

单词 疏理

See also:

present a memorial to the Emperor
surname Shu
not close
clear away obstruction
distant (relation)


thin adj
sparse adj

External sources (not reviewed)

年 內,集疏 理 清 晰 的 品 牌 策 略,透 過 一 系 列 品 牌 建 設 和 推 廣 的 工 作,維 達 年 內 在 品 牌 升 級 方 面 取 得 不 錯 的 進 展。
During the year, the Group has marshaled a clearly defined branding strategy and attained a satisfactory progress in brand upgrading by leveraging a series of brand imaging and promotion activities.
疏理問責 制這些實施以來的問題,特首仍沒有半點肯定的回 應,這些難題可能亦要留待新上場的特首面對。
The Chief Executive has not given a firm response in this respect yet. These difficult problems will probably be left to the next Chief Executive.
在著作权领域,对将公正利用的概念应用于数字环境,以确认和促进著作权人和公众 两方面利益在数字环境中得到公平公正对待所进行的思考进程已经正式启动。已采取的主要 措施一方面是建立了一个跨部门工作班子,这个工作班子已经开过几次会;另一方面是通过 一份专门设计的征询意见表,向有关专业界进行书面调查,以期对问题的现状进行初步疏 理和把握。
In the field of copyright, the process of reflection on the adaptation of the concept of “fair use” to the digital environment with a view to reasserting and promoting an equitable balance between the interests of rightholders and those of the public in the digital environment was launched by setting up an intersectoral task force, which held several meetings, and by initiating written consultations among the professional circles concerned, in the form of a questionnaire designed to take preliminary stock of the situation.
许多足部问题是由疏忽或护理不当 造成,比如穿的鞋子不合适。
Many foot problems are due to neglect and improper care, including ill-fitting shoes.
此外,为了保证我国人民的可持续发展,我国政 府对尼加拉瓜圣胡安河进行疏浚和 清 理 并 打 通了 历史上的出海口,从而承担了自己的责任。
Moreover, and in order to guarantee sustainable development for our people, our
Government has assumed its responsibilities by
[...] undertaking to dredge and clean up the San Juan [...]
de Nicaragua River and to open our historical access to the sea.
例如:学习如疏缓压力, 着理顺人 际关系难题,如果我们自身是精神疾病患者的照顾者,我们更要腾出时间来照顾好 我们自己。
(Examples: Learning stress management, working on relationship issues and taking time for ourselves if we are caregivers.
一般而言,出现这些事件疏忽或处 理 不 当 的结果, 但有时确是虐待造成的直接结果。
In general, the incidents were a result of neglect or ill treatment, although sometimes they were a direct result of abuse.
(a) 供应情况:便携式防空系统的潜在供应情况,除其他外,受利比亚境内 失去控制的武器的存在、边疏于管 理 以 及 现有的贩运网络(包括跨越这些边界 的当地人口之间的联系)的影响。
(a) Availability: The potential availability of man-portable air defence systems is influenced, inter alia, by the existence of uncontrolled weapons in Libya, porous borders and existing trafficking networks that include links between local populations that transcend those borders.
然而,上述邻国的当 局指出,其监测能力仍然经常不够,难以 理 漫 长 而 疏 于 管 理 的 边界,巡逻用的 资源短缺,检查点和跨界合作十分有限。
However, according to the authorities of the above-mentioned neighbouring States, monitoring capabilities are still often insufficient to cope with the long and porous borders, resources for patrols are scarce, and checkpoints and cross-border cooperation is very limited.
其余四项建议据说正在执行中: (a) 在消耗性财产方面,实物盘点工作没有全部进行,发现了一些涉及到消耗性财 产理方面的疏漏;(b) 在人力资源理方面 ,并非所有工作人员都完成了考绩, 而有些工作人员没有完成考绩却仍然得到职档例常加薪,合同得到延续;(c) 在 信息和通信技术方面,尚无灾后恢复和业务连续性计划;(d) 在信息和通信技术 方面,信息技术环境缺乏适当的安全保护。
The four remaining recommendations, which are said to be under implementation are: (a) under expendable property, physical account was not fully conducted and some deficiencies relating to the management of expendable properties were found; (b) under human resources management, not all staff members completed their performance appraisals and some who had not done so were awarded step increments and contract extensions; (c) under information and communications technology, there was no disaster recovery and business continuity plan; and (d) under information and communications technology, the information technology environment lacked adequate security protection.
東京海上香港之董事、僱員及附屬機構已作出最大努力以保證本網站信息的準確性,但他們對本網站所載資料的準確性、時效性、完整性均不作任何表示或擔保;而對此等資料的錯誤、誤差或遺漏所引致的損害賠償或損失,包括但不限於任何直接的、間接的、實際的、附帶的、懲罰性的、特別的或後果性的損害賠償,薪酬、收益或利潤損失,數據損壞或流失,或其它商業上或經濟上的損失,他們均不承擔責任(包括因合約 疏 忽 或其 他 理 由 所引起的責任)。
Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this website, TMF(HK), its directors, employees and affiliates do not in any way represent or warrant its accuracy, currency or completeness or accept any liability (in contract, negligence or otherwise) for any loss or damage, including but not limited to direct, indirect, actual, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages, lost income, revenue or profits, lost or damaged data, or other commercial or economic loss, arising from any error, inaccuracy or omission.
体系 & 控制 — 我们必须维护组织结构安排,使因诈欺、误用 疏 忽 大 意或 理 不 力 而导致我们客户资金或资产损失或减损的风险降到最低程度。
Systems & Controls — We must maintain organisational arrangements that are sufficient to minimise the risk of the loss or reduction of our customers funds or assets through fraud, misuse, negligence or poor administration.
对于因为事故或不理的使 用、浸泡在水中 疏 忽 、 滥用、不理 的维护及其他不是由于产品工艺或材料瑕疵的原因造成产品的损害,此担保不起作用。
This warranty is void if the product has been damaged by accident or unreasonable use, immersion in water, neglect, abuse, improper maintenance, our other causes not arising out of defects in workmanship or materials of the product.
11.4 卖方对所提供软件产品引起买方或第三方侵权行为承担责 任,同样如果是由于卖方理蓄意 或严 疏 忽 等 原因造成此类 事件,卖方承担同样责任。
We shall also be liable if the cause of the
defect is due to intent
[...] or gross negligence on our part including on the part of our representatives or persons employed by us.
4 捐助者,无论是 政府、政府间机构还是私 人 非 政府组织,往往对受援者提出种种要求,缺乏协 调,也被视为给 伙伴政府的行政能力带来 沉 重 负 担,导致 了次优 结 果 , 另 一些人 批 评受援国政府对援助理不善,指疏 于 管 理往往导致 援助不能得到有效利 用。
4 The tendency of donors - whether Governments, intergovernmental agencies or private non-governmental organizations - to impose various demands on recipients without coordination has also been seen as imposing a heavy burden on the partner Government’s administrative capacities, leading to suboptimal results.
理商蓄意的疏忽或漠視公司營運政策﹐公司將嚴肅處理﹐處理的方 式有可能包括終止代理權或訴訟賠償。
Intentional acts of omission and disregard for the Company Policies by a Distributor shall be severely dealt with which may include termination and legal action for damages.
智慧交通的实施,将方便市民获取实时交通信息,出行者可进行实时交通方式和交通路线的选择,交通管理部门可自动进行 理 的 交 通 疏 导 、 控制和事故 理。
Travelers can conduct real-time transportation and traffic routes selection. Traffic management department can automatically conduct reasonable traffic control, traffic dispersion and accident handling.
在这方面,法院有权裁定抽象管理(包括合宪性的预防管理、合宪性连续管 理和理疏忽所致的合宪性)和司法案件合宪性管理。
In this context, the Court has competence to rule on both cases of abstract control (including the preventive control of constitutionality, the successive control of constitutionality and the control of unconstitutionality by omission) and control of constitutionality in judicial cases.
陳素娟認為,有關人士對非典型肺炎死亡率的計算方法, 理 略 嫌 粗 疏。
Chan believed that the method employed by these people in working out the death rate of atypical pneumonia
[...] was rather sketchy and slipshod.
(c) 信息技术(2 644 500 美元)出现差异的原因有多个,包括信息和通信技 术厅没有执行系统开发方面的规划活动;目前为外勤支助部提供信息和通信技术 业务支助的订约承办事务人员出现空缺; 理 事 务部 因 疏 忽将 2010/11 财政期间 的技术费用计入 2011/12 财政期间;由于内部监督事务厅的新案例管理系统在测 试阶段发现了缺陷,没有采购该系统的软件。
(c) Information technology ($2,644,500), owing to a number of factors, including non-implementation of planned activities for system development by the Office of Information and Communications Technology, vacancies with respect to contractual services personnel associated with ongoing information and communications technology operational support in the Department of Field Support, inadvertent recording of technology charges for the period 2010/11 in the financial period 2011/12 in the Department of Management and non-procurement of software for the new case management system in the Office of Internal Oversight Services owing to deficiencies detected in the testing phase.
合同理上疏于监 督,特别是在确认应交货物已经收到方面,对活动赞助合同中项目合作方提交的财务报 [...]
Weak control in
[...] the management of contracting, in [...]
particular, in the certification process for confirming receipt of deliverables,
limited scrutiny of the financial statements submitted by project partners under activity financing contracts and the use of incorrect types of contract thus applying incorrect rules and procedures.
在世界的某些地方,给予政府雇员和他们的 理 人 小 额的 疏 通 费 ”是一种习俗,并且被期望作为执行 例行服务的回报,例如提供电话服务,但是,很难了解在什么程度上当地的法律可能将这一行为认定为 非法,并且违规的处罚可以是很严重的。
In some parts of the world, small “facilitating payments” to government employees and their agents are customary and expected in exchange for performing routine services, such as providing phone service, however, it is difficult to know when a local law may make this practice illlegal, and the penalties for a misstep can be severe.
據我們瞭解,英國、加拿大、 澳洲和新加坡的相關法例中,有關 理疏 忽 照 顧兒童的刑事條 文,大致與上述《侵害人身罪條例》的條文相類同,而且這些地 區亦沒有將獨留兒童在家這行為單獨列為刑事罪行。
As we understand it, the criminal provisions for handling child neglect under the relevant legislation in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Singapore are similar to the provisions in the Offences against the Person Ordinance mentioned above.
產品特性】RE-100 是日本Soleil專為改善聚酯纖維(Polyester Fiber)吸水性所開發之特殊理劑, 將原 疏 水 性 之聚酯纖維所織成的針織或平織布料乃至於不織布,處理成親水性,大幅提昇水的吸收能力與擴散速度。
RE-100 is the product name of Soleil Corporation ,is a special finishing agent for Polyester fiber, providing water absorbing property and quick dry finish.
3.8.8 承運人在任何情況下均不負責乘客登船前,或登岸後發生之任何 意外所引起之傷亡、疾病或行李之遺失或損壞,無論這些意外是
[...] 否因船隻不宜航行或船隻不合適,或是因碼頭、登岸梯級或承運 人、其僱員或代理人所擁有或使用的其他設施或物業所引起,及 /或因承運人、其僱員或理人疏忽或不履行義務所致。
3.8.8 The Carrier shall in no circumstances whatsoever be responsible for death, injury or sickness of any Passenger or for loss of or damage to Luggage caused by any incident occurring prior to embarkation or after disembarkation however such death, injury, sickness, loss or damage be caused and whether or not resulting from unseaworthiness or unfitness of the Vessel, any quay, landing stage or other premises or property owned or
used by the Carrier or its servants or agents
[...] and/or from the neglect or default of the Carrier or its servants [...]
or agents.
采用N-甲基咪唑和氯丙基咪唑反应的方法制备得到了离子液体键合硅胶固定相,并利用该固定相中的咪唑环阳离子和被分析物之间存在的多重作用 理 如 疏 水 作用、静电吸引和排斥及氢键作用等,以纯水作为流动相,成功地分离了碱基(胞嘧啶、胸腺嘧啶、2-氨基嘧啶和6-氯鸟嘌呤)、酚类化合物(间氨基酚、间苯二酚和间硝基酚)以及3种药物化合物(盐酸吗啉呱、阿昔洛韦和头孢氨苄)。
N-methylimidazolium ionic liquid(IL)-modified silica was prepared with the reaction of 3-chloropropyl modified silica and
N-methylimidazole using toluene
[...] as solvent. Based on the multiple interactions between N-methylimidazolium IL-modified silica and analytes such as hydrophobic interaction, [...]
electrostatic attraction,
repulsion interaction, hydrogen-bonding, etc., the bases (cytosine, thymine, 2-aminopyrimidine and 6-chloroguanine), phenols (m-aminophenol, resorcinol and m-nitrophenol) and three pharmaceuticals (moroxydine hydrochloride, acyclovir and cephalexin hydrate) were separated successfully with only pure water as the mobile phase.
鉴于利比里亚边境理疏松, 而马诺河联盟存 在安全和政治挑战,支持政府组建一个有效、专业 的移民服务机构是当务之急。
Given the porosity of Liberia’s borders and the security and political challenges in the Mano River Union, supporting the Government to form an effective and professional immigration service is a high priority.
客戶應就根據本營運條款的條文由任何人作出或提起的在本公司責任範圍以外 的所有索償、費用和要求,維護、補償本公司並使本公司免受傷害,而上述補 償應包括因本公司的理或分包商疏 忽 、 犯錯或故意失責或因本公司或其僱員 犯錯或疏忽而引起的所有索償、費用和要求。
The Customer shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Company from and against all claims, costs and demands whatsoever and by whomsoever made or preferred in excess of the liability of the Company under the terms of these Conditions, and such indemnity shall include all claims, costs and demands arising from the negligence, mistake or wilful default of the Company’s agent or subcontractor or from the mistake or negligence of the Company or its employee.
儘管本營運條款有任何其他相反的條文,但在遵守第 2.3 和 2.5 條規定的前提 下,本公司對於與以下有關的任何索償無須負責: a. 任何延誤、貨物不能裝船或裝船後因過重而卸貨、貨物之離開或到達時 間;或 b. 任何特別、附帶、間接、相應或經濟的損失(包括但不限於市場、利潤、
稅項、退稅、收入、業務或商譽的損失);或 c.
[...] 因火災、洪水、風暴、颱風、爆炸、港口或機場擁塞、繞航、罷工、閉 廠、停工或限制勞工而引起的任何損失、損害、開支或費用, 即使上述事件因本公司、其僱員、 理 或 分包 商 疏 忽 或犯錯或本公司的 理或 分包商故意失責亦然。
Notwithstanding any other terms in these Conditions to the contrary but subject to Clauses 2.3 and 2.5, the Company shall not be liable for any claim relating to: a. any delay, goods shut out or off loaded, goods’ departure or arrival time; or b. any special, incidental, indirect, consequential or economic loss (including but not
limited to loss of
[...] market, profit, tax, tax return, revenue, business or goodwill); or c. any loss, damage, [...]
expense or cost arising
from fire, flood, storm, typhoon
這些高光譜數據 能協助氣象學家提供更佳的天氣預報、更準確的惡劣天氣和不穩定大氣預測;並提高對 風暴位置及動向的追蹤,分析颶風和颱風強度,讓民眾提 疏 散 , 加強對性命和財產的保 護。
This hyperspectral data will enable meteorologists to provide better daily forecasts, predict severe weather and atmospheric instability more accurately, and improve location and storm tracking and analysis of the intensity of hurricanes and typhoons, resulting in earlier evacuations that can improve the preservation of lives and property.




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