单词 | 痛哭 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 痛哭 —cry bitterlyExamples:痛哭流涕—weeping bitter tears 抱头痛哭—weep disconsolately • cry on each other's shoulder See also:痛 n—pain n • headache n • ache n 痛—sorrow • thoroughly 哭 v—cry v • weep v
對她們來說,失去的已經失去,當局因此不應再剝奪她 們悲傷、痛哭的權利。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore the authorities should not deprive them [...] of the right to grieve and cry. legco.gov.hk |
当我尝试问她,丈夫的去世对孩子造成的影响时,令她伤心不已 , 痛哭 失 声。 unicef.org | When I try to ask her about the effect her husband’s death has had on her children, her grief boils [...] over, and she weeps bitterly. unicef.org |
我们不要让更多的巴勒斯坦母 亲为自己的孩子痛哭。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let us not allow one more [...] Palestinian mother to cry for her children. daccess-ods.un.org |
妈妈看着废墟,想象着儿子曾在这里痛苦得离去, 又 痛哭 了 起 来。 4tern.com | She says to her son,”Mummy is coming to get you home. 4tern.com |
1989 年 6 月 4 日在祖 國北京 天安門 發生的悲劇,對 於 新 一 代 的年青人而 言 , 可 能只知 周年遊行、 燭 光 晚 會 、 有學生及軍 人 在 悲劇事件中 去 世 [...] 、 父母 和 老 師 曾 為 事件悲憤痛 哭 , 但 是為何 要遊行? legco.gov.hk | To the young people now, the tragedies that occurred on 4 June 1989 in the Motherland, at Tiananmen Square of Beijing, may just be some fragmented images: annual [...] processions, candlelight vigils, death of students and soldiers in the [...] tragedies and the grief of their teachers [...]and parents. legco.gov.hk |
摩西在看到他死的侄子和他的兄弟的 痛 苦 哭 泣。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Moses weeps at the sight of his dead nephew and for all his brother’s pain. seekcartoon.com |
那些对阿勒颇的情况痛哭流涕 ,要求安理会开会者,正是支持恐怖主义和武 装恐怖组织而造成悲剧者。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those who are shedding tears over what is occurring in Aleppo and demanding that the Security Council should be convened are the very same parties that caused the tragedy through their support of terrorism and their arming of terrorist groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
可是,如果在香港沒有入讀幼稚園便想入讀小學,我相信將很 [...] 難成功申請入讀心儀的小學,而須等待派位,還有,父母在派位後可能 會擁着子女一起痛哭。 legco.gov.hk | Furthermore, after the allocation, parents may embrace their [...] children and cry in disappointment. legco.gov.hk |
與其 為慘劇而痛哭或內 咎,社會倒不如要正視暴力,挺身而出,令專業人士及早 介入,協助有潛在危機的家庭走向新生,這才是更積極和更有意義。 legco.gov.hk | For the community, it would be better to face the issue of violence squarely and stand up to it, rather than expressing sorrow or regret for a tragedy, the professionals must intervene promptly and help those families with potential crisis to turn a new page. legco.gov.hk |
事實上,銀行真的利用了客戶對他們的信任,利用了他們手中所掌握的 客戶資料,進行近身的硬推銷,誤導了很多客戶,令他們以為那些是安 全和穩健的投資,是另類的存款,從而令很多老人家......我很少看到 如此淒涼的情況,那麼多七八十歲的老人家在申訴大會 上 痛哭 , 訴 說自 己的退休金、“棺材本”在剎那間全部消失,未來的日子惶惶不知如何度 日。 legco.gov.hk | There were so many old people aged 70 to 80 crying bitterly at the gathering of Lehman victims, claiming that their pensions and "coffin money" (provisions for funeral arrangements) disappeared all of a sudden, and they were on tenterhooks about life in the future. legco.gov.hk |
會後一羣年青朋友,在巴黎 河上的一艘船上,在即將臨別前開了一個聚會,這羣年青朋友在聚會的 最後一霎那,齊唱“九月九的酒”這首歌,唱罷後一班大男孩攬在一 起痛 哭。 legco.gov.hk | At the final moments of the party, they sang together the song "Wine for 9 September", after which all the big boys embraced each other in bitter tears. legco.gov.hk |
他们必须在零下摄氏度的严寒中做早操,在雪地上翻滚、抬着轮胎或木桩呐喊!虽说被磨练 得 痛哭 流 涕 ,不过学生都表示这番寒彻骨可造就了他们钢铁般的意志。 ntv7.com.my | He revealed there are some changes in the distribution of seats as the component parties have agreed to field only candidates with the best chances of winning. ntv7.com.my |
長歌當哭,是必須在痛定之後的。 legco.gov.hk | We can make [...] no long lament till after our pain is dulled. legco.gov.hk |
穆文达塔先生说,“第二天,我送她去新学校的时候,她一直不停 地 哭 , 直到我告诉她,我们会回来接她。 unicef.org | The first day, she barely spoke,” Mr. [...] Mwenedata said, “and the following day, when I left her at her [...] new school, she wept until we convinced [...]her we would return. unicef.org |
任 何愛護香港的人,思之 欲 哭 無 淚 , 想 起 欲 語 無 言。 legco.gov.hk | All those who love Hong Kong will be left aghast and speechless at the thought of that. legco.gov.hk |
我剛才聽過劉千石議員代表部份外籍㆟ [...] 士在此申冤,我與鄰座的張文光議員說:「他自己是拿 CI 的,他還沒有哭,感到悽涼 的應該是他自己才對。 legco.gov.hk | Listening to Mr LAU Chin-shek airing grievances on behalf of some members of the ethnic [...] minorities, I said to Mr CHEUNG Man-kwong sitting [...] next to me, "He is not crying despite the fact that [...]he is a holder of a CI. legco.gov.hk |
對於這些罔顧醫德、棄社會責任不顧的害群之馬,令 我們覺得非常痛心。 legco.gov.hk | If grieves us very much to think of these black sheep who disregard medical ethics and take no heed of their social responsibilities. legco.gov.hk |
儿童、妇女和 [...] 男子或死或伤;他们的家庭遭到摧毁和恐吓;他们感 到恐惧和痛苦;他们的哭喊震耳欲聋、尖叫令人瘫痪, 这些都是我们看到和听到的真情实景、战争的核心, [...]对战斗者和平民没有任何区别。 daccess-ods.un.org | The deafening cries and [...] paralysing screams of fear and pain of the children, women [...]and men killed and wounded and of their [...]shattered, terrorized families — those were the real sights, sounds and core of a war in which no distinction was made between combatants and civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
相对而言,这些迟缓也会导致行为异常,包括睡眠问题(噩梦频发,入睡困难等等)、行为不端(有侵略性,易发怒)、不能描述的 疼 痛 、 尿 床、 爱 哭 、 肠 功能紊乱和恐惧症等。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In turn, these delays can lead to behavioral problems, which could include sleep issues (nightmares, trouble sleeping, etc.), [...] misbehaving (aggression, [...] tantrums), unexplained pain, bed-wetting, excess crying, bowel control problems [...]and general phobias.1 beijing.ufh.com.cn |
我继续哭 泣和 悲伤,而且好多天中除了他们硬塞进我嘴里 [...] 的东西外,什么都不吃 daccess-ods.un.org | I cried and grieved continually; [...] and for several days I did not eat anything but what they forced into my mouth. daccess-ods.un.org |
一天早晨,我妈妈把我拥在怀里,抱着 我 哭。 unicef.org | One morning, my mother took me in her [...] arms and hugged me, crying. unicef.org |
经讨论后,工作组商定,对该事项的进一步审议将 包括下列方面(A/CN.9/717,第 143 段):㈠关于保护仲裁过程完整性的条文是 应当采用笼统措词的形式,还是应当载列意在具体指明的特定实例;㈡保护仲 裁过程完整性与《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》关于此问题已有的规定之间的关 系;以及㈢如何根据保护仲裁过程完整性的需要确定透明度限制的门槛。 daccess-ods.un.org | After discussion, the Working Group agreed that the questions for further consideration on that matter would include (A/CN.9/717, para. 143): (i) whether a provision on protection of the integrity of the arbitral process should be in the form of a general formulation or should contain specific instances that were meant to be specifically addressed; (ii) the interplay between the protection of the integrity of the arbitral process and the provisions in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules already dealing with that issue; and (iii) how to determine the threshold for a limitation to transparency based on the ground of the need to protect integrity of the arbitral process. daccess-ods.un.org |
阿尔及利亚表示可惜的是,葡萄牙加 入了一个国家集团的集团立场,不接受阿尔及利亚和许多其他国家关于加入一项 核心人权文书,即《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的建议,虽 然葡萄牙历来是一个移徙工人的发源地国,完全可以理解移徙者受到 的 痛 苦 和 屈 辱,它建议葡萄牙在这方面起带头作用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria was saddened that joining the block position of a group of countries, Portugal had not accepted the recommendation of Algeria and many other countries to adhere to a core human rights instrument, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, although Portugal had long been a country of origin of migrant workers and was well placed to understand the suffering and indignity to which migrants were exposed. daccess-ods.un.org |
安全理事会这些决议都是目的明确、重点突出和强有力的决议,所有决 议除其他规定外,都重申《日内瓦第四公约》适用于自 1967 年以来被 以色列占领的包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土;对占领国以色列从 巴勒斯坦被占领土上驱逐巴勒斯坦平民深感遗憾 、 痛 惜 和 谴责(第 468(1980)号、第 469(1980)号和第 484(1980)号决议都具体涉及(希布 伦)哈利勒市市长、哈勒胡勒市市长和(希布伦)哈利勒市伊斯兰教法官 的驱逐问题);呼吁以色列撤销驱逐巴勒斯坦平民的命令;呼吁以色列 确保那些已被驱逐的人安全和立即返回被占领土并立即停止驱逐任何 其他巴勒斯坦平民。 daccess-ods.un.org | These Security Council resolutions are clear, focused and strong, and all of them, among other provisions, reaffirm the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Palestinian Territory occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Jerusalem; deeply regret, deplore and condemn the deportation by Israel, the occupying Power, of Palestinian civilians from the Occupied Palestinian Territory (resolutions 468 (1980), 469 (1980) and 484 (1980) specifically concern the deportation of the Mayors of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Al-Khalil (Hebron)); call upon Israel to rescind the orders to deport Palestinian civilians; and call upon Israel to ensure the safe and immediate return to the Occupied Territory of those already deported and to desist forthwith from deporting any other Palestinian civilians. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,有时是由于有充分的预防和 [...] 准备工作以及有效地减轻灾害行动,当地造成的生命损失有限,但还是引起了巨 大的人类痛苦和 危难,并严重破坏了社会的运转,这样的情况依然包含在条款草 [...]案范围。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingly, cases where an event has resulted in relatively localized loss of life, owing to adequate prevention and preparation, as well as effective mitigation actions, but nonetheless [...] has caused severe dislocation resulting in [...] great human suffering and distress [...]which seriously disrupt the functioning of [...]society, would be covered by the draft articles. daccess-ods.un.org |