

单词 疫苗



flu shot
influenza vaccination


dengue vaccine


DTP vaccination

See also:






Hmong or Miao ethnic group of southwest China
surname Miao



External sources (not reviewed)

学校保健信息系统目前正在开发,使学校保健护士和儿童的家庭医生能够 交流有关儿童健康的必要信息,包疫苗信息。
A school health care information system is being developed to allow a school health nurse and a
child’s family doctor to exchange necessary information about the health of a
[...] child, including vaccination information.
提倡健康饮食和运动、接种乙型肝疫苗加对过度暴晒危险的了 解,以及对酒精饮料征税来减少消费量等均为可降低癌症发病率的措施。
Promoting healthier diets
[...] and exercise;vaccinating against hepatitis [...]
B; increasing awareness about the dangers of excessive
sun exposure, and taxing alcoholic beverages to reduce consumption are all measures that can reduce the incidence of cancer.
将与儿童基金会在如下领 域开展合作:(a)加强并监测关于贫困和弱势儿童和妇女获得并使用卫生服务的 政策、标准和战略;(b)降低穷人的保健成本,制订较少依赖自付费用的支付机
制;(c)确保卫生人员具备适当的能力,特别是在偏远贫困地区;(d)完善保健 信息系统,以加强管理、服务提供和资源分配;(e)扩大妇幼保健和营养服务的
[...] 可得性、范围和质量,特别是对贫困人口;以及(f)提高保健品和营养品、药物疫苗靠性和可得性。
UNICEF will cooperate in the following areas: (a) improving and monitoring policies, standards and strategies for access to and uptake of health services for poor and vulnerable children and women; (b) reducing health care costs for the poor and developing payment mechanisms less reliant on out-of-pocket expenses; (c) assuring adequate capacity in health human resources, particularly in remote poor areas; (d) improving health information systems to enable improved governance and performance of services and allocation of resources; (e) increasing the availability, range and quality of maternal and child health care and nutrition services, especially
for the poor; and (f) increasing the reliability and availability of health and
[...] nutrition commodities,drugs andvaccines.
[...] 险,降低这种流行病对全球的影响;设法提供药品和切实有效疫苗善深受其害的群 体,特别是穷人的生存条件;支持不同部门和专业组织之间开展合作,通过科研活动制订疾 [...]
This requires the involvement of specialized organizations and the development of a strategic framework for action; the identification of better methods for mitigating the dangers and limiting the global effects of the
disease; work to provide drugs and
[...] powerful and effective vaccines; improvement of the [...]
condition of the most affected groups,
especially the poor; and support for cooperation between different sectors and specializations, and the development of programmes for disease control through the conduct of research.
以下人士作了讲演:联合国人口基金执行协调员 Babatunde Osotimehin 博 士;世界卫生组织纽约办事处临时执行主任 Werner Obermeyer 先生;联合国开 发计划署将艾滋病毒和健康问题纳入有关性别平等、贫穷及更广泛的千年发展目 标行动的主流的小组牵头人 Julia Kim 博士;全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基
金对外关系和伙伴关系主任 Christopher Benn 先生;世界银行性别与发展、减
[...] 贫和经济管理部门主任 Mayra Buvinic 女士;全疫苗公共政策高级 专家 Diane Summers [...]
Presentations were made by Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Population Fund; Mr. Werner Obermeyer, Executive Director ad interim of the World Health Organization, New York Office; Dr. Julia Kim, the Cluster Leader for mainstreaming HIV and health into action on gender equality, poverty and broader Millennium Development Goals, within the United Nations Development Programme; Mr. Christopher Benn, Director of External Relations and Partnerships, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Ms. Mayra Buvinic, Sector Director of Gender and Development, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management at the World Bank; Ms. Diane Summers, senior
specialist in public policy with the
[...] Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI Alliance); [...]
and Ms. Kyung-wha Kang, Deputy
High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Besides the seasonal flu vaccination, vaccination against the so-called swine flu (H1N1) was offered in 2009.
作为世卫组织法定任务的组成部分,世卫组织和世界卫生大会已采用主 要外交政策手段,如条约和法规(例如,《国际卫生条例》(2005)和《烟草控制框 架公约》(2003));政府间工作组(例如公共健康、创新和知识产权问题政府间工 作组,防范大流行性流感:交流流感病毒信息以疫苗他惠益信息(政府间 会议)不限成员名额工作组,研究和开发:筹资和协调咨询专家工作组,不合标 准/虚假/伪造/假冒医疗产品问题政府间工作组;会员国通过自愿行为守则(如 《国际招聘卫生人员全球实务守则》)。
As part of the constitutional mandate of WHO, WHO and the World Health Assembly have used major foreign policy instruments, such as treaties and regulations (e.g. the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (2003)), intergovernmental working groups (e.g. Intergovernmental Working Group on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, the Open-Ended Working Group of the Intergovernmental Meeting on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to other benefits, the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination, and the intergovernmental Working Group on Substandard/Spurious/Falsely-Labelled/Falsified/C ounterfeit Medical Products), and member State adoption of voluntary codes (e.g. the Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel).
这个项目取得的科学成果证明并为开始一项新的预算外项目提供了科学基础,新项目 仍由意大利供资,其内容是精心研制能在非洲预防艾滋病病毒从母体传染给孩子的小疫 苗
The scientific results attained during this project provided justification of, and scientific background for, a new extrabudgetary
project financed by Italy on the
[...] elaboration ofapaediatricvaccine able to prevent the [...]
transmission of HIV from mother to child in Africa.
南苏丹的人道主义组织已开始协助基 尔/伯海尔阿拉伯河以北、阿卜耶伊镇东南方地区人数不多的回归者群体,向其
[...] 提供食物和补充营养餐方案,并在可进入的地区为 6 至 59 个月大的儿童提供麻疫苗、维生素 A 和肥皂。
Humanitarian organizations from South Sudan started assisting small groups of returnees north of the Kiir/Bahr el-Arab River in areas south-east of Abyei town with food distribution and
supplementary feeding programmes and by
[...] providing measlesvaccinations,vitamin A and [...]
soap to children aged between 6 and 59 months in accessible areas.
服务机构的确切配置取决于具体国情, 但在所有情况中都需要:有充裕资金和共担风险;训练有素、薪酬适当的劳动力
[...] 队伍;作为政策和管理决策依据的资讯;把药品疫苗受影响地区的物流; 作为转诊网络一部分得到妥善维护的设施;能够指明方向并调动社区等所有利益 [...]
The exact configuration of services will depend on the country context, but will in all cases require adequate financing with pooling of risk; a welltrained and adequately remunerated workforce; information on which to base policy and
management decisions; logistics that
[...] deliver medicines andvaccines to wherethey are [...]
needed; well-maintained facilities organized
as part of a referral network; and leadership that provides clear direction and harnesses the energies of all stakeholders, including communities.
帮助支付门诊处方药疫苗物制剂及联邦医疗保 险A 部分或 B 部分不承保的部分用品费用的保险。
Insurance to help pay for outpatient
[...] prescription drugs, vaccines, biologicals, [...]
and some supplies not covered by Medicare Part A or Part B.
After prayers in church or the mosques, families receive routine
[...] services likeimmunization,whichthey [...]
could have missed.
As the weather grows colder and winter illnesses start to propagate around Shanghai, remember to emphasize good hygiene including hand washing, covering your nose and mouth when coughing or
sneezing, avoid contact with others if they are
[...] sick, keep vaccinations up-to-date [...]
and don’t hesitate to seek medical attention
if you have any further concerns or questions.
为 进 一 步 预 防 及 控 制 禽 流 感 爆 发 , 食 物 环 境 衞 生 署 与 国 家 质 量 监 督 检 验 检 疫 总 局 就 落 实 进 口 活 家 禽 接 种 禽 流疫 苗施 达 成 协 议 : 由 2004 年 1 月 15 日 开 始 , 所 有 进 口 活 家 禽 ( 鸽 子 及 水 禽 除 外 ) , 必 须 接 种 农 业 部 批 准 生 产 和 使 用 的 H5 禽 流 感 灭疫 苗可 以 进 口 香 港 特 别 行 政 区 。
To strengthen the prevention and control against the outbreak of avian flu, FEHD and the State General Administration of the People's
Republic of China
[...] for Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantinehave agreed that with effect from 15 January 2004, all live poultry (except pigeons and waterfowls) must be vaccinated against H5 avian flu with deactivatedvaccine authorizedfor production and use by the State [...]
Ministry of Agriculture
before importing to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
其中值得关注的是,为儿童提供针对 6 疫苗防疾病的普及免疫接种方案;以新生儿和儿童的疾病预防、促进健 康和疾病治疗为重点的新生儿疾病综合管理;以及已进入第二阶段(2005年至 [...]
2010年) 的《生殖卫生和儿童健康计划》。
Notable among these are Universal
[...] Immunisation Programme for immunisation of children againstsix vaccinepreventable [...]
diseases; Integrated Management
of Neonatal Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI), which focuses on the preventive, promotive and curative aspects among newborns and children; and the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme, which has entered its second phase (2005-2010).
The decrease in illness is
[...] a result of effectivevaccination.
(1) 继续加强消渴丸、华佗再造丸等本集团支柱产品的市场细分和管理工作,提高这些 产品的市场占有率;做好昆仙胶囊(原名「风湿 平胶囊」)、青蒿素、灵芝孢子油、狂 犬疫苗集团新产品的产业化与市场策划及宣传推广工作,努力培育开发新的 二、三线产品。
(1) To continuously enhance the market segmenting and management of the key products of the Group such as Xiao Ke Wan and Hua Tuo Zai Zao Wan, so as to increase their respective market share, focus on the industrialization of and make a sound market planning and promotion of new products of the Group such as Kun Xian capsule (formerly known as “Feng Shi Ping capsule”), Artemisinin, Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Oil and Rabies Bacterin, and endeavored to nurture and develop new tier II and tier III products.
我们认识到需要有一个公平、透明、平等和有效的框架,以分享 关于H5N1 病毒和其他有可能在人类中流行的流感病毒的信息,以及共享利
[...] 益,其中包括及时向需要者,尤其是发展中国家的需要者提供和分配负担得 起的诊断和治疗,包疫苗
We recognize the need for a fair, transparent, equitable and efficient framework for the sharing of H5N1 and other influenza viruses with human pandemic potential, and for the sharing of benefits, including access to and
distribution of affordable diagnostics and
[...] treatments,includingvaccines,tothose in need, [...]
especially in developing countries, in a timely manner.
In Northern Kenya, National Basketball Association, Dikembe Mutombo,
[...] administers thepolio vaccine to a young child.
事实疫苗御非常危险的传染疾病,对于这类危险的疾病,还没 有一个治疗方案,或者虽说有,但也不总是有效的,或者是由于病情可能带 [...]
Indeedvaccinations combat very dangerous [...]
infectious diseases for which there are no cures available, or if cures exist,
these are not always effective, or on the other hand the diseases can cause very serious complications.
况且这些研究,特别是有疫苗究,可能是为了解决疾病在发展中国家独有的特征, [...]
Moreover research,
[...] particularly on vaccines, may require tackling [...]
characteristics of diseases specific to developing countries,
where the solution for the developed world may not address the problem in the developing world.
[...] 若干发展项目承付 6 280 多万美元的资金,包括供应麻疫苗便在 2010 年 底之前将全球每年死于麻疹的人数减少 [...]
90%;在 15 个非洲国家的难民营中开展预 防疟疾活动;并且支持调集资源活动,以便在尼日利亚消除脊髓灰质炎。
The United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP), in partnership with the United Nations Foundation and several United Nations agencies, has committed over $62.8 million in funds to a number of
development projects in Africa, including
[...] supplyingmeaslesvaccinations in orderto reduce [...]
annual global measles deaths by 90
per cent by 2010; malaria prevention activities in refugee camps in 15 African nations; and support for resource mobilization activities for polio eradication in Nigeria.
对基础设施的投资和实施各种国疫苗、预防 疾病和计划生育方案,改善了保健服务。
Investment in infrastructure and implementation of
[...] various national vaccination, disease prevention [...]
and family planning programmes had improved health care.
[...] 夫特裂谷热、脑膜炎、黄热病、霍乱、瘟疫和细螺旋体病,以开发决策支助工 具,并为当前疫苗提供信息依据。
WHO also uses geospatial information in its programmes for specific diseases, such as Rift Valley fever, meningitis, yellow fever,
cholera, the plague and leptospirosis to develop a decision-support tool and
[...] inform the current vaccinationstrategies.
在主管机关或机构的监督下,酌情在有关国家政策的框架内使人们有 机会获得已显示在降低注射吸毒者和其他吸毒者中感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病、肝炎
[...] 和其他经血液传染疾病的风险方面具有效力的医药疫苗合国际药物管制 条约的其他措施。
(d) To provide access, as appropriate and in the framework of the pertinent national policies, to medications, vaccines and other measures that were consistent with international drug control treaties and had been shown to be effective in reducing the risk of HIV/AIDS,
hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases among
[...] injectingdrug users, under the supervision [...]
of competent authorities or institutions.
(m) 进一步加强国际合作,途径包括交流加强卫生系统方面的最佳做法,改
[...] 得起的安全有效的优质药品,促进生产新药、非专利药品疫苗他保健商品, 培训并留住医务人员,努力确保国际合作和援助,特别是外来资金,更具可预测 [...]
(m) Further strengthening international cooperation, inter alia, through exchange of best practices in strengthening health systems, improving access to medicines, encouraging the development of technology and the transfer of technology on mutually agreed terms, the production of affordable, safe, effective and good quality medicines,
fostering the production of innovative
[...] medicines, generics, vaccinesandotherhealth [...]
commodities, the training and retaining
of health personnel and work to ensure that international cooperation and assistance, in particular external funding, become more predictable, better harmonized and better aligned with national priorities for capacity-building and channelled to recipient countries in ways that strengthen national health systems




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