单词 | 疲弱 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 疲弱adjective—weakadj(often used)less common: sluggishadj exhaustedadj 疲弱—tiredSee also:疲—weary 弱adj—weakadj feebleadj youngadj
同样,由于经济活动疲弱和国际石油及粮食价格降低,南部非洲的通货膨胀率也有所下降,但仍高于 [...] 3-6% 的目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | Similarly, South Africa’s inflation rate [...] fell, driven by weak economicactivity [...]and lower international prices for oil and [...]food, but remained above the 3-6 per cent target band. daccess-ods.un.org |
需要解决以规则为基础的多边贸易体制与疲弱的全球金融系统架构之间缺乏 平衡的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of balance between a [...] rules-based MTS andthe weakglobalarchitecture [...]for the financial system needs addressing. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据德勤中国全国上市业务组,2012年香港和中国大陆(以下简称‘A股市场’)IPO市场双双创下自2009年金融海啸以来的最疲弱表现。 deloitte.com | According to the National Public Offering Group of Deloitte China, both the [...] IPO markets of Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland [...] in 2012 saw the weakestperformance since [...]the financial tsunami in 2009. deloitte.com |
经济疲弱严重影响我们的客货运业务,特 别以货运为甚。 swirepacific.com | The economicweakness has hada significant [...] impact on both our passenger and, particularly, our cargo operations. swirepacific.com |
相比二零一一年,於二零一二年初大幅下滑的棉花价格较尤为疲弱,於下半年则窄幅上落。 glencore.com | Cotton prices, which fell sharply early in 2012, were particularly subdued compared to 2011 and tightly range bound in the second half of the year. glencore.com |
虽然欧洲及其他西方经济体的经济狀况持续疲弱,但我们相信新兴市场仍会继续增 长,尤其是中国内地的经济可望软着陸。 hsbc.com.tw | While subdued economic conditions persist in Euro pe and other Western economies, we remain confident in our outlook for growth in the emergi ng world and, particularly, in mainland China, where we continue to expect a soft landing. hsbc.com.tw |
英国经济的增长前景 [...] 仍然黯淡,虽然勞工市场已呈现活力,但欧元区 的狀况和消费信心疲弱,至少仍对当地经济产生 一定影响。 hsbc.com.tw | The prospects for growth in the UK remain subdued as they [...] are in part influenced by the situation in [...] the eurozone andweak consumer confidence, [...]although the labour market has proved to be resilient. hsbc.com.tw |
虽然区域内贸易的 增长速度超过了亚太区域同世界其他地区的贸易,但用区域内贸易和 [...] 需求增长取代与其他地区贸易的程度在短期内仍然很低,不足以抵消 发达经济体市场复疲弱造成的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although intraregional trade has been growing faster than the region’s trade with the rest of the world, the extent of replacement of growth in intraregional trade and demand [...] remains too low in the short term to sufficiently make up for the [...] sluggish recovery inthemarkets of [...]the developed economies. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,展望未来,鉴于主要发达国家金融部门持续疲弱和收益率 差距太大,主要发展中国家的货币的升值压力很可能继续,这意味着采取措施来 [...] 抵消高资本流入带来的风险可能会变得更加普遍。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the outlook, though, the upward pressure on the currencies of major developing countries [...] is likely to continue, given persistent [...] financialsectorweakness in major developed [...]countries and substantial rate-ofreturn [...]differentials, implying that the measures taken to counteract the risks associated with the high capital inflows may have to become more pervasive. daccess-ods.un.org |
潜在风险及不确定性包括但不限於以下因素:有关公司或未能维持现有的增长策略或保持在旗下制造工厂现有的业绩、成本与付运;本土及外地的营运风险,包括营运成本超支、劳工短缺、税率上升及本公司的合资企业前景;不利的货币汇率;未来的领导或不正确;环球经济疲弱的情况可能更严峻或持续比预期更长的时间;以及在公司与美国证监会存档当中,不时详述的其他资料。 ipress.com.hk | Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as: we may not be able to maintain our current growth strategy or continue to maintain our current performance, costs and loadings in our manufacturing facilities; risks of domestic and foreign operations, including excessive operation costs, labor shortages, higher tax rates and our joint venture prospects; unfavorable currency exchange rates; [...] our future guidance may be incorrect; the [...] global economicweakness may be more severe [...]or last longer than we currently anticipated; [...]and other information detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. ipress.com.hk |
预期通胀率的加 剧、本地需求减弱加上疲弱的经济表现,会导致香港的所有指标(除股票市场的前景 [...] 外)分數都减低。 mastercard.com | In line with an expected higher inflation rate, softer [...] domestic demandandweaker economic performance, [...]all indicators (with the exception [...]of the outlook on the stock market) nudged lower. mastercard.com |
美国经济仍然疲弱,家庭组织及创造职位步伐缓 慢,而商业信心不振。 glencore.com | The US economy [...] remained lacklustre with household formation and job creation both muted, and business confidence weak. glencore.com |
而这则主要 [...] 取决於增长迅速而且基本因素稳健的国家,以及美国的温和增 长能否抵销欧洲经济疲弱的影响。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | Achieving this will largely depend on fast-growing countries with solid fundamentals and modest growth in the United [...] States offsetting European weakness. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
已发展市场增长放缓加上国内活动疲弱,料2012年亚洲增长率会下降,当中以出口主导的北亚国家最受已 发展市场弱势的影响,东南亚市场则相对稳健。 aia.com.hk | The export-oriented economies of North Asia are most exposed to developed market weakness, while Southeast Asian markets are more insulated. aia.com.hk |
在下半 年,美国疲弱的经济数据及政府债台高筑、中国急速的经济放 缓及希腊借贷违约风险上升等因素,使市场过分担忧而急转直 下,造成全球经济复苏停滞不前。 aia.com.sg | The recovery was halted in the second half with markets turning down sharply on concerns such as weak economic data and high level of government debt in the US, fears of a sharp economic slowdown in China and the increased risk of debt default by Greece. aia.com.sg |
由於日本和澳洲货币疲弱,令两地的收益下降。 swirepacific.com | Revenue earned from Japan and Australia [...] fell dueto theweakness of the local [...]currencies. swirepacific.com |
这些弱点的结合加上全球经济活动最近的 下滑正在给已经疲弱的经济和社会体系造成额外压力,特别是在发展中国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | The combination [...] of these vulnerabilities along with the recent downturn in global economic activity is placing added stress on alreadyweak economic and [...]social systems, particularly in developing countries. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 美元继续疲弱,石油输出国组织生产实行配额,方便的供应来源接近告罄的情 况下,石油市场面临的种种不确定因素,使人难以评估石油价格则中短期动 态。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a context of continuing weaknessof the United States [...] dollar increasing demand, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting [...]Countries (OPEC) production quotas, and near exhaustion of easily accessible sources of supply, the oil market faces uncertainties which make it a challenge assessing the development of oil prices over the short and medium term. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们的基本观点是环球经济将以缓慢的步伐增长,但这很大程度 上取决於以下情况 - 欧洲经济疲弱,但新兴国家的增长强韧,而 美国则录得温和的增长。 abnamroprivatebanking.com | Our base scenario is therefore one of unspectacular global [...] growth, but this outcome also depends heavily [...] on European weaknessbeingmatched [...]by resilient growth in emerging countries [...]and modest growth in the United States. abnamroprivatebanking.com |
黄金现时所扮演的角色看来正处于两难局 面, 一方面受到经济及金融危机所困扰, 另一方面, 却受惠于疲弱的股票市场和低 息率的环境。 heraeus-edelmetallhandel.de | On one side it is the stability-anchor in times of economic and financial crisis, on the other hand there are increasing signs in recent days that gold is in wake of the equity and interest markets. heraeus-edelmetallhandel.de |
在今后几十年中,一些国家和区域的持续疲弱将构成巨大的战略挑战,非 洲联盟、联合国和国际社会在了解如何处理这些脆弱国家的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The persistent weakness of someStates [...] and regions will pose great strategic challenges in the next decades as the African [...]Union, the United Nations and the international community learn how to deal with fragile States. daccess-ods.un.org |
与 其 他 的 指 数 追 踪 基 金 相 似 , ETF 并 非 由 基 金 经 理 以 主 动 方 式 管 理 , 即 基 金 经 理 没 有 酌 情 权 挑 选 个 别 股 票 或 於 市场疲 弱时进行 防 御 。 bank.hangseng.com | Like other index-tracking funds, an ETF is not actively managed meaning that the fund manager does not have discretion to select stocks individually or to take defensive positions in declining markets. bank.hangseng.com |
第一季度的需求一般较为疲弱,令面板价格 下跌至接近成本水平,生产商因而减低产量,加上个人电脑品牌商在面板价格下跌时 [...] 提早为夏季的旺季准备存货,令面板价格在第二季度已回升不少。 cre8ir.com | Following [...] a traditionally weakfirst quarter which [...]sent panel prices down to almost cash cost levels, prices recovered in [...]the second quarter as panel makers cut back on production and PC companies started to build inventories ahead of the summer peak to take advantage of the low prices. cre8ir.com |
另一方面,台湾、紐西蘭和日本的零售业则如上半年般相对疲弱,三个市场的零售业销 售额预期仍然錄得增长,按年增长率分别为 2.9%、2.5%及 1.0%。 mastercard.com | On the other hand, markets which continue to remain less bullish as during the last reporting period include Taiwan, New Zealand and Japan, with a year on year growth still present but expected to reach 2.9%, 2.5% and 1.0%, respectively. mastercard.com |
澳洲储备银行指出 其预测的主要风险在 於欧洲的主权债务与银行问题可能引发间歇性 的高度不确定性与波动性 澳洲储备银行也警 告 若欧洲的下档风险成真 该区域可能陷入 严重衰退 且会透过金融 信心以及贸易关联 性对世界其他地区产生波动传递的效果 尽管 如此 澳洲与亚洲间紮实的贸易关系使其直接 受到欧洲危机的影响较小 该经济体矿业相关 的产业成长力道强劲 而其他产业方面 则因 高汇率 先前的财政刺激方案挹注逐渐减少 以及家庭支出与借款行为的改变而呈现疲弱的状态 apecscmc.org | The RBA cited that the main risk in its forecasts was the sovereign debt and banking problems in Europe which have caused periodic bouts of considerable uncertainty and volatility. It warned that “a materialisation of the downside risks in Europe could plunge the region into a "deep recession" and that there would be "flow-on effects to the rest of the world through financial, confidence and trade linkages". apecscmc.org |
当中包括:微型、小型及中型公司证券的价格一般较大型公司证券的 [...] 价格波动;较小型公司的证券一般流通性较低;较小型公司一般较易受疲弱经济或市场状况的不利影响。 leggmason.com.hk | Among other things, the prices of securities of micro and small companies are generally more volatile than those of larger companies; the securities of smaller companies generally are less [...] liquid; and smaller companies generally are more likely to be [...] adversely affected bypooreconomic or [...]market conditions. leggmason.com.hk |
总督在 2009 年 1 月 12 日他的领土情况咨文中表示,2008 年美属萨摩亚经济 [...] 保持相对稳定,但受到全球经济放慢、人均国内总产值疲弱和人均收入低的损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the Governor in his state of the Territory address on 12 January 2009, American Samoa’s economy remained relatively stable in [...] 2008, but has suffered from the global [...] economic slowdown, weakper capita domestic [...]gross production and a low per capita income. daccess-ods.un.org |