

单词 癞皮病

See also:


skin n
leather n
fur n
scalp n
cortice n

surname Pi
pico- (one trillionth)

External sources (not reviewed)

柯达的瓦楞纸包装解决方案提供了出众的品质,从单色的 皮 纸 板到使用最高图形标准和准确品牌色彩印刷的混色白顶瓦楞纸板。
Kodak's corrugated packaging solutions provide outstanding quality from
[...] single-color Kraft liners to process-color, [...]
white-top, microflute liners printed
with the highest graphic standards and accurate brand colors.
After a series of meetings for all organizing matters, the ACCA was established in 1997 and registered in Singapore.
长期摄入无机砷对人体健康造成的不良影 响主要包括癌症皮肤病患、 心血管系统疾病、神经系统中毒和糖尿病。
The main adverse effects in human
after long-term ingestion of inorganic arsenic
[...] are cancer, skin lesions, cardiovascular disease, neurotoxicity [...]
and diabetes.
辐射中毒会导致癌 症皮肤病以及其他严重的健康问题。
Radiation poisoning can
[...] cause cancer, skin diseases, and other serious [...]
health problems.
中山市爱达森制版有限公司专业生产用于印刷瓦楞纸箱纸板、 皮 纸 袋 、厚纸板、多层纸袋、硬卡盒等的柔性树脂版,以3.94mm厚度为主,印刷硬度和质地适中,满足日益严谨、日益求精的印刷品质要求。
We dedicated to the printing plate making of corrugated board, multi-layer paper bags, hardware cards boxes, etc. The main thickness is 3.94mm, medium hardness and texture, in order to meet the increasing preciseness and refinement of the printing quality.
利用木材、金属、甚至现成配件,可 很快加工出可调固件、适合使用托盘搬运车的固 件、甚至瓦楞纸盘组装固件。
Adjustable fixtures, pallet jack friendly fixtures, even corrugated tray assembly fixtures can be quickly fabricated from wood, metal, or even off-the-shelf components.
[...] 来抵御袭击粮食作物的许许多多的害虫和真菌疾病;树种榨出的油被用来治疗感冒和流 感;将油混在肥皂里,据说能够以低成本缓解疟疾 皮 肤 病 甚 至脑膜炎的病情。
Neem extracts can be used against hundreds of pests and fungal diseases that attack food crops; the oil extracted from its seeds is used to treat
colds and flu; and mixed in soap, it is believed to offer low cost relief
[...] from malaria, skin diseases and even meningitis.
到 2009 年底,弱势群体融入社会信托基金已为近 3 000 个极贫困家庭提供 了紧急援助,以约 1.6 亿卢比的成本建造了一座有瓦楞的 皮 房。
By end 2009, the Trust Fund for the Integration of Vulnerable Groups had provided emergency assistance to almost 3,000 very poor households to build a corrugated iron sheet house, at a cost of some Rs160 million.
同时,Laverna从她认为是免疫贝瑞的咬了一口,但事实证明是真实自我的浆果和她变成一 癞 蛤 蟆
Meanwhile, Laverna takes a bite from what she believes to be the Immunity Berry but it turns out to be the true-self berry
[...] and she turns into a toad.
在有需要的情况下,对以下病症的诊断及治疗过程做出指示、开具处方及 进行相关处理:传染病和寄生虫病;肿瘤;内分泌、营养、代谢及免疫紊乱方面 的疾病;血液及造血器官方面的疾病;精神障碍;神经系统及感官方面的疾病; 循环系统疾病;呼吸系统疾病;消化系统疾病;泌尿生殖器官疾病;妊娠并发 症;分娩及产褥期病;皮肤及皮下组织疾病;骨关节系统及结缔组织疾病;先 天性异常;围产期遗留疾病;损伤及中毒。
Indication or prescription, and execution where appropriate, of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures concerning infectious and parasitic diseases, neoplasias, endocrinal, nutritional and metabolic diseases and immunity disorders, diseases of the blood and the haematopoietic organs, mental disorders, diseases of the nervous system and the sensory organs, circulatory diseases, diseases of the respiratory and digestive tracts, diseases of the genito-urinary tract, complications in pregnancy, birth and puerperium, diseases of the skin and the subcutaneous layer, diseases of the osteo-myoarticular system and connective tissue, congenital anomalies, diseases originating during the perinatal period, injuries and poisoning.
鑒 於 上 文 所 述 市 場 對 箱 板 紙 的 需 求 將 不 斷 增 加,倘 江 蘇 遠 通 紙 業 按 經 批 准 的 牛 卡 紙 及 瓦 楞 芯 紙 的 產 能 開 業 後,吾 等 認 為 收 購 事 項 長 遠 有 助 提 升 貴 集 團 的盈利,且符合 貴公司及獨立股東的整體利益。
In view of the sustainable growing demand of the containerboard market as described above, we are of the view that the earnings of the Group will be enhanced as a result of the Acquisition in the long run after the commencement of operation of JYTP with regard to the approved manufacturing capacity of kraftliner boards and corrugated medium, which is in the interests of the Company and the Independent Shareholders as a whole.
在某些情况下,您可能需要求助于专科医生,例如配镜师、 病 诊 疗师 或 皮 肤 科 医生。
In some cases you may need to see a specialist doctor, for
[...] example an optician, podiatrist or dermatologist.
公營中醫診所的病人 可按需要選擇不同的內科服務,例如癌症、糖 尿 病 、 皮 膚、 骨傷或痛症等。
Patients of public CMCs can opt for different internal
medicine services such as treatments for
[...] cancer, diabetes, skin, osteopathy, pain, [...]
and so on, according to their needs.
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下主题:(1) 解剖学、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏类型的章节和一个关于可导致死亡的原因的章节);(3)
卫生与营养(包括单独介绍儿童疾病、老人疾病以及特别介绍旅游期间容易感染的疾病的章节);(4) 诊断和预后;(5) 发烧及其分类;(6)
[...] 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容);(7) 感染性病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。
In current medical terminology, the ten parts discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and knowing temperaments, humors, and elements; (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter describing the kinds of pulses and a chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and nutrition (including separate chapters on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the encyclopedia most
sought after by physicians of the period); (7)
[...] infectious diseases; (8) skin diseases; (9) toxicology; [...]
and (10) pharmacology.
他是拉卜楞寺的僧侣,从15 岁起一 直居住在那里。
He is a monk at the Labrang Monastery where he has lived since he was 15 years old.
它的年产量约400 000吨,所生产的瓦楞纸板与纸箱纸板单位重量在 70-150 g/m²之间。
With an annual capacity of around 400,000 tons, the machine produces corrugating medium and testliner in a basis weight range of 70-150 g/m².
誠如函件所載, 貴集團認定中國市場為推動箱板紙業務增長的一股動力 並 計 劃 於 中 國 成 立 合 資 企 業,擴 充 其 業 務 範 圍 至 製 造 及 直 銷 牛 卡 紙 及 瓦 楞 芯 紙 等 箱 板 紙,決意進一步鞏固銷售增長並確保該等類別的紙品維持穩定供應。
As stated in the Letter, the Group has identified the PRC market as the growth engine for containerboards and intends to establish a joint venture in the PRC to expand its scope of business into manufacturing and direct sales of containerboards like kraftliner boards and corrugated medium, aiming to further strengthen the growth in sales and secure a steady source of supply of such paper products.
安装在屋顶瓦楞皮 (或者 其他材料) 下方,用于固定檐槽的支架必须 能让水流畅通地进入集水系统,不可停滞或流失。
The brackets that fix the gutters under the corrugated iron sheeting (or other material) forming the roof must allow the water to flow towards the catchment system without stagnation and without loss.
5600 大字符喷码机代表了最新的液态压电技 术,为瓦楞纸箱和托盘提供具有竞争力的低 成本标码解决方案。
The 5600 large character inkjet printer represents the latest in liquid piezo technology, delivering a uniquely competitive cost-per-print coding solution for your corrugate cases and trays.
Double servo semiauto stitcher is mainly used for single nail box forming corrugated board nailed together to meet the many varieties and different production requirements, to adapt to a variety of domestic and export needs of carton packaging products, is the chain nail me in the place of products, is currently the latest and the most desirable semi-automatic nail carton box equipment.
它们包括通过土壤传播的蠕虫病(钩虫感染、蛔 虫病和鞭虫病)和血吸虫病——所有这些疾病都会造成孕妇贫血,阻碍儿童的身 体和智力发展;造成腿部严重肿胀的 皮病 ; 造 成失明的沙眼和蟠尾线虫病; 影 响消化系统和心脏功能的恰加病; 造 成 皮 肤 脓肿溃烂的利什曼病;非洲锥虫病 (昏睡病)和是一种病毒感染的登革热。
They include soil-transmitted helminthes (hookworm infection, ascariasis and trichuriasis) and schistosomiasis, all of which cause anaemia among pregnant women and impair physical and cognitive development in children; lymphatic filariasis, which causes severe leg swelling; trachoma and onchocerciasis,
which cause
[...] blindness; Chagas disease, which affects the digestive system and heart function; leishmaniasis, which causes skin lesions and ulcers; human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), [...]
and dengue fever, a viral infection.
标准的 OptiTray 还可通过运用各种内部放置的底板材料、附加的瓦 楞组件、以及/或者内部放置的角垫等进行定制,以便获得额外好处。
Using various internally positioned substrate materials, additional corrugated assemblies, and/or internally assembled corner board, the standard OptiTray can be customized for additional benefits.
This advancement in corrugated board technology significantly reduces the amount of starch used in production by eliminating the need for a primary starch.
新的 NSSC 车间是 Koryazhma
[...] 工厂的一部分,生产漂白阔叶木硫酸盐浆、 皮 纸 、 瓦楞纸和胶版印刷纸,还生产化学木浆和生化产品。
The new NSSC plant is part of a complex at the Koryazhma mill that produces
bleached hardwood kraft pulp, kraftliner, fluting, offset
[...] printing paper, as well as wood chemicals [...]
and biochemical products.
座谈会重点关注专业的实践课题,例如急性病、感觉缺失、癌症、犬科和猫科动物紊乱问题、心脏病、慢性病、临床疑难病、牙 病 、 皮 肤 病 、 早期疾病检测、肠胃病、传染病风险管理、营养食品、肥胖、疼痛管理和企业实践。
Sponsored symposia focused on specific practical topics, such as acute diseases, anesthesia, cancer, canine and feline disorders and issues, cardiology,
chronic diseases, clinical pathology
[...] challenges, dentistry, dermatology, early disease [...]
detection, gastrointestinal issues, infectious
disease risk management, nutraceuticals, obesity, pain management and business practices.
主要传染病和非传染病是:疟疾、呼吸道感染、寄生虫病、腹 病 、 皮肤 病、生殖泌尿系统病、性传播感染、外伤、贫血、眼感染、营养不良。
87. The main communicable and non-communicable diseases are malaria, respiratory infections, helminth infections, diarrhoeal diseases, skin diseases, genito-urinary diseases, sexually transmitted infections, injuries, anaemia, eye infections and malnutrition.
Zhejiang Province is currently the largest-scale and even to produce pre-printed color flexo corrugated cardboard, cardboard boxes, one of the main industries, has introduced the most advanced and widest range of Italian soft-core version of the pre-technology 2000mm6 +1 Japan ISO2000mm printer and pre-printed corrugated board production line, the German BHS2500mm pre-printed corrugated board production line has also signed a contract to be installed into production.
大部分土著人 居住在很有代表性的简陋泥地房屋,茅草或瓦楞 皮 房 顶 ,木墙或土坯墙,房屋 带有一小块土地,居民们在上面种植自己所需的粮食。
Most indigenous people typically live in a modest earth-floor building with a straw or corrugated iron roof and wooden or adobe walls, with a small patch of land on which they grow food for themselves.
低成本 单剂量药物对医治皮病、通过土壤传播的蠕虫病和蟠尾线虫病很有效,因而有 可能通过在发病社区或学校大规模发放药物来控制这些疾病。
Single doses of low-cost drugs are effective in treating lymphatic filariasis, soil-transmitted helminthes and onchocerciasis, making possible their control via mass drug administration to affected communities or in schools.
公司广泛的产品组合已行销70个国家,可治疗多 皮 肤 病 , 包 括:痤疮、红斑痤疮、甲癣、牛皮癣与类固醇反应 皮 肤 病 、 色素 疾 病 、 皮 肤 癌以及皮肤衰老。
Galderma's extensive product portfolio is available in 70
countries and treats
[...] a range of dermatological conditions including: acne, rosacea, onychomycosis, psoriasis & steroid-responsive dermatoses, pigmentary disorders, skin cancer [...]
and medical solutions for skin senescence.




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