单词 | 癖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 癖—hobbyExamples:癖好n—hobbyn fondnessn 癖好—an addiction a craving an urge 嗜痂成癖—have strange and dangerous addictions [idiom.]
其中的主人公是有养鸟的癖好,他的癖好占用了公共空间和他人的私人空间。 shanghaibiennale.org | The main character in this tale raises birds, and his hobby takes over public spaces and the private space of those around him. shanghaibiennale.org |
(a) 按刑事罪论处并切实惩治包括所有恋童癖行为在内的对儿童的一切形 式性剥削和性凌虐,包括在家庭内部或为商业目的进行的性剥削和性凌虐、儿童 [...] 色情制品和儿童卖淫、儿童色情旅游业、贩运儿童、买卖儿童以及利用因特网及 其他信息和通信技术从事此种活动,并采取有效措施避免将受剥削之害的儿童当 作罪犯处理 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) To criminalize and penalize effectively all forms of sexual [...] exploitation and sexual abuse of children, including [...] all acts ofpaedophilia,including within [...]the family or for commercial purposes, [...]child pornography and child prostitution, child sex tourism, trafficking in children, the sale of children and the use of the Internet and other information and communications technologies for these purposes, and to take effective measures against the criminalization of children who are victims of exploitation daccess-ods.un.org |
滥用物质或逐渐有此癖瘾的人应立即 向专业人员求助。 bcepilepsy.com | Substance abuse or a person heading towards substance dependency should immediately seek help from a professional. bcepilepsy.com |
罗马尼亚、秘鲁、以色列和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 [...] 王国的代表团辩称,经明确证明该组织符合理事会第 1996/31 号决议规定的各项 [...] 标准,并称关于书面答复的现行要求不过是拒绝给予男女同性恋权利相关组织咨 商地位的另一条途径,尽管它们认为该组织已就所有可能的问题和指称(包括相 关的恋童癖问题)提供了满意的口头和书面答案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegations of Colombia, Israel, Peru, Romania and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland argued that the organization had clearly proved that it had met the criteria set out in Council resolution 1996/31, and that the ongoing requests for written replies were just another way of denying consultative status to an organization concerned with gay and lesbian rights, even though, in their opinion, the organization in question had already provided satisfactory [...] answers, both orally and in writing, to [...] all possible questions and allegations, including to those regarding paedophilia. daccess-ods.un.org |
有关恋童癖和强奸犯的言论并未表明是将其与索马里人相提并 论”。 daccess-ods.un.org | The statements on paedophilesand rapists [...] are not indicative of a comparison with Somalis”. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 利用包括互联网在内的新的信息技术进行剥削构成贩运,如贩运妇女 进入强迫婚姻、强迫劳动和提供服务,并从事性旅游业对她们进行剥削,以及贩 运儿童,尤其是利用儿童从事色情、恋童癖行为和强迫劳动和提供服务,以及以 其他形式剥削儿童 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) The use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for the purposes of exploitation that constitute trafficking, such as for trafficking in women for forced marriages, for forced labour and services and for exploitation in sex tourism, as well as trafficking in children for, inter alia, child pornography,paedophilia,forced labour and services, and any other form of exploitation of children daccess-ods.un.org |
关于警 察 施 暴 问题,加 拿 大 人 口 与发展行动组织赞 成人权高专办关于易装癖者谋杀案的评 论,并支持世界禁止 酷刑组织关于针 对 易装癖者的罪 行的声 明 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding police abuses, ACPD supported OHCHR comments on the murders of transvestites and supported statements by the World Organization Against Torture on crimes againsttransvestites. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 缔约国在其报告中确认存在经营所谓“孤儿院”和“街头庇护所”的 外国恋童癖者虐待儿童的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) Cases of children being abused by foreign paedophiles whorun so-called ―orphanages‖ and ―street shelters‖, as recognized by the State party in its report. daccess-ods.un.org |
实施了严格监督,确保被定 罪的恋童癖者服刑期满,总统最近提出的《刑法典》 修订案加重了对恋童癖者的惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | There was rigorous oversight to ensure that [...] convicted paedophiles served out their sentences and the President had recently proposed amendments to the Criminal Code that increased penalties for paedophilia. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会还从一致的说法得知,拘留在 Tacumbú 的易装癖者经常被 迫在院子里当着其他囚犯和看守的面进行色情表演,观看者需要付费。 daccess-ods.un.org | The SPT heard consistent [...] accountsof transvestites detained [...]at Tacumbú being frequently obliged to perform sex scenes in [...]the courtyards in front of other inmates and guards, who paid to watch. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而 , 也 有 其 他 人 认 为 性 罪 犯 名 册 不 一 定 能 够 阻 吓 娈童癖患者, 而 且 会 侵 犯 曾 犯 罪 者 的 私 隐 权 和 妨 碍 其 改 过 自 新 , 也 有 可 能 会 鼓 动 民 间 自 行 执 法 。 hkreform.gov.hk | There are others, however, who believe that a sex offender register may not deterpaedophiles and, further, would infringe privacy rights and rehabilitation opportunities of ex-offenders and run the risk of encouraging vigilantism. hkreform.gov.hk |
卡塔尔、埃及和巴基斯坦代表强调,应回答向该组织提出的其他问题,并辩 [...] 称在这方面委员会不应背离其规范,或者略微怀疑其任何成员或分支机构有恋童癖迹象就对该组织草率做出决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representatives of Qatar, Egypt and Pakistan underlined that the additional questions posed to the organization merited answers, arguing that the Committee should not depart from its norms in this regard, or be hasty in taking decisions about any [...] organization with the slightest shadow of a doubt regarding the implication of any of its [...] members or associates in paedophilia. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个怪癖,我想只发生在女生这里而已吧? 4tern.com | This happened even in short breaks. 4tern.com |
C 的 私 隐 权 利 , 其 [...] 中 涵 盖 这 名 娈童癖患者及 其 家 人 的 [...]权 益、这 项 披 露 若 导 致 民 间 自 行 执 法 对 他 们 相 当 可 能 造 成 的 影 响 , 以 及 这 项 披 露 对 其 尌 [...]业 所 造 成 的 困 难 。 hkreform.gov.hk | C's privacy rights which encompassed the [...] interests of the paedophile andhis family, [...]the likely impact which the disclosure [...]might have on them in terms of vigilantism, and employment difficulties. hkreform.gov.hk |
任何牙医,如有下列任何一种情形,均须面对纪律处分程序:(a) 被 发现或涉嫌处方或向病人供给可导致上瘾或产生倚赖的药物,惟进行 真正治療时有所需要,则属例外;(b) 为满足个人对某种药物的癖好而违反《危险药物条例》及有关规例的规定;或 (c) 允许不符合资格 的助理负责管理一处公开出售附表所列毒药或含有该等毒药的制剂 的地方。 dchk.org.hk | Disciplinary proceedings (a) may be taken in any case in which a dental practitioner has been found or alleged to have prescribed or supplied drugs of addiction or dependence otherwise than in the course of bona fide treatment; (b) will be taken against a dental practitioner convicted of offences against the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance and the Regulations made thereunder committed in order to gratify the dental practitioner’s own addiction; and (c) may be taken against any dental practitioner who permits unqualified assistants to be left in charge of any place in which scheduled poisons or preparations containing scheduled poisons are sold to the public. dchk.org.hk |
有时,患儿会表现出一些生理问题,比如头痛、胃痛、心率快、感觉呼吸困难、咬指甲癖、拔毛癖,以及拒绝上学。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Sometimes, children will exhibit physical problems such as headaches, stomach [...] pains, rapid heart rate, a sensation of difficulty with [...] breathing, nail biting, hair pulling and refusal [...]to go to school. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
关切包括因特网在内的新信息技术被用于利用他人卖淫以图营利、贩运妇女 为新娘、剥削妇女和儿童的色情旅游、儿童色情制品、恋童癖和对儿童的任何其 他形式的性剥削等活动 daccess-ods.un.org | Concerned about the use of new information technologies, including the Internet, for purposes of exploitation of the prostitution of others, for trafficking in women as brides, for sex tourism exploiting women and children and for child pornography, paedophilia and any other forms of sexual exploitation of children daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,报纸和电视台对成功的互联网调查的报道仅限于轰动的案件,如通过恢复恋童癖嫌疑人经过篡改的照片查明其身份的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, newspapers as well as TV stations limit their coverage of successful Internet [...] investigations to spectacular cases such as the [...] identification of a paedophile by descrambling [...]manipulated pictures of the suspect. daccess-ods.un.org |
当我想到 儿童——特别是儿童——被迫从事他们无力从事的、 [...] 损害其健康而只是为了满足贩运者轻易获利的渴望, 或是被堕落者或恋童癖者用于性目的之时——当我 想到这些年幼的受害者之时,我对自己能够作为共同 [...]推动者,为酝酿这项《行动计划》作出贡献感到很欣 慰。 daccess-ods.un.org | When I think of the children — and especially children — condemned to labour that they are too weak for and which ruins their health to slake the thirst for easy profit for traffickers, [...] or who are used for sexual ends by depraved [...] persons or pedophiles —when I [...]think of these young victims, I am grateful [...]that I have contributed, as a co-facilitator, to originating this Plan of Action, which I am sure will make its mark in the annals of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在列治文﹑北温哥华和西温哥华以及沿海天公路(Sea-to-Sky Highway)﹑阳光海岸(Sunshine Coast)和 卑诗省中部海岸提供戒除癖瘾计划。 bcepilepsy.com | Provides addiction recovery programs in Richmond, North and West Vancouver and along the Sea-to-Sky Highway, Sunshine Coast and BC’s Central Coast. bcepilepsy.com |
缔约国重申了专员致地区检察官的信函,其中指出此言论并未超出政治人 [...] 士讨论有争议的社会问题时所享有的特别广泛的表达自由,该言论是在电台政治 辩论中提出的,且关于恋童癖和强奸犯的说法并不代表将之与索马里人相提并 论。 daccess-ods.un.org | 4.17 It reiterates the Commissioner’s letter to the Regional Public Prosecutor that the statements did not exceed the particularly extensive freedom of expression enjoyed by politicians about controversial social issues, that the statements were made during a [...] political radio debate and that the statement [...] aboutthe pedophiles and rapists [...]did not represent a comparison with Somalis. daccess-ods.un.org |
多位来访的业者均表示,由於义大利当地、特别是罗马,气候宜人,恰巧迎合人们喜爱从事室外活动的癖好。 taiwanslot.com.tw | Many of the participants expressed that the weather in Italy, especially Rome, was pleasing and made people want to go outside and join the expo. taiwanslot.com.tw |
我愿首先指出,必须保障关键群体,不仅是男男 性行为者、性工作者和吸毒者,而且还有变性人、异装癖者和犯人等群体的人权。 daccess-ods.un.org | I would point first to the need to guarantee the human rights of key populations, not only men who have sex with men, sex workers and drug users, but also transgendered persons, transvestitesand prisoners, among others. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们要求所有的管理人员必须参加戒除瘾癖的培训,以帮助他们辨别员工是否有上瘾倾向或已上瘾,并为此类员工提供专业指导。 reports.wacker.com | All managers are required to attend classes on the prevention of drug dependence that will enable them to recognize employees who are at risk or already addicted, and to encourage them to seek the proper treatment. reports.wacker.com |
在我写这个有趣的调查结果之前,我想添加一些自己关于该系统其它怪癖的想法。 youngchinabiz.com | Before I write more about the results from this amusing poll and add my own thoughts on some of the system's other quirks, I should start by saying the overall system -- the world's second largest-- is quite good. youngchinabiz.com |
年建立了消除恋童癖和通过旅游对儿童进行商业性性剥削委员会,然而委 员会关注在缔约国内仍然存在着无数儿童被外国恋童癖者进行性剥削的案件,特 别关注流露街头的儿童和来自贫民窟的儿童对此类性虐待和剥削的脆弱性。 daccess-ods.un.org | While welcoming the State party‘s efforts, in collaboration with national institutions and non-governmental organizations, to combat child sex tourism and the establishment in 2005 of a Committee against Paedophilia and Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children through Tourism, the Committee is however concerned about the numerous cases of children being sexually exploited by foreignpaedophiles inthe State party and the particular vulnerability of children in street situations and children from slum areas to this form of sexual abuse and exploitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,关于该《公约》第 [...] 2 条的解释性说明指出,应当广义地理解该 《公约》第 2 条(a)款里的措辞“以直接或间接获得金钱或其他物质利益”,使之 [...] 包括如主要动机可能是性满足的犯罪,其中包括儿童诱骗团伙成员接收或买卖 资料、恋童癖团伙买卖儿童或团伙成员之间分担费用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, an interpretative note to article 2 of the Convention indicates that the words in article 2, subparagraph (a), of the Convention “in order to obtain, directly or indirectly, a financial or material benefit” should be interpreted broadly, to include, for example, crimes in which the predominant motivation may be sexual gratification, such as the receipt or trade of materials by members of child grooming rings, the trading of children by paedophile rings or cost-sharing among ring members.3 The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish [...] Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and [...] Children, supplementing theUnited [...]Nations Convention against Transnational Organized [...]Crime, is also relevant to the issue of the use of new information technology, including the Internet, to facilitate child abuse and exploitation. daccess-ods.un.org |
为协助戒毒所所员戒除毒癖,帮助他们获释後重新融入社会,惩教署 近年已调配院所资源,加强提供青少年戒毒者的更生服务,包括安排 他们进行体能训練、职业训練、个案及小组辅导和臨床心理服务等, 使他们能够增强体魄、培养良好工作习惯、建立自信、改善人际关系 和加强他们远離毒品的决心。 csd.gov.hk | They aim to strengthen the physique of young drug abusers, help them to develop a good working habit, build up their self-confidence, improve their interpersonal relationship and strengthen their determination in staying away from drugs. csd.gov.hk |