单词 | 痒 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 楢—Quercus glandulifera痒adjective—itchyadjExamples:痒痒n—itchn 痒痒—tickle 痒痒挠—backscratcher (made from bamboo etc)
关节痕痒或疼痛(牛皮癣关节炎),严重者的关节活动亦会受影响。 lavedo.com | Joint pain or aching (Psoriatic Arthritis), in serious case joint activity will also be affected. lavedo.com |
被木蝨叮咬可引致肿胀,发红,发痒等过敏性反 应。 spcpweb.org | Bites can cause an allergic reaction with [...] swelling, redness,and itching. spcpweb.org |
这个方法的优点,是毋须预先设定不同名单的组合,否则,遇上某些预设人士不参选,整张问卷便会变成废纸,除非不参选者只是一些无关痛痒的小人物。 hkupop.hku.hk | The advantage of this method is that we need not list out all permutations, as otherwise, the whole survey will become invalidate if some preset candidates drops outfrom elections, unless those who do not participate are the least influential candidates. hkupop.hku.hk |
组织胺等血管活性胺類,会导致支气管平滑肌收缩、 皮肤瘙痒、局部肿胀和细胞外液穿透粘膜屏障渗漏等第一型过敏反应特 徵。 hcdiagnostics.com | Vasoactive amines, such as histamine, are [...] responsible for the bronchial smooth muscle [...] contraction, dermal itch, localized swelling [...]and leakage of extracelluar fluids across [...]mucosal barriers that typify Type 1 hypersensitivity reactions. hcdiagnostics.com |
大麻籽油*,茶树油*和印度楝树精华*可舒缓最敏感的头皮并帮助它回复平衡 (例如有头屑,发炎症状,湿疹,痕痒或非常油性的头皮)。 beyorgbeauty.com | Hemp Oil*, Neem Extract* and Tea Tree Oil* calm most [...] sensitive skin and help it restore balance (in cases of dandruff, [...] inflammation,eczema, itchiness or very greasy scalp. beyorgbeauty.com |
将滑顺的外质地使用於内里 就能改善麻材质通常的刺痒感。 jshoppers.com | Smooth surface material, backed with a lining, helps to [...] avoid thenormal itchinessoflinen. jshoppers.com |
另外,在异常红味道,肿,痒,刺激等使用中的使用以後出现了的时候请对皮肤科专业医生商谈。 global.rakuten.com | In addition, during use, please talk with a dermatologist when abnormality such as tinge of red, fine weather, an itch, the stimulation appears after use. global.rakuten.com |
德国莱茵TUV的专家会检验衣服上的金属配件,例如牛仔裤的钮扣,因为制造商通常会在含镍的钮扣上涂一层漆料,但是漆料会因穿着使用後磨损而脱落,届时牛仔裤钮扣即可能会直接接触皮肤导致皮肤红痒过敏。 ipress.com.hk | The specialists at TUV Rheinland also test the compatibility of metallic clothing accessories such as the buttons on jeans, which often contain nickel. Manufacturers frequently cover nickel-containing buttons with paint, which quickly [...] comes off with wear and leaves the nickel exposed to trigger typical contact allergic [...] reactionssuch as itchy skin rashes. ipress.com.hk |
Latisse®最常见的副作用 眼睛痕痒,或眼睛发红,结膜充血,眼乾,眼睑红。 lavedo.com | The most common side effect for [...] Latisse® are itchy eyes ane/or eye [...]redness, conjunctival hyperemia, dry eye, and erythema of eyelid. lavedo.com |
其後的两 场赛事的发病率又回落,因为这些赛事对於德 国球迷来说已经无关痛痒了。 genre.com | The incidence of heart attacks fell during subsequent matches that had less importance for most German football fans. genre.com |
佐藤家的祖先曾是宫廷中的语部,但自从文字从中国流传过来、文书记录成为主流以后,佐藤家的祖先被逼离开宫廷住进了楢下。 bunkashisan.ne.jp | However, when writing was introduced from the Continent, this became the way of recording and the narrator had to leave the court for Narage. bunkashisan.ne.jp |
湿疹是皮肤发炎的一种,患者的皮肤会呈红色、片状、乾燥、灼热和痕痒。 hsbc.com.hk | Eczema is an inflammation of the skin which may cause redness, dryness, [...] flakiness, heat, and itchiness of the skin. hsbc.com.hk |
调查发现76%被访者因长时间配戴隐形眼镜而出现角膜缺氧徵状,包括:眼乾(76%)、眼累(75%)、出现红筋(61%)、视力模糊(45%)、眼痒(36%)、眼痛(28%)及流眼水(27%)。 hkupop.hku.hk | In the survey, as many as 76% experience COD symptoms, such as dried eyes (76%), weary eyes (75%), and blood shot eyes (61%). [...] 45% respondents experience blurred vision, [...] 36% experience itchy eyes, 28% and [...]27% report eyes with pain and tears respectively. hkupop.hku.hk |
假发必备品: [...] 点击图片可直达宝贝链接发网支架钢梳护理液此款采用欧洲进口单层手织头皮带上非常的舒适健康,透气性好,不会造成头皮发痒、闷热的感觉 ,四季都可以佩戴,让我们自己的头发可以自由呼吸,手织头皮透明薄如蝉翼,头皮厚度只有0.008mm,很柔软,不会形成头顶尖。 tw.taobaowig.com | wig essential goods : Click image direct access to the baby Links Home stent steel comb the care solution Cikuan using European the imported single layer hand-woven scalp belt very [...] comfortable and healthy , good air [...] permeability not causescalpitching , stuffy feeling , [...]Four Seasons can wear , let their hair [...]can breathe freely , hand-woven scalp transparent thin as onion skin , scalp thickness of only 0.008mm , very soft and will not form a head top . taobaowig.com |
传统用法 苦参属於清热类中药,是豆科植物苦参的根,性味苦寒,归心、肝、胃、大肠、膀胱经,有清热解毒、杀虫利尿的功能,常用於治疗湿热所致的腹痛泻痢、带下阴痒、湿疹疮疡等。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Kushen is a cold, bitter herb made from the roots of the sophora plant that enters the heart, liver, stomach, large intestine and bladder meridians. vitagreen.com |