单词 | 痤 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 痤—acne梿—thresh (using a flail)Examples:榴梿n—duriann 红斑痤疮n—rosacean 榴梿果—durian fruit
产品简介 针对严重痤疮, 粉刺, 疮疱, 日晒後引起的敏感及湿疹, 能有效彻底断冶功效, [...] 尤其适合清除疮疱後作为敷疗治理, 效果更显着。 aster.com.hk | Product Description This specific treatment is [...] directly to against acne, pimples, sores pimple, [...]sensitive and eczema after sunburn, [...]effectively to cure completely, especially suitable for after clear the acne and sores pimple for ointment to the surface, the effect would be a more effectively. aster.com.hk |
红斑痤疮令血管在皮肤之下扩张,并且同时使其他皮肤异常(严重暗疮皮脂溢)或眼睛疾患(眼睑炎,角膜炎)。 lavedo.com | Rosacea involves enlargement [...] of the blood vessels just under the skin and may be associated with other skin disorders (Acne [...]Vulgaris, Seborrhea) or eye disorders (Blepharitis, Keratitis). lavedo.com |
流行病学研究已经证实了食用牛奶与痤疮、以及食用牛奶蛋白质与 IGF-1 血浆浓度升高之间存在关联。 nestlenutrition-institute.org | Epidemiological studies confirmed the correlation between milk [...] consumption and acneas wellas milk [...]protein consumption and increased IGF-1 plasma levels. nestlenutrition-institute.org |
这两项随机、赋形剂对照和多中心的III期试验将患有中度到重度面部红斑痤疮的成人患者分为两组,每天局部使用一次CD07805/47与赋形剂(对照),研究了CD07805/47的有效性和安全性,研究结果验证了II期研究所观察到的治疗效果。 tipschina.gov.cn | The results of the two randomized, vehicle-controlled, multicenter Phase 3 trials that investigated the efficacy and safety of CD07805/47 applied topically once daily vs. vehicle (control) in adult patients with moderate to severe facial erythema of rosacea confirmed results observed in prior Phase 2 studies. tipschina.gov.cn |
利用该公司的技术,医生可针对一系列医学美容应用提供先进的解决方案,包括身体塑形、脱毛、除皱纹、治疗表皮良性血管病变和色素病变的皮肤美容以及痤疮、腿部静脉和皮下脂肪团的治疗。 tipschina.gov.cn | The Company's technology enables physicians to provide advanced solutions for a broad range of medical-aesthetic applications including body contouring, hair removal, wrinkle reduction, rejuvenation of the skin's appearance through [...] the treatment of superficial benign vascular and pigmented lesions, and [...] the treatment of acne, legveins and cellulite. tipschina.gov.cn |
粉刺及暗疮:具消炎功能,可减轻或消除发炎症状,并加速新陈代谢,使沉积的皮脂排出体外,令痤疮减轻以致痊癒。 bonjourhk.com | Ance and Pimple: alleviate or remove inflammation by removing surplus sebum that cumulated in the pores bonjourhk.com |
例如维A酸类药物可以直接或间接作用于痤疮发病的几个环节,达到抑制皮脂腺功能、抗毛囊皮脂导管角化、抑制毛囊皮脂导管内微生物的生长和炎症的目的,因此是治疗重度痤疮的有效药物之一。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For example, Vitamin A acid drugs can directly or indirectly affect several factors causing acne, thus influencing sebaceous gland function, keratinization and bacterial growth within sebaceous ducts and hair [...] follicles, and inflammation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
长久以来,传统医学一直将其用于舒缓湿疹与痤疮等皮肤感染。 clarinsusa.com | It has long been used in traditional medicine to relieve skin [...] infections such as eczema andacne. clarinsusa.com |
现在我能有效治疗痤疮疤痕等复杂的皮肤问题,而且第一次可以对深肤色病人进行安全的治疗。 tipschina.gov.cn | Now I can effectively treat challenging skin [...] irregularities like acnescars, and for [...]the first time have the freedom to safely [...]treat my darker skin patients. tipschina.gov.cn |
公司广泛的产品组合已行销70个国家,可治疗多种皮肤病,包括:痤疮、红斑痤疮、甲癣、牛皮癣与类固醇反应性皮肤病、色素疾病、皮肤癌以及皮肤衰老。 tipschina.gov.cn | Galderma's extensive product portfolio is available in 70 countries [...] and treats a range of dermatological [...] conditions including: acne, rosacea, onychomycosis, [...]psoriasis & steroid-responsive dermatoses, [...]pigmentary disorders, skin cancer and medical solutions for skin senescence. tipschina.gov.cn |
有哪些水果是不宜多吃的呢 ﹖( 难度指数︰10 ) 最佳答案 如脂肪比例较多的水果,包括椰子、榴槤同牛油果。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | Best Yes… some kinds of fruit with relative high fat content, including coconut, Answer: durian and avocado. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
皮质醇症多由肾上腺皮质增生或肿瘤引起,表现为满月脸、水牛背、中心性肥胖,而四肢瘦、多血质和紫纹;疲倦、衰竭、腰背痛;高血压;多毛、脱发、痤疮;性功能障碍,闭经或月经减少。 asiancancer.com | Adrenal cortex hyperplasia or tumor can also cause hypercortisolism, which can cause many symptoms, such as moon face, buffalo bump, central obesity, thin limbs, plethora and purple striae; [...] tiredness, failure, low back pain, hypertension; [...] hairy,hair loss, acne; sexual dysfunction, [...]amenorrhoea or menstrual decrease. asiancancer.com |
高德美实验室公司(Galderma Laboratories, L.P.)今天宣布完成了评估CD07805/47的有效性和安全性的两项独立的III期临床试验,CD07805/47是为治疗红斑痤疮成年患者的中重度面部红斑(发红)而研制的专利外用凝胶药物。 tipschina.gov.cn | Galderma Laboratories, L.P. today announced the completion of two independent Phase 3 clinical trials that evaluated the efficacy and safety of CD07805/47, a proprietary topical gel under investigation in adults with moderate to severe facial erythema (redness) of rosacea. tipschina.gov.cn |
红斑痤疮病因学引用最多的致病理论集中于皮肤血管稳态异常。 tipschina.gov.cn | Many of the most cited pathogenic theories on the [...] etiology of rosacea focus on abnormalities [...]in cutaneous vascular homeostasis. tipschina.gov.cn |
护肤保养品能补充皮肤所需要的水分和各种养分,但对于随着年龄增长皮肤衰老所出现的各种皮肤问题改善甚微,而IPL光子嫩肤技术独特的宽光谱强脉冲光子,能直达皮肤深层,可同时治疗和改善红血丝、面部潮红、痤疮疤痕、色素痣、雀斑、酒糟鼻等,以及毛孔粗大、皱纹、弹性组织变性等皮肤疾患,第一次治疗大约需要20分钟,一般全疗程大约需要5-6次,每一次治疗后皮肤病都会得到显着改善,所以说光子嫩肤的效果甚于几年的皮肤护理。 huafeilaser.net | Cosmetic skin care lotion can supply the moisture and kinds of nutrients but improve little when various skin problems appear with ages passing by, while IPL skin rejuvenation is a special [...] technology which can through deep skin to treat [...] and improveredface,flushface, [...]freckle and skin diseases, such as rough pores, [...]wrinkle and elastosis, etc. The first treatment would need about 20 minutes, and usually full treatment needs 5-6 times. huafeilaser.com |
加上一些矿物成分具有天然的抗紫外线和抗炎舒缓效果(如二氧化钛、二氧化锌),对暗疮、敏感及玫瑰痤疮性皮肤特别适合。 beyorgbeauty.com | Minerals with natural anti-ultraviolet and [...] anti-inflammation functions (i.e. titanium dioxide and zinc oxide), which are ideal for [...] blemished, sensitiveand Rosacea skin. beyorgbeauty.com |
当然,也有许多成年人面对这个问题,大多数是妇女;他们碰巧是那些患有轻度的痤疮,他们成长,因为他们经过新孕期荷尔蒙变化;通常他们不需要大幅度治疗痤疮,尤其是有机会的,因为胎儿受,而且因为通常外出痤疮、产后荷尔蒙恢复平衡. wefightacne.com | Of course, there are many adults confronted with this problem and the majority is women; they happen to be [...] the ones suffering [...] from mildforms of acneintheir adulthood because they go through new hormonal changes during pregnancy; usually they don’t needadrasticacne treatment,especially because there are chances that the fetus is affected by it, but also because normallythe acne goesawayafter giving [...]birth and hormonal balance restores. wefightacne.com |
除了上述三个主要因素,遗传、药物和环境等诸多因素也影响了痤疮的发病和病程长度。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | In addition to these three main factors, genetics, drugs and environmental factors also affect the [...] incidence and durationofacne. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
除了痤疮、哮喘、青春发育延迟、骨骼肌肉问题、和体重问题(超重和过轻)之外,青春期还是一个容易出现许多社会心理、心理和精神方面问题的时期。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In additiontoacne,asthma,delayed [...] puberty, musculoskeletal concerns, and weight problems (both over and under), adolescence [...]is a period during which many psychosocial, psychological and psychiatric issues emerge. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
而曾有结缔组织疾病、糖尿病、药物(酒精或烟草)滥用或口服异维甲醛治疗严重痤疮等病史的患者应当谨慎地进行治疗,因为伤口愈合能力可能受损。 tianjin.ufh.com.cn | Patients with a history of connective tissue disease, diabetes, drug, alcohol, [...] or tobacco abuse, or taking oral [...] isotretinoin for severeacne should be treated [...]cautiously as wound healing may be impaired. guangzhou.ufh.com.cn |