

单词 界别


跨界别 adj


External sources (not reviewed)

食 物及卫生局、医管局和卫生署定期参与国际会议和到外国访问,以了解医 界别 的最新发展。
FHB, HA and DH regularly participate in
international conferences and visits to overseas countries to keep abreast of the latest
[...] development in the health care sector.
界别无选 择,只能继续探索新的融资来源、创新型私营部门对私营部 [...]
The development community has little [...]
choice but to continue to explore new sources of financing, innovative private-to-private
sector solutions and public-private partnerships in order to mobilize additional international financing.
正如我们在第一份报告第 II部第459(b)和461 段所述,功界别代表 了重要和对香港有贡献的经济、社会 和专界别。
As explained in paragraphs 459(b) and 461 of part II of the initial report,
these constituencies
[...] represent economic, social, and professional sectors that are substantial and important to Hong Kong.
详列预算项目、收入和支出的年度财务报告应该参照联合国的规章条例通 过网站向网治论坛有界别提供
Annual financial reports detailing budget items, income and expenditure should be made available to the IGF community via the website, taking into account United Nations rules and regulations.
27.24 2009 年,康复咨询委员会积极联络不 界别 , 包 括18 区区议会、商界和 社福界,向他们推介残疾人士的工作能力,以及各政府部门与康复机构提供的残 疾人士就业支援服务,争取各界支持,建立三方伙伴关系。
27.24 In 2009, the RAC reached out to
[...] different sectors, including the 18 District Councils, the business sector and the welfare [...]
sector, to promote
the working capabilities of persons with disabilities and the employment support services for persons with disabilities provided by Government departments and rehabilitation organisations, and to solicit support for tripartite partnership.
HKIRC 邀请不界别的专 业人仕提供意见,以提供更佳的服务予本地互联网使用者。
[...] from different professions are invited [...]
to provide advices and suggestions to HKIRC in order to ensure better service
provided to the local Internet community.
斯里兰卡看到界别的地 区所取得的成果,希望能够采纳与自己 的社会、司法和文化遗产相符合的国家规范,继续 秉承积极参与的政策,与其他会员国、人权组织和 机构以及国际社会进行合作。
As it redeveloped a set of national human rights standards in keeping with its social, legal and cultural heritage, it was also aware of advances in other parts of the world, and was committed to its policy of constructive engagement and cooperation with other Member States and with United Nations human rights bodies and the international community.
香港环保卓越计划颁奖礼」已于2011年4月8日举行,并由香港特别行政区首长曾荫权颁发奖项予 界别 卓 越 奖」各 界别 的 金 奖得主。
The Chief Executive, Mr. Donald Tsang, presented the award to Gold winners of different sectors on April 8, 2011.
有意见认为应取消功界别议席 ,亦有意 见认为可扩阔功界别选民 基础,例如以“一人两票”的形式,登记选民可在地 方选区选举投一票、在功界别选举 投另一票。
There are also views that the
[...] electorate base of the FCs should be broadened, for example, by adopting the “one-person-two-votes” model, i.e. registered electors can cast one vote in the GC election, and the other in the FC election.
在进行本研究时,三方政府成立了专家小组,邀请了三地 的学者及不界别的人 士就宜居湾区的课题及相关事务提供 专业意见。
In the course of the Study, the three Governments have
established an Expert Panel, comprising
[...] academics and different sectors of the community [...]
of the three places to provide expert views
on the issue of “Livable Region” and the related subjects.
这盘初始化功界别和跟 踪处理领域开展的防御实体隶属固定磁盘驱动适配器.
This function
[...] initialize disk sector and track address [...]
fields on a drive attached to the ESDI Fixed Disk Drive Adapter.
但是,當局卻說不行,不可以與該條例作比較,不可以那樣做,而最 終只建議作出一項修正案,稍後要修正的第
[...] 7 條,就是略為提及成員來自界别,其 實那不過是總比沒有提及為好而已。
They said that this could not be done and finally, they only proposed an
amendment to clause 7, which will be moved later on, to
[...] briefly mention the sectors from which these [...]
members would come.
虽然白银本年的需求合共上升4巴仙, 银器
[...] (减少8巴仙)以及照相业(减少10巴仙), 此界 别的需求将会持续下跌。
Even if total demand this year is anticipated to increase by 4
percent, silverware (minus 8 percent) and the photo-industry
[...] (minus 10 percent) sectors are expected [...]
to undergo a setback.
我們於 2008 年 12 月 19 日向議員匯報(立法會文件第
[...] CB(1)396/08-09(05)號)當局計劃與可持續發展委員會(委員 會)合作,展開名為「優化建築設計 締造可持續建築環境」 的社會參與過程,以讓社會不界别 進 行 深入討論,從而尋求 可取方案,締造優質及可持續發展的建築環境。
We briefed Members on 19 December 2008 (vide LC paper no. CB(1)396/08-09(05)) that the Administration was planning to collaborate with the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) to conduct a public engagement process, entitled “Building Design to Foster a Quality and Sustainable
Built Environment” to
[...] engage various sectors of the community in in-depth discussions with a view to identifying the [...]
preferred options to foster
a quality and sustainable built environment.
除了就具体项目与公司或基金会建立双边伙伴关系外,联合国系统还努力创 建更广泛的创新合作平台,以便与不 界别 的 机 构开展合作。
In addition to bilateral partnerships on specific projects with individual companies or foundations,
the United Nations system endeavours to develop broader innovative partnership
[...] platforms with different constituencies.
利奥参与了2010年度的「香港环保卓越计划」当中的 界别 卓 越 奖 (制造业)」,并以在环保理念、文化、管理等优秀表现,赢得 界别 卓 越奖 (制造业) 金奖」。
Leo participated in the "Sectoral Awards" program of HKAEE and won the Gold Award for outstanding environmental performance in philosophy, culture and management.
会计行业今年首次入围评界别,该奖 项表彰了德勤2009年在港实务取得的卓越环保绩效。
This is the first time that
[...] the Accounting sector has been included [...]
specifically in the category.  The award recognizes
the 2009 environmental management performance of our Hong Kong operations.
He also works with artists of other disciplines, choreographers and film directors, and interprets his own works as a soloist.
澳门旅游局是澳门特区的官方实体,负责执行旅游政策,鼓励提升业界服务质素,保存现有的旅游资源以及发展新的旅游产品,为旅 界别 , 组 织相关推广活动,并在海外巿场进行宣传。
MGTO is the official tourism body of the MSAR, with the responsibilities of implementing the tourism policies of MSAR, encouraging improvements in service quality among industry operators, preserving existing tourism resources and developing new
tourism products in a
[...] sustainable manner, organizing activities relevant to the tourism sector, and promoting [...]
tourism to the MSAR in overseas markets.
澳门特区政府旅游局每年接待不 界别 的 考 察团,如:传媒、旅游业界、学者及意见领袖等;去年,共邀请近五千名来自世界各地的人士来澳考察,进一步提升澳门在国际间的知名度。
Macau Government Tourist Office (MGTO) supports many familiarization visits from opinion makers, including journalists, travel trade operators, scholars and other areas of activity, as a way to promote Macau to the world.
该项规定别界定了 发放补助金的条件,可报销开支的性质,以及某些条件下 可负担的附加费用。
This provision
[...] stipulates, in particular, the conditions [...]
for the granting of the allowance, the nature of the reimbursable
expenditure and ancillary expenditure admissible in certain circumstances.
例如,第 iii)条中涉及到的公约与建议委员会的主管领域,并没有 别界 定 该 委员 会可以审议何种侵犯人权案件。
For instance, subparagraph (iii), relating to the CR Committee’s competence rationae materiae, does not identify exactly which human rights violations may be examined by the Committee.
信息披露并不局限于政府直接监管 和经济激励手段锁定的目标,它不受州或 别界 限 的 影响。
They generally seek to influence activities beyond those that are the targets of government rules,
taxes, and subsidies and they create the potential for impacts that are not
[...] circumscribed by state or national boundaries.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会 界 首 脑 会议 的精神,别在知 识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
会后,安理会成员向新界发表 谈话, 别 重 申,须本着包容与和解的精神, 透明和及时地落实海湾合作委员会倡议及实施机制;敦促也门所有当事方拒绝暴 力,施行克制以免挑衅,与军事委员会合作,全面落实实施机制和第 2014(2011) 号决议;再次强调须对所有侵犯人权和实施暴行的责任方追究责任。
[...] the meeting the members of the Council issued a statement to the press in which the Council, inter alia, reiterated that [...]
the Gulf Cooperation
Council initiative and implementation mechanism must be fulfilled in a transparent and timely manner, and in a spirit of inclusion and reconciliation; urged all the parties in Yemen to reject violence, refrain from provocations, and cooperate with the Military Affairs Committee to fully implement the implementation mechanism and resolution 2014 (2011); and reiterated that all those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, including acts of violence, must be held accountable.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,别是根 据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯 界 的 需 求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和教师培训;提高教师地位;制定标 [...]
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance
in curricula review and
[...] revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance [...]
with national
priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
展望未来,中非经共体在这个领域努力的重点将 是:敲定一项法律文书并由成员国予以通过;促进各
[...] 国的国家小武器和轻武器问题委员会积极参与;执行 边境方案,别是在跨界安全 领域;建立和执行警务 合作机制,以便解决六个无法治地区的问题;通过与 [...]
调,使《几内亚湾安全战略》付诸实施;执行安全部 门改革政策,以便确保各国的军备可以被追查;提供 各种形式的支持,以确保解除武装、复员和重返社会 进程取得成功,到 2015 年达到约 90%的比率;以及在 信息、提高意识和社会网络方面加强民间社会组织。
Looking to the future, the community’s efforts in this area will be focused on finalizing the legal instrument and its adoption by member States; boosting the active participation of national commissions on small arms and
light weapons; implementing the
[...] border programme, especially in the area of cross-border security; drawing [...]
up and implementing
a police cooperation mechanism to address the issue of the six lawless zones; operationalizing the Gulf of Guinea securitization strategy in coordination with the Economic Community of West African States and, of course, with our international partners; implementing the policy of security sector reform in order to ensure that State armaments are traceable; providing support of all types to ensure the success of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes at rates of around 90 per cent by 2015; and strengthening civil society organizations with regard to information, awareness-raising and social networking.
有线电视与卫星广播委员会是根据第 5742-1982 号《电信法》成立的一个 公共机构,2008 年,该机构就别界定的 儿童频道“黄金时段”做出明确规定, 以确保在听力有障碍儿童的收视时段必须配有相应字幕。
In 2008, the Council for Cable TV and Satellite Broadcasting, a public body established under the Telecommunications Law 5742-1982, decided on a separate definition of “prime-time” for children’s channels, so that the requirement for subtitles will coincide with the relevant viewing hours for children with hearing impairments.
[...] 定义包括网上解决管理人和网上解决平台提供商的作用,可能需要 别界 定这 些作用(A/CN.9/739,第 40 [...]
The Working Group may wish to note that at its twenty-fourth session the concern had been expressed that the definition of the term “ODR provider” encompassed the roles of ODR
administrator and ODR platform provider, and that these roles
[...] might need to be defined separately (A/CN.9/739, [...]
para. 40).
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,秘书长已在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的别政治 任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report
a projection of the
[...] total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions [...]
in the proposed programme
budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).




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