单词 | 瘭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榭—pavilion瘭—whitlowExamples:香榭丽舍大街—Avenue des Champs-Élysées 香榭丽舍—Champs Élysées
水榭楼阁、岭南水乡、滨水公园与码头都将成为城市中独具一格的元素。 chinese-architects.com | Canal houses, related Guangdong water village living, lakeshore clusters, water front parks and marinas will become unique elements of the city. chinese-architects.com |
作品于2007年11月在香榭丽舍大街的雪铁龙展厅进行了全球首发式,如今刚完成为期三个月的展出。 shanghaibiennale.org | The work has just completed a three month exhibition in Citroën’s Champs-Élysées showroom in Paris, where it enjoyed its world premiere in November 2007. shanghaibiennale.org |
行使这项权利,买方将派遣一个在他作为控制器的身份向卖方致函至以下地址:SARL公司莱斯香榭丽舍德或/ HBC,简称:/钟表- paris.com,6,富兰克林大街罗斯福75008巴黎,电话:0033 SIRET:40286442500010 RCS的:402 864 425巴黎乙,资本:欧元49,000.00。 zh.horloger-paris.com | To exercise this right, the Purchaser will send a letter to the Seller in his capacity as controller at the following address: SARL Les Champs d'Or / HBC / Watchmaker-paris.com, 6, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 Paris, Tel: 0033 SIRET: 40286442500010 RCS: Paris B 402 864 425, capital: EURO 49,000.00. en.horloger-paris.com |
证明,如果一个人仍下落不明,他的承诺,他的献身精神,现在他的两个儿子与他一起工作,“一个运行在香榭丽舍大街的商店,新加坡另一家附属公司。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Proof, if one still missing, his commitment and his dedication, his two son now working with him, "one runs the shop on the Champs Elysees, another subsidiary of Singapore. en.horloger-paris.com |
当我们沿着一条街道行驶时,一个同事告诉我,这条街道曾经是霍姆斯着名的香榭丽舍大街,遍布着咖啡馆、饭店和酒吧,整日熙熙攘攘。 unicef.org | As we drove down one street, a colleague told me it had once been known as the Champs-Élysées of Homs, with cafes, restaurants and bars bustling with people. unicef.org |
数据收集的收件人将SARL公司莱斯香榭丽舍德或/ HBC,简称:/钟表- paris.com,6,富兰克林大街罗斯福75008巴黎,电话:0033 SIRET:40286442500010 RCS的:402 864 425巴黎乙供应商和社会,尊重所有现行有效的法律规定。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The recipients of the data gathered will be SARL Les Champs d'Or / HBC / Watchmaker-paris.com, 6, Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 Paris, Tel: 0033 SIRET: 40286442500010 RCS: Paris B 402 864 425 providers and society while respecting all the legal provisions in force. en.horloger-paris.com |
演出将联合包括香港城市室乐团共69名乐师,米榭‧李葛兰担任乐团指挥,并将亲自用钢琴参与演奏几首曲目,来自巴黎歌剧院的Catherine Michel 将担任竖琴独奏。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The show will feature the City Chambers Orchestra of Hong Kong with 69 musicians on stage, Michel Legrand conducting the orchestra and playing piano himself on a few songs, and Catherine Michel, soloist harpist from the Opera de Paris. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
此作品由粉百合及粉太阳花为主,再配上瑚姬,榭香等多种花材组成,配以其他衬叶,大方得体。 givegift.com.hk | The key flowers of this grand opening flower basket stand are pink lilies and pink geberra lilies, accessorized with Thai national orchids, mathiola type flower and other flowers and plant leaves. givegift.com.hk |
卖家:SARL公司莱斯香榭丽舍德或/ HBC,简称:/钟表- paris.com,6大街富兰克林罗斯福75008巴黎,电话:0033 SIRET:40286442500010 RCS的:402 864 425巴黎乙,资本:49000.00欧元通过本网站提供销售产品。 zh.horloger-paris.com | Seller: SARL Les Champs d'Or / HBC / Watchmaker-paris.com, 6 Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt 75008 Paris, Tel: 0033 SIRET: 40286442500010 RCS: Paris B 402 864 425, capital: 49000.00 EURO offering Products for sale through the Site. en.horloger-paris.com |
此外,当地亦有不少备受保护的区域,例如影片开头出现的马厩,是非常典型的富裕区域产物,如同美国纽约上东城或法国巴黎香榭大道,纵然是富裕程度较低的国家,类似社区也同样存在,若走访墨西哥市或圣保罗,也自有其江南区。 thisbigcity.net | Even countries traditionally considered to be less wealthy feature similar neighborhoods. thisbigcity.net |
建于在1925年的香榭丽舍大道和艺术爱好者,具有广泛的绘画画廊的美国记者最喜爱的酒店几步之遥,此属性结合豪华和精致的装潢。 hotelspreference.com | Built a few steps away from the Champs-Élysées in 1925 and favorite hotel of American journalists featuring an extensive painting gallery for art lovers, this property combines luxury and refined decor. hotelspreference.com |
和Vivenne Wu 一样,Brauer也把外滩的未来和巴黎的香榭丽舍大道联系在一起:“我觉得外滩就是上海的经典地标,是通向这座城市的窗口。 vantageshanghai.com | Like Vivenne Wu, Brauer also likens the Bund’s future to that of Champs-Elysees in Paris: ‘‘I think the Bund is an icon of Shanghai, it is the window to the city. vantageshanghai.com |
作为三次奥斯卡奖、一次金球奖和五次格莱美奖得奖者,及着名电影《Summer of ’42》、《The Thomas Crown Affair》、《Ice Station Zebra》、《Yentl》、《The Young Ladies of Rochefort》和《The Umbrellas of Cherbourg》原声带的创作者,米榭‧李葛兰是世界上最着名的杰出作曲家之一。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | Winner of 3 Oscars, 1 Golden Globe, and 5 Grammy Awards, composer of several movie soundtracks including “Summer of ’42”, “The Thomas Crown Affair”, “Ice Station Zebra”, “Yentl”, “The Young Ladies of Rochefort” and “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg“, Michel Legrand is one of the world’s most famous and talented composer, and it is a unique chance to see him in Asia interpreting on stage his most famous pieces in a prestigious concert hall with a recognized orchestra. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
Arc Elysee酒店位於巴黎8区,地理位置优越,香榭丽舍大街、凯旋门和艾菲尔铁塔近在咫尺。 hotels-paris.fr | Located in the 8th district of Paris, Hotel Arc Elysée sits next to Champs-Elysées, Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. hotels-paris.fr |
桦榭媒体集团(www.hfmasia.com)在台湾和香港的整个大中华区部门最近共同采用Epsilon 的电邮解决方案,发放每日和每周的个人化客户通讯,务求增加其刊物的网站客户流量和质量,参与刊物包括《Elle》和《Elle Girl》。 epsilon.com | Hachette Filipacchi Media (www.hfmasia.com), the group’s entire Greater China operation in Taiwan and Hong Kong have recently teamed up and engaged Epsilon’s DREAMmail to deliver daily and weekly personalised customer newsletters, with the goal of driving customer traffic to their magazines’ online properties such as Elle and Elle Girl. epsilon.com |
对这栋靠近香榭丽舍大街的建筑,当前改造计 划保留了建筑本身的精髓。 iguzzini.com | The current project for renovation of the building located close to the Champs Élysées preserves the initial spirit of the complex by using the original architectural style. iguzzini.com |
这开张花篮色彩鲜艳且线条优美,篮中以跳舞兰,粉百合,綉球花,玫瑰花,红兰,瑚姬,榭香等多种花材为主,配以其他多种衬叶。 givegift.com.hk | Good choice to send your blessing for friends with a new store opening. The chief flower of this flower stand is oncidium orchids, pink lilies, hydrangea, roses, Mathiola type flower with matching flowers and greens. givegift.com.hk |
在香榭丽舍大街“的秘密,这家豪华的财产拥有174间客房和套房,装饰与精细优雅。 hotelspreference.com | In the Champs Elysées' secrets, this luxurious property posseses 174 rooms and suites, decorated with fine elegance. hotelspreference.com |
卡拉达历的2012重要演出,包括於伦敦威格摩音乐厅、巴黎香榭丽舍大剧院、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅等演出独奏会,以及於华盛顿、东京、香港、首尔、伊斯坦堡演出,并於澳洲及英国各地作大型巡回演奏。他於2011年首度亮相卡奈基音乐厅,又於德国柏林、慕尼黑、科隆、汉堡、法兰克福及史图格等多个城市演出独奏会。 hkphil.org | Miloš’ appearances in 2012 include recitals at London’s Wigmore Hall, the Théatre des Champs-Elysées in Paris, the Amsterdam Concertgebouw, performances in Washington, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Seoul, and Istanbul, and major tours of Australia and the UK. 2011 saw his Carnegie Hall début and a tour of Germany including recitals in Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. hkphil.org |
大型花束, 宽两尺, 高两尺半到三尺, 多支粉火百合(超过25头)配上了紫色桔梗及紫榭香,包装用麻丝布,高贵优雅最称心的礼物。 givegift.com.hk | A large-sized bouquet, 2 feet wide, 2.5 to 3 feet tall, made of Sorbonne (pink color) lilies with over 25 blossoms, with eustoma, delphinium, and matching greens, wrapped in new hemp based fabric, a perfect gift for lilies lovers. givegift.com.hk |
其中包括坐落在巴黎香榭丽舍大街(Avenue Champs Elysées)的5星级巴里耶尔富凯酒店(81间客房和套房)以及位于戛纳克鲁瓦塞特大道(Croisette) 着名的巴里耶尔马捷斯蒂克酒店 (349间客房和套房),它距离每年举办着名戛纳电影节的影节宫(Palais des Festivals)咫尺之遥。 hainanrendezvous.com | Amongst them, discover the 5* Fouquet’s Barriere (81 rooms and Suites) located in Paris on the Avenue Champs Elysées but also the world renowned 5* Majestic Barrière (349 rooms and Suites) located in Cannes on the Croisette, few steps from the Palais des Festivals where the famous film festival is held every year. hainanrendezvous.com |