

单词 病毒学家

See also:


virology (study of viruses)

病毒 n

virus n
infection n
viruse n



External sources (not reviewed)

位带头病毒学家致信 国家生物安保科学顾问委员会,请委 员会重新考虑其建议。
The same day, 18 leading virologists wrote to NSABB requesting it to reconsider its recommendation.
(i) 联合国系统内的合作 这一协调机构按部门分成四个小组,每个小组分别由联合国系统的一个机构领头:
“和平过渡、巩固和平及预防冲突” 部门小组旨在协助该国当局开展清查、分析、评估和
[...] 咨询行动;“教育” 部门小组包括联合国系统各机构、非政府组织和各部委代表,负责向 广大公众作宣传工作;联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题专题小组技术分组按照各机构头头确定 的指导方针,就实施防治艾病毒/艾 滋 病 的 国 家 战 略提出建议;关于传播问题的部门小 组,旨在通过编写半年期《简讯》来广泛传播信息。
The coordinating body is made up of four sectoral groups, each one led by an agency of the United Nations system: the “Transition, peace-building and conflict prevention” group aims to assist the national authorities in developing information gathering, analytical, evaluation and advisory activities; the “Education” group includes agencies of the United Nations system, NGOs and representatives of ministries, and has carried out awareness-raising activities for the general public; the technical team of the
United Nations thematic
[...] group on HIV/AIDS, acting on the basis of guidelines set by executive heads, makes proposals on the implementation of national strategies to combat [...]
HIV/AIDS; the “Communication”
group, aims to disseminate information widely by means of a biannual news bulletin.
述及 的领域应包括:预防、病性和毒性 研 究、诊断技术研究、大气生物学研究、检 测研究、治疗研究毒理学研究 、实际防护研究、消除污染研究和其他有关研 究。
Areas to be addressed shall include: prophylaxis, studies on pathogenicity and virulence, diagnostic techniques, aerobiology, detection, treatment, toxinology, physical protection, decontamination and other related research.
同时制定并实施了一系列行业标准:《对受艾滋病毒感染人群保守治疗标 准》(2001 年)、《针对受艾滋病毒感染人群的抗转录酶病毒药物治疗和防止艾滋 病毒的母婴传播和职业感染的标准》(2001 年和 2003 年)、《艾病毒感染的流病学监测标准》(2002 年)、《艾滋病、肝炎和其他毒感染 实验室与诊断机构 组织实施抗击流行病计划操作指南》(2004 年)、《艾滋病毒母婴传播》单元 (2004 年)、《艾滋病毒检测咨询前后的方法指导》(2005 年)。
Sector standards have been developed and implemented: “Palliative treatment of the persons infected with HIV and AIDS” (2001), “Treatment with antiretroviral medicine specific for persons infected with HIV and AIDS and the prophylaxis of transmission of the mother-child HIV infection, professional exposure” (2001 and 2003), “Epidemiologic supervision of the HIV/AIDS infection” (2002); Instructions on the organisation of the antiepidemiologic programme in the AIDS, hepatitis and other viral infections laboratories and diagnosis sections” (2004), The module “HIV and AIDS infections with mother-child transmission” (2004), Methodological Guide “Before and after HIV test counselling” (2005).
政府保护艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者权利的战略 围 绕 下列方 案 展开: 尼日利 亚艾病毒/艾滋病国家战略 框架(2005-2009 年);设立国家防治艾滋病署以及州政 府和地方政府的对 口机构; 关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者权利的媒体宣传活动;成 立名 为 “艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者网 络” 的家艾滋病毒感染 者协会;成立全国艾 滋病毒/艾滋病妇女联盟;增加艾滋病毒/艾滋病诊所的数量,并 在全国范围内提供 免费药品;在有关尼日利亚艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染者的治 疗 和 福利的所有事务上, 政府特别寻求宗教和传统领袖的帮助。
Government’s strategy for protecting the rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS
revolves around the
[...] following programmes: National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (2005-2009); Setting up of the National Agency for the Control of Aids (NACA) and its equivalent in the States and Local Government Areas; Public awareness campaign in the media on the rights of people living with HIV/AIDS; Creation of state associations [...]
of HIV-positive persons known as Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHA);
Establishment of National Women Coalition on HIV/AIDS, NAWOCA; Expansion of HIV/AIDS clinics and provision of free drugs throughout the country; and the special effort by government to enlist the assistance of religious and traditional leaders in all matters relating to the treatment and welfare of persons living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.
[...] 及教育部和其他关键利益相关方举行一系列次区域磋商和能力建设讲习班,支持将教育部门纳入与 艾病毒和艾滋病相关的国家协调 机制。
Further action taken to strengthen harmonized activity include a series of subregional consultations and capacity-building workshops with ministries of education and other key Education Sector
stakeholders’ responses to the epidemic, and supporting the inclusion of the
[...] Education Sector in HIV and AIDS-related country coordinating mechanisms.
病学研究所国家毒瘾问 题中心客座教授(2009 年);《柳叶刀》对其个人的介绍, 肯定了其关于毒瘾及与毒品有关的伤害问题的研究(2007 年);《柳叶刀》编委会 [...]
顾问(2005 年);科学分析学院,“社会科学一般研究”领域的“高引用率作者” (2003 年);澳大利亚社会科学院研究员(2002
年);澳大利亚社区卫生服务勋章 (2000 年);世界卫生组织药物依赖性问题专家委员会成员(1996 年)。
National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australia Fellowship (2009); [...]
Visiting Professor, National Addiction Centre, Institute of
Psychiatry, Kings College London (2009); personal profile in The Lancet recognizing research on addiction and drug-related harm (2007); Editorial Consultant to The Lancet (2005); Institute for Scientific Analysis, “Highly Cited Author” in “social science general” (2003); Fellow, Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (2002); Member of the Order of Australia for service to community health (2000); Member, World Health Organization, Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (1996).
教科文组织-国际基础科学计划为非洲的若干能力建设活动提供了支助,包括举办 有关神经系统学、病毒感染 与传染分子机制的讲习班。
UNESCO-IBSP supported several capacity-building
activities in Africa, including workshops on neurosciences and on the
[...] molecular mechanism of viral infection and propagation.
(a) 采取了哪些步骤,确保不因非医学原因违背个人意愿将任何人送入精 神病院;确保学原因 所致非自愿住院以独立精 病 专 家 的 建 议作为依据;缔约 国有哪些决定允许被非自愿送入精神病院的个人提起上诉。
(a) The steps taken to ensure that no one is involuntarily placed in psychiatric institutions for non-medical reasons; that any involuntary hospitalization for
medical reasons is
[...] based on the advice of independent psychiatric experts; and that decisions by the State [...]
party to involuntarily
hospitalize individuals in psychiatric institutions may be appealed.
为了减轻艰难经济状况和艾病毒/艾 滋 病 对 弱 势 家 庭 造 成的影响,莱索托政府与联合国儿童基金会以及欧盟目前正在为这些家庭提供现金补贴。
To cushion vulnerable families from the harsh economic conditions [...]
and the impact of HIV/AIDS, the government of Lesotho
together with UNICEF and the European Union is currently offering support in the form of cash grants.
主要行动包括:关于艾滋病毒和艾滋病教育的培训和能力建设活动;支持将艾滋病毒和艾滋病 问题纳入教育部门计划的主流工作;支持起草并制订艾 病毒 和 艾 滋 病 国 家 战 略 计划,在国家层面 制订需求评估,支持进行评估以确定八个快速道国家的教育部门计划在多大程度上解决艾滋病毒和 [...]
The main actions include: training and capacity-building activities on HIV and AIDS education; support in mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in education sector plans; support in
the drafting and
[...] development of National Strategic Plans for HIV and AIDS, needs assessments elaborated at country level and [...]
supporting the assessment
to determine the extent to which education sector plans in eight FTI countries address HIV and AIDS.
[...] 门的法律协调一致;在包括公共安全、毒品控制、社会保护和司法在 内的政府各部委把艾滋病毒防治措施纳入其主要工作,将其作为家 艾滋病毒战略 计划的一部分;同包括艾滋病毒携带者和主要受影响人 口及其组织在内的所有主要利益攸关方建立有意义的伙伴关系;以及 [...]
Delegations exchanged experiences on the following: political commitment and leadership at the highest level; legislative reviews to ensure the consistency of laws across all sectors; mainstreaming of HIV interventions in all government
ministries, including public
[...] security, drug control, social protection and justice, as part of national HIV strategic plans; [...]
meaningful partnerships
with all key stakeholders, including people living with HIV and key affected populations, and their organizations; and the active engagement of children and youth in HIV prevention interventions.
例如,毒品和犯罪问题办公室与阿富汗家艾滋病控制 方案编制了警察培训课程,并支持了对警察部队的培训;为巴拿 马监狱卫生工作人员设计并测试了有关监狱中艾 病毒 的 培训方案模式;对缅 甸的 1,600 多名警务人员进行了培训;在印度尼西亚 12 个省促进对 120 多名监 狱工作人员进行了在监狱环境中建立一种有利环境的培训;支持了纳米比亚大 部分监狱诊所的艾滋病毒咨询和检测以及对囚犯和监狱工作人员的抗逆转录病 [...]
For example, UNODC has developed the police training curriculum with the National AIDS Control Programme and supported training for police forces in Afghanistan; designed and tested a model training programme [...]
on HIV in prisons for penitentiary health staff in Panama;
conducted the training of over 1,600 police officers in Myanmar; facilitated training of over 120 prison staff in establishing a supportive environment in prison settings in 12 provinces in Indonesia; and supported HIV counselling and testing and antiretroviral therapy adherence counselling to both prisoners and prison staff in most of the prison clinics in Namibia.
我们对HDK®系列产品的物理化学性质进行仔细检验,并提供关 毒 理 学 、 生 态 毒 理 学 和 流 行 病学 方 面 的详细数据。
The physicochemical properties of the HDK®
product group have been examined in detail, and
[...] extensive toxicological, eco-toxicological and epidemiological data exist.
据发表在12月26日出版的《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露,在患有慢性丙型肝炎病毒感染及晚期肝纤维化(生长出过多的纤维结缔组织)的患者中,与那些没有持 病毒学 应 答 (SVR)的患者相比,那些患者对以干扰素为基础的治疗作出的持 病毒学 应 答 (SVR)与较低的全因死亡率有关。
Among patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and advanced hepatic fibrosis (development
of excess fibrous
[...] connective tissue), sustained virological response (SVR) to interferon-based treatment was associated with a lower risk of all-cause mortality compared with patients without SVR, according to a study in the Dec. [...]
26 issue of JAMA.
它们的作 用对于下述领域尤其关键:基础研究(更好地认识人类基因组演变过程及其与环境之间的互 动关系);应用生物医学研究(例如基因药物研究);流 病学 研 究 ;了解一个人或一家 庭面 对的健康风险(包括对某些病理现象致病机率或基因预定的预测性测试);法医学和法 律(尤其是在民事诉讼法方面的应用,例如血缘亲子关系测定,或者是在刑事诉讼法方面的 [...]
In particular, it is essential for basic research (improved knowledge of the evolution of the human genome and its interaction
with the
[...] environment); applied biomedical research (for example in pharmacogenetics; epidemiological research; knowledge of the health risks run by a person or family (including [...]
tests to determine susceptibility
or genetic predisposition to certain diseases); forensic science and the judicial system (particularly in civil court proceedings, for example to identify a parent, and criminal proceedings, for example to identify a criminal).
流行性感冒,通常被称为流感,是一种由影响鸟类和哺乳类动物的流 病毒家 族 ( Orthomyxoviridae)的 R N A 病 毒 引 发的一种传染性疾病。
Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is an
[...] infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae (the influenza viruses) that affects [...]
birds and mammals.
莫斯科 I.M.谢切诺夫医学院社会和法庭精病 学 系 主任(自 1992 年起);俄 罗斯精病和麻醉学家学会副会长(自 1995 年起);V.P.谢尔布斯基国立社会和 法庭精病学研究中心主任(自 1998 年起);俄罗斯联邦卫生和社会发展部首席 精神病咨询专家(自 2005 年起);“人口”及“健康”等国家项目的专家(自 2006 年起)。
Head of the Department for Social and Forensic
Psychiatry, I. M.
[...] Sechenov Medical Academy of Moscow (since 1992); Vice-Chairperson of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists and Narcologists (since 1995); Director, V. P. Serbsky State Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (since 1998); [...]
Chief Consultative
Expert Psychiatrist, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (since 2005); expert for the national projects “Demography” and “Health” (since 2006).
(i) 在非洲实现没有艾滋病、疟疾和结核病患者的一代,为此提供预防和照
[...] 顾援助,以便尽可能实现到 2010 年在非洲家普及艾滋病毒/艾滋 病治疗的目标, 鼓励制药公司向非洲提供人们买得起的药物,包括抗反转录病毒药物,并确保增 [...]
( i ) To provide, with the aim of an AIDS-, malaria- and tuberculosis-free generation in Africa, assistance for prevention and care and to come as close as possible to achieving the
goal of universal access by 2010 to HIV/AIDS
[...] treatment in African countries, to encourage pharmaceutical [...]
companies to make
drugs, including antiretroviral drugs, affordable and accessible in Africa and to ensure increased bilateral and multilateral assistance, where possible on a grant basis, to combat malaria, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in Africa through the strengthening of health systems.
管理和控制食源性疾病由几组人进行,首先,涉及评估风险的技术 家 ,即 检查流病学、微 生物学和关于危险的技术数据和食品,在政府层面的风险管理 者决定社会将可以容忍什么水平的风险,并平衡其他考虑,例如风险管理措施的 [...]
First, it
[...] involves technical experts assessing the risk, i.e. examining epidemiological, microbiological [...]
and technological
data about the hazard and the food. Risk managers at the government level decide what level of risk society will tolerate, while balancing other considerations, e.g. the cost of risk management measures and their effect on the affordability and utility of foods.
一个来自三大洲23家机构的由儿科医生、外科医生、遗传 家 和 流 行 病学家 组 成 的国际性小组发现了与最常见形式的非症状相关性颅缝早闭——即头颅骨板过早闭合——有关的人类基因组的两个区域。
An international team of pediatricians, surgeons,
[...] geneticists, and epidemiologists from 23 institutions [...]
across three continents have identified
two areas of the human genome associated with the most common form of non-syndrome-related craniosynostosis ― premature closure of the bony plates of the skull.
这项工作是由临床研究培训奖学金从美国神 病学 基 金 会 学 会 CM H的,从 家 普 通医学科学研究所(NIGMS;奖学金http://www.nigms.nih.gov/ )JDR(GM08169 ),授予来自美国国立卫生研究院 家 神 经 疾病研究所和中风(NS054809),一个露丝属Kirschstein国家研究服务奖JDR(NS060392),EFRI授予美国 家 科 学基金会(0836017),库尔特基金会翻译研究奖,和一个翻译研究奖学金JDR(NS007480)。
This work was funded by a clinical
research training fellowship from the American
[...] Academy of Neurology Foundation to CMH, a fellowship from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS; http://www.nigms.nih.gov/) to JDR (GM08169), a grant from the NIH National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NS054809), a Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award to JDR (NS060392), an NSF EFRI grant [...]
(0836017), the Coulter Foundation Translational Research Award, and a translational research fellowship to JDR (NS007480).
一些家指出 ,对于吸毒成瘾者,应使用美沙酮维持量疗法来取 代阿片疗法,以及采用针头-针筒方案来减少艾 病毒 在 注 射毒品者 中的传播。
Several countries noted the use of methadone maintenance treatment as opioid substitution therapy for drug dependent people and needle-syringe programmes to reduce the spread of HIV among people who inject drugs.
现任职务 国家药物协调员和家毒品委 员会(政府药物政策协调理事会)执行副主席 (自 2007 年起);(奥洛穆茨)帕拉茨基学哲学 系 : 临床心 学 ; 讲师(副教授)(自 1998 年起)。
National Drug Coordinator and Executive Vice-Chairman of the National Drug Commission (Governmental Council for Drug Policy Coordination) (since 2007); Palacký University, Olomouc, [...]
Faculty of Philosophy: clinical psychology;
Docent (Associate Professor) (since 1998).
生殖健康在卫生行业战略(SSS)中占重要地位:艾 病毒 / 艾 滋 病 国 家 战略 计划(2000-2005 年)配有一个妇女艾滋病毒/艾滋病部门,于 [...]
2007 年 3 月通过,由 妇女和家庭促进部落实。
Reproductive health is viewed as a Health Sector Strategy
[...] (SSS) priority: the National Strategic Plan against [...]
HIV/AIDS, 2000-2005, was followed
by an HIV/AIDS component concerning women.




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