单词 | 痉挛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 痉挛 noun —cramps plspasticity ncramp n痉挛 adjective —spastic adj痉挛 —convulsion • contort • jerk Examples:痛性痉挛—(muscle) cramp 热痉挛—heat cramps 胃痉挛 n—stomach cramp n 气管痉挛—breathing convulsions (as in asthma) • tracheospasm See also:痉—spasm 挛—cramped • bent • twisted
肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种功能性肠道疾病,全世界有3-15%的人患有肠易激综合征,这种病可引起 肠 痉挛 、 腹 痛、胀气、腹泻和便秘。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a functional gut disorder that affects between 3-15% of people worldwide causing cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, diarrhea and constipation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
家畜(尤其大量食 [...] 用海产品的猫)中也观察到神经疾病的征候,包括抽搐 、 痉挛 、 很反复无常的运动(疯狂奔跑、突然 [...]跳跃、撞向目标)(UNEP 2002)。 zeromercury.org | Signs of neurological disease were also observed among domestic animals (especially [...] cats whose diets were high in seafood, [...] included convulsions, fits, highly erratic [...]movements (mad running, sudden jumping, bumping into objects) (UNEP 2002). zeromercury.org |
对颈部前外侧区域进行听诊可检查 有无杂音,有杂音则可能表示存在轻微的 喉痉 挛或浅麻醉。 vitaid.com | Auscultate in the anterolateral neck region to check for abnormal sounds that might indicate [...] mild laryngeal spasm or light anesthesia. vitaid.com |
Epilepsy 癫痫 一种疾病,患者会出现惊厥(“痉挛 ” 发 作) 的症状并失去意识。 hesperian.org | Epilepsy a disease in which a person has convulsions (“fits,” seizures) and loss of consciousness. hesperian.org |
脑卒中偏瘫患者的上肢以屈肌痉挛为 主而下肢是以伸 肌 痉挛 为 主 ,运动模式并不相同。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Stroke patients with hemiplegia exhibit flexor spasms in the upper limb and extensor spasms in the lower limb, and their movement patterns vary greatly. chinese.eurekalert.org |
2000年4月,Diane的人生遭逢巨变,她诞下的第二个孩子Philippe患有严重的先天障碍— — 痉挛 性 四肢麻痹,而且永远无法走路、说话及自行进食,一辈子都需要依赖其他人的照顾。 clarinsusa.com | In April 2000, Diane's life changed dramatically when she gave birth to her second child, Philippe. Philippe [...] was born with a severe handicap – he was [...] diagnosed with spastic quadriparesis [...]and told he would never walk, talk, or be able [...]to feed himself and that he would be dependent on others all his life. clarinsusa.com |
据报道,使用 LMA™ 气道的不良反应包括: 气 道 阻 塞 、 杓 状 软 骨 脱 位 、 吸 入 、 出 血 、 憋气、支气管痉挛、咳 嗽、牙齿/义齿损伤、 口干/咽干、构音障碍、吞咽困难、发声困 难、节律紊乱,耳痛、窒息、胃扩张/充气/ 破裂、声门闭合、头部和颈部水肿、听力损 伤、呃逆、声音嘶哑、唾液增多、舌下神经麻 痹、缺氧、喉血肿、喉痉挛、舌 神经麻痹、口 腔溃疡、心肌缺血、恶心、腮腺肿胀、咽部感 觉迟钝、咽部溃疡、肺水肿、喉返神经损伤、 反胃、干呕、下巴疼痛、口腔疼痛、喉咙疼 痛、喘鸣、颌下腺肿大、颞下颌关节脱位、组 织创伤(会厌、喉、唇、口腔、后咽壁、软 腭、悬雍垂、扁桃体)、舌头发紫、舌头肿 大、声带麻痹和呕吐。 vitaid.com | Adverse events reported with LMATM airway use include airway obstruction, arytenoids dislocation, [...] aspiration, bleeding, breath [...] holding, bronchospasm, coughing, dental/denture damage, dry mouth/throat, dysarthria, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysrhythmia, ear pain, gagging, gastric dilatation/insufflation/rupture, glottic closure, head and neck edema, hearing impairment, hiccup, hoarseness, hypersalivation, hypoglossal nerve paralysis, hypoxia, laryngeal hematoma, laryngeal spasm, lingual nerve [...]paralysis, mouth ulcer, [...]myocardial ischemia, nausea, parotid gland swelling, pharyngeal dysesthesia, pharyngeal ulcer, pulmonary edema, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, regurgitation, retching, sore jaw, sore mouth, sore throat, stridor, submandibular gland swelling, temporomandibular joint dislocation, tissue trauma (epiglottis, larynx, lip, mouth, posterior pharyngeal wall, soft palate, uvula, tonsils), tongue cyanosis, tongue macroglossia, vocal cord paralysis, and vomiting. vitaid.com |
最常见的病征就是腹部不适和疼痛,其它病征包括发热、食欲不振、打嗝、虚弱、腹 部 痉挛 、 恶 心、肚泻、呕吐、感饱滞和上腹感灼热。 hsbc.com.hk | The most common symptoms of gastritis are abdominal upset or pain. Other symptoms [...] are fever, loss of appetite, belching, [...] fatigue, abdominal cramps, nausea, diarrhea, [...]and vomiting or a feeling of fullness [...]or of burning in the upper abdomen. hsbc.com.hk |
脊神经后根切断后导致反射性阴茎勃起功能丧失,影 响 痉挛 性 膀 胱患者的生活质量。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Resection of posterior spinal nerve roots results in loss of erectile function affecting the [...] quality of life of spastic bladder patients. chinese.eurekalert.org |
除了在经期前后期或行经期间出现重度的疼痛之外,痛经的其他症状还包括下腹或腰背部疼痛 或 痉挛 、 大 腿内侧有牵扯感、腹泻、恶心、呕吐、头痛、和眩晕。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | In addition to severe pain just before, during or after [...] menstruation, other symptoms of [...] dysmenorrhea include cramps or pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, [...]a pulling feeling in the inner [...]thighs, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
Giardia 贾第虫 [...] 一种寄生虫,人体感染后会出现黄色,恶臭的 腹泻,胃肠道痉挛,以 及有臭鸡蛋味的嗝。 hesperian.org | Giardia a parasite that causes yellow, [...] bad-smelling diarrhea, cramps in the gut, and [...]burps that smell like rotten eggs. hesperian.org |
一个tropane 生物碱,缓解的根可药用的来源肌肉 的 痉挛 和 痛 苦。 flora.ac.cn | A source of tropane alkaloids, the roots are used medicinally for [...] relieving muscular spasm and pain. flora.ac.cn |
49 此外,新西兰心理 卫生联合会表示,针对公众 对使用电痉挛疗法 的关注,有两项审查建议修订 1992 年《心理卫生(强制治疗和评价治疗)法》,以确保 电 痉挛 疗 法 仅可在征得当事人同 意 后 才 可 采用,或最 起 码 确保听 取 真 正独立的第二方意见或进行客观的 最 大利益 测验,籍此加强严格的管制。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also noted that Maori are more likely to be secluded than others and that the use of seclusion varied widely according to geographic location.49 In addition, MHFNZ indicated [...] that in response to public concern over the use of electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), two reviews recommended that the Mental Health (Compulsory and Assessment Treatment) Act 1992 be amended to ensure that ECT is only administered with consent of the person or at the very least that more stringent controls are established either by ensuring a truly independent second opinion or developing an objective best interests test. [...] daccess-ods.un.org |
自1963年起,香港耀能协会 (前“香港痉挛协会 ”)一直致力为香港的残障人士提供康复服务。 ce-congress2010.org | SAHK (formerly [...] known as “The Spastics Association of [...]Hong Kong”) has been providing rehabilitation services to the disabled in Hong Kong since 1963. ce-congress2010.org |
症状扩散性食道痉挛和迟 缓不能等运动障碍的患者可能出现胸骨后心绞痛类疼痛,30% [...] 的 NCCP 患者发现 有异常的食管测压结果 [8,24]。 iasp-pain.org | Patients with motility disorders such as symptomatic [...] diffuse esophageal spasm and achalasia [...]may experience retrosternal angina-like pain, [...]and 30% of NCCP patients have abnormal esophageal manometric findings [8,24]. iasp-pain.org |
小狗体内葡萄糖含量降低会引起诸如 痉挛 、 体 温下降等低血糖症状,严重影响宠物的健康。 united.com | Lowered glucose levels in puppies can result in hypoglycemic episodes, including seizures and a reduction of body temperature, severely compromising the health of your pet. united.com |
如果能购买到,应用巴 [...] 氯芬5–20 毫克,每天三次,有助于缓解严重 的肌痉挛。 thewpca.org | If available, baclofen 5-20mg t.d.s. [...] may help in severe spasm. thewpca.org |
使用枕头或者其他支撑物)将儿童的姿势 纠正成反痉挛的姿 势,同时尽量保持正常 的关节位置(比如,利用裹起来的毛毯卷 [...] 成一个U型的靠垫,用来轻轻地将头放到 一个舒适的位置,可以预防背部形成 拱形)。 thewpca.org | Position the child (using pillows or other supports) [...] to counteract spastic posture and maintain [...]normal joint position as far as possible [...](eg a U-shaped cushion, made with a rolled-up blanket, can prevent back arching by cradling the head in a gently flexed position). thewpca.org |
颞叶 (Temporal lobe) 肿瘤 – 因痉挛而产生怪异的感觉:感到害怕和恐惧、某些事物似曾相识、闻到怪味或突然失去知觉;有时会出现言语障碍。 hsbc.com.hk | Involving Temporal lobe - Fits may cause strange sensations: With a feeling of fear or intense familiarity, strange smells or blackouts. hsbc.com.hk |
母菊洋甘菊”起源于埃及,舒缓的特性,消化胃肠道粘膜,结肠炎 , 痉挛 , 急 性和慢性炎症的情况下也低过敏性和抗发炎,并可能reconstiuir肠道菌群失调。 zh-cn.arteblog.net | Matricaria chamomilla" Of Egyptian origin, has soothing properties, digestive in cases of acute and [...] chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal [...] mucosa, colitis, cramps, is also hypoallergenic [...]and anti inflammatory and may reconstiuir intestinal flora. en.arteblog.net |
专栏调查了纽约Le Roy工人阶层小镇中一些女孩奇怪的 痉挛 症 状。 ba-repsasia.com | The feature examines the medical oddity of twitching in a number of girls in the working-class town of Le Roy, New York. ba-repsasia.com |
该研究结果表明,脊髓损伤所致的 痉挛 张 力 亢进患者的股四头 肌 痉挛 减 少 与使用PowerPlate密切相关。 powerplate.com | This study shows that [...] Power Plate training can be an effective treatment to reduce spasticity. powerplate.com |
根据本研究,首次提示了经历带来生命危机的震灾后的压力环境会增加诱 发 痉挛 发 作 的概率。 tohoku.ac.jp | This study shows for the first time the life-threatening situations may increase seizure generation. tohoku.ac.jp |
种子可药用减少肌肉痉挛的, 作为镇静剂,或治疗失眠的。 flora.ac.cn | The seeds are used medicinally for [...] relieving muscle spasms, as a tranquilizer, [...]or to treat insomnia. flora.ac.cn |
领队保曼因为腿痉挛在他 的第三个潜程不得不放弃继续潜水。 bauergroup.com | Already after a few kilometres the next catastrophe struck: team leader Ralf Baumann had to stop after his third dive due to cramps in his legs. bauergroup.com |
虽然经过许多测试和就诊,仍然没人能确定这些年轻女 孩 痉挛 的 原 因。 ba-repsasia.com | Despite numerous tests and doctors, no one is quite sure what is causing the twitches and tics in the young girls. ba-repsasia.com |
跟腱痛,动脉炎(下肢),动脉炎(上肢),风湿性关节炎,急性关节病,慢性关节病,关节水肿,间歇性跛行,扭伤,挫伤,术后疼痛,水肿减少,上髁炎(侧面),上髁炎(尺骨),急性血肿,肩周炎(冰冻肩),肌张力亢进,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,白肌纤维肌肉张力减退,术后肌张力减退,下背痛,淋巴水肿,伯格病(间歇性失运动综合征),手足发绀,神经痛,雷诺综合征,短肌,弛缓性便秘 , 痉挛 性 便秘,脊柱侧凸 , 痉挛 , 强 直性脊柱炎,慢性腱鞘炎,亚急性肌腱炎,肌肉刺激“白肌纤维”,肌肉刺激“红肌纤维”,激痛点—深层,激痛点—浅层,牙关紧闭症。 btlnet.cn | achillodynia, arteritis (lower limb), arteritis (upper limb), arthritis rheumatoid, arthrosis acute, arthrosis chronic, arthrosis oedematous, intermittent claudication, distortion, contusion, pain postoperative, oedema reduction, epicondylitis (lateral), epicondylitis radial (ulnar), haematoma - peracute, periarthritis of the shoulder (frozen shoulder), hypertonia muscular, hypotonia muscular "phasic", hypotonia muscular "tonic", hypotonia muscular - postoperative, lumbalgia (low back pain), lymphoedema, Buerger, acrocyanosis, neuralgia, Raynaud's, short muscles, obstipation atonic, obstipation spastic, scoliosis, spasticity, ankylosing spondylitis, tendovaginitis chronic, tendinitis subacute, muscle tonization "phasic", muscle tonization 'tonic', trigger points – deep, trigger points – superficial, trismus btlnet.com |
使用中国传统独特的推拿技术加民间秘方中草药和天然香精植物油,直接作用于人体局部软组织肌肉、肌腱、韧带拉伤粘连或劳损僵硬部位,运用按摩使药效渗透到皮下组织入循经络,加强促进损伤组织的修复,并改善血液淋巴循环、舒筋活络、解 除 痉挛 萎 缩。 horizonsanya.com | Uses Chinese traditional Tui Na massage combined with Chinese herbal and natural plant essential oil, to massage on muscle, ligaments or stiff and fatigue parts of the body, with Tui Na massage, the herbal and essential oil will infiltrate into skin [...] effectively, and accelerate repair injured tissue, improve blood and lymph circulation, [...] relieve muscle spasm and atrophy. horizonsanya.com |
过去 30 年来,小武器和轻武器的非法贩运助长 了中部非洲地区冲突及其挛生现 象——跨国犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | For over three decades now, illegal trafficking in small arms and light weapons has fed conflicts and their corresponding phenomenon, cross-border crime, in Central Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
2002年,美国农业科学研究院(ARS)认定香芹酚具有抗菌、消炎、抗氧化,以及 解 痉 驱 风 的功效,而百里酚具有抗菌、消炎、抗氧化、防腐和驱风的作用,这都归功于再者表现出来的生物活性。 ropapharm.com | In the year 2002, USA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) classified carvacrol as [...] antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimelanomic, [...] anti-oxidative, antispasmodic, carminative, [...]flavor and thymol as antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, [...]antimelanomic, anti-oxidative, antiseptic, carminative, flavor because of their biologic activities. ropapharm.com |