

单词 疏勒国

See also:

present a memorial to the Emperor
clear away obstruction
surname Shu
distant (relation)
not close


thin adj
sparse adj

rein in
(literary) command
(literary) bridle
strap tightly
lux (unit of illumination)

External sources (not reviewed)

上周,占国命令疏散 27 个家庭,将数十个勒斯坦 家庭驱逐出他 们在东耶路撒冷中心谢赫贾拉社区的家园。
In the past week,
[...] the occupying Power ordered the eviction of dozens of Palestinian families from [...]
their homes in the Sheikh
Jarrah neighbourhood in the centre of East Jerusalem by ordering the evacuation of 27 homes there.
当时阿拉伯世界没有作出任何努力来创建勒 斯坦国,而且设疏远以色列,当时在西岸或者在加 沙都还没有任何一个定居点。
The Arab world did not lift a finger
[...] to create a Palestinian State, and it sought Israel’s alienation when not a single [...]
settlement stood
anywhere in the West Bank or Gaza.
共计 64 名平民伤亡人员经陆路和空运疏散 到 马拉 勒 医 院 ,联苏特派 团用直升机运送了 23 名伤亡人员。
A total of 64 civilian
[...] casualties were evacuated by road and air to Malakal hospital, [...]
with UNMIS transporting 23 of the casualties by helicopter.
在绝大多数情形下,拆除房屋是因为没有许可证,或是在对居住在“军事禁 区”内的勒斯坦人进疏散时 进行的。
In the vast majority of cases houses, are demolished owing to a lack of permits or
[...] during evacuations of Palestinians living in “closed [...]
military areas”.
世界卫生组织的骨疏松症国际诊 断标准是腰椎、股骨颈、或全髋、前臂1/3处的T值等于或小于-2.5。
Based on the measurement by a bone densitometer of lumbar
vertebrae, hip and 1/3 of the forearm, the
[...] World Health Organization's international [...]
diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis is
a T score of less than or equal to -2.5.
安全理事会将通过的关于停止对加沙的侵略和 战争的决议必须重申,必须在真正和有效的国际监 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立以圣城为首都的独立勒斯坦国 , 根 据 1948 年大会第 194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure
that an independent
[...] Palestinian State will be created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and agreed solution will be found to the issue [...]
of Palestinian refugees
in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
因此,在强迫失踪发生在文书生效之前,或者在具体国家接受主管机 构管辖之前的情况下,失踪事件在生效或接受管辖之后继续发生的这一事 实,使机构具备在相关法律文书生效或接受管辖之后,将强迫失踪行为作 为整体,而不只是对归咎国家的 行为 疏 忽 进 行审议的主管权和管辖 权。
Thus, when an enforced disappearance began before the entry into force of an instrument or before the specific State accepted the jurisdiction of the competent body, the fact that the disappearance continues after the entry into force or the acceptance of the jurisdiction gives the institution the competence and jurisdiction to consider the act of enforced disappearance
as a whole, and not
[...] only acts or omissions imputable to the State that followed the entry into force of the relevant legal instrument or the acceptance [...]
of the jurisdiction.
[...] 旨在明确不同安全官员的职责,实施各种有关程序,以确保紧急情况下(自然灾 害、冲突等)或者安全局势恶化情况下工作人员的安全,在这类情况下可能需要 将所有工作人员从某个地区或者整 国 家 迁出 / 疏 散。
The aim of the plans is to outline the duties of various security officials and implement procedures to ensure staff safety in emergencies (natural disaster, conflict, etc.) or in a deteriorating security
situation, which may require the
[...] relocation or evacuation of all staff members from a state, a region or the entire country.
其他专业人员出席了南亚、英语 和法语非洲和拉丁美洲及讲英语 勒国 家 的 网络会议。
Other professional staff had attended network
meetings of South Asia, joint English and French-speaking Africa, and Latin America
[...] and the English-speaking Caribbean.
随后,比利时、巴西、保加利亚、塞浦路斯、埃及、爱沙尼亚、国、希腊、危地马拉、冰岛、以色列、马尔代夫、马耳他、荷兰、 勒 斯 坦 、塞 内加尔、塞尔维亚和斯洛文尼亚加入为提 国。
Subsequently, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, Estonia, France, Greece, Guatemala, Iceland, Israel, Maldives, Malta, the Netherlands, Palestine, Senegal, Serbia and Slovenia joined the sponsors.
人口基金的代表指出,第六次亚洲及太平洋大会,将为亚 国 家 勾勒 《国际人 口与发展会议行动纲领》2014 年以后工作的未来,并确保将人口动 态全面纳入 2015 年后的发展议程,提供了一个重要机会。
The representative of UNFPA indicated that the sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference would be an important opportunity for Asian and Pacific countries to shape the future of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development beyond 2014 and to ensure that population dynamics were fully integrated into the post-2015 development agenda.
至于报告中有关建立某种框架机制,以帮助萨勒国家处理安全问题的想法,必须在适当尊重该区域 [...]
With respect to the report’s idea
of establishing some type of framework
[...] mechanism to help Sahel countries deal [...]
with security problems, decisions in that
regard must be taken by the States of the region themselves, with due respect for their sovereignty.
阿联酋代表团要国际社 会,作为紧急事项, 采取 A/64/339 号文件所载报告的结论和建议中指示 的一切措施,包括如果以色列未能完全遵守所有联国决议 ,即对以色列实施制裁;要求以色列允许 特别委员会成员进入被占领土,以履行其使命;并 要求以色列政府对其给勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙 利亚戈兰人民造成的损失给予适当补偿。
His delegation requested the international community, as a matter of urgency: to take all the measures indicated in the conclusions and recommendations of the report contained in document A/64/339, including the imposition of sanctions on Israel if it failed to comply fully with all United Nations resolutions; to request Israel to allow the members of the Special Committee to enter the occupied territories in order to fulfil its mandate; and to require the Israeli Government to pay appropriate compensation for the damage it had inflicted on the Palestinians and [...]
the population of the occupied Syrian Golan.
加强对口部委与 中央协调部委之间的协调,就能更清楚地阐述 国 的 优 先事项 疏 通 与联 合 国 各 组 织的交流 渠道,加强国家的全面领导作用。
Better coordination between line ministries and central coordinating ministries could improve articulation of national priorities, enhance communication channels with United Nations organizations and strengthen overall national leadership.
这项研究为国绝经后骨疏松症 患者应用rhPTH(1-34)提供了有力的依据,也为骨质疏松症治疗尤其是促骨形成药物的应用开辟了新途径。
The results of the present study indicate that rhPTH (1-34) is an effective, safe agent in treating Chinese postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.
目前咨询委 员会成员如下:澳大利亚、比利时、加拿大、丹麦、埃及、芬兰、法国、德国、
[...] 典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、土耳其、联合 国 和 美 国 ; 邀请 巴 勒 斯 坦 作为 观察员出席并全面参与咨询委员会会议;邀请欧洲共同体出席咨询委员会的会 [...]
The membership of the Advisory Commission is currently as follows: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab
Republic, Turkey, United
[...] Kingdom and United States; to invite Palestine to attend and [...]
fully participate in its meetings
as an observer; to invite the European Community to attend its meetings; and to invite the League of Arab States to attend its meetings as an observer.
第四届骨质疏松症会议将于2013年12月12-15日在香港举行, 国 际 骨 质 疏 松 症 基金会 (IOF) 和香港骨质疏松基金会 (HKOF)、香港骨质疏松学会 [...]
(OSHK) 联合组织。
The 4th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting, organized by the International [...]
Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) in cooperation with
the Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation and the Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong, will take place on December 12-15, 2013 in Hong Kong.
为了增加已在执行的倡议的价值,秘书长特别代 表在同非洲的有关区域组织,特别是西非经共体,以
[...] 及其他国际伙伴的密切合作下,可以帮助鼓励萨勒 国家在 打击恐怖主义和有组织犯罪的斗争中的区域 [...]
In order to create added value to initiatives already under way, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General could
contribute to encouraging regional
[...] cooperation among the Sahel countries in the [...]
fight against terrorism and organized crime,
in close coordination with concerned African regional organizations, especially ECOWAS, and other international partners.
由移徙组织和难民署率领的人道主义联合行动在许 国 家 的 支持下 疏散 了 近156,566 名滞留在突尼斯和埃及边界营地的移民。
A joint humanitarian operation, spearheaded by IOM and
UNHCR with the support of a large
[...] number of countries, has evacuated around 156,566 migrants [...]
stranded at border camps in Tunisia and Egypt.
菲律宾认 为,这种封锁的持续存在最终只会使无辜的 勒 斯坦 人遭疏远、受到惩罚。
The Philippines believes that the continued existence of this blockade only
[...] succeeds in alienating and punishing the innocent Palestinians.
粮食署和粮农组 织向埃塞俄比亚、危地马拉,海地、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、莫桑比克、苏丹
[...] 南方和津巴布韦共和国联合派出了作物和粮食供应评估团,并与萨 勒国 家 间 抗 旱常设委员会合作,向布基纳法索、乍得、科特迪瓦、冈比亚、几内亚、利比里 [...]
亚、马里、毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔、塞内加尔和塞拉利昂等西非国家派出了这类评 估团。
WFP and FAO jointly carried out crop and food supply assessment missions in Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mozambique, Southern Sudan and Zimbabwe, and collaborated with the
Permanent Inter-State Committee on Drought
[...] Control in the Sahel to conduct such [...]
missions in several West African countries,
including Burkina Faso, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, the Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
Graduated from Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains, Lille, France in 2009.
目前ARO的总部位于国勒芒附 近,在美国和中国 生产最先进的焊接设备,通过在比利时、德国、墨 [...]
西哥、西班牙、瑞典、斯洛伐克和英国的子公司网 络,为其在全球汽车行业的客户提供服务。
Headquartered near Le Mans, France, today, ARO produces [...]
state-of-the-art welding equipment in the US and China, serving
its global automotive clients via a network of subsidiaries in Belgium, Germany, Mexico, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia and the UK.
计划为西非和萨勒国家举办一次类 似会议。
A similar meeting is
[...] planned for the countries of West Africa and the Sahel.
南高加索地区过去二十年的经验表明,拒绝区域 经济合作和闭关锁国不会带来政治解决;相反,只疏远周边国家人民,摧毁他们的信任和对持久和平的 希望。
The experience of the past two decades in the South Caucasus shows that the rejection of regional economic cooperation and the imposition of closed borders and blockades do not create political solutions; to the contrary, they alienate peoples in the surrounding region and destroy their trust and hope for lasting peace.
尼加拉瓜确认——而且我们能够再次保证:国疏浚圣胡安河是行使我们对该水道的主权权利,也 [...]
是为了确保根据作为我国赋予公民权力模式的特点 的可持续发展概念实现进步和繁荣。
Nicaragua affirms — and we can certify this once
[...] again — that we dredged the San Juan River [...]
in exercise of our sovereign rights over
that waterway and to ensure progress and prosperity based on a concept of sustainable development that characterizes our model of citizen empowerment.
教科文组织完全有条件协助决策者了解 疏 导 国 家 法律与互联网的跨境性质之间的冲 突,特别是在缺乏国际法规的情形下。
UNESCO is well-placed to assist policy-makers in understanding and navigating the collisions of national laws and the transborder nature of the Internet, especially in the absence of international regulations.
(c) 信息技术(2 644 500 美元)出现差异的原因有多个,包括信息和通信技 术厅没有执行系统开发方面的规划活动;目前为外勤支助部提供信息和通信技术 业务支助的订约承办事务人员出现空缺;管理事务部 疏 忽将 2010/11 财政期间 的技术费用计入 2011/12 财政期间;由于内部监督事务厅的新案例管理系统在测 试阶段发现了缺陷,没有采购该系统的软件。
(c) Information technology ($2,644,500), owing to a number of factors, including non-implementation of planned activities for system development by the Office of Information and Communications Technology, vacancies with respect to contractual services personnel associated with ongoing information and communications technology operational support in the Department of Field Support, inadvertent recording of technology charges for the period 2010/11 in the financial period 2011/12 in the Department of Management and non-procurement of software for the new case management system in the Office of Internal Oversight Services owing to deficiencies detected in the testing phase.
我们 对 4 月 12 日停火生效以来暴力事件继续发生深表关
[...] 切,我们对有报告称政府军向和平的抗议者开枪,迫 使联国观察员疏散到 安全地带感到不安。
We are gravely concerned by the fact that violent incidents have continued since the ceasefire took effect, on 12 April, and we are
disturbed by reports of Government forces firing on peaceful protesters, forcing
[...] United Nations observers to evacuate to safety.
该处有针对性地提供援助,支持加强反恐相关刑事事项的国际合作,包括 通过:(a)12 月 12 日至 14 日在新德里举办一次分区域讲习班,南亚会员国的代 表参加了讲习班;(b)7 月 11 日至 13 日毒品和犯罪问题办公室与欧洲安全与合作
组织(欧安组织)在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图为中亚各国、阿富汗、伊朗伊斯兰共 和国和巴基斯坦举办一次分区域讲习班;(c)2 月 15 日至
[...] 17 日在阿尔及尔为北非 和萨勒国家举 行一次分区域讲习班;(d)2 [...]
月 13 日至 15 日在利雅得与纳伊夫阿 拉伯安全科学大学共同举办一次分区域讲习班。
The Branch provided focused assistance to strengthen international cooperation in criminal matters related to counter-terrorism, including through (a) a regional workshop, organized in New Delhi from 12 to 14 December and attended by representatives of South Asian Member States; (b) a UNODC-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) regional workshop held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from 11 to 13 July for Central Asian countries, Afghanistan, Iran (Islamic Republic of) and
Pakistan; (c) a subregional workshop for
[...] North African and Sahelian countries, held [...]
in Algiers from 15 to 17 February; and
(d) a subregional workshop co-organized with the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, held in Riyadh from 13 to 15 February.




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