementation plan for the subsequent phases is developed; (c ) build, during which the organization’s solution is configured into the standard software according to the blueprint, the system is thoroughly tested, the technical infrastructure is implemented and the user community is trained; and (d ) deployment, during which the organization transitions to the new working methods and systems, which itself is performed in several phases.
2008 年,达成一项多党协议,决定 在举行地方政府选举之前,进行一次全国性的挨家 户登记。
In 2008 a multi-party agreement was reached to hold a new National
[...] House to House registration prior to the [...]
holding of local government elections.
[...] 销委任代表文 件下作出的授权,惟并无以书面方式将有关身故、精神失常或撤销于委任代表文件用的大会或续会召开前至少两 (2)小时前告知本公司办事处或 户登记 处 (或 召开大会 通告或随附寄发的其他文件指明的送交委任代表文件的其他地点) ,则根据委任代表文 [...]
A vote given in accordance with the terms of an instrument of proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the previous death or insanity of the principal, or revocation of the instrument of proxy or of the authority under which it was executed, provided that no intimation in writing of such death, insanity
or revocation shall
[...] have been received by the Company at the Office or the Registration Office (or such other place as may be specified for the [...]
delivery of instruments
of proxy in the notice convening the meeting or other document sent therewith) two (2) hours at least before the commencement of the meeting or adjourned meeting, at which the instrument of proxy is used.
必须解决的问题是:进行难民证 登记 ( 没 有 身份证件会阻碍就业权);为得 到承认的难民创造融入社会的条件,并为难民融入社会和获得财政支助奠定法律 基础;为被驱逐出摩尔多瓦共和国的外国人(在 用 了 所有可能的上诉渠道之后 仍被拒绝给予难民身份的人员,必须在拒绝申请的最终裁决之后 15 日内离开摩 尔多瓦共和国)建立安置中心。
The problems that must be solved are: document registration of refugees (absence of identity documents hampers the right to employment); creation of conditions for social integration of recognised refugees, establishment of a legal background that would regulate [...]
the integration and its financial
support; absence of a placement centre for foreigners that are to be expelled from the Republic of Moldova (the person which was refused the status of refugee, after using all possibilities of appeal, must leave the territory of the Republic of Moldova during 15 days after the final decision on the refusal of the application).
在这个例子中,用户登录到 该系统,服务层会经由JMS主题发送一个消息,告诉其他所有的Flex客户端该用户已上线。
In this example, when a user logs in to the system, [...]
the services send a message via a JMS topic to tell all the other Flex
clients that the user is online.
又严重关注任何用登记程序的行为,严重关注采用歧视性的登记程序,以 此作为限制某些宗教社区成员的宗教或信仰自由权的手段,并严重关注违背行使 宗教或信仰自由的权利,对宗教材料实行限制和对建造礼拜场所设置障碍
[...] concerned also at any misuse of registration procedures and at the resort to discriminatory registration procedures as a means to limit [...]
the right to freedom
of religion or belief of members of certain religious communities, at the limitations placed on religious materials and at the obstacles placed in the way of construction of places of worship, inconsistent with the exercise of the right to freedom of religion or belief
在各种浏览器视图的弹出菜单中 用户 可 以 使 用记 录 仪 的序列号或分配的标记 ID 选择是否显示记录仪; [...]
可以创建报告模板,从中按序列号或标记识别记录仪, 并包含将 序列号和标记同时加入封面页打印输出中的选项。
In the pop-up menus of the various browser views, the user may
[...] select whether to display loggers using their serial number [...]
or their assigned Tag ID; Report
templates can be created in which loggers are identified by either serial number or tag, with options to associate both on a cover page printout.
如有任何迹象表示,或者您怀疑您的Skrill (Moneybookers)账户登陆信 息,密码或其它安全功能丢失,被盗, 用 , 擅自 使 用 或 以 其他方式损害您的利益,我们建议您及时更改密码,同时必须在没有不当延迟的情况下联系客户服务中心。
If you have any indication or suspicion of
[...] your Skrill (Moneybookers) Account, login details, password or other security feature being lost, stolen, misappropriated, used without authorisation [...]
or otherwise
compromised, you are advised to change your password.
此外, 没有启用以下功能,以增强系统参数的安全:密码复杂性;要 用户 在 改 变密码登录域名的设定;账登录情况、目录服务访问、登录情况、目的性使用、特 权使用、过程跟踪和系统情况的审计功能。
the password complexity; the settings that require a user to log onto the domain in order [...]
to change their password; and auditing
features for account logon event, directory service access, log events, objective access, privileged use, process tracking and system event.
如果属于前者,则可以使用“登记处 记 录”这一用语来反映已登记 通知中的信息或经修订的已登记通知中的信息;“登记处记录”这一用语可用来 指称所有已登记通知中的信息。
In the former case, the term “registry record” could be used to reflect information in a registered notice or information in a registered notice as amended; and the term “registry records” could be used to refer to information in all registered notices.
(d) 制定条例要求所有警方机构根据有关国际协定,特别是《保护所有遭 受任何形式拘留或监禁的人的原则》,必须 使 用登记 册。
(d) Adopt regulations requiring mandatory use of registers in all police premises in conformity with the relevant international agreements, particularly the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment.




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