

单词 病株

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第一次检查任何一项指标超过允许率在5倍以内,可通过种植者拔 病株 和 混 杂株降低比率,第二 次检查为最终田间检查结果。
If any index in the first inspection is not more than 5 times the
[...] allowable rate, then diseased plants and hybrid [...]
plants can be uprooted to lowering the
rate, and the second inspection result is the final field inspection result.
5.15 病株和植 物废弃物必须按记载的程序,立即从农场中清除。
5.15 Diseased plants and plant waste [...]
must be removed from the farm immediately with documented procedures.
政府當局表示,Re-6疫苗是由哈爾濱獸醫研究所研製, 以對抗目前在區內常見的禽流病毒 株。
According to the Administration, the Re-6 vaccine was
being developed by the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute to match a
[...] strain of AI virus which was prevalent [...]
in the region.
本年度流感疫苗含有和去年的流感疫苗相同的甲型流感H1N1亚 病 毒 株 , 但是另外两种新的毒株则没有在2011-2012年度出现过。
This year’s vaccine
[...] has the same H1N1 virus as last year’s [...]
flu vaccine, but with two new strains not present in the 2011-2012 batch.
虽然在理论上存在着数百病毒株, 但是每年只有几种普遍流行的毒株会引发传染病。
Although in theory there are hundreds of strains of viruses, each year there is a prevalence of certain strains linked to epidemics.
有时旧病毒株发生了变异或突变,有时会发现新 病 毒 株。
Sometimes there is variation or mutation of an old strain and sometimes new strains are discovered.
每年都有一种新的流感疫苗投入生产,用于抵抗最新 病 毒 株 ; 流 感 病 毒 会 每年产生明显变异吗?
Every year a new influenza vaccine is produced to combat the latest strains of the virus; does the flu mutate significantly every year?
美国海军是为美国食品与药品管理局批准函评估这个流感检测方法的重要合作伙伴,位于加利福尼亚州圣地亚哥的海军健康研究中心(NHRC)对存档和预期的临床标本进行检测,以确保测试的特异性,此外,海军第三医学研究所(NAMRU-3)还为开发和检测提供十分宝贵的禽流 病 毒 株 分 离
The U.S. Navy was an integral partner in evaluating this flu test for FDA clearance, with the Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) in San Diego, CA providing testing on both archival and prospective clinical specimens to ensure the specificity of the test, while Navy Medical Research Unit-3 (NAMRU-3) provided invaluable access to avian influenza isolates for development and testing.
[...] A/H5N1流感检测是首个快速诊断的方法,将被用于检测采集的有流感症状患者的咽拭子或鼻拭子上的 H 5 N 1 病 毒 株。
The AVantage A/H5N1 Flu Test is the first rapid
diagnostic device that will be used to detect
[...] the H5N1 virus strain from throat swabs [...]
or nose swabs collected from patients with flu symptoms.
據食物及衞生局轄下衞生署於2010年 10月發出的立法 會參考資料摘要(並無參考檔號)第 7段所述,鑒於人類豬型流感 的活躍程度回落而臨牀嚴重程度保持不變,加上有關人類豬型
流行性感冒的科學知識增加,市民也可接種有效的疫苗防疫, 同時世界衞生組織宣布世界現已不再處於流感大流行警戒第六 級,而人類豬型流感已進入大流行後時期,政府當局認為無須
[...] 再把豬型流行性感冒列為法定須呈報疾病,也無須把 病 毒株 列為 遇上化驗室出現逸漏時須作法定呈報的傳染性病原體。
According to paragraph 7 of the LegCo Brief (with no reference number provided) issued by the Department of Health of the Food and Health Bureau in October 2010, in view of the declining activity and unchanged clinical severity of human swine influenza (HSI), the improvement of scientific knowledge on HSI, the availability of effective vaccine, and the announcement of the World Health Organization that the world was no longer in phase 6 of influenza pandemic alert and that HSI is in the post-pandemic period, the Administration considers it no longer necessary to include swine
influenza as one of the statutorily
[...] notifiable diseases, and its virus strain as one of the [...]
infectious agents subject to statutory
reporting in case of leakage in the laboratories.
世界卫生组织有一个委员会每年对在全球范围内传播的成千上万 病 毒 株 进 行 研究。
There is a committee of members from the World Health Organization that work each year to study
[...] the thousands of virus strains circulating [...]
每年,他们会根据自己病毒株的预测推荐最有可能在即将来临的流感季节中传播 病 毒 株 , 然 后配制相应的疫苗。
Each year they
[...] make recommendations based on their prediction of the strains that are most likely to circulate during the upcoming [...]
influenza season, and
then the vaccines are formulated accordingly.
事實上,美國疾病控制及預防中心 (CDC) 就現時的 大流行制定一份報告提出人們,尤其是 60 歲或以上的成 人對於新型 H1N1 病毒株已存在某程度的免疫力。
In fact, for the current pandemic a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that some degree of pre-existing immunity to the novel H1N1 strains exists, especially among adults aged 60 years and above.
一個說法是 老年人曾經接觸類似的流病毒株, 得到某個程度上的保 護。
It is thought the elderly were protected to some degree by their prior exposure to a similar influenza strain.
第 101號法律公告將" 大腸桿菌O157:H7感染" 從附表所
[...] 載的傳染病名單中刪除,並加入"產志賀毒素大腸桿菌感染",其 效力是令所有不病菌株的產 志賀毒素大腸桿菌感染列入該條 [...]
L.N. 101 removes Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection
from and adds Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) infection to the list
[...] of infectious diseases in the Schedule.
這次實地試驗,以及先前進 行的疫苗攻毒研究均顯示,Re-5疫苗的安全度及效力不但與英
[...] 特威疫苗不相伯仲,而且在對抗H5N1 禽流病毒株方面, Re-5疫苗亦能提供更佳的防護。
The trial results together with the previous vaccine challenge studies indicated that the Re-5 vaccines not only offered
similar safety and efficacy as the Intervet vaccine, but also conferred better
[...] protection against strains of H5N1 virus.
由于人们的全球旅行活动,流病毒 株 不 受 限制地跨跃时区、气候带和东西半球;因此,往往没有只在某个地区内流行的“地区性”流 病 毒 株。
As folks
[...] travel globally, the flu strains travel unrestricted across time zones, climates and hemispheres; therefore, there tends to be no ‘local’ flu strain specific to one region.
该委员会在最近22年中对18个与流感季节相关 病 毒 株 进 行了精确的预测。
The committee has accurately
[...] predicted the virus strains associated [...]
with the flu season 18 out of 22 years in the recent past.
這報告 解釋了此年齡組中一群成年人不論是通過感染或疫苗注射 曾經接觸甲型 H1N1
[...] 病毒的事實,從基因及抗原來說,此 病毒相對於現代的季節性流病毒株 , 與 新型甲型 H1N1 病毒有更密切的關係。
This is explained with the fact that some adults in this age group have had previous exposure, either through infection or vaccination, to an influenza A/H1N1 virus that is genetically
and antigenically more closely related to the novel influenza A/H1N1 virus than are
[...] contemporary seasonal H1N1 strains.7
海巴戟果含有的acubin、L-车叶草苷和茜草素(alizarian),以及根中的一些蒽醌化合物可抑制一些 病 菌 株 , 如 :绿脓桿菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草桿菌、大肠桿菌、沙门氏菌、誌贺氏菌,以及摩式变形菌Proteus [...]
Morinda citrifolia fruit contains acubin, L- Woodruff Gan and alizarin ( alizarian ), as well as
the root of some anthraquinone compounds
[...] can inhibit some disease strains, such as: [...]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus
aureus, Escherichia coli, bacillus coli, Salmonella, Shigella, and friction type deformation strain Proteus morgaii fungi, this is Hai Baji can treat skin infection and other infectious diseases of the material basis.
他们惊讶国家之间的问题的相似之处: 缺乏协议上何时执行第一次乳房 x 光 (如果 40 或 50
[...] 的无家族史的妇女),不论是否执行乳房自我检查或低坚持防止某 病 毒 株 导 致 宫颈癌的人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 疫苗的使用特别是在国家,它已列入日历的疫苗接种,例如阿根廷。
They were surprised the similarities of the problems between the countries: the lack of an agreement on when to perform the first mammogram (if 40 or 50 in women without a family history), whether or not that perform breast self-examination or the low adherence to the use of the human
papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which protects against
[...] some viruses of the strains that cause [...]
of cervical cancer, especially in the countries
that it have been included in the calendar of vaccination, such as Argentina the.
PPV 鉴定并非一定要分辨出病毒的株系 , 但是国家植物保护组织 可能希望对病毒的株系进 行鉴定,以有利于预测该病毒的流行学行为。
Strain identification is not an essential
component of PPV identification but an
[...] NPPO may wish to determine the identity of the strain to assist in predicting its epidemiological behaviour.
新喀里多尼亞流感病毒屬 A 型 H1N1 流病毒菌株,首宗病例於 1999 年 6 月在南太平洋的新喀里多尼亞出現,並在 1999 年年底 開始在香港流行。
The New Caledonia flu virus, a strain of influenza A H1N1 virus, was first reported in New Caledonia in the Southern Pacific during June 1999 and started circulating in Hong Kong in end 1999.
它是目前市场上唯一能准确而迅速地检测所有已知H5N1禽流感甲型流 病 毒 毒 株 的 检 测试剂盒。
It is the only detection kit currently available on the market that can accurately and rapidly detect
[...] all known strains of the H5N1 avian Influenza A virus.
发现了两种重要抗体,它们能够阻止 90% 的全球已知艾病毒菌株感染 人体细胞。
Two important antibodies were discovered that can stop more than 90 per cent of the known global HIV strains from infecting human cells.
[...] 们应当回顾,为了研发疫苗,墨西哥与国际社会分享 了甲型 H1N1 病毒菌株,从 而促进了防止和避免出现 可能给人类发展特别是最弱势群体发展造成问题的 [...]
In this regard, we should recall that
Mexico shared with the international
[...] community the A (H1N1) virus strain in order to [...]
develop a vaccine, contributing to preventing
and avoiding a serious health issue that could have created problems in human development, particularly for the most vulnerable populations.
較重要的一點是,從豬隻檢出的部 病 毒 分 離 株 與 現 有及過去人類感染個案檢出病毒分離株出現 比對基因部分序列相同;這表示部分戊型肝 病 毒 分 離 株 可 能已在本港 存在一段時間,而未徹底煮熟的豬肝可能是本港戊型肝炎個案的潛在感染源。
This suggested that some of the HEV isolates may have been present locally for a period of time and inadequately cooked pig livers could be one possible source for hepatitis E in Hong Kong.
美利坚合众国代表团反对取消这一限制,他们对该技术会议主要以毒理学数据作 为其决定依据,而没有考虑表明降低酸化生产率可能导 病 源 体 ,尤其 病 源 体 耐酸株生长的可能性的文献表示关注。
The Delegation of the United States of America opposed the removal of the restriction and raised their concern that the technical meeting had mainly based their decisions on toxicological data, but had not considered literature that suggested that reduced rates of acid
production might result in the possibility of
[...] outgrowth of pathogens, particularly acid-resistant strains of pathogens.
系統會監察 分離出來病毒菌株的轉 變趨勢或毒性菌株的出現,並發出 警報。
The system will also monitor and warn of any change in the trend of the strains of virus isolates or the emergence of a virulent strain, and facilitate monitoring of the population’s immunity level against vaccine preventable diseases.




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