

单词 痴心妄想

See also:



妄想 n

delusion n


attempt vainly
a vain attempt

External sources (not reviewed)

第五道枷鎖是政改要按部就班,步伐不能過急,意思是 2007 年及 2008 年普選不能操之過急,港人不 痴心妄想 在 這兩年進行普選。
Hong Kong people should not have the wishful thinking of implementing universal suffrage in these two years.
他認為他的政黨可以 在總督和國際間的支持㆘改變基本法的想法,只 痴心妄想。
His idea that, with the Governor's support and with international
[...] encouragement, his party would be able to change the Basic Law was only a pipedream.
怀 有这样的希望并痴心妄想,而是因为存在实际机会采取具体行动。
My hope is based
[...] not on wishful thinking, but on real opportunities [...]
for concrete action.
主席,只有這樣的覺醒,我們才有可能阻止曾蔭權再次搬出 2005 年的 方案;只有這樣的覺醒,我們才有可能消滅建制派借 2012 年的方案,安插 更多特權分子痴心妄想;只有這樣的覺醒,當權者才會意識到民意不可侮 辱,然後認認真真地與社會商討真實的普選方案,從而解決管治問題,杜絕 不公平的施政,為我們的社會還原是非黑白。
Only with such an awakening will it be possible for us to dash the vain hopes of the pro-establishment camp to install more elements enjoying special
privileges by means of
[...] the proposals for 2012; only with such an awakening will those in power realize that public opinion cannot be belittled, so that they will hold discussions [...]
with society on a
genuine proposal on universal suffrage earnestly, in order to solve the problems in governance, eradicate the unfair practices in administration and restore right and wrong and black and white in our society to their proper niches.
抑郁常与其他疾病同时出现,痴呆 、 心 脏 病 、中风、糖尿病或癌症,使受病痛 折磨老年人的生活质量及其参与社会的能力进一步恶化。
Depression often occurs together with other disorders
[...] such as dementia, heart disease, stroke, [...]
diabetes or cancer, further degrading the
quality of life of afflicted older persons and their ability to participate in society.
Only when we do not believe in ourselves will we consider full direct
[...] election in 1995 a fanstasy or idealism.
我想 [Leigh] 在威尼斯太心了:他的开支和心 完 全 失控,只 妄想 有 人 会替他结账。
I think at Venice [Leigh] got too greedy: his
[...] expenses, his ambitions were out of control and he just dreamt someone would pick up the bill.
這些新措施有助回應資助院舍對照顧服務持續增長的需 求,並進一步提升對正居於安老院舍,而已達療養程度的長者痴呆症長者的支援。
The new initiatives will help meet the growing demand for subsidised residential care services and further enhance the care for infirm and demented elders staying in RCHEs.
情況說 明 市 民 對這些方 面 的關注亦有不足之 處 , 民建聯 認為政 府 有必要加 強 這 方 面 的教育,因為我們一 旦 沒有了樹 林 、 沒有了海 灣 、 沒有了文
[...] 化名勝 ,則香港要 發 展 生 態 旅遊便 更 是心 妄 想了。
The DAB holds that it is necessary for the Government to strengthen education in this area as it is
sheer wishful thinking to try to develop ecological tourism once all our woods, bays
[...] and cultural attractions are all gone.
我請政府不要妄想能以 這些 過時的殖民地法例箝制香港的言論自由。
I ask the Government not to cherish any unreal hopes that this sort of colonial laws can put a clamp on the freedom of speech in Hong Kong.
香港人實在應擦亮 眼睛,不要再希望這諮詢文件中的方案能帶我們到達“真普選” 心 存僥妄想。
Hong Kong people should really see things in their correct perspective and refrain from leaving things to chance and harbouring wishful thinking that the proposals outlined in this consultation document can lead us to "genuine universal suffrage".
立法局只能在鳥籠內運作,要規規矩矩㆞ 運作,不妄想擔當 民主國家議會的角色,代表㆟民阻止行政機構的苛政、濫權。
It wants the Legislative Council to operate within a bird cage, to
operate in a discreet and disciplined
[...] manner and to stop dreaming about playing [...]
the role of the parliament of a democratic
country to represent the people in stopping the executive branch of government from enforcing oppressive policies and abusing power.
當我們考慮應否津貼老㆟心,或 給予老㆟車船票價優惠的同時,我們必須了解, 這些政策的實施,是會減少老㆟由於孤獨、寂寞而產生的情緒不安、憂鬱,甚 妄想 症狀
In considering whether subsidy should be made to social centres for the elderly or concessionary transport fares be provided to the aged people, we have to understand that the implementation of such policies [...]
will actually reduce the depression, anxiety or even paranoia suffered by many elderly people
because of loneliness and isolation from the society.
亚美尼亚领导层对其境内以及被占阿塞拜疆领土的所有非亚美尼亚人进行 了全面的种族清洗,从而在这些地区成功地创造了独有的单一民族文化,他们很 早以前就公布其吞并意图,其心是 历 史 妄想 和 种 族仇恨。
Having implemented the total ethnic cleansing of both the territory of Armenia and the occupied territories of Azerbaijan of all non-Armenians and thus succeeded in creating the uniquely mono-ethnic culture in these areas, the leadership of
Armenia long ago unveiled its annexationist
[...] intentions, at the core of which are historical delusions and racial animosity.
他必须花将近一年的时间来建造这些令收藏 痴心 迷 恋 的独特钟表。
It takes him almost a year to build these exceptional timepieces that are highly prized by collectors.
九 鐵 現時提 出 的 塱 原 線 , 簡直是 浪費納稅 人的錢 , 要動用 幾 十 億 元興建 這 條 支 線 , 在目前的經濟 環境下簡直是 “痴 " 的 想 法 。
Under the present economic environment, it is nothing but an "idiotic" idea to spend several billion dollars building this spur line.
作为约瑟夫布伊斯(Joseph Beuys)于20世纪60年代创立的社会雕塑流派的接班人,奥塔的作品,在某种意义上,是自身具备独特功能的艺术文物——这些令 痴 迷 的拼合艺术中,有料理台、净水装置、还有他们为2007年远征南极洲而创作的世界护照,此举也是他们为推动1948年版《世界人权宣言》第十三条的修订所作的努力之一。
As heirs to the practice of social sculpture, formulated by Joseph Beuys in the 1960s, the Ortas’ works are, in a sense, relics of their own function—beguiling assemblages that are the platform for the preparation of food, mechanisms that actually purify water, and the world passport that they created for their 2007 expedition to Antarctica, part of an effort to amend Article XIII of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
如 果有人 說
[...] 要 消 除 貧 富 懸 殊 , 便 只痴 人 說 夢 ,想像 不 到 這個社 會 有 誰 會提出這意見。
I have never heard anybody talk about that. Indeed, if anybody [...]
should advocate eliminating the disparity between the rich
and the poor, that person must be talking nonsense.
然而,令我们极其不 满的是妄想迫使 理事会回到以前委员会的老路上去 的共同企图正在出现,目的只是要将理事会变成一个 不过是为少数国家政治心服务 的政治工具。
However, to our grave dissatisfaction, new concerted
[...] attempts are emerging to force the Council back onto the path of the former Commission, with a view to transforming it into a mere political tool to serve the political ambitions of a few countries.
這種帶有殖民㆞色彩妄自尊 大心態㆒直並沒有多大的轉變,只不過今時今日以花巧的名目包裝起來,美其名曰㆟ 權。
This colonial arrogance has not changed very much, but nowadays it is disguised in fancy wrappings called human rights.
在我來說,真正妄想或理 想家,並不是劉慧卿議員,亦不是支持九五全 面直選的議員和市民,而是對民主政制毫無承擔,百般阻撓,左推右搪的㆟士。
To me, the real illusionist or idealist is neither [...]
Miss Emily LAU nor any legislator or member of the public supporting
full direct election in 1995. He or she is, in fact, anyone who stands in the way with all sorts of excuses without making any commitment to a democratic constitutional system.
正正因為政 府知道 他們所寫 的 歷史、 所 編 造 的 歷史謊 言 缺乏公 信力, 因此, 他們禁 止民間 討 論 , 內 地政府 甚 至一而再 , 再 而三重 申,八九 民 運的定性 是 不 會 被 平 反 的,還 勸 人 民 不妄 想 。
The government knows that the history they compile and the events they fabricate lack credibility, so the people are banned from discussing it.
[...] 常生活的能力,这些状况包括癌症、艾滋病毒/ 艾滋病痴呆、心脏病、肾病和 肝病以及长期严重的病痛。
According to this concept, a life-limiting health condition is chronic, limits or has the potential of limiting the person’s ability to lead a normal
life and includes, among others, cancer,
[...] HIV/AIDS, dementia, heart, renal and liver disease [...]
and permanent serious injury.
自由黨 的 同 事楊孝華議員說 我們疑神疑鬼 , 捕風捉 影 , 製造不 安,甚 至 是 患 上妄 想 被 迫 害 症 。
Our Honourable colleague, Mr Howard YOUNG of the Liberal Party, said that we were over-suspicious, starting alarmist talk, creating unrest and even suffering from persecution paranoia.
我引述:“由於復康巴士嚴重不足,需至少一個月的時間預約準備, 若得不到非牟利機構向四肢殘疾人士協會的幫忙,隨意的戶外活動簡直 是心妄想。
Now I quote: "As there is a severe shortage of Rehabuses and a looking has to be made at least a month in advance, it would be a wild dream if people with disabilities want to go out for outdoor activities were it not for the help given by the non-profit-making organizations to the quadriplegic association.
在犹太人民与以色列土地的历史渊源一代又一代 地遭到否认之后,现在,巴勒斯坦人必须明确放弃那妄想把将 这片土地变为归其独有的家园的企图— —无论现在还是将来,均须如此。
After generations of denying the Jewish people’s historic connection to the land of Israel, the Palestinians must unambiguously abandon their quest to make that land their homeland alone — both now and in the future.
俄罗斯代表团强调说,正是在与纳粹主义及其 种族主义理论斗争的过程中联合国会员国才组成了 联合国,任妄想改写 历史的尝试都是与《联合国 宪章》的文字和精神背道而驰的。
His delegation stressed that it was the struggle against Nazism and its racist theories that had united Member States and led to the establishment of the United Nations and that any attempt to rewrite history ran counter to the letter and the spirit of the Charter.
此外,这些行动反映了对容 忍和尊重另一个民族的遗产、文化和宗教这一最基本价值观的深切而粗暴的蔑 视,是以色妄想清除 在这片土地上,尤其是在耶路撒冷城里巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人 的特征、历史和存在的又一次明确企图。
Moreover, these actions are reflective of a deep and callous disrespect for the most basic values of tolerance and respect for the heritage, culture and religion of another people and clearly constitute yet another attempt by Israel to erase the Palestinian Arab identity, history and presence in the land, and particularly in the City of Jerusalem.
所以,倘若支持動議的同事意圖借此項辯論,來刺探各同事對 總督憲制改革建議的立場,是完全不顧現實 妄想。
For this reason, it is utterly unrealistic if any colleagues in favour of this motion intend to make use of this debate to sound out other colleagues' stance on the Governor's constitutional reform package.




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