单词 | 痴呆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 呆v—stayv 呆adj—stupidadj 呆—expressionless
他吁请政府当局向日间护理中心/单位增拨 资源,并为痴呆症长者的照顾者提供更多支援服务。 legco.gov.hk | He called on the Administration to allocate more resources to the DEs/DCUs and to provide more support services to the carers of dementedelders. legco.gov.hk |
在个别情况下,老年痴呆症患者或由多於一个专科( 包括内科、老人科及精神科) 提供服 务。 legco.gov.hk | In individual circumstances, patients withdementia may be provided with services by more than one specialty, including internal medicine, geriatrics and psychiatric departments. legco.gov.hk |
(一 ) 根据衞生署联同香港中文大学(“中大”)医学院精神科学系於 [...] 2006年进行的研究,本港70岁或以上居於社区的长者当中, 约有9.3%患有老年痴呆症。legco.gov.hk | (a) According to a study conducted jointly by the Department of Health (DH) and the Department of Psychiatry of The Chinese University of [...] Hong Kong (CUHK) in 2006, around 9.3% of elderly persons aged 70 or above living in the [...] community suffered from dementia. legco.gov.hk |
她说 要照顾一位老人痴呆症患者压力很大,因为自己知道从前这个人是怎麽 样,但这个病却将人改变了,甚至可以说从前那个人已经走了。 legco.gov.hk | She said that the pressure of taking care of a patient [...] suffering from Alzheimer's disease was very great [...]because she knew how this man was like [...]in the past, but the illness had changed the man and one could even say that the man of the past had departed. legco.gov.hk |
申请补助金的院舍须向社署提交院内患有老年痴呆症长者的数目(即由医管局的老人精神科小组确认患 有老年痴呆症的长者数目)。 legco.gov.hk | RCHEs applying for DS have to report to the SWD the number [...] of residing [...] elders suffering fromdementia (that is, the number of elders confirmed to be suffering from dementia by the psychogeriatric [...]team of the HA). legco.gov.hk |
潘佩璆议员引述他就评估治疗老年痴呆症的新药提出申请的经验为例,在考虑该项申请时, [...] 药物谘询委员会的成员并无包括该专科的专家,他 询问当局可否考虑邀请相关专科的专家出席药物 谘询委员会的会议,为委员会就考虑中的药物提供 专家意见,并解答委员的问题。 legco.gov.hk | Citing his experience of applying for evaluation of new drugs for the [...] treatment of Dementia whereby the [...]membership of DAC did not comprise experts [...]in the specialty when considering the application, Dr PAN Pey-chyou asked whether consideration could be given to inviting experts from the relevant specialties to take part in the meetings of DAC to provide the committee with specialist views on the drugs under consideration and answer questions from members. legco.gov.hk |
这些机构亦会提供适当的环境,以尽量减轻可 能对痴呆症患者造成的压力(例如噪音或灯光),以及提供适 当程度的刺激(例如指示牌)。 legco.gov.hk | These institutions will also provide a suitable environment so as to avoid exerting pressure (caused by noise or lighting, for instance) ondemented elderly persons and offer a suitable level of stimulation (for example, using directional signs). legco.gov.hk |
就照顾痴呆症患者补助金而言,参加 改善买位计划的私营安老院舍的合资格个案数目,是参考在资 助安老院舍获老人精神科小组评估和确认为合资格个案的数目 而推算得出。 legco.gov.hk | The number of qualified cases fordementia supplement in private RCHEs participating in Enhanced Bought Place Scheme was derived by making reference to the number of qualified cases as assessed and confirmed by Psychogeriatric Teams in the subvented RCHEs. legco.gov.hk |
政府当局会监察日间护理中心/单位使用痴呆症补助金的情况,并会在有需要时推出改善措施。 legco.gov.hk | The Administration would monitor the utilization of DS in DEs/DCUs and introduce improvement measures as and when necessary. legco.gov.hk |
政府十分重视提倡敬老护老,已经制作 多辑电视宜传短片,宣扬今年国际长者年“长幼一家”的主题, 以加深巿民对老年痴呆症的认识及宣传如何预防长者抑郁。 legco.gov.hk | TV APIs have also been produced to help the public to better understand elderly dementia and how to prevent elderly depression. legco.gov.hk |
这些服务单位可运用这些补助金聘请额外人手(包括职 业治疗师、护士、社工等)或购买相关专业服务,为患有痴呆症的长者提供适切的照顾服务和训练。 legco.gov.hk | The service units may use DS to engage additional staff (including occupational therapist, nurse, social worker, etc.) or purchase related professional service, in order to provide proper care services and training fordemented elders. legco.gov.hk |
(二 ) 现时当局没有规定使用各种安老服务的长者须接受老年痴 呆症的诊断,因此我们没有患者人数的准确资料。 legco.gov.hk | Hence, we do not have precise information on the number of dementedelders using our services. legco.gov.hk |
虽然福利事务委员会并未就为期3年的痴呆症护理单位 试验计划的评估进行讨论,但委员从政府当局方面得悉,当局认 为,在同一护理设施(即长者熟悉的环境内)以综合模式为痴呆症长者提供服务,以照顾他们在不同阶段的护理需要,会较为理想。 legco.gov.hk | While the WS Panel had not discussed the evaluation of the three-year pilot projectson dementiaunits, members were given to understand from the Administration that it was considered more desirable for demented elders [...] to be served in an integrated manner [...]in one care facility, in the same environment where the elders were familiar with, to meet their needs at different stages of care level and conditions. legco.gov.hk |
透过跨专业和跨界别的团 队方式,食物及衞生局、勞工及福利局、衞生署、医院管理 [...] 局(医管局)、社会福利署(社署)与其他相关团体一直紧密合 作,为老年痴呆症患者提供各项服务计划。 legco.gov.hk | Through a multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral team approach, the Food and Health Bureau (FHB), Labour and Welfare Bureau (LWB), Department of Health (DH), Hospital Authority (HA), Social Welfare Department (SWD) [...] and other relevant parties are working closely on the provision of various service [...] programmes to patients withdementia. legco.gov.hk |
衞生署辖下的长者健康中心为已登记的长者会员(包括 患有痴呆症的长者)提供诊症服务,包括健康评估、辅导、治疗 及健康教育等。 legco.gov.hk | The Elderly Health Centres of DH provide clinical services of health assessment, counselling, curative treatment and health education, etc. to enrolled elderly members, including those suffering dementia. legco.gov.hk |
(b)为社会带来重大裨益,如研制仪器协助追查「老人痴呆症患者」的行踪,减轻家属压力 itf.gov.hk | (b) R&D that can bring great social benefit e.g. creating devices to help track Alzheimer patients to relieve stress of their family members itf.gov.hk |
当身体抗氧化能力提高时,许多疾病的发生程度与次数都会降低,如心脏血管疾病、痴呆失智、癌症与消化系统的问题等。 sfgourmet.com | When the antioxidant ability of the body rises, the [...] level and frequency of diseases such as [...] cardiovascular diseases, dementia, cancers and [...]digestive problems will decrease. sfgourmet.com |
据政府当局表示,医管局 [...] 正在草拟"长者医疗服务计划",以规划长者服务的长远发展,并 会成立专责小组,检讨现时为痴呆症患者提供的服务和支援, 当中包括记忆诊所的角色。 legco.gov.hk | According to the Administration, HA was formulating an Elderly People Service Plan for planning the development of services for elderly people in the long term. HA would set [...] up a Task Force to review the existing services and [...] support for demented patients, including [...]the role of memory clinics. legco.gov.hk |
有研究指,黄姜配合维生素D,有助於防止阿尔茨海默氏症(老年痴呆症)。 sfgourmet.com | Research found that turmeric with vitamin D helps prevent Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's disease). sfgourmet.com |
培训计划主要是为护老者提供培训,内容涵盖多方面,包括如何照 顾长者(包括痴呆症长者及体弱长者在内)、认识长者的常见疾病,以及 与长者沟通的技巧等。 legco.gov.hk | The Training Scheme, which mainly aims to provide training to elderly carers, covers a wide range of areas, including care for the elderly (which includes care for dementedand frail elderly), knowledge of common ailments in elders, and enhancement of communication skills with them. legco.gov.hk |
现代用法 很多维他命E 针对长者慢性病的研究在测试中,包括老人痴呆症、斑点形成、骨关节问题,和前列变大等。 vitagreen.com | Modern Use Vitamin E is being tested as a treatment for many chronic diseases for the elderly, including Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, osteoarthritis, and prostate enlargement. vitagreen.com |
部分委员关注到,鉴於安老服务统一评估机制(下称"统 [...] 评机制")仅会测试长者的身体机能而非他们的精神状态,使用 统评机制的评估工具能否准确地评估痴呆症长者的身体机能受 损程度。 legco.gov.hk | Some members were concerned whether the use of the assessment tool of the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services ("SCNAMES") [...] could accurately assess the level of [...] impairment of dementedelders, having [...]regard to the fact that SCNAMES would test the [...]physical functioning of the elderly, but not their mental conditions. legco.gov.hk |
对护老者而言,有较大护老者负担, 或其照顾的长者有功能受损、痴呆及较多使用社区护理,亦有较大机会选择院舍护理。 cadenza.hk | From the carer’s perspective, those with greater carer burden, or [...] whose care-recipients with impaired [...] functional status, dementia, and more usage [...]of community services, were found to have [...]greater preference for residential care. cadenza.hk |
政府 亦定期为在不同安老服务单位工作的员工(包括社工、护士、 职业治疗师、物理治疗师、护理员及家务助理员等)提供一系 列照顾痴呆症长者的训练课程,加深他们对老年痴呆症的认 识和提升他们照顾痴呆症长者的能力,使老年痴呆症患者得 到更好的照顾。 legco.gov.hk | The Government also provides regularly a series of training programmes on caring for demented elderly persons for the staff of elderly service units (including social workers, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, care workers and home helpers, and so on), so as to enhance their knowledge of dementia and strengthen their skills in caring for demented elderly persons, with a view to providing better care for demented elderly persons. legco.gov.hk |
患上痴 呆症的风 险 随 着 年 岁 而 增 加 , [...] 而 这 种 病 的 初 期 病 徵 是 不 易 察 觉 的 , 但 足 以 损 害 患 者 妥 当 地 履 行 陪 审 员 职 务 的 能 力 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The riskof dementiaincreases with [...] age and the early stages of this may be difficult to detect, but it would be sufficient [...]to impair the individual's ability to function properly as a juror. hkreform.gov.hk |
大量医学研究显示,电磁场和很多疾病的发生有密切连系:来自环境的负能量削弱内分泌和免疫系统功能,导致过敏、哮喘、癌症、慢性疲劳综合征、头痛、 纤维肌痛症 、关节炎、失眠、 意力缺乏过动异常症 (ADHD) 、孤独症、帕金森症、老人痴呆、环境引致的疾病、和加速衰老等(引自贝克着作, 1990 年)。 healthguard.hk | It has been well-documented that many illnesses have been linked to exposure to electromagnetic fields: weakened endocrine and immune systems which, in turn, lead to more allergies, asthma, cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, headaches, fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Environmental Illness, and a speeded-up aging process (Becker, 1990). healthguard.hk |
因此,预防老人痴呆症最重要不过的是多运用脑部,多参与社区活动,增加与别人沟通和接触,多做令脑细胞活跃的活动如下棋、打牌等,以减慢脑细胞衰退的速度。 hsbc.com.hk | In this regard, increasing brain exercises, community participation, interaction with others, and activities like playing chess and mah-jong that stimulate the brain cells were suggested to prevent rapid degeneration of the brain function. hsbc.com.hk |
目前我们做的大多数是中风和痴呆症病人的复健,试着帮助他们尽可能独立处理日常生活行为,以建立他们的自尊,让他们在家庭里能够继续保持活跃的角色。 amccsm.org | Much of what we are doing is rehab [...] with stroke and dementia patients, trying [...]to get them to do as much as they can independently [...]in their daily lives to build their self esteem and allow them to maintain some kind of active role in the family. amccsm.org |
此外,本会也聘请外间专业人士作导师,如城市大学讲师孙玉杰先生及音乐治疗师Ms Gloria Tsang,在2005年7月,为本会职员进行了为期一天的工作坊,主讲处理情绪低落及痴呆症病患者问题和讲解如何利用音乐治疗协助痴呆症病患者。 hksb.org.hk | For example, Mr Stephen Sun of the City University and Ms Gloria Tsang, a Music Therapist, conducted a one-day Workshop on Handling of Depression for the Elderly and Music Therapy for theDementia Clients respectively in July 2005. hksb.org.hk |