

单词 疾风劲草



the storm put strong grass the test (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister
show one's true colors after a stern test


the storm put strong grass the test, fire tests true gold (idiom); fig. troubled times test a faithful minister
show one's true colors after a stern test

See also:


strong wind


strong wind

External sources (not reviewed)

这些国家无法应对传染病的现有需求, 草 使 用是导致非传染 疾病 的风险因素之一。
These countries are unable to cope with the
existing demands of communicable
[...] diseases and tobacco use is one of the main risk factors for non-communicable diseases.
中国 - 世界第二大经济体,也是新加坡第二大贸易伙伴国, 从全球金风暴中强劲回弹 ,借助这股动力,预计今年能够取得9%的增长。
China - the world’s second largest economy and Singapore’s second largest trading
partner - is expected to grow 9%  this year, riding on
[...] the momentum of its strong rebound from the global [...]
financial crisis.
船身采用倾斜龙骨,作为平衡船身的钟摆,可抵御高达65海里/小时 劲风。
They use canting keels which act as pendulums to balance the
[...] boat in heavy winds reaching up [...]
to 65 knots.
提高您的速度,感劲风拂发 ,感受气息奔涌。
Give it some
[...] speed, feel the wind in your hair and [...]
the rush in your body.
作为一款年轻、个性以及沃尔沃史上最安全的豪华紧凑型五门掀背车,V40在中国的上市,必将在中国紧凑型豪华车市场掀起一场 劲 的 旋 风。
Attending the Prime Minister's visit were, among others, Volvo Car Corporation CEO & President Stefan Jacoby and Volvo Car Corporation Chairman of the Board Li Shufu.
政府开展了一项儿童和青少年状况分析,现正 草拟 国疾人政策。
Government has undertaken a situational analysis on children and young persons, and is
[...] in the process of drafting a national disability policy.
这种结果在全世界是可以而且必须加以复制 的,这是因为,就预防与草相关的 疾 病 和 死亡而言, 我们是在同时间赛跑,这是一场我们输不起的角逐。
Such results can be, and must be,
replicated worldwide, because when it comes
[...] to preventing tobacco-related illnesses and death, [...]
we are in a race with time, a race we cannot afford to lose.
為 達 到 世 衞《國際 衞生條例(2005)》的要 求 , 藉 加 強 對 跨 境 運輸工具 及入境口岸 的 公 共 衞生監察和控制措施, 以防止疾 病 傳 播 , 我 們 已在 2007 年 12 月 19 日向立法會提交新 的《預防及 控疾 病 條例草 案 》,把 法定須 呈疾 病 的數目 由 32 種 增 至 45 種 , 以 針 對日後 可 能 威 脅 本 港 的傳染 病 。
To satisfy the requirements of the WHO International Health Regulations 2005 to prevent the spread of diseases by strengthening public health monitoring and control measures targeting cross-border transport carriers and at immigration check points, a new Prevention and Control of Disease Bill was tabled to the Legislative Council on 19 December 2007 to increase the number of statutory notifiable diseases from 32 to 45, targeting at communicable diseases which may likely threaten Hong Kong in future.
如大会通过决草案 A/C.3/66/L.29,疾人权利委员会将分别于 2012 年和 2013 年在日内瓦增加一周会议,以便处理待审议的报告。
Should the General
[...] Assembly adopt draft resolution A/C.3/66/L.29, the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities would meet in Geneva [...]
for one additional
week in 2012 and 2013, respectively, in order to address the reports awaiting consideration.
[...] 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促 风 险 分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害 疾 病 的 爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 [...]
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and
plant health,
[...] including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; [...]
(b) the standard setting
work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
因此,草莓行业恢 复甲基溴熏蒸不存风险;此外, 草 莓 的 需求时时在增加,市场价格有利让农民能够实 施适当的控制措施。
Accordingly, there is no risk for the strawberry sector to revert to MB fumigation; moreover, the demand for strawberries is steadily [...]
growing and the favourable
market price allows farmers to implement proper control measures.
根據《預疾病規例》草擬本 ,"營運人" 一詞就運輸工具而言, 指其擁有人、租用人、船長、機師、機長或駕駛人(視屬何情況而定)或掌 [...]
管該運輸工具的人,或任何以擁有人、租用人或掌管該運輸工具的人的代 理人身分行事的人。
The draft PCD Regulation defines “operator”, in [...]
relation to a conveyance, to mean its owner, charterer, master, pilot, commander
or driver (as the case may be) or the person in charge of the conveyance or a person who is acting as an agent of the owner or the charterer or the person in charge of the conveyance.
该新系列大幅改进,配备 350 匹马力的发动机,更为劲的通风刹 车 以及更传统的仪表板。
This new series was much improved, was fitted with the 350-hp engine,
[...] more powerful ventilated brakes and a more [...]
conventional dashboard.
預防及控疾病條例草案》(“《條 草 案 》 ”)的目的是以一項新 條例,取代原來的《檢疫及防疫條例》(第 141 章),更新有關控制及預防 [...]
疾病措施的立法基礎,以符合世界衞生組織(“世衞”)制定的《國際衞生 條例(2005)》的規定。
The object
[...] of the Prevention and Control of Disease Bill (the Bill) is to replace [...]
the Quarantine and Prevention of Disease
Ordinance (Cap. 141) (QPDO) by a new Ordinance that is designed to bring the legislative basis for measures to control and prevent disease up-to-date and into line with the requirements of International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) of the World Health Organization (WHO).
市场在经过2009年的延长劲复苏期后风险厌 恶现象重新于2010年初浮现。
After an
[...] extended period of strong recovery in 2009, risk aversion re-surfaced [...]
in early 2010.
它 对全球经济的最新趋势进行了回顾并得出结论:复苏的速度正在放慢,构成劲 的下滑风险。
It reviews recent trends in the global economy, concluding that the recovery is slowing
[...] down and presents strong downside risks.
的气候是地中海,这使得它的主要缺点是从法国中央高原的西北风冰冷的西 风劲 吹 的时候,干燥和干旱,非常愉快的。
The climate is Mediterranean which makes it dry and arid and very pleasant most of the time, with the chief drawback being the mistral- the icy north-west wind blowing from the central plateau of France.
公众和政府对非传染疾病和烟草使 用造成的负担和以及《公约》对公 共卫生潜在的全球益处缺乏了解
Lack of public and Government awareness about the burden posed by
[...] non-communicable diseases and tobacco use and about [...]
the potential global good of the Convention for public health
此外,根據《條例草案》制定的《預防及控 疾 病 規例 》 草 擬 本 第 C1(4) 條,在賦權給裁判官向衞生主任發出手令,以進入或強行進入任何處所。
Moreover, under
[...] clause C1(4) of the draft PCD Regulation to be [...]
made under the Bill, a magistrate may issue a warrant authorizing
any health officer to enter or break into any premises.
吳靄儀議員建議,為避 免出現擬根據第C1(1)條進入或強行進入的處所是否屬於住用處所的爭
[...] 議,以致未能有效調查疾病感染或處所內表列傳染性病原體的逸漏,應修 訂《預疾病規例》草擬本 第C1條,訂明裁判官可向衞生主任發出手令, 讓其進入或強行進入任何處所。
Hon Margaret NG has suggested that in order to avoid hindering the effective investigation by a health officer of an infection or a leakage of a scheduled infectious agent in a premises because of dispute on whether the premises that a health officer intended to enter or break into under
section C1(1) is a residential
[...] premises, the drafting of section C1 of the draft PCD Regulation [...]
should be revised to provide
for the magistrate to issue a warrant to a health officer for entering or breaking into any premises.
检查干事重申,将问责制从理论转化为现实,需要 劲 的 问 责 风 气 和 保持 公开透明的承诺。
The implementation of the following recommendation will enhance coordination and cooperation among the United Nations system organizations.
约翰内斯堡可持续发展问题世界首 脑会议对该大学的行动是一股劲的 东 风 , 它 积极地参加了首脑会议的每一次筹备会议并提 交了报告“以综合的方法促进可持续发展的建议”。
The Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development marked a key moment in the University’s work as it took an active part in all the Summit’s preparatory meetings and submitted a report on the theme “Making Integrated Solutions Work for Sustainable Development”.
預 防及控疾病條例草案》(“《條 草 案 》 ”)的制定,將令本港現行的檢 疫及防疫條例得以更新,為有關控制及預防疾病的措施提供立法基礎,並令 [...]
The enactment
[...] of the Prevention and Control of Disease Bill (the Bill) will update [...]
the existing legislation on quarantine
and prevention of disease and provide the legal basis for disease control and prevention measures, with a view to bringing the local law on prevention of disease in line with the WHO's International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005).
马杜胡女士(坦桑尼亚联合共和国)(以英语发 言):我谨代表非洲集团介绍在议程项目 12 下提出的 载于文件 A/65/L.70 的题为“2015
[...] 年底以前在发展中 国家特别是非洲巩固成果并加紧努力控制和消除疾”的决议草案。
(United Republic of Tanzania): On behalf of the African Group, I have the honour to introduce, under agenda item 12, the draft resolution entitled “Consolidating
gains and accelerating efforts to
[...] control and eliminate malaria in developing countries, [...]
particularly in Africa, by 2015”,
as contained in document A/65/L.70.
暴風雨已來臨,我們絕不能掉以輕心,正所 疾 風 知 勁 草 , 我 期 望香港市民及我們法律界能夠 團結一致,站在同一陣線上,抵擋頭上 的暴風雨,從而建立一個更堅實的法治社會。
I hope that Hong Kong people and the legal profession can stand united on the same side to resist the storm which is gathering above our heads now, in order to build a more solid and stronger society where the rule of law prevails.
委員察悉,因應上 文第51段 所 提 述 的建議,《預疾病規草 擬 本將加入新的第E5A條,只 賦權醫院員工等截停及 扣留,而非逮捕已犯 或 正犯與隔離或檢疫有關的罪 行的人。
Members note that arising from the proposal mentioned in paragraph 51 above, section E5A will be added to the PCD Regulation to only empower hospital staff to stop and detain, and not to arrest, a person who is committing or has committed an offence in relation to isolation or quarantine.
各国必须系统地与非正规劳动者接触,以便切实开展人 权和健康影响评价和风险监测,以查明和控制已知 风 险 ,并开展流行病学疾 病监测,以发现和控疾病,预防长 风 险。
States must systematically engage informal workers in order to effectively conduct human rights and
health impact assessments and risk surveillance, with a view to identifying and
[...] controlling known risks, as well as epidemiological and disease surveillance to detect and manage disease and prevent long term risks.
最后,由名模精彩演绎Gouverneur系列表款,突破以往的呈现方式,模特儿以结合逆光剪影方式神秘登场,男模特儿以各式的男士西服,有力诠释Gouverneur系列的 劲风 范 ,同时向其所属的经典Black Tie系列致敬。
As they dashed out to the stage, male models were in formal suits to interpret the powerful formal expression of the Gouverneur collection, and furthermore to salute its origin, the Black Tie Collection.
在主管机关或机构的监督下,酌情在有关国家政策的框架内使人们有 机会获得已显示在降低注射吸毒者和其他吸毒者中感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病、肝炎 和其他经血液传疾病的风险方 面具有效力的医药、疫苗和符合国际药物管制 条约的其他措施。
(d) To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that were consistent with international drug control treaties and had been
shown to be effective in
[...] reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among injecting [...]
drug users, under
the supervision of competent authorities or institutions.




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