

单词 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝

External sources (not reviewed)

所以如果職業司機在駕車期間突 病 發 、 抽 搐或 暈倒,這 其實是道路安全的一個計時炸彈。
So, if professional drivers suddenly fall sick, have a seizure or suffer from blackout [...]
while driving, it would indeed be a time bomb to road safety.
如果您可以接抽去图像的 1/10,并且 不想让上述信息打印来,则禁用 1/10 警告 (参阅附录 D),然后重新打印图 像。
If image decimation is acceptable and you do not want the message to print, disable the Decimation warning (refer [...]
to Appendix D) and reprint the image.
在6幅候选作品中,丝们压倒性地选择了Diver & Aguilar在2007年为Alsatian啤酒创作的灵 来 自 于 Marie Antoinette的广告。
Of the six images to choose from, fans overwhelmingly selected Diver & Aguilar’s Marie Antoinette-inspired image from the 2007 campaign for the Alsatian beer company.
其他常见的包膜蛋来源于 狂犬病毒、鼠白血病病毒、埃博拉病毒、杆状病毒、麻疹病毒和 丝病 毒。
Other common envelope proteins are derived from rabies virus, MLV, Ebola, baculovirus, measles virus, and filovirus.
需要说明的是如果至少 65%的比例维持至少 15 年,那把盘丝虫病从 喀 麦隆公共卫生问题中消除就将成为可能。
If a rate of at least 65 per cent is maintained during at least 15 years, onchocerciasis may be [...]
eliminated as a public health issue in Cameroon.
山政府在去年提 交的有关千年发展目标的报 告中,提出了在 2015 年之前减少慢性非传染性病 死亡率的目标。
The Government of Montenegro has set a goal, in the report it submitted last year on the Millennium Development Goals, of reducing its death rate from chronic non-communicable diseases by 2015.
还要, 还要!来一次!然去玩 旋转木马,赫尔辛基大转轮,山 车,幸运抽奖,疯狂大峡谷...最 后,去玩山脊冲浪,因为在那里 可以把全身都能溅上水花。
And then on the cars,
[...] then the Ferris wheel, then the roller coaster, then the games, then the wild rapids… We can go on the water coaster last of all, because you always get wet on [...]
that one.
虽然马尔代夫在控制结核病、麻病 和 丝 虫 等 疾 病 上 取 得了重大成就,但是 这些疾病继续存在,并构成巨大挑战,特别是考虑到在马尔代夫的大量外籍劳动来自这些疾病患病率高的国家。
Although, the Maldives has achieved significant success in the control of diseases
such as tuberculosis,
[...] leprosy and filarial, these diseases continue to persist and pose great challenges, especially considering the large expatriate workforce in the Maldives who come from countries where there is a high prevalence [...]
of these diseases.
試想如 果 病 人是未 成 年、陷 入 昏迷或 痴呆的 狀 態 ,家屬因為經 濟 負擔 過 重 , 或 是 與 病 人 間 可能存 在 利 益 衝 突 , 在這情況下,由 家屬決 定 對 病 人 施 行 安樂死 , 這不但會 陷 入 極 大 的 道 德 危 機 , 同時可能會 引 來山倒海 的法律 訴訟。
Let us imagine a scenario in which an underage patient has lapsed into a coma or a state of dementia. If his family members opt for euthanasia because the patient has imposed on them excessive burden or because they have a conflict of interests with the patient, it will not only give rise to a serious moral crisis, but also lead to incalculable legal [...]
A. 政府應該使用公去幫助 陷入困難的大型製造業公司,因 如 果 它 們 倒 閉 , 整個經濟會受損而且太多人會失業。
A. The government
[...] should use public funds to help large manufacturing companies in trouble because if they fail it damages [...]
the general
economy and too many people lose their jobs.
主要环境污染问题,包括采矿和利用油页岩所产生的堆 如山 的 半焦与灰 碴(直接和间接明显污染环境),油页岩灰碴运输(在 2009 年 7 月 15 日之前,部分 允许把油页岩灰碴作为液体废物处置),到 2008 年把半焦中的的有机化合物从 12%还原到 16%,爱沙尼亚环境意识水平低(导致多起把废物 倒 在 路 边或林中 的事件),还有市政废物分类程度有限。
The main environmental pollution problems include the gigantic mountains of semicoke and ash resulting from mining and use of oil-shale, which pollute the environment both directly as well as indirectly (visually), transport of oil shale ash (disposal of oil shale ash as liquid waste is partially permitted until 15 July 2009), the reduction [...]
of organic compounds in semi-coke from 12% to 16% by 2008, the low level of environmental awareness among the Estonian population, resulting in numerous cases of waste being dumped by the roadside or in forests,
as well as the limited extent of sorting of municipal waste.
无论开发强如何,水的抽取和 分流、水电开发、湿地变干、土地利用方式 来 的 淤 塞和侵蚀等都会对内陆渔业 资源造成负面影响。
Water abstraction and diversion, hydroelectric development, draining wetlands, and siltation and erosion from landuse [...]
patterns can negatively
affect inland fishery resources regardless of the rate of exploitation.
如果只看我的入 息稅,政府抽去差不 多四分之一,但當把其他複雜的數目也一併計算後(即 周梁淑怡議員不喜歡計算的數目),我的入息稅便減至約一成左右,我覺得 [...]
If you just look at my salaries tax, then you will find that [...]
the Government has taken away a quarter of my income, but after
taking into account other complicated figures (and that is, the calculations which Mrs Selina CHOW does not like to make), then my salaries tax will be reduced to about 10% of my income and I do not have any complaint about this.
(b) 有否檢驗從美國入口的葡萄如有的 話,在 去 ㆒ 年 共 抽 驗 多少次樣本及發現 多少次樣本不符合衛生標準;及
(b) whether it has examined grapes
imported from the United
[...] States; if so, how many random samplings were made over the past year and how many of them [...]
were found to have
failed in the health standards tests; and (c) how those grapes which do not meet the health standards are disposed of?
埋葬的时候被倒过来 竖着入土可算得上是不寻常的要求了吧,但塞穆尔•格拉伯(1750-1815)——蒂珀雷里郡(County Tipperary)美丽的格瑞斯城堡(Castle Grace)的主人就要求自己被这样竖着埋葬 如 此 一 来 他 到 了自己末日的那天他就直接准备出发了!那个垂直的墓地就位于克洛金(Clogheen)的南部,朝向诺克米尔邓 山 脉 中 甜面 山 ( Su gar Loaf Hill)的斜坡。
To be buried upside down may be an unusual request, but Samuel Grubb (1750-1815), owner of the beautiful Castle Grace in County Tipperary insisted on being buried upright so that come judgement day he’d be ready to go!
經歷回歸後山倒海的 教育改革,經歷教育史上最沉痛的縮班殺校 浪潮,經歷教師萬人集會抗議政府官迫民反的苛政,教育界渴望穩定與和 諧,渴望將精力集中教好學生,渴望縮班殺校成為 去 , 渴 望教育改革微調 修正,渴望官民互信重新確立,為教育和學生的福祉,和諧合作,即使偶有 分歧,即使請願仍在,即使紛爭在所難免,但我們具有解決問題的誠意和決 心,我們相信這決心勝於分歧和對抗,因為我們有共同的任務,便是教好學 生、做好教育。
I believe this determination to solve the problems will override differences and confrontations, for we share a common mission, to teach our students properly and to provide good education.
這些工程 包括為綜合症病人 設 立 指定病 房 ; 安抽氣扇和在排氣管 道 安裝高 效 能空氣粒子濾隔, 減少病 房 的病毒數量;提供淋浴和 洗 手 設 施,改善病人護理區 的 生 水 平 ; 設 立 負氣壓房 間,以便 在 安 全 環境下 進 行高危程序。 根據環境 運 輸及工務局如何 能 夠 改善綜合病房 現有通風系統所提供的意 見 ,醫管局計劃展 開 估 計費用達 2,550 萬 元的醫院環境短 期 改善措 施,包括在 14 間醫院為綜合症病人裝設 121 個局部排氣裝 置;在 22 間醫院設 置 529 部 座地空氣 清新機 和 310 部 流 動 空 氣 清新機 ;以及在 通風系統的回 風位置加裝 高 效 能空氣粒子濾隔。
Such works included setting up designated wards for SARS patients, installation of exhaust fans and high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters at air exhaust ducts to reduce the viral load in wards, provision of shower and hand washing facilities to improve the standard of hygiene
in the patient care
[...] areas, setting up negative pressure rooms to provide a safe environment for high-risk procedures, etc. Based on the advice of the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau on how the existing ventilation systems of SARS wards could be improved, HA plans to carry out short-term hospital environment improvement measures by installing 121 local exhaust [...]
units in 14 hospitals
for SARS patients, 529 floor-stand air purifiers and 310 mobile air purifiers in 22 hospitals, and adding extra HEPA filters to the return air points of the ventilation systems at an estimated cost of $25.5 million.
至 於在家 禽 市抽樣進病 毒 培養測試,據瞭 解 , 要 完 成 整 項 病 毒 培 養測試, 一般須用 3 至 5 天 的 時間;要 那 麼 長的時間才能證 明 雞 隻 是 否出現 禽 流 感 病 毒 , 屆 時 若 證實有問題病 毒 也 早 已 經 傳 播去了。
For the virus cultivation test used in retail poultry markets, I understand that the whole process will take three to five days to complete. Since it takes such a long time to ascertain whether a chicken is infected by the avian flu virus, the virus will have spread around long before the results are available.
在国家已消灭了疟疾,如麻 风病和丝虫等疾病现处于零传染阶段。
Malaria has been eliminated from the country
[...] and other diseases such as leprosy and filarial are now at [...]
the stage of zero transmission.
此产品因其是废物再利用,所以在国外尤其是欧美发达国家很受青睐,广泛用在 山 包 、挎包、箱包里料、书包、箱包、服装,公文包,时尚包,储物箱里料、束口袋、礼品袋,手提袋、购物袋等等。(2)Recycle PET面料利用可乐瓶回收的再生环保纤维原料,将回收的可乐瓶辗成碎片后,经 抽丝 加 工而成,可循环使用并有效减少二氧化碳的排放量,比常规制程生产聚酯纤维节省近80%的能源。
This product because it is waste reuse, so in a foreign country, especially the European and American developed
country is very popular, widely used in mountaineering bags, handbags, luggage in material, bags, luggage, clothing, briefcases, fashion bags, store content box materials, beam bag, gift bags, handbags, shopping bags, etc. (2) the Recycle PET fabrics using coke bottle recovery of recycled fiber raw material, the recovery of coke bottle roll into pieces, after spinning processing and become, recyclable use and effectively reduce carbon dioxide emissions, than conventional process the production of polyester fiber save nearly 80% of energy.
铭记秘书长的报告――关于联合国人权事务高级专员办事处在协助柬埔寨政 府和人民增进和保护人权方面的作用和取得的成绩,1 认识到柬埔寨的惨痛历史,要求根据1991年10月23 日在巴黎签署的《柬 埔寨冲突全面政治解决协定》的规定采取特别措施,确保柬埔寨全体人民的人权 得到保护,不倒退回过去的政 策和做法, 注意到柬埔寨的新发展,特别是柬埔寨政府最近在促进和保护人权方面做出 的努力和取得的进展,特别是近来 通 过 实施相关的国家计划、战略和纲要,在 社会、经济、政治和文化领域所取得的改善
Bearing in mind the report of the Secretary-General on the role and achievements of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in assisting the Government and people of Cambodia in the promotion and protection of human rights,1 Recognizing that the tragic history of Cambodia requires special measures to ensure the protection of human rights and the non-return to the policies and practices of the past, as stipulated in the Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict, signed in Paris on 23 October 1991
这些活动可能包括过度利用海洋生物资源、采用破坏性的做法、 船舶的实际影响、引进外来入侵物种以及由各 来 源 , 包括陆 来 源 和船只造成 海洋污染,特别是非法和意外排放油类和其他有害物质、遗失或弃置渔具以及非 法或意外倒诸如放射 性物质、核废料和危险化学品等有害废弃物造成的污染。
These may include overutilization of living marine resources, the use of destructive practices, physical impacts by ships, the introduction of invasive alien species and marine pollution from all sources, including from land-based sources and vessels, in particular
through the illegal and accidental
[...] discharge of oil and other harmful substances, the loss or release of fishing gear and the illegal or accidental release of hazardous waste such as radioactive materials, nuclear waste and dangerous chemicals.
工作组还想补充的是,在此案中,如对也门的法律进 行检查后所显示的,事情与其说是由法 来 规 定保护措施的问题 倒 不 如 说 是在 实践中加以遵守的问题。
The Working Group wishes to add that in this case, as the review of Yemeni legislations shows, the issue seems less to be a matter of adopting guarantees by statute but of observing them in practice.
在这一数量Inedita似乎没有发现更多,但孤立的发现,仍然经 来来 , 东库 , 如 圣 山 和 帕 特莫斯,君士坦丁堡,和耶路撒冷,西乃山者外,已经产生了未知的宝藏,而叙利亚,科普特人,亚美尼亚人,等等,都应该提供许多损失是无法挽回的。
Inedita in such quantities seem to be found no more, but isolated
discoveries have come frequently and
[...] still come; Eastern libraries, such as those of Mount Athos and Patmos, [...]
Constantinople, and
Jerusalem, and Mount Sinai, have yielded unknown treasures, while the Syriac, Coptic, Armenian, etc., have supplied many losses supposed to be irrecoverable.
如果关于科索沃的实质性辩论已从安理会转移至大会,则法院作出反应来 倒也合乎情理。如,这 种转移可通过大会依照题为“联合一致共策和平”的第 [...]
377(V)A 号决议的规定召集一次紧急特别会议加以实现,这方面的一个案例就是 大会请求对《在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙的法律后果》提出咨询意见(《咨
询意见,2004 年国际法院案例汇编㈠》,第145至第146页,第18至第19段)。
A response from the Court would have been conceivable if the substantive debate on Kosovo had
moved from the Security Council to
[...] the General Assembly, for example through the convening of [...]
an emergency special session of
the General Assembly under the terms of resolution 377 (V) A, entitled “Uniting for peace”, as was the case with the request for an advisory opinion by the General Assembly concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 2004 (I), pp. 145-146, paras. 18-19).
何況,隨着學券制而來的,是山倒 海 的 外評、行政和進修壓力, 令幼師去正常的家庭生活,也刺激着幼教界的怨氣上升,憤怒已到沸 點,反抗隨時出現。
Following on the heels of the introduction of the education voucher scheme are numerous external school reviews (ESR) and immense pressure brought about by the heavy administrative work and further studies, which have upset the normal family life of KG teachers and hence pushed the angers of the early childhood education sector to the maximum.
在非洲,2003 年 11
[...] 月,教科文组织启动了艾滋 病毒/艾病红丝带优 秀媒体奖,表彰在东南非洲为提高人们对艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的认识 [...]
In Africa, UNESCO launched in November
[...] 2003 the HIV/AIDS Red Ribbon Media Award [...]
for Excellence created to award journalists
in the print and electronic media for reporting and media productions that exceptionally contributed to raising awareness about HIV/AIDS issues in East and Southern Africa.
如,在撒哈拉以南非洲,控 制盘丝虫病(河盲 症)的费用每人不到 1 美元,却可释放估计为 37 亿美元的生 产力;而根除小儿麻痹症可以为政府节省 [...]
15 亿美元的疫苗、治疗和康复费用。
For example, across sub-Saharan Africa, controlling onchocerciasis, river [...]
blindness, which costs less than $1 per person,
can deliver an estimated $3.7 billion in productivity; and polio eradication could save Governments $1.5 billion in vaccines, treatment and rehabilitation costs.




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