

单词 疲于奔命

See also:


be kept on the run
rush about on errands

External sources (not reviewed)

甚至无经验的用户就能安装它而不 需要得到已疲于奔命的IT 支持部门的帮助。
In order to install the client even the inexperienced user can manage the installation without requiring assistance from an already strained IT support department.
在轴承中决疲劳寿命的内 部负载分布通常取 于 近 似 法。
The internal load distribution in the
[...] bearing – decisive for fatigue life – is most often determined by approximation [...]
原 因 主 要有兩個,其 中 一個是政 府 在 公 營部門、公 營 架
[...] 構和社會福利上所推行的 政策改變, 可 說令疲 於 奔 命 。
One is that the changes in policies in the public sector, the public framework and social
[...] welfare simply made me exhausted.
根據負載方式,彈簧的計算目標可以被分爲靜態負載彈簧,低變化負載工作壽命低于105彈簧以及工作 命 大 于 1 0 5的 疲 勞 負 載彈簧。
With regards to the manner of loading, the springs can be divided for purposes of calculations into springs exposed to static loading or loading with lower variability, with requirements of service life lower than
105 working cycles, and
[...] springs exposed to fatigue loading with requirements of service life higher than 105 working cycles.
65 位地区专家(非洲 25 名,
[...] 40%为女性)总共接受了六次效果良好的“训练员培训”讲习班, 便 于 他 们奔赴世界各地开展能力建设工作。
A network of 65 regional experts (25 of them from Africa, and 40% of whom are women) have been
effectively trained in six “training of
[...] trainers” workshops, so that they can undertake future [...]
capacity-building activities around the world.
如何把日常的工作與這些目標結合,制 訂緩急次序,又不會不斷製造新工作,令教 疲 於 奔命 , 便要考考校長的智 慧了。
As to how daily work and these objectives can be fused, so that priorities are set without creating additional workload which would further strain teachers, that will be a test to the wisdom of school principals.
不過,現 時港府要求領取高齡津貼的㆟士,不得離港超過 180 日的規定,其實是過於苛刻,令 不少靠高齡津貼在內㆞生活的老㆟家,往往因為要為這數百元來回㆗港兩㆞ 疲 於奔 命。
Many elderly recipients who rely on the few hundred dollars of OAA to maintain a living in China have to shuttle between Hong Kong and China.
其目的于抗压残余应力,提疲劳 寿 命 , 减 少其它制造工艺后的扭变和/或形成弯曲。
The aim is to introduce
[...] compressive residual stresses for fatigue life enhancement, reduce the distortion [...]
after other manufacturing
processes, and/or to form and develop curvature.
至於我提出的修正案,是希望提醒政府,當前線員工努力地每天為 數十宗個案疲於奔命時,為何政府不想想,這些問題背後,其實是反 [...]
映了香港社會本身的家庭結構出現變化,包括核心家庭結構已由過去的 大家庭改變為小家庭制度、兩地婚姻促使新移民人口上升、雙職父母越
來越多,同時工作時間越來越長、離婚率增加、單親家庭倍增等,加上 香港經濟遭逢結構性轉型、金融海嘯、失業問題等都困擾着不少家庭, 使香港處處隱藏着很多危機?
As for my amendment, it seeks to remind the Government
that when front-line staff are working
[...] to the point of exhaustion for a few dozen [...]
cases everyday, why does the Government
not think about that these problems have reflected changes in the family structure in the Hong Kong society, including the change of the nuclear family structure from the previous large family to the small family system, the rise in the population of new immigrants as a result of cross-boundary marriages, the increase in the number of working parents, and in the number of hours during which both parents are at work, the rise in the divorce rate, the exponential increase in the number of single-parent families, and the structural transformation of the Hong Kong economy, the financial tsunami and unemployment problems, all of which have plagued many families, foreshadowing potential crisis in the territory on all fronts?
于没有 金属间的接触,理论上液态轴承马达拥有无限 疲 劳 寿 命。
With no metal-to-metal contact, fluid bearing motors theoretically have an infinite fatigue-life.
在醫院層面,我們經常收到前線醫生投訴醫 院和聯網巧立名目,製造管理工作和職位,而埋頭為病人服務的前線醫 護人員不疲於奔命,還要應付人事關係和行政事宜。
At the hospital level, we always receive complaints from front-line doctors about the arbitrary creation of unnecessary management duties and positions by hospitals and Clusters, while those
front-line doctors who devote
[...] all their energy to serving patients are not only worn out but also required [...]
to deal with personnel and administrative matters.
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切数字,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)列有条款,规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得 于 维 护 人、植物和 /或动物的命;国 防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that "The By-Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
[...] 全依循這些渠道行事,病人及其家屬便會陷 疲 於 奔命 的 狀況,而盡是 按照這些渠道來進行,他們很快便會投降。
Patients and their
[...] family will be driven to exhaustion if they take [...]
actions through these channels and they will soon give
in if they lodge their complaints through these channels.
不過,目前要更改用 途須涉及不同的政府部門,要向城規會、消防處、屋宇署、地政總署等部門 作出申請,提供大量不同的文件,又要等待各部門開會審批,以至到場核實, 過程冗長,手續亦很繁複,申請人往往都被這些審批手續弄 疲 於 奔命 ,終 於嚇得不敢申請。
But at present, the change of uses will involve various government departments, as it is necessary to apply for the permission of the Town Planning Board, Fire Services Department, Buildings Department and Lands Department and also submit a huge volume of documents.
大家可看到有大量醫護流失,原因不單在於政府沒有 培訓足夠人手,更在於政府盲目推動私營醫療市場,不理會公立醫院 醫護人手疲於奔命,不 理會病人服務的質素已響起救命鐘。
The reason is not only that the Government has not trained up enough people, but it lies in this blind effort to promote the private-sector healthcare market to the neglect of the tremendous workload of the medical and nursing staff in public-sector hospitals and also the Government being deaf to the alarm already sounded over the decline in service quality.
但我希望指出的是,政府之所以須在過去幾星期內不斷在勞資雙方及立法局與勞 顧會之疲於奔命,其㆗主要的原因,我想重申㆒點,就是政府過去㆒直沒有制訂㆒ 套完整的勞工政策。
But what I want to point out is that the main reason why the Government had been at pains of dealing with the employees and employers, the Legislative Council and the LAB over the past few weeks is that, I would like to reiterate, the Government has all along failed to work out a comprehensive set of labour policies.
專科專教無疑可驅使老師進修專科知識,但老師們一下子面對頻繁的,因著教改、基準試而來的進修要求, 疲 於 奔命 , 反 而削弱了對學生的照顧。
However, while the teachers suddenly need to attend frequent trainings
as a result of the educational reforms and benchmark
[...] exams, their care towards students will be [...]
weakened on the contrary.
今年 5 月至 6 月的最新數字,消委會便收到過千宗有關收費電視的投訴, 足以令消委疲於奔命。
As for the latest figures from May to June this year, the Consumer Council received over 1 000 complaints against pay television service, and the workload so generated has heavily burdened the Consumer Council.
醫管局似乎不顧前線醫護人疲於 奔命 , 甚 至沒有 時間吃飯、休息,還要承受巨大壓力,恐懼因精神欠佳而發生醫療事故。
It seems the HA has failed to note the fact
that health care personnel have to work
[...] themselves to exhaustion, so much so that [...]
they even do not have time for meals
and rest, and they even have to work under immense pressure, fearing that medical incidents would occur when they are not well.
Annika Eriksson, who splits her time between Istanbul and Berlin, shot a film in Istanbul during 2010.
[...] 處理,但這裏又形成了一個問題,就是會令事主 疲 於 奔命 , 因 此,可 否設有一個機制,即所謂一個獨立的機制,可作為中間人來處理這些問 [...]
Then another problem arises, that
is, the victims will have to go here and
[...] there to lodge a complaint. Therefore, is [...]
it possible to establish a mechanism, a
so-called independent mechanism which can function as an intermediary to deal with all these issues and handle the relevant complaints impartially, and also enable the relevant individuals to obtain compensation in a fair manner without going through different channels?
安理会还在关于“恐怖主义行为对国际和平与安全造成的威胁”的第 1373/2001
[...] 号决议(安理会“关切地注意到国际恐怖主义与跨国有组织犯罪、非法 药物、洗钱、非法贩运军火、非法运送核、化学、生物和其他潜在 命 材 料 之间 的密切联系”和于“非 洲和平与安全”的主席声明(S/PRST/2009/32)(“安理 会关切地注意到,贩毒和相关的跨国有组织犯罪在一些情况下对包括非洲在内的 [...]
It also considered the issue from a more general point of view in resolution 1373 (2001) on threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts (the Council “[noted] with concern the close connection between international terrorism and transnational
organized crime, illicit drugs,
[...] money-laundering, illegal arms-trafficking, and illegal movement of nuclear, chemical, biological and other potentially deadly materials”) and [...]
in the presidential
statement (S/PRST/2009/32) on peace and security in Africa (“the Security Council notes with concern the serious threats posed in some cases by drug trafficking and related transnational organized crime to international security in different regions of the world, including in Africa”).
其次,是政府不斷對食品進行立法,令業 疲 於 奔命 , 例 如 2004 年才 就討論了兩年的致敏原標籤進行立法,但隨即便開始討論營養標籤;而且香 港立法,往往要超英趕美,我們那套無論如何都會跟主要的食品供應國,例 如歐美和內地有些不同。
Also, when legislation is to be enacted in Hong Kong, an attempt is often made to surpass the relevant legislation in advanced countries like Britain and the United States and the system to be used in Hong Kong would have to be somewhat different from those used in our main food suppliers like Europe, North America and the Mainland.
很多家屬照顧者疲於奔命的情 況下,根本無 暇參與社交活動,又或是大部分的注意力集中在被照顧者的身上,話題 永遠離不開關於照料方面,因而令自己不自覺地喪失興趣參加與日常照 料工作無關的聚會,令自己與朋友的關係變得疏離,社交生活圈子變得 狹窄,缺乏適當的社交生活調劑。
As a result, they unknowingly lose interest in taking part in gatherings not related to the daily tasks of providing care, thus alienating themselves from their friends and narrowing their social circle.
今年十一月将举行世界拉力锦标赛(World Rally Championship ),这是一项跨越边境的赛事,选手门将驾驶汽车往 奔 驰 于 爱 尔 兰共和国和北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland)之间。
This year sees the World Rally Championship in November featuring an amazing cross-border initiative with competitors racing back and forth between the Republic and Northern Ireland.
关于 20 国集团,人们担心该集团疲于拯救 欧元区,因此国际社 会无法为其他区域提供足够的资金。
With respect to the G20, there was a concern that the group would be occupied with rescuing the euro zone and therefore the international community could not provide sufficient funds for other regions.
[...] 應付各式各樣既增加成本、又令僱主百㆖加斤的規例,早 疲 於 奔命 , 實 在再無餘力 應付這項額外要求。
They will not be able to cope with this extraordinary demand when
[...] they are already saddled with regulations [...]
upon regulations — regulations which add
cost and aggravation to employers struggling just to stay afloat.
短期來說。擴大法例的範圍會對現有的㆟力資源造成重大壓力、削弱巡 察急需關注的行業這些極須執行的工作,以及令到高層管理㆟ 疲 於 奔命 , 難 以集 ㆗精力為容易發生意外的行業作更有效的工業安全規劃。
In the short term, it would put enormous pressure on existing staff resources, dilute the much needed efforts on the monitoring of those industries most urgently requiring attention, and over-stench the management’s attention in planning for better industrial safety in the high-risk sectors.
依托于领先的维修设备与技术力量及不断完善的物流网络,结合严格的培训认证机制,梅赛德 斯 - 奔 驰 致 力 于 为 您提供顶级水准的售后维修服务,使您安心无忧。
Equipped with advanced maintenance systems, technical skills, continuous improvements to the logistics network and strict training and certification mechanisms, Mercedes-Benz is dedicated to providing you with the highest standards of after-sales maintenance services.




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