单词 | 登山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 登山 —climbingless common: mountaineering • climb a mountain 登山 verb —hike vExamples:登山家—mountaineer 阿登山脉 n—Ardenne Mountains pl See also:登—mount • ascend • scale (a height) • put on (shoes or trousers) (dialect) • publish or record • step or tread on • enter (e.g. in a register) • be gathered and taken to the threshing ground (old) • press down with the foot
各位若想連續騎單車數小時,得先注意單車道可能突然終止,除非各位騎 乘 登山 越 野車,否則都必須停車,下來牽至另一條單車道後,再上車續騎。 thisbigcity.net | Unless you are riding a mountain bike, you need [...] to stop, climb off your bicycle, walk to the next trail and climb on again. thisbigcity.net |
一年级的地图,标明路径,指导书籍,他们都采取要使大多 数 登山 者 自 己的旅行。 instantworldbooking.com | First-grade maps, marked paths, guide-books, they [...] all enable most mountaineers to take a trip [...]by themselves. instantworldbooking.com |
有大量的活动,除了滑雪场,电影院,体育与休闲中心,室内温水游泳池,滑翔伞学校 , 登山 , 狗拉雪橇,甚至对巴洛克艺术博物馆在Val塞尼。 leapfrog-properties.com | There is a lot of activity aside from skiing in Val Cenis with a cinema, sports & leisure [...] centre with indoor heated pool, a [...] paragliding school, mountain climbing, dog sledding [...]and even a museum on baroque art. leapfrog-properties.com |
同时,在比利牛斯山脉的比利牛斯 - 大西洋省DEPARTEMENT的基础,你会发现房子逐渐成为小屋 的 登山 和 滑雪的领土,其巨大的山脉提供绿意盎然的山脚下。 leapfrog-properties.com | Meanwhile, at the base of the Pyrenees in the Pyrenees-Atlantiques departement you will find lush green foothills where houses gradually become Chalets leading to the hiking and skiing territory that its great mountain range offers. leapfrog-properties.com |
珠光紙其防水、耐摺、撕不破之特性,非常適合用於世界著名風景名勝景點 之 登山 、 旅遊路線圖來使用。 npc.com.tw | The characteristics of PEPA in waterproof [...] capability, folding resistance and tear strength are very suitable for [...] the production of mountaineering and travel route maps. npc.com.tw |
当地的合作伙伴为:印度(拉达卡)--山地研究所和雪 [...] 豹保护组织;伊朗—伊朗旅游和旅游业组织;哈萨克斯坦—哈萨 克 登山 基 金 会(KMF); 吉尔吉斯坦—新游牧民生态旅游开发公司;尼泊尔—尼泊尔信托基金(一家位于尼泊尔的非 [...] 政府机构);巴基斯坦--阿加罕乡村支持计划和期特拉山区旅游协会(CAMAT);以及塔 [...] 吉克斯坦--技术合作和发展援助机构(ACTED )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The local partners are: India (Ladakh) – The Mountain Institute and Snow Leopard Conservancy; Islamic Republic of Iran – Iran [...] Touring and Tourism Organization); [...] Kazakhstan – Kazakh Mountaineering Foundation (KMF); [...]Kyrgyzstan – Novinomad Ecotourism [...]Development Company; Nepal – the Nepal Trust (the Nepal Trust, a Nepal-based NGO); Pakistan – Aga Khan Rural Support Programme and the Chitral Association for Mountain Area Tourism (CAMAT); Tajikistan – ACTED (Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement). unesdoc.unesco.org |
梅康圖爾其實是一個非常吸引游客的旅游觀光地,在其600公裡的山間小道上,每年有800,000多名游客來 此 登山 、 滑 雪或游覽﹔欣賞此間的山谷奇觀,40,000個史前雕刻和鑲嵌在山中的阿洛斯湖,這是歐洲最大的高海拔天然湖泊。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Awareness campaigns for educational purposes related to the inventory are being conducted among the general public, including exhibitions, talks, conferences, publications, summer schools, etc. The Mercantour National Park is indeed very popular among tourists, with over 800,000 visitors coming here every year to climb, ski or hike along its 600 kilometres of paths, or admire the Vallée des Merveilles and its 40,000 prehistoric rock carvings or the Lac d’Allos, Europe’s highest natural high-altitude lake. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
登山小径 ,极限攀登运动地表及景色观赏点被设置在地貌形态的外表面,为周边带来有意义的休闲项目。 chinese-architects.com | Hiking trails, extreme vertical [...] sports surface and viewing outposts clad the surface of the landform in providing leisure [...]attraction to the surrounding area. chinese-architects.com |
平版印刷名片、廣告宣傳看版貼合用紙 、 登山 旅 遊 路線圖、教學掛圖、兒童遊戲圖、印刷用背膠標籤、片裝貼瓶用環罐標籤、彩色商業平版印刷海報、年曆、月曆、廣告宣傳旗幟、彩色平版印刷╴產品說明書、畫刊、雜誌、文字印刷╴產品操作說明書、雜誌內頁用紙、航空用行李吊牌、貨運包裹用吊牌、服飾吊牌、百貨標示吊牌、貼合面材用紙(貼合紙板用)、中、小型手提袋、大型手提袋。 npc.com.tw | Promotion pasted paper, Mountain-climbing and travel maps, [...] Teaching hanging chart, Children's game pictures, Printing pressure [...]adhesive label, Sheet wrap around stick label, Lithographic printing posters, Calendars, commercial and promotion flags, Lithographic press -Catalogue, pictorial magazine, magazine, Character printing paper- Catalogue, Magazine inside paper,aviation baggage tag, Shipment of commodities package tag, Clothing tag, General merchandise name board tag, Laminated surface paper(laminated cardboard), Middle-size and small-size shopping bag, Large-size shopping bag. npc.com.tw |
這個以Heavy Duty概念設計的登山用背包,袋側拉鍊可以調較大小,配色及細部設計均將美國經典的風格忠實再現。 think-silly.com | Design with hiking and heavy duty [...] use in mind, the size of the side zip is adjustable. think-silly.com |
為引起公眾的重視,許多與物種普查相關的普及宣傳正在積極展開:如展覽、專題研討會、講座、刊物出版以及暑期學校等等。 梅康圖爾其實是一個非常吸引游客的旅游觀光地,在其600公裡的山間小道上,每年有800,000多名游客來 此 登山 、 滑 雪或游覽﹔欣賞此間的山谷奇觀,40,000個史前雕刻和鑲嵌在山中的阿洛斯湖,這是歐洲最大的高海拔天然湖泊。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Awareness campaigns for educational purposes related to the inventory are being conducted among the general public, including exhibitions, talks, conferences, publications, summer schools, etc. The Mercantour National Park is indeed very popular among tourists, with over 800,000 visitors coming here every year to climb, ski or hike along its 600 kilometres of paths, or admire the Vallée des Merveilles and its 40,000 prehistoric rock carvings or the Lac d’Allos, Europe’s highest natural high-altitude lake. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
下面的图Chaussy,莱斯苔藓提供家庭,越野滑雪,高山滑雪,雪鞋健行 , 登山 , 山 地 自 行车,高山湖泊口音一个自然的环境中。 holidays.rentalp.ch | Below Pic Chaussy, Les Mosses proposes alpine ski for the family, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking and mountain biking in a natural setting with mountain lakes. holidays.rentalp.ch |
重溫耶穌基督的‘登 山寶訓’,給我很大的安慰。 legco.gov.hk | As I study the [...] Sermon on the Mount again, it gives [...]me great comfort. legco.gov.hk |
在蒂卡普湖可以体验到多种多样的户外探险旅行活动:骑马 、 登山 、 划皮划艇、骑山地自行车、垂钓。 cn.yha.co.nz | Many exciting outdoors adventures around Lake Tekapo: [...] horse trekking, mountain climbing, kayaking, mountain biking and [...]fishing. yha.co.nz |
自 由 黨 原 則 上 是 同 意 李永達議員的修正案,建 議政府 有 關 方 面可考慮在 人 口 稠 密 ,人流 量 較 高 的地區 開 闢 更多的 行 人 專 用 區 ,人車 分 隔 , 或 規劃更 多 像 中 環 行 人 登 山 電 梯 等 該 類 項目。 legco.gov.hk | The Liberal Party agrees in principle with Mr LEE Wing-tat's amendment, which suggests that the relevant government departments should establish more pedestrian precincts in densely populated areas that have a high pedestrian flow, thus separating vehicular and pedestrian traffic. legco.gov.hk |
各种协会:摄影协会、舞蹈协会、 登山 协 会 等。 zte.com.cn | Different associations: photography association, dance [...] association, mountaineering association, etc. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
登山步道 會帶領你進入水邊海濱和更高的星船灣探險,在那裡你可看到更遼闊的景觀從不列顛哥倫比亞大學延伸到溫哥華島。 zoni.com | Trails lead explorers by the waterfront and higher up to Starboat Cove, which boasts extensive views all the way from the University of British Columbia to Vancouver Island. zoni.com |
有没有需要考虑再三把它野餐沿登山 跋 涉 或图片让孩子们在一个需要几分钟。 technologeeko.com | There’s no need to think twice about [...] bringing it along on a mountaineering trek or letting [...]the kids take a few pictures at a picnic. technologeeko.com |
爱尔兰徒步旅行者与登山爱好 者的代表机构 discoverireland.com | The representative body [...] for walkers and climbers in Ireland discoverireland.com |
师:坠落防护系列:秋季保护范围: 登山 线 路 牌前称:苗EMEA地区业务的国家英国中东活动领域:绿色空间产品用途:绳子特别是对于一个Prussik结和使用手册上伸适应。 china-environmental.com | Division : Fall Protection Family : Fall [...] Protection Range : Climbing Lines Brand formerly [...]known as : MILLER Business Countries [...]EMEA United Kingdom Middle East Activity Domains : Green Spaces Product Use : The rope is particularly adapted for use with a Prussik knot and Manual Ascenders. china-environmental.com |
梅雨季节结束后一周至10天左右之期间,通常会受太平洋高气压笼罩,会持续高温且安定像是夏天的气候,是最适 合 登山 的 好 时期。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | About one week to 10 days after rainy season, they say it [...] is ideal for mountaineering as the weather [...]is stable due to the Pacific High. en.tohokukanko.jp |
Lezyne CNC 登山車用 立式打氣筒是極致的大氣量立式打氣筒,專用於大 型 登山 車 胎 使用,所有部位及零件均由鋁合金CNC加工製造而成。 lezyne.com | The Lezyne CNC Dirt Floor Drive is the ultimate high volume floor pump optimized for use with mountain bike tires. lezyne.com |
但是,从北到南一路下来,游客可以 [...] 欣赏到心旷神怡的各色美景,从北部启 程,一开始是阿登山麓的 Ösling林区,沿 途是此起彼伏的农场和林地,然后到达中 [...] 世纪遗迹丰富的首都,终点是东南部莫泽 尔河畔的葡萄园,或者到有“红土”之称 的南部,该地区的特色仍然是大量的铁矿 石生产基地。 luxembourgforfinance.lu | However, travelling from North to South, the visitor can enjoy an astonishingly varied landscape, beginning [...] to the North with the wooded [...] Ösling region, in the foothills of the ardennes, down through [...]rolling farm and woodland, to [...]the capital with its medieval relics and ending in the South east with the vineyards of the Moselle or to the South with the so called "red earth" where the region is still marked by huge iron ore production sites. and all this within 82 kilometers. luxembourgforfinance.lu |
这些受惠的机构包括位于越南芹苴市、照护街头流浪儿的营养中心、两家位于汝拉山谷的机构、一家托儿所、一家接待多重残疾孩童的机构以及法国非政府组织“攀爬各自的珠穆朗玛峰(A [...] chacun son Everest)”,后者主要为罹癌儿童安排 登山 及 徒 步旅行活动。 audemarspiguet.com | These included the nutrition centre for street children in Can Tho (Vietnam), two institutions in the Joux valley, a crèche and a centre for children with multiple [...] disabilities and the French NGO “A Chacun son Everest” [...] which organises mountaineering courses for [...]children suffering from cancer. audemarspiguet.com |
遵循传统旅行者惯例的 “整体游”游客在田园风光中寻求净化;“局部 游”游客受不同兴趣(如鸟类、蝴蝶或钓鱼)所 [...] 驱使;崇尚“融入大自然”的游客参与自行车骑 行、划独木舟、竞走或采摘浆果等活动;“冒险 [...] 者”抱着面对和克服大自然各种风险的决心参与 诸如登山、大狩猎或漂流等活动;而“生态游 客”则从环保和健康的生活中获得满足,同时享 [...]受大自然及其关联事物的馈赠。 teebweb.org | The ‘holistic’ who follow the classical traveller’s tradition of seeking the sublime in an idyllic landscape; the ‘fragmented’ who are driven by a distinct interest such as in birds, butterflies, or fishing; those that cherish ‘a gentle engagement with nature’ through activities such as bicycling, canoeing, walking or picking berries; the ‘adventurer’ with a determination to confront and [...] conquer the perils of nature through [...] activities such as mountain climbing, big game hunting, [...]or rafting and finally the ‘eco-tourists’ [...]that derive their satisfaction from living green and healthy while benefiting nature and those engaged with it teebweb.org |
家专门从事高尔夫球旅游企划及销售业务及其他旅游相关服务,如每日送花篮及花朵服务、导游的派遣、Moku Nani登山旅游、日本游客电话服务中心、手机租赁服务。 jtbamericas.com | A company specializing in golf tour business as well as other travel support services [...] such as Daily Service (fruit baskets & [...] flowers), Moku Nani Hiking Tours, Japanese [...]Customer Call Service, Nippon Rent-a-Car [...]business, and JTL Wireless (cellular phone rental services). jtbamericas.com |