

单词 登机桥



aircraft boarding bridge
air bridge

See also:

scale (a height)
press down with the foot
publish or record
step or tread on
enter (e.g. in a register)
be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old)
put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect)

External sources (not reviewed)

该系 统可使机场能够降低登机桥相关 的维护成本(如故障),并 为其使用而收取航空公司的费用。
The system enables airports to reduce maintenance costs
[...] associated with airbridges, such as faults [...]
and charge airlines for their use.
AC2000AE以机场 特殊应用为特色,例如乘客隔离 登机桥 监 控 、安检台启用和机场线。
AC2000 AE secures airports around the world including 80% of UK airports. AC2000 AE features
airport specific applications such as
[...] Passenger Segregation, Airbridge Monitoring, Checkin Desk Enabling [...]
and Airport Link.
安装在每登机桥上的CEM读卡器可 确保操作员必须使用有效磁卡才可使 登机桥。
CEM card readers installed at each airbridge ensure that operators must use a valid card before it can be used.
系统通过图形 显示屏来显示每登机桥的状 态,并提供高级报告数据。
The system displays the
[...] status of each airbridge on a graphical [...]
display and provides data for advanced reporting.
登机桥监控系统用于登机桥的使 用进行控制,确保只有经授 权和受训的人员有权使用。
The Airbridge Monitoring System is used to provide control over the use of airbridges [...]
ensuring that only authorised and
trained personnel can use them.
AC2000 AE是行业唯一专为机场设计的门禁控制系统。该系统提
[...] 供强大和全面集成的安防管理解决方案,结合了一系列的航空 功能,例如乘客登记台管理、乘客隔离 登机桥 监 控
Offering a powerful and fully integrated security management solution, the system
incorporates a host of aviation specific features such as Check-In Desk Enabling, Passenger
[...] Segregation and Air-bridge Monitoring.
康迪泰克利用ContiVitroflex复合材料研发生产的这种新型的透明伸缩篷可以作为柔性连接部件被广泛应用在铰接式巴士,轨道车辆和机 登机 引 桥 等。
The translucent concertina wall made of the composite material ContiVitroflex has been developed as a flexible system for connecting sections of articulated buses and rail vehicles and for passenger boarding bridges at airports etc.  It is made complete with fitted seals and weather-strips, is assembled and is delivered by ContiTech “ready-to-install”.
扶梯灯箱系列将以全新面登陆虹 桥机 场 T2 候机大厅; 目前已有的灯箱由精美贴画包裹并与现有的4个灯箱组成一个系列面向受众群!
The escalator panel network
[...] located in the boarding hall of Hongqiao T2 has recently [...]
been renovated; the existing lightboxes
are now complimented by a surrounding wrap on all sides.
捷豹率领其最新XJL3.0型号汽车登陆 虹 桥机 场 2号航站楼候机大厅 展台媒体,这是其首次在中国机场推广旗下轿车系列。
This is the first time Jaguar, whose new XJL 3.0 featured in Hongqiao Airport T2, have introduced any of their premium car range within Chinese airports.
崭新媒体形登陆虹桥2号航 站楼:方型包柱灯箱!覆盖2号航站楼大部分的到达乘客,创新的优雅外形,对称的结构框架,对 机 场 德 高也是一个全新的尝试。
Reaching the majority of T2 arrival passengers, this stunning new lightbox format is also new to SAMDecaux and creates an elegant look due to the symmetrical frame and shape of the media.
世界知名汽车品牌阿斯顿马丁和卡尔 登 陆 上海 虹 桥机 场 , 实时恰逢在上海机场私人飞机基地举行的2012年上海航空展,有效的直击前往现场的高端客户群。
Worldwide recognized labels Aston Martin and Carlsson are showcasing their premium cars, in time to target the high end clientele passing through the private jet terminal for the 2012 Shanghai Air Show.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的 I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库 机 动 网 络数 据库,检查国机场旅 客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查登记希 望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check
passenger lists at the
[...] international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international [...]
foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
例如,计算机上有一个非标准 PCI 主机桥时可使 用此参数。
For instance, this parameter may be used if the machine
[...] has a non-standard PCI host bridge.
以往飞机需飞往新加坡进行维修,然而现在 桥机 场 替 代了新加坡机场提供此项服务,为此不仅节省了时间,也大大的节省了成本。
In the past the jets would have to
be flown to Singapore for any maintenance,
[...] however now Hongqiao airport offers [...]
a more cost-efficient and time saving alternative.
2011/12 年度所需资源与 2010/11 年度相比减少 5.5%,主要归因于:(a) 国 际工作人员薪金所需资源减少,包括工作地点差价调整数和一般人事费;(b) 建
[...] 合行动全面部署的费用以及维修和在达尔富尔建设重要基础设施的费用,包括公 路桥梁、停泊坪、达尔富尔三机 场 的 着陆带和滑行道以及直升机停机坪; (c) 根据当前合同订立的口粮所需资源减少。
The resource requirements for 2011/12 reflect a decrease of 5.5 per cent as compared with the 2010/11 period, which is attributable primarily to: (a) reduced resources for salaries, including post adjustment and common staff costs for international staff; (b) reduced requirements for construction services, and acquisition of related equipment, which now mainly comprise costs for the construction of camps to support the full deployment of UNAMID as well as the repair and construction of major
[...] [...] infrastructures in Darfur, including roads, bridges, parking aprons, airstrips and [...]
taxiways of the three airports in Darfur, and helipads;
and (c) reduced requirements for rations based on the prevailing contract terms.
返回原籍、当地融入或另地定居的地方的条件,包括破坏程度、获得 住房、土地、谋生手段的可能性、地雷风险、就业及其他经 机 会;可以使用的公共服务(公共交通、医疗服务、教育、通信手段等);学 校、诊所、道路桥梁及 公共卫生系统的建筑和基础设施状况;以及 从国家、国际和私营行为体可以得到的支助。
The conditions in places of return, local integration or settlement elsewhere in the country, including degrees of destruction, access to housing, land, livelihoods, landmine
risks, employment and
[...] other economic opportunities; availability of public services (public transport, health care, education, means of communication, etc.); conditions of buildings and infrastructure for schools, health clinics, roads, bridges and sanitation systems; [...]
and assistance
available from national, international and private actors.
[...] 的风险,则须将其驱逐至居住国、护照签发国、登船 登机 国 、或者依照条约承诺或应驱逐 国请求或酌情应当事人请求,表示同意接收的任何其他国家。
Where the State of nationality has not been identified, or the alien subject to expulsion is at risk of torture or inhuman and degrading treatment in that State, he or she shall be expelled to the State
of residence, the passport-issuing State,
[...] the State of embarkation, or to any [...]
other State willing to accept him or her, whether
as a result of a treaty obligation or at the request of the expelling State or, where appropriate, of the alien in question.
一些委员认为,应明确说明,除被驱逐者的国籍国以外,其他任何国家, 诸如第 2
[...] 段中提及的居住国、护照签发国和登船 登机 国 , 都没有任何接纳被驱 逐者入境的义务。
Some members thought that it should be made clear that no State other than the expellee’s State of nationality — such as the State of
residence, the passport-issuing State and
[...] the State of embarkation mentioned in [...]
paragraph 2 — was under any obligation to
admit the expellee to its territory.
在大件运输领域,斯堪尼亚提供多种强大的发 机 、 桥 、 悬挂、传动装置和底盘组合选项。
Scania can provide different engine choices, axles, suspension, gearing and chassis combinations that is unavailable anywhere else.
工程组负责预制建筑物、发机、桥 梁 、 工程支持、有刺铁丝网、捆扎用 铁丝、蛇腹形铁丝网、篾筐、沙包、木材和胶合板以及水处理和供电用品的采购, [...]
The Engineering Team is responsible for
the procurement of prefabricated
[...] buildings; generators; bridges; engineering support; [...]
barbed, binding and concertina wire;
gabions; sandbags, timber and plywood; and water treatment and electrical supplies in support of peacekeeping missions.
根据所述法令,强制地震保险的范围包括:《终生共有法》 (第634号)涵盖的建筑物的独立部分;在土地登记 登机 并 位 于不动产上的建筑 物,以及这些建筑物的诸如商业设施、办事处和类似独立部分;国家修建或国家 提供贷款修建的建筑物。
With the said Decree Law, independent parts of the buildings covered by the Commonhold Law No. 634; buildings which are registered at the Land Registry and located on real properties, as well as parts such as business establishments, offices, and similar independent parts in these buildings; and buildings constructed by the State or constructed with the credits provided by the State became subject to compulsory earthquake insurance.
账目资料结构合理,很有条理,汇集了全部有助于审计者工作的数据,从合同到履约 命令到合同执行的证明文件(定购报告 登机 牌 , 等等)。
The files consulted are very well managed and well organized, containing all the data needed to understand them,
contracts, contract orders and supporting documentation for services provided
[...] (reports commissioned, boarding passes, and so on).
几位代表概要介绍了本 国政府为加强对私人航空飞行的管制而采取的步骤,办法有:加强雷达监视以 及对私人机登记、飞机维修 中心和私 机 场 登 记 进行有系统的审查。
Several representatives outlined steps taken by their Governments to tighten controls over private aviation through increased radar surveillance and the
systematic review of
[...] private aircraft registrations, aircraft servicing and repair centres and the registration of private airstrips.
据联 合王国表示,金融服务部门以游艇和喷 机登 记 为 主,包括游艇和喷气机的融资 和保险,加上美国的汽车工业再保险。
According to the United Kingdom, the financial services
sector is centred on
[...] yacht and jet registries, including [...]
their financing and insurance, plus United States auto industry reinsurance.
(a) 设施和基础设施(9 476 400 美元),主要是由于朱巴的“联合国之家”
建设计划所需经费减少,维修服务费用降低,发电机更换和住宿设备所需经费减 少,以及安保和安全装备更换方面的所需费用减少,但下列方面的所需经费增加
[...] 对此有所抵消:主要是安保服务外包以及设施的改建和翻修,包括道路 桥 梁的 修缮机场、直升机停机坪的 维修以及位于联苏特派团当前地点的朱巴后勤基地 的扩建
(a) Facilities and infrastructure ($9,476,400), due mainly to reduced requirements in the construction programme of the United Nations House in Juba, lower maintenance services costs, lower requirements for the replacement of generators and for accommodation equipment and lower requirements in connection with the replacement of security and safety equipment, offset by additional requirements primarily for the outsourcing of security services and for the alteration and renovation of
facilities, including
[...] repair of roads and bridges, airfield and helipad maintenance and extension [...]
of the Juba logistics
base at the current UNMIS location
格劳登州的Sunniberg大桥由Christian Menn设计建造,于2005年正式投入使用。
The Sunniberg bridge, designed by Christian Menn, is part of the Klosters bypass in Canton Graubünden.
根据2011年6月尼尔森的调研报告显示 桥机 场 1号 航站楼国际区主要定位在高收入旅客群!报告显示58%的国际旅客主要就业于一些世界知名企业,77%的受访者收入为每月15000元或者更高,这是上海人口平均每月收入的两倍。
The study showed that 58% of international travelers worked for a company in the category of ‘famous enterprises’. 77% of respondents reported earning 15,000 RMB/month or higher, which is almost double that of the monthly income of the average Shanghai population.
转乘国内航线的乘客必须于仁川国际机场领取所有行李重新清 登机 , 惟 乘坐KE1401、KE1403、KE1405及OZ8531(仁川至釜山)接驳航班的乘客,可于抵达釜山后领取行李(上述航班均由同一国际机场出发)。
All bags must check to Incheon International Airport (ICN) only, except connections to KE1401, KE1403, KE 1405 and OZ8531 (ICN-Busan), where baggage can be checked through to Busan (as these flights are departing from the same international airport).
第二个函件是 2010 年 4 月 30 日,工作组与其他四个特别程序机制联合发出的,涉及联合国援助土著居民
[...] 自愿基金的接受者 Cao Du 先生,据报告称他登机飞往 纽约市参加联合国土著 问题常设论坛第九届会议之前,在北京首都国际机场遭到警察绑架,之后被带往 [...]
The second communication was sent on 30 April 2010, jointly with four other special procedures mechanisms, and concerned Mr. Cao Du, a grantee of the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations, who was reportedly abducted by the
police at Beijing Capital International
[...] Airport before boarding his flight to New [...]
York City to attend the ninth session
of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and later taken to an unknown location.




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