









influenza vaccination

External sources (not reviewed)

尼泊尔代表团要求秘书处帮助最不发达国家和内陆国家:开展关 于主要出口和进口产品的分析;采用单一窗口和开展无纸化贸易,并 推动关于执行贸易和过境便利化措施的公私营部门的对话;提供一个
[...] 进农业和林业产品的价值链,包括诸如“一个村庄一个产品”方案那 样的举措,以及就有机食品认证和动植物卫生领域,传播相 关信息和提供能力建设援助;加入《亚太贸易协定》;以及在总体上 [...]
The delegation of Nepal requested that the secretariat help least developed and landlocked countries to conduct analyses on key export and import products; introduce single windows and paperless trade and the promotion of public-private sector dialogue on the implementation of trade and transit facilitation measures; provide a platform to discuss issues of common concern, paying particular attention to least developed and landlocked countries; promote value chains for agricultural and forestry products, including under initiatives such as “one village one product” programmes; and disseminate information and provide capacity-building assistance
on the certification of organic foods
[...] and sanitaryandphytosanitary standards,accession [...]
to APTA and overall assistance in
the formulation of appropriate trade and investment policies.
在同一届会议上,委员会还获悉,根据联合国的决定和采取的措施,禽流感特设工作 组以东道国有关当局制定的政府计划为基础,制定了一项教科文组织特别计划,包括一整套 措施预案,一矣出现 H5N1 病毒导致人类间传染本组织即可将该计划付诸实施,它 包括了预防和救治两方面的措施。
At the same session, the Committee was also informed that, in accordance with the decisions and measures taken by the United Nations, the avian flu task force had drawn up a special UNESCO plan based on the governmental plan prepared by the competent authorities of the host country, which set out measures which the Organization must implement in case of an epizootic due to the H5N1 virus leading to human contamination, both in terms of prevention and reactive treatment and care.
根据以下条件和考虑,执行委员会原则上同意核准将给予总额 289,548 美元,以便
[...] 实现本文件中规定的承诺,以彻底淘汰赞比亚受控用途甲基溴,不包括用于运前 消毒处理的消费量。
The Executive Committee agrees to approve in principle US $289,548 as the total funds that will be available to achieve commitments stipulated in this document for the complete phase-out of the
controlled uses of use of methyl bromide in
[...] Zambia, excluding quarantine and pre-shipment [...]
applications, subject to the following
understandings and considerations.
各位部长进一步表示极为关切甲型猪流感(H1N1)现和蔓延带来的 威胁;请世界卫生组织和国际金融组织向受影响国家提供充分的后勤和财政支 [...]
助,以便迅速有效地抑制该流行病的传播,并向受影响国家提供充分援助,以 防该疾病进一步爆发。
The Ministers further expressed deep concern
over the threat posed by the emergence and
[...] spread of Swine flu A(H1N1); and [...]
requested the World Health Organization and
the International Financial Organizations to provide full logistical and financial support to the affected countries, in order to combat this epidemic promptly and effectively as well as provide adequate assistance to affected countries to prevent further outbreak of this disease.
They are the real-life heroes in their
communities who are fighting for basic rights,
[...] clean water, poliovaccines andother access [...]
to their fundamental rights...[T]heir
determination even took them to the Indian parliament.
学校保健信息系统目前正在开发,使学校保健护士和儿童的家庭医生能够 交流有关儿童健康的必要信息,包种信息。
A school health care information system is being developed to allow a school health nurse and a
child’s family doctor to exchange necessary information about the health of a
[...] child, including vaccination information.
虽然世贸组织部分 成员强调了私立标准对质量和高质量市场准入的积极效应,但其他许多成员表达了下列 关注:在进口环节采用私立标准造成事实上的贸易壁垒,尤其对发展中国家制造了难度; 遵守这些标准要求私立机构的多重认证,对小规模生产者成本不菲;在很多情况下私立 标准比政府标准和食典标准更具限制性和规约性且往往并没有法律依据;私立标准的制 定过程缺乏透明度和包容性;在某些情况下,这些标准不符合《卫生及植物协 定》的要求。
While some WTO members had underlined the positive aspects of private standards on quality and access to high quality markets, many other members had expressed the following concerns: the application of private standards at the import stage resulted in de facto barriers to trade, and created difficulties especially for developing countries; complying with these standards required multiple certification by private bodies, with a high cost for small producers; in many cases private standards were more restrictive and prescriptive than government standards and Codex standards and often had no scientific basis; the process by which private standards were set lacked transparency and inclusiveness; and in somecases such standards did not meet the requirements of the SPS Agreement.
Because they are so widespread, some consider colds a problem of immunity.
3.4 不停靠原定港口 假如船长或承运人认为,在原定登岸港口靠岸会造成船只、任何乘客、
[...] 行李或货物之不便、延误、损坏或危险,不论为何原因(包括不违背 前述之限制罢工或要挟罢工)该船可以放弃在船票指定的登 [...]
岸港口停靠,并可由承运人全权决定将乘客及其行李载往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the opinion of the Master of the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation may result in inconvenience, delay, damage, or danger either to the Vessel or any Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without
prejudice to the generality of the
[...] foregoing restriction, 9epidemic and whether actual [...]
or threatened strikes), the Vessel may
omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and may carry the Passengers to any other port in the Carrier’s sole discretion and land them and their Luggage there.
南苏丹的人道主义组织已开始协助基 尔/伯海尔阿拉伯河以北、阿卜耶伊镇东南方地区人数不多的回归者群体,向其
[...] 提供食物和补充营养餐方案,并在可进入的地区为 6 至 59 个月大的儿童提供麻种、维生素 A 和肥皂。
Humanitarian organizations from South Sudan started assisting small groups of returnees north of the Kiir/Bahr el-Arab River in areas south-east of Abyei town with food distribution and
supplementary feeding programmes and by
[...] providing measlesvaccinations,vitamin A and [...]
soap to children aged between 6 and 59 months in accessible areas.
他们说,通过在加尔各答贫民窟挨家挨户地走访,他们已经成功使其所在社区的脊髓灰质炎率翻番 —— 现在的脊髓灰质炎率已达到80%。
Going from door to door in the slums of Kolkata, they say, they’ve managed to double the immunizationrate for polio in their neighbourhood – which now stands at 80 per cent.
改善母亲健康的活动主要集中于在一线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为母亲和 0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病
的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发放经杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心和转 诊医院配置设备和必要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中
[...] 心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培训/进修;对孕妇 和儿童正常进行;母亲正常补铁,儿童和产后期的母亲补维生素 A。
Activities to improve maternal health include integrating prenatal follow-up care within all front-line health facilities (Integrated Health Centres) and hospitals; making malaria treatment free to mothers and children up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care to Integrated Health Centres and national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal
health-care workers and at Integrated Health
[...] Centres; systematicvaccination of pregnant women [...]
and children; systematic administration
of iron to mothers and vitamin A to children and to mothers post-partum.
在原材料和动物来源产品卫生治系统升级的背景下,关 于卫生-治活动的第 221-XVI 号法律(2007 年 10 月 19 日生效)符 合相关欧洲标准,同时规定在农业和食品工业部下设卫生-治与 食品安全司,负责强化和实施动物来源食品安全方面的政策和战略。
In the context of upgrading the system of sanitary and veterinary control of the raw material and animal originproducts, the Law No. 221-XVI from 19.10.2007 on sanitaryveterinary activity was adopted which is harmonised to the EU Directives in the field and which provides for the creation of the Sanitary-Veterinary and Food Security Agency, created within the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, which will be responsible for the promotion of policies and implementation of strategies in the field of animal origin food security.
和分子生物学联盟/国际基础科学计划(IUBMB/IBSP)分子和细胞生物学方面的高级培训学 校,如 2008 年在赫曼努斯(南非)举办的感染的分子和细胞学基础的培训学校或计划于 2009
[...] 年在新德里(印度)举办的关于自身的分子生物学的培训学校。
The project, which is planned to continue during the next two biennia, may incorporate IUBMB/IBSP advanced schools in molecular and cell biology such as that held in 2008 in Hermanus (South Africa) on Molecular and
Cellular Basis of Infection, or the one planned for 2009 in New Delhi (India) on
[...] Molecular Biology of AutoimmuneDiseases.
实验室助理员额任职者将负责提供血液学研究、学、生物化学、常 规尿便分析、微生物学和寄生虫学等基本实验室服务;根据医生要求收集转诊病 [...]
人的样本;提供化验结果报告,编制每周、每月和每年的实验室报告;盘存设备、 试剂及其他消耗品,确保实验室设备保持清洁、符合标准和妥善储存。
The incumbent of the post of Laboratory Assistant would
provide basic laboratory services, such as
[...] haematology study, immuno-serology, biochemistry, [...]
routine urine and stool analyses,
microbiology and parasitology; collect samples from referred patients as requested by doctors; provide a report of the test results and prepare weekly, monthly and annual laboratory reports; take inventory of equipment, reagents and other consumables; and ensure that laboratory equipment is kept clean and up to standard and is stored correctly.
一些国家提及马拉喀什进程的积极经验教训,并认为以千年发展目标为基础 的模式似乎过于宽泛,而以为基础的模式又太具体,联合国水机制、能 [...]
源机制和海洋机制采用的模式也许适于在机构间协调,但不适合促进更多利益攸 关方参与。
Some countries mentioned the positive lessons from the Marrakech Process, arguing that the model based on the Millennium
Development Goals seemed too broad, the model
[...] based on the GAVI Alliance too [...]
specific, and the model followed by UN-Water,
UN-Energy and UN-Oceans perhaps suitable for inter-agency coordination but not appropriate for the facilitation of broader stakeholder engagement.
帮助支付门诊处方药生物制剂及联邦医疗保 险A 部分或 B 部分不承保的部分用品费用的保险。
Insurance to help pay for outpatient
[...] prescription drugs,vaccines,biologicals, [...]
and some supplies not covered by Medicare Part A or Part B.
世界动物卫生组织的观察员提请食典委注意世界动物卫生组织最近通过了关于抗 菌剂耐药性的标准,并建议交叉参考这项标准,开展互补工作,以避免世贸组织卫生 和植物协定中提及的相关组织所制定的标准之间出现重复和冲突。
The Observer from OIE drew the attention of the Commission to the fact that OIE had recently adopted a standard on antimicrobial resistance and proposed to cross reference this standard and work in complementary way in order to avoid duplication and conflict between the standards developed by the relevant organisations referenced under the WTO SPS Agreement.
在过去数月里,全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金和已开始补充 资金,以确保维持它们对改进保健系统的资助水平;各方已呼吁为八国集团 [...]
2009 拉奎拉粮食安全倡议提供新的资金,并设立一个多方捐助者信托基金以帮助数百 万农民家庭提高粮食产量;此外也为框架公约减缓气候变化和适应基金等提供资 金。
In the past few months, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and
[...] Malaria andthe GAVIAlliance have [...]
embarked on replenishments to ensure they can
maintain their level of support to build better health systems; there have been calls for new financing of the Group of Eight 2009 L’Aquila Food Security Initiative and for a multi-donor trust fund that could support millions of farm families seeking to enhance food productivity; for the Framework Convention climate change mitigation and adaptation funds and others.
一位代表强调进口国和出口国都必须考虑甲基溴的运前用途,以 便防止有害生物和疾病在全球扩散。
One representative stressed the
importance to exporting and importing countries
[...] of considering quarantineandpre-shipment [...]
uses of methyl bromide in order to prevent
the global spread of pests and diseases.
政府成立了原料用途监督专家小组;与国家质量监督检验交流运前 消毒处理熏蒸授权数据;开展核查审计;为负责运前消毒处理熏蒸许可证的机构 提供能力建设,用于(a) 与负责熏蒸许可证的机构开展联合调查(b) 制定新的运前 消毒处理用途监督和管理规定,以及(c) 建立用于甲基溴运前消毒处理用途的新 的管理信息系统。
It has: established an expert team for the supervision of feedstock use; exchanged data with the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on QPS fumigation authorization; conducted verification audits; and provided capacity building for the 13 agency responsible for QPS fumigation permits for (a) a joint survey with those responsible for fumigation [...]
permits (b) the formulation of new
QPS use supervision and management regulations, and (c) the establishment of a new management information system for MB QPS uses.
其中值得关注的是,为儿童提供针对 6 预防疾病的普及方案;以新生儿和儿童的疾病预防、促进健 康和疾病治疗为重点的新生儿疾病综合管理;以及已进入第二阶段(2005年至 2010年) 的《生殖卫生和儿童健康计划》。
Notable among these are Universal Immunisation Programme for immunisation of children against six vaccine preventable diseases; Integrated Management of Neonatal Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI), which focuses on the preventive, promotive and curative aspects among newborns and children; and the Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme, which has entered its second phase (2005-2010).
事实抵御非常危险的传染疾病,对于这类危险的疾病,还没 有一个治疗方案,或者虽说有,但也不总是有效的,或者是由于病情可能带 [...]
Indeedvaccinations combat very dangerous [...]
infectious diseases for which there are no cures available, or if cures exist,
these are not always effective, or on the other hand the diseases can cause very serious complications.
将与儿童基金会在如下领 域开展合作:(a)加强并监测关于贫困和弱势儿童和妇女获得并使用卫生服务的 政策、标准和战略;(b)降低穷人的保健成本,制订较少依赖自付费用的支付机
制;(c)确保卫生人员具备适当的能力,特别是在偏远贫困地区;(d)完善保健 信息系统,以加强管理、服务提供和资源分配;(e)扩大妇幼保健和营养服务的
[...] 可得性、范围和质量,特别是对贫困人口;以及(f)提高保健品和营养品、药物可靠性和可得性。
UNICEF will cooperate in the following areas: (a) improving and monitoring policies, standards and strategies for access to and uptake of health services for poor and vulnerable children and women; (b) reducing health care costs for the poor and developing payment mechanisms less reliant on out-of-pocket expenses; (c) assuring adequate capacity in health human resources, particularly in remote poor areas; (d) improving health information systems to enable improved governance and performance of services and allocation of resources; (e) increasing the availability, range and quality of maternal and child health care and nutrition services, especially
for the poor; and (f) increasing the reliability and availability of health and nutrition
[...] commodities, drugs and vaccines.
[...] 会出口到欧盟市场,并需获得中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验(国家质检总 局)的有关证书;从香港再出口的货物亦要附上有关证书。
Dr. Y. XIAO advised that under the new legislation, Hong Kong traders might be required that when sourcing the products from the Mainland manufacturers, should inform the latter that the products were intended for the EU market and obtain relevant certificates from
General Administration of Quality
[...] Supervision, Inspectionand Quarantine of People’sRepublic [...]
of China (AQSIQ), and covered their
subsequent re-export consignments from Hong Kong with the relevant certificates.




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