

单词 病故

See also:

(of people) die, dead

External sources (not reviewed)

其後在1942年,她因被誤診有氣管瘤而動手術,手術後情況惡化,最 病故 , 死時年僅30歲。
She died in 1942 following an unnecessary throat surgery due to misdiagnosis when she was 30 years old.
由于不同微生物可引致此病,故亦 可侵袭任何人士。
Gastroenteritis can affect anybody because many different
[...] microorganisms can cause the disease.
该基金的目标是帮助参加保险的工作人员及其有资格的家属支付因 病、 事故或生育而获得某些保健服务、设施和用品的费用。
The objective of the fund is to assist subscribers and eligible family members in
meeting expenses incurred for certain health services, facilities and
[...] supplies arising out of sickness, accident or maternity.
病、事故或伤 害,以及老年化是成年人残疾的最为普遍的原因。
Disease or illness, accidents or injuries, [...]
and ageing were the most common causes of disability for adults.
[...] 號文件所載的所有現行安排將維持不變,包括繼續通過信託基金向綜 合病故者遺下依賴其供養的家屬發放恩恤金、規定所有信託基金受 [...]
助人( 不論他們領取經濟援助是否已達 500,000 元累計上限)
接受經濟狀 況覆檢和健康評估( 雖然頻密程度或會因上文第 15 段的建議而有所變 動 ) ,以及保持現行向患者提供的各類援助。
Other than the changes outlined above, all the existing arrangements set out in FCR(2003-04)44 for setting up the Trust Fund, such as the continued use of the Trust Fund to
provide ex-gratia payments to dependent
[...] families of deceased SARS patients, the requirements [...]
of financial reviews and medical reviews
(albeit the frequency may vary as proposed in paragraph 15 above) for all Trust Fund beneficiaries (regardless of whether they have reached the accumulative ceiling of $500,000) and the types of assistance available to them will remain unchanged following the proposed injection of fund to the Trust Fund.
有 見及此,財務委員會在 2003 年 11 月 7
[...] 日批准成立信託基金,以值得 同情的理由,向綜合病故者的家屬、綜合症康復者和「疑似」患者 [...]
發放特別恩恤金( 請參閱 FCR(2003-04)44 號文件) 。
Against this background, the FC approved on 7 November 2003 the establishment of the Trust Fund to provide, on compassionate grounds,
special ex-gratia payments to the families
[...] of deceased SARS patients; recovered [...]
and “suspected” SARS patients (Ref : FCR(2003-04)44).
由于与较年长 的人相比,10-24 岁人口不太可能死于非传染性病, 故 在 非洲和南亚该年龄 组死于传染病的比例很高(见图十三)。
Today, the share of those aged 12-24 among persons aged 12-64 is decreasing in all regions and is expected to continue dropping, provided the reduction of fertility in developing countries continues (see figure III).
发布广告或发送不请自来的电子邮件(即所谓“垃圾邮件”)或发布 病 毒 、 故 障 或 类似情形无关的警告,或邀请参与赌博、滚雪球游戏、连锁信、金字塔系统或其它类似活动。
distribute advertising or unsolicited e-mails
(so-called "spam") or irrelevant warnings
[...] as to viruses, malfunctioning or similar or [...]
request persons to participate in gambling,
snowball games, chain letters, pyramid systems or any other similar actions.
虽然紧急应对措施是风险管理 的一个重要成分,可减少与工作相关的伤害 病 痛 、 疾 病 和 事 故 , 但 此前应始终 首先努力预防这类事件的发生。
While effective emergency response is an important element of risk management to
reduce the impact of work-related
[...] injuries, ill health, diseases and accidents, it should [...]
always be preceded by efforts to
prevent such incidents from occurring in the first place.
2008 年 9 月至 2009 年 1
[...] 月,联利特派团 1 名本国工作人员、 5 名军事人员和 1 名警察人员分别因病、交通事故和 武 器走火丧生。
Between September 2008 and January 2009, one UNMIL national staff member, five military personnel
and one police staff member died
[...] as a result of illness, vehicular accident and accidental [...]
discharge of a weapon, respectively.
您的孩子出于以下原因缺课被视为是经过请假 (得 到同意):孩子病或发生事故,家 庭成员 故, 搬迁,就医 (包括牙医)。
Your child's absences will be excused (approved) for
[...] reasons such as illness or accident of the child, illness or death in the family, change [...]
of residence,
doctor's or dentist's appointment.
劳动监察员通过其地方机构网络进行全国督查,确保工作环境安全,防止 职业故和职业病。
The Labour Inspectorate through the network of its local agencies carries out
state supervision on ensuring a safe working environment and preventing of
[...] occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗室如出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒 逸漏 事 故 , 必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防止疾病蔓延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from laboratories to be subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
秘书长应为工作人员制订一套社会保障办法,包括保健、病假、产假和陪产 假,以及工作人员因执行联合国公务而 病 、 发 生意外 故 或 死亡时的合理赔偿 的规定。
The Secretary-General shall establish a scheme of social security for the staff, including provisions for health protection, sick leave, maternity and
paternity leave, and reasonable
[...] compensation in the event of illness, accident or death attributable [...]
to the performance of official
duties on behalf of the United Nations.
4.系统安全与管理:数据的安全性保障包括多方面,如 病 毒 ,硬 件 故 障 冗 余,双机系统冗余、系统数据备份等;管理方面主要考虑到集中管理、远程管理等。
System Security and Management: Data
protection measures include many aspects,
[...] such as anti-virus, hardware failure redundancy, [...]
dual-system redundancy, system data
backup, etc.; centralized management and remote management are considered in respect to management.
沒有持久受權人並不算犯法。但是,如果某一天,你因 病或 意故而無 法再為你自己的財務和資產作出任何決定,那時 你會讓事情變得更加複雜、更加不明朗。
If you do not appoint an Enduring Power of Attorney, it is not against the law, but it is likely to make it more difficult and uncertain if in future you have an accident or illness which prevents you from making decisions for yourself about money and assets.
武装抢劫、聚众暴力事件、交通故 和 疾 病 是 联 合国人员和财产的安全保障 受到的最常见威胁。
Armed robbery, mob
[...] violence, traffic accidents and disease are among the [...]
most prevalent security and safety threats to United
Nations personnel and property.
四)不得上传、张贴、传送或分发任何恶意材料或信息,其中包含电 病 毒 , 或其 故 意 或 能对本网站或其他用户计算机系统的运行,造成中断或其它不利影响的代码、文件或程序。
(d) not upload, post, transmit or distribute any
material or information which
[...] contains a computer virus, or other code, files or programs intended [...]
or having for effect to disrupt
or otherwise adversely affect the operation of the Web Site or of other Users' computer systems.
(a) 确保所有工人得到保护,预防化学品所致死亡 故 、 伤 害和 病 , 确 保 化学品部门以及使用化学品的其他部门的所有工人都有体面的工作条件。
(a) Ensure that all workers are
protected from chemical-related
[...] fatalities, injuries and diseases and that they enjoy [...]
decent working conditions in the chemicals
sector, as well as in other sectors where chemicals are used.
新增第 105.4(乙)条(探亲假),这项新规定有助于工作人员应对家庭的急事和有
[...] 关情况,例如:配偶、母亲、父亲、子女或近亲去世,出 故 或 患 病 ; 在 正常工作时间面临 的照料子女的困难或承担子女入学的义务;家庭遭遇重大损失需要立即到场。
The new Rule 105.4 bis (Family leave) is intended to enable staff members to attend to family emergencies or
other family-related situations such as
[...] the death, injury or illness of a spouse, mother, [...]
father, child, or close relative;
problems relating to the care of children or obligations relating to school attendance during the normal hours of work; major damage at the place of residence requiring immediate attendance.
根据有关的法律规范,被保险人有权在出现职业风险,比如由于工业故 或疾病导致 被保险人的工作能力丧失或下降或死亡的情况下获得社会保护。
In accordance with the norms of the respective Law the ensured persons have the right to social protection in case of occurrence of such professional risks, such as: loss or decrease of work capacity or the decease of the ensured person as a result of an industrial accident or disease.
我们深信,所有的工伤故及职业疾 病 都 是 可以避免的。
We are convinced that all
[...] occupational accidents and illnesses can be avoided.
倘購股權承授人為合資格僱員,而於其購股權全數行使前因 故、 患病或根據僱傭合約退休而不再為合資格僱員,則其遺產代理人或其 [...]
本身(視情況而定)可在其終止受僱當日(即承授人在本集團或所投資 公司最後工作日期(不論有否支付代通知金而提早離職))起計12個月
If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and
ceases to be an Eligible Employee by
[...] reason of his death, ill-health or retirement [...]
in accordance with his contract of employment
before exercising the option in full, his personal representative(s), or, as appropriate, the grantee may exercise the option (to the extent not already exercised) in whole or in part within a period of 12 months following the date of cessation which date shall be the last day on which the grantee was at work with the Group or the Invested Entity whether salary is paid in lieu of notice or not or such longer period as the Directors may determine.
由於會計政策的 變動僅影響呈列方式故此對 每股盈利並無影響。
Since the change in accounting policy only impacts presentation aspects, there is no impact on earnings per share.
倘購股權承授人為合資格僱員,而於其購股權全數行使前因 故、 患病或根 據僱傭合約退休或基於下文(xiv)分段所述的嚴重失職或其他 [...]
理由解僱以外的理由而不再為合資格僱員,則其所持尚未行使的購股 權將於停止或終止或結束受僱當日失效,不得繼續行使,惟董事可另行
決定,承授人可於董事指定由終止或結束受僱當日(即承授人在本集團 或所投資公司最後工作日期(不論有否支付代通知金而提早離職))起 計的期限內行使全部或部份尚未行使的購股權。
If the grantee of an option is an Eligible Employee and ceases
to be an Eligible Employee for any reason
[...] other than death, ill-health or retirement [...]
in accordance with his contract of employment
or for serious misconduct or other grounds referred to in sub-paragraph (xiv) below before exercising his option in full, the option (to the extent not already exercised) will lapse on the date of cessation or termination and will not be exercisable unless the Directors otherwise determine in which event the grantee may exercise the option (to the extent not already exercised) in whole or in part within such period as the Directors may determine following the date of such cessation, which will be taken to be the last day on which the grantee was at work with the Group or the Invested Entity whether salary is paid in lieu of notice or not.
[...] 演员及某些其他艺术家享有最低工资以及一项综合福利制度,该制度为他们提供医疗、工作 场所故保护、患病或残 疾时的工资、失业救济金、专业培训、节假日、产假和退休计划。
For example, in France, self-employed performers and certain other artists enjoy minimum pay rates and a comprehensive benefits system providing
medical care, protection for
[...] workplace accidents, wage continuation in the case of illness or disability, [...]
unemployment benefits,
professional training, holidays and vacations, maternity leave and a retirement plan.
如果保障责任表中没有特别规定某项赔付金额,但是产生的有效医疗收费经过公认的、持证的执业医生的核准, 那么该费用应依据上述每宗故或者 疾 病 的 免 赔额进行处理,并且应该依据上述保障责任表进行赔付。
If a benefit is not specifically designated in the Schedule of Benefits, but is a valid Medical incurred charge as authorized by a certified and licensed health care practitioner,
the expense will be subject to the
[...] deductible per accident or sickness as listed above [...]
and benefits will be paid as per
the benefit schedule listed above.
国际社会依赖这支蓝盔部队保护生活在世界上一些最危险地区的弱势群体,但是他们的行动付出了高昂的代价:在联合国60多年的维和历史中,暴行、 故 和 疾 病 夺 去了2 700多名在世界热点地区工作的维和队员的生命,包括从中东到巴尔干半岛国家、非洲以及其他地区。
The international community counts on its Blue Helmets to protect the vulnerable in some of the world's most dangerous places, but their service comes at a high cost--throughout UN
peacekeeping’s more than 60-year
[...] history, violence, accidents and disease have cost the lives [...]
of more than 2,700 individuals working
in hot spots around the world, from the Middle East to the Balkans, Africa and beyond.
為進一步實踐善待員工的承諾,管理層於期內撥款設立 「員工關懷基金」,為遇上突發故 , 例 如嚴重 病 或意 外,而面臨重大經濟或生活困難的員工,提供緊急援助, 讓員工及其家人能從容面對逆境。
As an advocate of caring culture, the Group emphasizes the caring of employees. To further fulfill its promise in this regard, the Group has set up a “Staff Care Fund” during the period to assist staff or their immediate family members suffering from adversities, such as fatal diseases or serious accidents, that lead to serious financial difficulties to overcome the adversity.
因 受 保 人 本 人、
[...] 家 屬 或 生 意 伙 伴故、 病 重 或 身 體 受 傷 等 導 [...]
致 必 須 取 消 旅 程, 可 獲 賠 償 已 繳 付 而 未 能 索 回 的 團 費、 機 票 或 酒 店 費 用。
If the trip has to be cancelled due to
[...] death, serious illness or injury of the [...]
Insured Person, family members or business
partners, all the paid and irrecoverable expenses on tours, air tickets or hotel accommodation will be reimbursed.




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