

单词 略者




侵略者 n

aggressor n
invader n

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

半个世纪后,1949 年的《日内瓦四公约》及其《附
[...] 加议定书》成为国际人道主义法的核心支柱,但尚未 获得军阀和其他略者的严格遵守。
Half a century later, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, which act as
the central pillar of international humanitarian law, have not enjoyed strict observance
[...] by warlords and other aggressors.
這 些 事 情 皆 顯 示 經 過 社 會 轉 變 及 改 革 失 敗 的 雙 重 挫 折 後,幕 府 已 衰 弱
[...] 得 不 能 領 導 日 本 驅 趕略 者 。
All of this showed that the Shogunate, after repeated
frustration in the change of society and the failure of reform, became too weak to head the Japanese to
[...] fight against the invader.
大会必须立即采取行 动,促进正义,以免受到实行双重标准和支持略 者的指控。
Immediate action by the General
Assembly was needed in order to promote justice and avoid accusations of double
[...] standards and support for the aggressor.
此后不久,维京人到达和Cellach的锁定他的侄子和艾丹的写字间作为他的计划,以保护每个人都从分崩离析的 略者。
Shortly thereafter, the Vikings arrive
and Cellach locks his nephew and Aidan in the scriptorium as his plan to protect
[...] everyone from the invaders falls apart.
该条草案规定,凡声称有权终止、中 止或退出条约的国家如果被安全理事会定为 略者 , 并且如果这类终止、中止或 退出可能使侵略国受益,则禁止这样做,并且可由安全理事会本身、或者事后由 一个仲裁法庭或国际法官予以确认。
The draft article prohibited a State claiming the right to terminate, suspend or withdraw from treaties from doing so if it was qualified as an aggressor by the Security Council, and where such termination, suspension or withdrawal would be to the aggressor State’s benefit, and this could be ascertained by the Security Council itself, or ex post by an arbitration court or international judge.
阿塞拜疆共和国政府强烈抗议亚美尼亚方面的挑衅行为和言论,认为 略者 的无 礼行为显然表明,其罪行仍然没有受到惩罚,并认为亚美尼亚领导人发表放 [...]
肆言论只有一个目的,即给当前的冲突解决进程抹黑,误导国际社会,并转移本 国公众对该国日益严重的内部问题的注意力。
The Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly protests against
provocative actions and statements of the Armenian
[...] side, finds the aggressor’s insolent [...]
behaviour as obvious manifestation of impunity
for its crimes and considers the defiant rhetoric of the Armenian leadership as having the sole purpose of discrediting the ongoing conflict settlement process, misleading the international community and drawing its own public’s attention away from the country’s aggravating internal problems.
特别是决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.12 序言部分第九段和决 议草案 A/C.4/65/L.15 序言部分第二十段,其表述方 式给人造成的印象是,略者与受 害者之间权利平 等,从而给以色列占领当局发出一种错误的政治信 息,并且会鼓励他们继续在阿拉伯被占领土实施侵略 和不人道行为。
In particular, the ninth preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.12 and the twentieth preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.15 were worded in such a way as to give the impression that there was equality of arms between the aggressor and the victim, thus sending the wrong political message to the Israeli occupation authorities and encouraging them to continue with their aggression and inhuman practices in the occupied Arab territories.
同 时,我们依照《联合国宪章》,保留必要的自卫权利;如果我们最坏的担心得到 证实,略者将再次遭到应有的击退。
In the meantime we reserve the right, as necessary, of self-defence in accordance with the
Charter of the United Nations and, if our worst fears are
[...] confirmed, the aggressor will once again [...]
be repulsed as he deserves.
普瓦捷一直在法国历史上有几个重要的战役发生在732的法兰克军队和阿拉伯 略者 之 间 的决战。
Poitiers has been important in French history
where several important battles took place including the decisive battle between
[...] Frankish forces and Arab invaders in 732.
如果侵略国无视其所担负的以和平手段解决国 际争端的义务,非法以武力取得对另一国领土的控
[...] 制,那么坚持适用和平解决争端的原则必然正中略 者下怀,往往导致其顽固坚持对领土的控制,使人们 [...]
更加认为军事实力在国际关系中居于主导地位,并助 长有罪不罚现象,而非推动伸张正义。
In circumstances where the aggressor State has neglected its obligation to settle the international dispute by peaceful means and thereafter has illegally used force to acquire control over the territory of another State, insistence on the application of the principle of peaceful
settlement of disputes will inevitably play into the
[...] hands of an aggressor, tend to entrench [...]
positions of control, reinforce perceptions
of the centrality of military strength in international relations, and encourage impunity rather than contribute to the triumph of justice.
略者已经 引发了巨大的社会、经济和生态 危害,但结果却是波多黎各人欠下大陆数十亿美元。
The invader had caused enormous [...]
social, economic and ecologic harm but it was Puerto Ricans who owed the mainland billions of dollars.
中國人是一個寬 容的民族
[...] , 儘管可以寬 恕 日本略 者 的 罪 行 , 卻 永 不 會 忘 [...]
記那段苦 難 的 歲 月 ! 為了中國與 日本的 和平共存,希望有 良 知 的 日本人 推 動 日本政 府 正 視 侵 華 罪 行 , 向 中國人民正式道
歉 , 並 負 上應有的道義 和 法律 責 任,以及停 止 一 切 有 利 軍 國主義 復 辟 的 活 動 。
While we can forgive the crimes of
[...] the Japanese invaders, our memory of [...]
those traumatic days will never fade! In order for
China and Japan to co-exist in peace, I hope that those Japanese with conscience will make the Japanese Government face up squarely to its crime of invading China, offer a formal apology to the Chinese people, take up all its moral and legal responsibilities, and stop all activities that facilitate the revival of militarism.
结束后,小男孩说的是实话,略者 , 谁 是乔装成男孩的父母,角侦探男孩。
After concluding the boy is telling
[...] the truth, the invaders, who were posing [...]
as the boy’s parents, corner the Detective Boys.
模拟账户只可以与ZuluTrade策略者账户 连接,用来发送信号到ZuluTrade跟单账户。
They may only be linked with ZuluTrade Signal Provider accounts in order to generate and
[...] send signals to ZuluTrade Followers.
两个文本之间的显著区别在于,1985 年决议第 7 条明确规定,在以后的阶 段,安全理事会根据《宪章》第 51 条行使职权过程中可能会得出结论,认定实 际上遭到侵略的国家是略者,并 且该国将承受关于所中止文书的境况以及关于 可能产生的责任问题的这样一种认定意见的后果。
The main difference between the two provisions is that article 7 of the Institute’s 1985 resolution states that, at a later stage, the Security Council may, in the exercise of its powers under Article 51 of the Charter, come to the conclusion that the attacked State is in fact the aggressor, and that the fate of the suspended instrument and questions of responsibility that may arise are subject to any consequences of such a determination.
它通常被称为法国的托斯卡纳Bastides酒店(围村),以保护该地区从 略者 的 组 成部分的。
It is often referred to as France’s Tuscany forming part of the bastides (fortified villages) that used to
[...] protect the region from invaders.
當然,南京大屠殺最不同的地 方,是一個軍國主義略者屠殺 我國被侵略的人民,但六四屠殺卻是我 國人民的軍隊屠殺自己的人民,這是更令我們感到悲哀和痛心的。
Of course, the greatest difference lies in the fact that the Nanjing
Massacre was committed by
[...] militarist invaders and our countrymen were the victims of such an invasion, [...]
whereas the massacre
on 4 June was an incident in which the people's troops of our own country killed our own people ― this is a point we find most miserable and heartbreaking.
1895年中国被日本击败,而这个略者 原 本 只是一个被中国人蔑称为“倭”的小国。
In 1895, China was defeated by
[...] Japan, a tiny aggressor whom the Chinese [...]
dismissively called wa (the dwarf).
AAAFx模拟账户无法与ZuluTrade平台连接并接收来自ZuluTra de 策 略者 的 交 易信号。
AAAFx Demo MT4 accounts cannot be linked with ZuluTrade to receive signals from ZuluTrade Signal Providers.
He hurried up to the king and said:"Your Majesty, those who urge you to sue for peace by ceding territory don't think about the interests of the country at all.
a. 奧 地 利 既 已 被 孤 立 ﹐ 俾 斯 麥 便 利 用 什 列 斯 威 ‧ 好 斯 敦 問 題 激 使 奧 地 利 發 動 戰 爭 ﹕ 這 是 他
[...] 政 策 背 後 的 原 則 ﹐ 迫 使 其 敵 人 成 為略 者。
Schleswig-Holstein Question: i. With Austria isolated, Bismarck provoked Austria into war - for it
was a principle of his policy to make
[...] his opponents the aggressors - by making [...]
use of Austrian policy in Schleswig-Holstein.
在老挝历史上的这些痛苦岁月,老挝各族人民受到外国 略者 的 剥 削,丧 失了国家的独立和做国家主人的权利。
During those bitter periods of Laos’ history, the
Lao people of all ethnic groups were
[...] exploited by foreign invaders, lost national [...]
independence and the right to be masters of the country.
朝鲜战争后,中国对联合国 的不信任与日俱增,原因在于中美在朝鲜战争中
[...] 直接交锋,而联大通过了一项决议,将中国冠名 为“略者”。
It harboured a special distrust of the UN ever since the 1951 Korean War, where there were
direct clashes between Chinese and UN forces, and the General Assembly adopted a resolution
[...] branding China an “aggressor”.
但是,如果阿扎瓦德民族解放运动和其他有关 略者 依 然 无视西非经共体的 和平姿态,首脑机构打算根据《宪章》第七和第八章的授权,采取包括使用武力 [...]
However, should the National Movement for
the Liberation of Azawad and
[...] the other concerned perpetrators of the aggression continue to [...]
ignore the peaceful overtures
of ECOWAS, the Authority intends to take all necessary measures, including the use of force, to defend the unity and territorial integrity of Mali, under the mandate of Chapters VII and VIII of the Charter.
同时也要避免略者的有 罪不罚问题以及主要 角色之间出现不平衡,而如果略者 在 表明《宪章》第 2 条第 4 款规定的禁止使 用武力与本身没有多大关系之后,同时能够要求严格执行现有法律,并因此全部 或部分剥夺遭到侵略的国家的自卫权,则这种不平衡必然会出现。
At the same time, the draft article aims to prevent impunity for the aggressor and any imbalance between the two sides, which would undoubtedly emerge if the aggressor, having disregarded the prohibition on the use of force set out in Article 2, paragraph 4, of the Charter, were able at the same time to require the strict application of the existing law and thus deprive the attacked State, in whole or in part, of its right to defend itself.
( 即受虐待儿童、性犯罪、儿童受忽视以及家庭暴力等受害人)。 此外,对于保护暴力受害人( 儿童、逃出家庭者、青少年、妇女、老年人、受略者、残疾人等 ) 没有任何设施或临时住所。
Moreover, there is no facility to temporarily shelter and protect victims of violence (children, runaways, youth, women, elderly, neglected, disabled, etc.).
不過,就有9%當初贊成建議而在撤銷建議後減少對特首信心,另外12%當初反對建議但在特首撤銷建議後又減少對其信心,導致整體上減少信 者略 為 高於增加信心者。
However, 9% said they supported the proposal before, but lost confidence after CE shelved it, another 12% opposed the proposal before, but when CE shelved it, they lost their confidence in the CE.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续 管理减少生物多样性的损失、可再生能源、国家科学与技术 略 的 制 定、促进地方和本地知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss through sustainable management of resources, renewable
energies, the
[...] formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous knowledge systems as well as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.




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