单词 | 疟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榧—Torreya nucifera疟—malariaExamples:抗疟adj—antimalarialadj 疟疾n—diarrhoeaBEn tuberculosisn 疟原虫—plasmodium (malaria parasite)
Katanga的疟疾计划包括为近万户家庭进行矢 量控制的喷药,而两家公司的计划均包括对家庭、工厂、矿山、办公 [...] 室及当地政府办公室喷药。 glencore.com | Katanga’smalaria programme includes [...] vector control spraying for nearly ten thousand households, while both operations’ [...]programmes include spraying of homes, plants, mines, offices and local government offices. glencore.com |
医生也可以告诉您是否需 要特殊的药物来预防疟疾等疾病。 nyc.gov | Your doctor can also tell you if you need any special medication to [...] prevent diseases like malaria. nyc.gov |
Katanga每年均捐赠治疗疟疾以及腹泻、咳 嗽及发烧等其他常见疾病的药物。 glencore.com | Katanga donates [...] pharmaceuticals for malaria and other common [...]diseases, such as diarrhoea, coughs and fever. glencore.com |
在圣多美普林西比,由我国疟疾防治专家连日清 博士主持「疟疾防治计画」,经过多年努力,该国疟疾感染率自 35%-40%,大幅降到 3%-4%。 mofa.gov.tw | Following years of hard work, the team has seen the malaria infection rate fall dramatically from 35-40 percent of the population [...] to just 3-4 percent. mofa.gov.tw |
我们推行的疟疾防治计划续取得成功,Kitwe镇疟疾感染率由二 零一一年的每1,000人有200染上,降至二零一一年的每1,000人仅有 7.7染上。 glencore.com | Our malaria programme enjoys continued success with the malaria incident rate [...] in the town of Kitwe reducing from 200 out [...]of every 1,000 people in 2001 to 7.7 out of every 1,000 people in 2011. glencore.com |
前往热带地区旅游, 可能有危险患上蚊叮传播的疟疾、登革热和其他传染病。 nyc.gov | Travelers to tropical areas may [...] be at risk for malaria, denguefever [...]or other infections spread by mosquito bites. nyc.gov |
由於DDT有助控制传播疟疾的蚊子,因此它仍被十多个国家使用,特别是非州来控制这个致命疾病。 nulife.com | Because DDT is very [...] effective at wiping outmalaria-bearing mosquitos, [...]it is still used in over two dozen countries, primarily [...]in Africa, to combat the deadly disease. nulife.com |
如 因被疟疾蚊咬 而 引 致 死 亡, 是 否 属 於 意 外 死 亡? bank.hangseng.com | Is a death caused [...] by thebitesof malariamosquitoes an accidental death? bank.hangseng.com |
医卫建设计画」,包括办理「太平洋国家行动医疗团」 及「台湾卫生中心计画」、资助吉里巴斯「改善医疗 [...] 设备及提升医疗人员素质计画」、史瓦济兰「Raleigh Fitkin 纪念医院加护病房及肾脏科医疗设备计画」及 「首都医院检验报告资讯整合计画」、甘比亚「维多 [...] 利亚教学医院病房整建计画」、圣多美普林西比「疟疾防治计画」、布吉纳法索「爱滋病暨传染病防治策 [...]略计画」、圣露西亚「St. mofa.gov.tw | b. Medical care: Mobile Medical Mission program in the Pacific region and Taiwan Health Center Project; funding for Medical Equipment and Personnel Improvement Project in Kiribati, ICU and Nephrology Equipment Project for Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital and Capital Hospital Examination Report Information Integration Project in Swaziland, Victoria Teaching Hospital Ward Renovation Project in The Gambia, Malaria Control Project in São Tomé and Príncipe, [...] Strategic Program for the Prevention and Control [...] of AIDS and Contagious Diseases in [...]Burkina Faso, St. Jude Hospital Rebuilding [...]Project in St. Lucia, and Drug Testing Center and Biochemical Lab Enhancement Project in the Dominican Republic. mofa.gov.tw |
99 年元月海地震灾後,我国即派三梯次医疗团 前往协助,除每日提供灾民全天候诊疗照护服务外, 我团萧孟芳教授应美国疾病管制局(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC)之邀请,参与每日於海地 国家实验室举行之疫情监控小组会议,针对疟疾及登 革热等疫情进行分析探讨,并提出具体防疫之专业建 议,受与会各专家之重视。 mofa.gov.tw | In addition to providing medical care, Professor Shiao Men-fang took part in daily disease control meetings at Haiti’s National Laboratory at the behest of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). mofa.gov.tw |
1790年,当哈尼曼翻译外国医学专刊时,他发现了苏格兰教授卡尔伦〈Cullen〉的一篇论文中提及金鸡纳能治疗疟疾,其理由是:因金鸡纳有收缩纤维 ﹝即收歛﹞及甘苦味道两大药性。 homeopathyhongkong.org | In 1790, when Hahnemann translated special issues of foreign medical publication, he found a dissertation written by the [...] Scotland Professor Cullen about using [...] cinchona intreating malaria, with theground [...]of the two herbal characteristics of cinchona, [...]viz. astringent and the bitter taste. homeopathyhongkong.org |
现时,(RED)已筹集超过1亿9,000万美元,赠予Global Fund对抗爱滋病、肺结核、疟疾,已获捐款支持对抗爱滋病的地区,有加纳,莱索托,卢旺达,南非,斯威士兰及赞比亚等,全球超过1,400万人受惠,服务包括预防、治疗、谘询,以及爱滋病测试与照顾服务。 blog.johannaho.com | To date, (RED) has generated over $190 [...] million for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, [...] Tuberculosis and Malaria, to support HIV/AIDS [...]grants in Ghana, Lesotho, Rwanda, South [...]Africa, Swaziland and Zambia. 100 percent of that money goes to work on the ground – no overhead is taken. blog.johannaho.com |