

单词 疾恶如仇

See also:


foul disease
unpleasant ailment

External sources (not reviewed)

还在全国推出了公共意识方案,以教育所有南非人了 仇 外 心 理的恶,以 及必须促进和倡导多样性和宽容这些宪法价值观。
Public awareness programmes are also been rolled-out
nationwide to education all South
[...] Africans on the evils of xenophobia and on the imperative [...]
need to promote and embrace
the constitutional values of diversity and tolerance.
基础科学为可持续发展提供了重要的工具,以技术创新和解决方案来 应对各类挑战如贫困、环恶化、 气候变化、已有的和新出现 疾 病 、自然灾害以及能源 需求等。
Basic sciences provide an important lever for sustainable development, in order to bring technological innovations and
solutions to address
[...] challenges such as poverty, environmental degradation, climate change, existing and newly-emerging diseases, natural disasters [...]
and energy needs.
欧洲委员会时任秘 书长沃尔特·施维默说,“科恰良的言论等同于战争贩子的行径”,是 恶 毒 的仇 恨论调”表现,欧洲委员会议员大会时任主席 Peter Schieder 说,“欧洲委员会 自成立以来从未听到过“族裔不相容”一词。
The then Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Walter Schwimmer, said that “Kocharyan’s comment was tantamount to warmongering” and a manifestation of “bellicose and hate rhetoric”, while the then President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Peter Schieder, stated that “since its creation, the Council of Europe has never heard the phrase ‘ethnic incompatibility’”.
代表团注意到必须建立起必要的法律框架,致力于提高广大公众的认识和进行人 权教育,以消除如种族主义仇外 心 理、暴力侵害妇女、暴力侵害儿童和疾 人权利等具体问题。
The delegation noted the importance of setting the necessary legal framework and conducting efforts to sensitize and provide human rights education to the population in order
to address particular problems such
[...] as racism, xenophobia, violence against women, violence against children and the rights of persons with disabilities.
如,《残疾人权 利公约》第 25(b)条规定,医疗卫 生服务应“提供旨在尽量减轻残疾和预防 疾恶 化 的 服务,包括向儿童和老年人 提供这些服务”。
For example, article 25 (b) of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities requires that health services should be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including [...]
among children and older persons”.
Malaria worsens HIV by increasing viral [...]
load in adults and pregnant women; possibly accelerating progression to AIDS; and
potentially increasing the risk of HIV transmission between adults, and between a mother and her child.
在这方面,各位部长认为,促进充分尊重各国间所有宗教和文化十分重 要,以促进并确保充分享受言论自由权,同时防止滥用并煽动宗 仇 恨 , 因为 这可能会破坏进行中努力在不同宗教、文化和文明间互相尊重和容忍的基础上 促进和平文化如各国均为缔约方的国际人权文书中所规定的那样。
The Ministers considered, in this regard, the importance of promoting full respect of all religions and cultures among all States, with a view to promoting and ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to freedom
of expression while preventing abuses and incitement to religious hatred that could contribute to undermining the ongoing efforts to foster a culture of peace based on mutual respect and tolerance among religions, cultures and civilisations, as provided for in the international human rights instruments to which States are parties.
列支敦士登指出了工作方法的问题并强调有必要考 如 何 将 仇 外 心 理问题 的讨论带到拟定补充标准特设委员会的下一届会议的问题。
Liechtenstein noted the issue of working
methods and underlined the
[...] need to consider how the discussion on xenophobia would be taken [...]
forwards to the next session
of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of Complementary Standards.
[...] 还有《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》第12条,涉及缔约国消除保健方面对妇 女歧视的义务;《残疾人权利公约》第25(b)条规定,医疗卫生应“提供旨在尽量 减轻残疾和预防疾恶化的 服务,包括向儿童和老年人提供这些服务”;《公民及 政治权利国际公约》第 7条禁止酷刑或残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚, [...]
Equally relevant are the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, article 12, concerning the obligation of States to eliminate discrimination against women in health care; the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with
[...] Disabilities, article 25 (b), which requires that health services be “designed to minimize and prevent further disabilities, including [...]
among children and older
persons”; and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, article 7, which prohibits torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and includes the prohibition of medical or scientific experimentation without free consent.
有人形容,財政司司長或周一嶽局長 疾 煙 如仇 ” ,因為 他們上任至今,財政司司長公布了4份預算案,3份也是提高煙草稅或 削減可攜入境的免稅煙數量。
This is because after assuming office, three of the four budgets delivered by the Financial Secretary were about raising tobacco duty or reducing the amount of duty free cigarettes allowed to be brought in from outside Hong Kong.
随后产生的癌症发展并演变恶性疾 病 则是一个多步骤的过程,这些步骤 也与细胞基因变异或其他变化有关。
Subsequent cancer development and
[...] the onset of malignancy are believed [...]
to proceed in a multistep fashion, and these steps
have also been associated with mutation or other changes involving cellular genes.
。地方/ 家庭一级影响粮食安全的因素包括:前三个季节连续雨水 不足;粮食产量大幅下降;生计多样性不足;牧民和农牧民的贸易条件恶化;粮
[...] 食价格持续高位;特别是牧区的不安全;大规模土 恶 化 ;牲 畜 疾 病 及其导致的 隔离;常年缺水和选举后暴乱,这些导致肯尼亚的旅游收入大幅下降,经济衰退 [...]
Factors that have affected food insecurity at district/household level include, successive poor performance of the rains in the previous three seasons; significant decline in crop production; inadequate livelihood diversification; deterioration of terms of trade for the pastoralists and agro-pastoralists; sustained high food commodity prices; insecurity particularly in
pastoral areas; widespread land
[...] degradation; livestock diseases and ensuing quarantines; [...]
perennial water scarcity and the
post –election violence where the country recorded a massive drop in tourism earnings and a rise in economic recession .
[...] 研,在中央政府的框架内制定有助于实现待遇平等的行动措施,提供反歧视方面 的培训和信息,针对出于种族主义、 恶 同 性恋 和 仇 外 心 理动机的暴行受害者成 立援助机构。
The Directorate-General against Discrimination is responsible for promoting crosscutting policies against discrimination; producing reports and studies; defining measures that contribute to equality of treatment within the framework of the General State Administration; providing training and
information in this area; and creating services to help victims of crimes
[...] motivated by racism, homophobia or xenophobia.
[...] 教育活动,让病人、家属和公众掌握疾病预防及自我照顾的知识和技巧,减疾 病恶化的情况。
On top of a wide range of disease prevention activities, a new patient information website has also been developed to empower patients and their carers as
well as members of public with knowledge and skills for disease prevention and
[...] self-care for better disease management.
目前无法治愈,但可通过药物,以及改善饮 食和生活条件来控疾病的恶化。
There is currently no cure, but the disease can be controlled by medicines, and by improved diet and living conditions.
加强资料收集工作并分类保存资料,以更好地了解对妇女、移 民、宗教少数、疾人和儿童仇恨 犯罪的规模和严重性
Strengthen data collection and maintain disaggregated data to better
understand the scale and severity of hate crimes towards women, immigrants, religious
[...] minorities, persons with disabilities, and children (United [...]
States of America)
[...] 西方平面设计,日本传统艺术,中国绘画的手卷的装裱分隔和传统中国画特别是元代绘画(如:钱选)和明代绘 画 ( 如:仇 英 )的 影响。
In style, the scroll is an adaptation of traditional Chinese techniques. Its aesthetic and composition draw on western modern art, abstract approaches, advertising design, and traditional Japanese techniques, and the influence of traditional Chinese mounting and traditional
painting are also clear, especially the styles of the Yuan Dynasty (e.g. Qian Xuan)
[...] and the Ming Dynasty (e.g. Qiu Ying).
Lerner 先生认为,一些术语需要加以澄 清,如“不容 忍”、仇恨演 说”和“敌意”等词,并建 议 消除种 族 歧视委 [...]
员会和人权事务委 员会不妨 再 审查 一下各自相关的一般性建议或一般性评论,以深化对法律条款的理解。
According to Mr. Lerner, some terminology needed to be
[...] clarified, such as the words “intolerance”, “hate speech” and “hostility”, [...]
and suggested that
the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Human Rights Committee might wish to re-examine their relevant general recommendations or general comments to further the understanding of the legal provisions.
由於該病毒是具潛在危險的病原體,因此化驗 如 出現 人類豬型甲型流行性感冒(H1亞型)病毒逸漏事故,必須受法定呈 報規定所管制,以便及早偵察有關事故,並及時採取適當的控制 措施,以保障化驗室人員的健康和防 疾 病 蔓 延。
As the virus is a potentially dangerous pathogen, it is important for incidents of leakage of human swine influenza A virus (subtype H1) from
laboratories to be
[...] subject to the statutory notification requirement, so as to facilitate early detection of such incidents, and to enable appropriate control measures to be implemented in a timely manner for the protection of laboratory workers and prevention of spread of diseases.
而且,我们认为,必须直接正视这种威胁,因为这种威胁滋长对巴勒斯 坦人民及其领导人仇恨,恶化已 经严重的紧张关系,并加深双方之间的不信任, [...]
Moreover, we believe that such
threats must be directly confronted,
[...] for they foment hatred and violence towards [...]
the Palestinian people and their leadership
and exacerbate the already high tensions and deep mistrust between the two sides, leading to a further destabilization of the situation.
死亡的主要原因是恶性疟疾、非 镰状细胞性贫血、心血管病、高血压 病、脑膜炎、其他消化系统疾病、急性呼吸道感染、非出血性腹泻、外伤、营养 不良。
The main causes of death are: malaria, anaemia (not including sickle-cell anaemia), cardiovascular diseases, hypertension-related diseases, meningitis, digestive diseases, acute respiratory infections, non-bloody diarrhoea, injuries and malnutrition.
在低收入国家,心血疾病和恶性肿 瘤加在一起占所有死亡人数的 26%, 但它们的比例显然低于“其他第一类”(即不包括千年发展目标 [...]
5 和 6 所涵盖的 传染病)所占的 38%。
In low-income countries,
[...] cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms [...]
together account for 26 per cent of all deaths,
but their share is markedly lower than the 38 per cent accounted for by “other Group I” (i.e., communicable diseases excluding those covered by Millennium Development Goals 5 and 6).
委 员会认 为这一条款很重要,通过建议煽动罪 包 含
[...] 以宗教仇恨为动机的对移 民社区的攻击,或通过建议指明 宗仇恨是使 情恶 化,而对第 4 条加以利用。
The Committee, which regarded this provision as central, had made use of article 4 by for example recommending that the crime of incitement cover offences motivated by religious
hatred against immigrant communities or by
[...] recommending that religious hatred be designated as aggravating [...]
[...] 育部门起到越来越多的积极作用,呼吁修改立法,强调电子著作权,要求为远程教育、 特殊教育项目和疾人(如盲人 )教育需求等制定相关规定。
However, in recent years, the educational sector has played an increasingly active role, calling for amendments to the law to address electronic copyright and to make
provision for distance education, special educational programmes
[...] and the needs of disabled people (for example, the blind).
2008 年,反种委在其法定活动框架范围内还展开了逐一国家的监测工作, 分析了种族主义和不容忍现象的状况,并提出了应对这些挑战的建议和提议,包如何处理煽仇恨、仇视穆 斯林人和反犹太主义问题。
In the framework of its statutory activities, in 2008, the Commission also conducted country-by-country monitoring, analysing the situation regarding racism and intolerance in several countries and drawing up suggestions
and proposals for addressing
[...] challenges, including for dealing with incitement to hatred, Islamophobia [...]
and anti-Semitism.
[...] 指出,除了缔约国努力增进对实现《卡塔赫纳行动计划》的目标的了解和取得进 展的认识以外,如国际残疾协会 和幸存者互助队等非政府组织也主动开展类似 [...]
It was also noted that in addition to States Parties’ efforts to raise aware to promote understanding of and progress in achieving the aims of the
Cartagena Action Plan, non-governmental
[...] organizations, such as Handicap International and [...]
Survivor Corps, have taken the initiative
to do the same, for example through regional workshops in Amman, Nairobi and Sarajevo.
一些问题应由特设委员会集 体考虑,如,仇外心 理的定义相对于消除种族歧视公约中的更广泛的种族歧视 的定义问题、始终需要考虑到对潜在的受害人的影响问题、以及征求消除种族歧 [...]
视委员会的意见问题,因为很可能是要通过该委员会对可能的补充议定书进行监 测。
Some questions should be considered collectively by the Ad Hoc
[...] Committee, such as the definition of xenophobia versus the broader [...]
definition of racial discrimination
in the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the need to always reflect on the implications for potential victims, and seeking of the views of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, since a possible additional protocol would likely be monitored thereby.




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