单词 | 癒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:治愈v—healv 痊愈v—healv 治愈adj—curable
Fraxel所造成的表皮创伤极轻微,24小时内会自动癒合,大大减低细菌感染风险。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | The epidermal woundcaused byFraxel is so minimal that it will be self-healed in 24 hours, thus reducing significantly the risk of bacterial infection. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
伤口:减轻炎症反应,促进上皮癒合。 bonjourhk.com | Injury: reduce inflammation, promote skin healing bonjourhk.com |
积雪草提取物能刺激I和III型胶原加速癒合皮肤,并防止疤痕的类型。 lavedo.com | Titrated extract of centella asiatica stimulates types I and III collagen to accelerate healing of the skin's barrier and prevent scarring. lavedo.com |
(2)较大或癒合不良的伤口清创-遇到较大的伤口或癒合不良的伤口,需由外科医师清创移除坏死的组织,或造成炎症反应的细菌,以促进伤口癒合。 ord.feg.com.tw | (2) Abnormal healing wound debridement - encountered a large woundor abnormal healing wound needed to remove necrotic tissue and bacteria which will cause inflammation by the surgeon debridement, [...][...] , in order to promote wound healing. ord.feg.com.tw |
癒伤组织。 89360,收回自动双棘爪IWC万国表是目前被认为最现代化的机械运动停止功能,通过这款运动型腕表的蓝宝石水晶,可以欣赏潜水。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Callus. 89360, recovered by automatic double pawls IWC is currently considered one of the most modern mechanical movement with stop function that can be admired through the sapphire crystal of this sporty watch diving. en.horloger-paris.com |
对於那些已确定有头蝨的小孩,GLO 需要在小孩从新回到活动前收到治癒的证明。 gloinc.org | For the children who have confirmed cases of lice, GLO will require proof of treatment from families before children are re-admitted into the program. gloinc.org |
黄姜含丰富锰质、铁质及维他命B6,传统上用於对抗炎症、促进伤口癒合等。 sfgourmet.com | Turmeric is rich in manganese, iron, and vitamin B6, traditionally used to combat inflammation and promote wound healing. sfgourmet.com |
在此过程中,兽医向我们解释每个重要步骤,例如:如何让小鸟安定、如何解除纱布、包紮、痊癒状况等等。 4tern.com | He also explained how to keep the bird calm, how to loosen the bandage, how to tie a new bandage and so on. 4tern.com |
戴夫特技术大学两位研究员正希望克服这项问题,自2006年起,微生物学家锺克斯(Henk Jonkers)与水泥开发专家施朗根(Eric Schlangen)合作,希望研发出自癒型混凝土(如图),阻止水泥出现裂缝,延长建筑物寿命。 thisbigcity.net | Beginning in 2006, Henk Jonkers, a microbiologist, and Eric Schlangen, a specialist in concrete development, sought to develop a self-healing cement [pictured] that would stop cracks from forming in the concrete, thereby extending the life of constructions. thisbigcity.net |
因为它非常的 纤细,所以在手术的伤口癒合之後将很难感受到它 的存在。 biotronik.com | They are so thin that you will hardly notice them once your wounds have healed after the operation. biotronik.com |
王、陈两位科学家将传统中药的砷剂与西药结合起来用於治疗,使APL病人的"五年无病生存率"从以往的大约25%跃升至95%, 并使得该种联合治疗的方法成为全世界APL的标准疗法,从而将此种过去高致命的疾病变成了高度可治癒的疾病。 afcr.org.hk | By combining traditional Chinese medicine with Western medicine, Drs. Wang and Chen have provided dramatic improvement in the five-year disease-free survival rate of APL patients - from approximately 25 percent to 95 percent - making this therapy a standard of care for APL treatment throughout the world, and turning one of the most fatal diseases into a highly curableone. afcr.org.hk |
我们的网路,由具有自癒结构的SDH 环路所组成,可通过自动恢复和备援路由选择来确保高可用率。 pacnet.com | Our network incorporates a SDH ring with self-healing architecture to ensure high availability through automatic recovery and alternate routing. pacnet.com |
药物治疗:有关药物并非用以治癒焦虑症,而是纾缓症状。 hsbc.com.hk | Medication: The medications prescribed to treat these disorders are not cures and are only meant to relieve the symptoms. hsbc.com.hk |
机械臂系统现时主要用於部份膝关节置换术,以治疗膝关节受损而其他治疗未能治癒的病人,日後亦可用作髋关节置换手术。 hksh.com | This new robot system is used mainly for partial knee replacement (PKR), i.e. for patients with parts of the knee joint damaged and failed non-operative management. hksh.com |
这些活动包括在全港各地举办展览,目的是提高公众人士对视障人士需要和能力的认识,加深对普通眼病的了解及预防方法及在可能范围内治癒可能致盲的疾病。 hksb.org.hk | These included exhibitions staged around the territory with the aims of arousing public awareness of the needs and abilities of the blind and severely visually impaired and of the common eye problems and methods used to prevent and where possible curepotentially blinding eye diseases. hksb.org.hk |
角膜癒合不规则可能造成不规则散光,导致最佳视力减退。 hksh.com | Irregular healing of the cornea may lead to irregular astigmatism and thus, decrease in best corrected vision. hksh.com |
因患感冒而痊癒後所产生的免疫力并不能 有效地对抗新品种的流感病毒。 qhms.com | The natural protection or immunity that you develop after catching a particular strain of influenza virus does not necessarily protect you against another strain of influenza virus. qhms.com |
勿让双手不洁、衣服肮脏、身有未癒合溃疡或绷带的顾客,自行在散装食物容器中拿取食 物。 bccdc.ca | Do not allow customers with unclean hands, dirty clothing, open sores or bandages to serve themselves from bulk food containers. bccdc.ca |
香港,二零零六年七月二十日 - 全世界以至香港人对健康癒趋注重,然而不少人对健康仍存有误解。 hkupop.hku.hk | Hong Kong, 20 July 2006 - Globally and locally,there have been significant increases in the concern for physical and mental health. hkupop.hku.hk |
吸烟 ﹣吸烟会减低血液循环和伤口癒合的能 力,大大增加需要截肢的风险。 centraleastlhin.on.ca | Don’t smoke – it decreases circulation and healing, and significantly increases the risks of amputation. centraleastlhin.on.ca |
完全备源的网路设计运作在有自癒能力的SDH环路上,可经由自动复原及替代路由保证高度使用率。 pacnet.com | Fully-redundant network design incorporating an SDH ring with self-healing architecture that ensures high availability through automatic recovery and alternate routing. pacnet.com |
严重的暗疮可能会变红和带来痛楚,甚至发展为脓疱或脓肿,治癒後可能会留下疤痕。 hsbc.com.hk | Severe acne may become red and painful, and develop into pustules or even [...] abscesses which heal but with scarring. hsbc.com.hk |
早在公元前400多年医学之父希波克拉底〈Hippocrates〉﹝公元前460~377年﹞已提及:“通过相似者,疾病产生;通过使用相似者,疾病被治癒。 living-homeopathy.com | Around the year 400 BC, the father of medicine Hippocrates (460 ~ 377 BC) had already mentioned, "By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like it is cured. living-homeopathy.com |
他们的父母是保健和经销业中朴实的平民先驱,尊崇自然界富有的疗癒和保健功效成份,也相信诚信经营和口碑行销的力量。 xango.com.tw | Their parents were humble grassroots pioneers in the wellness and direct sales worlds, showing respect to nature’s healing and helping powers, and to the efficacy of honest, word-of-mouth marketing. xango.com.au |
骨折和脱位,或伴有韧带破裂或不稳定体徵的癒合骨折,其相关解剖位置或区域为关节手法治 疗的绝对禁忌症。 hkca.org | Fractures and dislocations, or healed fractures with signs of ligamentous rupture or instability, represent an absolute contraindicati on to joint manipulation applied at the anatomical site or region. hkca.org |
裂缝宽度常只有0.2厘米至0.4厘米,但水分就会渗入,危害水泥与钢筋结构,但两人企图化危机为转机,将细菌孢子混入混凝土,做为渗水时癒合的媒介。 thisbigcity.net | Using the potentially damaging water to their advantage, Jonkers and Schlangen added a healing agent into the concrete, composed of bacterial spores and a feed. thisbigcity.net |