

单词 病愈

See also:


recover v

External sources (not reviewed)

若㆒早用承包制來維持市民的健康 病 ㆟ 愈 多 病 , 則 醫生、醫院的收益 愈減少,這自然就會想到預防、早診、早醫來減少疾病的發病率。
If the whole package system is used for
protecting the health of the public,
[...] then the more illnesses the patients have, the less [...]
will be the incoem of the doctors
and hospitals and it will be natural for those concerned to think of preventive measures and early diagnosis and treatment as the means to reduce the incidence of diseases.
专业医疗机构每年有 520 万 名住病人病愈出院,其中的 400 万人(占总数的 78.3%)由国家医疗卫生体系支 付费用。
For specialized care there are more than 5.2 million hospital discharges a year, of which 4 million (78.3 per cent of the total) are financed by the SNS.
在一次严重的飞机意外之后,将近两年时间他卧床 病 , 痊 愈 后 ,他又精力旺盛地重拾职业生涯。
Following a serious Learjet
[...] accident that kept him bedridden for nearly two [...]
years, Ducasse took up his career again with gusto.
有些人认为, 非传染性疾病只是在发达国家流行;与这种认识相
[...] 反,发展中国家严峻的经济状况使此类 病愈 发 成 为 一种威胁和危险,在最贫穷国家尤其如此。
Contrary to the belief held by some that non-communicable diseases are prevalent in developed countries only, the dire
economic situation in the developing
[...] countries makes such diseases even more of a [...]
threat and a danger, especially in the poorest countries.
眾所周知,心臟病、腦血管病及癌病不只是全港的㆔大主要殺手,而且年 愈 大, 這些病的發病率就愈高。
As we all know, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and cancer
are the top three
[...] killer diseases in Hong Kong, and the the incidence of such diseases increases proportionately [...]
with age.
这种病虽然不能愈,但 大多数情况下是可以控制的,这意味着患者可以仅带有少量、偶发的症状,同时享受品质生活。
This disease cannot be cured, but most cases [...]
can be controlled so people can have few, infrequent symptoms and live active lives.
(a) 怀孕不正常、婴儿发育畸形或怀孕对孕妇生命安全造成威胁; (b) 降生后婴儿可能患有不可愈的严重 疾 病。
(a) The pregnancy is abnormal, unusual growth of baby or creates a risk to the woman’s life; (b) After birth the child can have a serious incurable decease.
第 1137/1981 号法律专门对麻风病人的治疗和社会保护作出规定, 并规定医生及医院员工须确保保密,从公开文件中去除“麻风病”和“麻风病 人”等词汇,并向正在接受治疗的病人、已接受治疗并 愈 的 病 人 、 以及他们的 家人包括孩子提供每月收入支助。
Law No. 1137/1981 specifically addressed treatment and social protection of patients suffering from Hansen’s disease and provided for doctors and hospital staff to ensure confidentiality, for the elimination of words such as “leprosy” and “leper” from public documents and for the provision of monthly income support for patients in treatment, already treated and cured, as well as for their family members, including children.
虽然抗血管内皮生长因子疗法是湿性AMD治疗的一项重大进展,但仍然不能 愈 该 疾 病。
While anti-VEGF therapy represents a significant advancement in the treatment of wet AMD, there is still no cure.
承诺加快研究和开发安全有效、负担得起并易于获得的艾 病 毒 疫 苗及愈艾滋病毒的 方法,同时确保可持续的疫苗采购系统和公平分配系统也得到开 发
Commit to accelerate research and development for a safe, affordable, effective and accessible vaccine and for a cure for HIV, while ensuring that sustainable systems for vaccine procurement and equitable distribution are also developed
[...] 到更多的人死于脑膜炎、营养不良、脱水以及如果我 们在实地有适当的医疗服务便可以 愈 的 简单 疾 病, 便不足为奇。
It is therefore no wonder that we are now seeing more
deaths from meningitis, malnutrition,
[...] dehydration and simple diseases that would have otherwise [...]
been treated if we had reasonable
medical services on the ground.
(a) 从幼儿教育开始,在各级教育系统中传授有关麻风病的知识,除其他 外,肯定麻病是可以治愈的, 不应将其作为歧视患有或曾经患有麻风病者及其 家人的理由; (b) 促进编写和散发“了解你的权利”的材料,新近被诊断患有麻风病的 人应人手一份
(a) To provide information about leprosy at all levels of the education system, beginning with early childhood education affirming, inter alia, that leprosy is curable and should not be used as grounds for discrimination against persons who have or have had leprosy and their families
勇敢的治疗:一个种族的多肢外星人来到地球上,寻求 愈 的 病 毒 , 这使他们不断地冲自己。
Courageous Cure: A race of multi-limbed aliens arrive on Earth,
[...] seeking a cure for a virus which causes them [...]
to keep punching themselves.
确诊后,医生会进行短期治疗, 减轻或愈疾病,缓解症状。
Then, the doctor will give short-term treatment to
[...] slow or stop the disease and relieve symptoms.
重要的是观察孩子的反应比查看体温表更重要,以更确定其身体的状 况和及时联络儿科大夫,或者相反可以对孩子的健康情况有所放心,至少 暂时可以观察病情的发展情况(大部分的情况是过了2至4天的时 病 情会 自愈)。
It is important to understand that it is necessary to watch the baby more than the thermometer before deciding when it is the case to consult the paediatrician urgently, or when it is possible to remain calm,
at least for a while, and await the
[...] evolution of the illness (which in most cases passes spontaneously within 2-4 days).
愈合, 病人在(无论是对他/她自己或作为 其他家庭成员的替代品)治疗对话中 [...]
会表现他/她真诚的感情,并表达深 深的敬意和神圣的态度。
The healing occurs when the client [...]
(either for him/herself or as a surrogate for another family member) is connected with
his/her core feelings and can, in an attitude of deep respect and sacredness, have a healing dialogue with the other person.
随着遇到的消化功能紊乱的患者越来越多,以及层出不穷的医生难以 愈 的 病 症 , 我开始思考功能医学是否真的是解开这些谜团的密匙。
It seeks to identify and address the
[...] root causes of disease and views the [...]
body as one integrated system, not a collection
of independent organs divided up by medical specialties.
居家关怀为社区提供教育 和能力,并且减少患有不能愈的疾 病 的 病人 的孤独和屈辱感。
HBC educates and empowers the community and it reduces the isolation and
[...] stigma which often comes with incurable illness.
这些新结果揭示了用OVA1制定标准化筛选方案的可能性,它对所有卵巢恶性病变都有着高灵敏度,包括最有可能 愈 的 早 期 病 例 和 各种亚型,”Bristow博士指出。
These new results point to the possibility of a standardized triage protocol using OVA1, with high sensitivity for
all ovarian malignancies including
[...] the most curable early-stage cases and a broad range of subtypes," noted Dr. [...]
儿童中,1.5 亿人出生时 体重过低,3.25
[...] 亿人不能上学,欠发达国家每天有 33 000 人死于可愈疾病。
Among children, 150 million have a low
birth weight, 325 million do not go to school, and every day in underdeveloped countries
[...] 33,000 die from curable diseases.
在尚无关于“紧急医疗”有效定义的情况下,移徙者可能无法享受基 层保健措施,使可愈的疾病转变 成慢性疾病。
In the absence of an effective definition of what constitutes “emergency health care”, migrants can be denied access to primary level health interventions, resulting in treatable conditions becoming chronic.
随着科学技术和医疗水平的提高,医疗服务已不仅仅局限于 愈 疾 病 , 如何减少治疗时的并发症,如何使手术真正做到只切除病灶而不损伤正常组织,如何从根本上预防疾病的发生,已成为当今医疗质量的更高追求。
As technology and medical
[...] treatment progressing, modern medical service is no longer limited to curing diseases, but gets higher [...]
demands on how to
reduce complications from treatments, how to achieve a treatment that only removes lesions without hurting surrounding normal tissues and how to prevent diseases radically.
我们在第二次世界大战时一起抗击侵略,现在,我们的科学家和工程师正在一同努力 愈 疾 病 、 建造消耗清洁能源的汽车、并为我们的子孙留下一个更美好的世界。
We fought together against aggression in World War 2 and today,
our scientists and engineers are working
[...] together to cure diseases, build cars that [...]
burn clean fuel, and leave our world a
better place for our children and their children.
些無良的藥房,由於受到金錢㆖的引誘,加㆖法例㆖又 有漏洞可供無良藥商從㆗取利,所以近兩年加入任意售賣受管制藥物的藥 愈 來愈 多。
Given that some unscrupulous pharmacies are tempted by pecuniary interests and pharmaceutical manufacturers are able to gain a profit by taking advantage of the loophole in law, more and more pharmacies have been found to be engaged in the arbitrary sale of controlled drugs.
房屋署只設 1 個總工程師職位,實在不足以 應付這些職責及復建居屋方面的新增工作,以及其他房屋措施和日趨 複雜的公營房屋規劃及發展工作帶來的額外工作量,包括:高樓齡屋 邨重建;工程可行性研究不斷增加;積極參與公眾諮詢;基本工程儲 備基金總目 711 項下的支援項愈來愈多;更多基建改善工程及合約 管理工作;為符合新的環保及工程規定而進行的工程發展和標準研究 與日俱增;以及提升土地測量服務水平。
One CE post is grossly insufficient to cope with these duties together with the additional workload due to resumption of HOS as well as those arising from other housing initiatives and the increased complexity in public housing planning and development works, such as the redevelopment of aged estates; increasing number of engineering feasibility studies; active participation in public consultations; increasing number of supporting projects under CWRF Head 711; more infrastructure improvement works and contract administration works; increasing number of engineering researches on development and standard to meet new environmental and engineering requirements; and enhancement of land surveying services.




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