









External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 如第 8 段 所述,在五 隧一桥 交 易 的规定 下,有关的「隧道费 上 调 」可能会令政府向债券持有 人作出直接付款。
(d) As mentioned in paragraph 8, under the Hong Kong Link transaction, such “upward toll adjustment” may cause the Government to make Direct Payment to the bondholders.
此外,也需要核验这项港口工程会否 与港珠澳大桥工程互相影响。
Furthermore, the possible interaction between the Port and the HZMB project would need to be examined.
(6) 兴建及维修或有助於或促使兴建或维修道路、电車轨道、堤岸、桥梁、污水渠、 公园、游樂场地、学校、教堂、市场、工厂、工场、阅览室、浴室及其他本公 司可能认为直接或间接有助於本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建商或其他 身份)拥有权益之任何物业发展之樓宇、工程及便利设施。
(6) To construct and maintain or contribute to or procure the construction or maintenance of roads, tramways, embankments, bridges sewers, parks, pleasure-grounds, schools, churches, markets, factories workshops, reading-rooms, baths, and other buildings, works and conveniences which the Company may think directly or indirectly conducive to the development of any property in which it is interested either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise.
位於上海双幢式大楼 逸兰金桥服务式公寓已於二零一零年九月全面开业,入住率正不断提升。
The two-tower Lanson Place Jin Qiao Residences in Shanghai has fully opened in September 2010, and has progressively built up occupancy.
(l) 建造、改进、维修、发展、改建、经营、管理、执行或控制任何看來旨在直 接或间接促进公司利益的道路、路、电車轨道、铁路、支线或侧线、桥梁、 贮水库、水道、码头、工厂、机械、仓库、电气工程、工场、贮物室、建筑 物及其他工程及便利设施,资助或以其他方式协助或參与建造、改进、维修、 发展、改建、经营、管理、执行或控制该等项目,或在这方面作出贡献。
(1) To construct improve maintain develop alter work manage carry out or control any roads ways tramways railways branches or sidings bridges reservoirs watercourses wharves factories machineries warehouses electric works shops stores buildings and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests and to contribute to subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in the construction improvement maintenance development alteration working management carrying out or control thereof.
此外,Mutanda出资在Lualaba 河上建造一座新桥桥梁并进行道路保养。
Separately, Mutanda has funded the construction of a new bridge over the Lualaba as well as maintaining roads.
董事认为,本集团的直接控股公司及最终控股公司分别为山东魏桥创业集团有限公司(「集团公司」)及邹平 供销投资有限公司(「邹平投资」),两家公司均为於中国成立的有限责任公司。
In the opinion of the directors, the immediate holding company and the ultimate holding company of the Group are Shandong Weiqiao Chuangye Group Company Limited (the “Holding Company”) and Zouping Supply and Marketing Investment Company Limited (“Zouping Investment”), both of which are limited liability companies established in the PRC.
(54) 建设、改善、维护、发展、施工、管理、实施或控制任何楼宇、工程、 工厂、作坊、道路、通道、电车轨道、铁路、支轨或旁轨、桥梁、水库 、河道、码头、仓库、电器工程、商店、店舖及旨在直接或间接推动本 公司利益之其他工程及便利设施﹔以及出资、资助或以其他方式协助或 参与其建设、改善、维护、发展、施工管理、实施或控制。
(54) To construct, improve, maintain, develop, work, manage, carry out, or control any buildings, works, factories, mills, roads, ways, tramways, railways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores, and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the Company’s interests; and to contribute to, subsidize, or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, development, working management, carrying out, or control thereof.
近来更提出,利用 VFIFE 方法计算三维车-轨-桥互制的非线性动态反应(VTBI)研 究。
This study presents the use of the VFIFE method to compute the nonlinear dynamic response of 3D vehicle–track–bridge interaction (VTBI).
由於 主干道上升至高於海床,主干道隧道将采用明挖回填方式 建造,而在隧道高於海床、从地面隧道出入口上升至天桥 的路段,需要进行填海。
The tunnel will be constructed by cut-and-cover method as the Trunk Road rises to and above the seabed, and reclamation will be required where the tunnel rises above the seabed, through the ground level tunnel portal and up to the start of flyover structure.
过去几个星期,史普利河岸出现一项建案,打算移除20公尺长的围墙,这项建案共有两部分,一是民间开发商Living Bauhaus兴建办公与豪华公寓大楼,二是市政府要恢复在二次大战摧毁的行人及单车桥梁。
The building project is two-fold: one part is a private endeavor by the developer Living Bauhaus to build a tower of offices and luxury apartments, and the other part is a public city project to rebuild the “Brommy Bridge,” a pedestrian and cyclist bridge that was destroyed in World War II.
例如,如果电脑使用非标准 PCI 主桥,则可使用此 参数。
For instance, this parameter may be used if the machine has a non-standard PCI host bridge.
To meet the demand of the two merchants, IWC is put to work in order to transform his 74 caliber mounted on the movement bridge was originally intended to show soap.
The aerodynamic design of vehicles such as automobiles and railroads, of structures such as long-span bridges, towers or high-rise buildings is an extremely complex task.
(e) 建设、建造、变更、维持、扩大、拆毁、搬迁或取代,及经营、管理及控制 任何楼宇、办公室、工厂、作坊、商舖、机器、引擎、公路、道路、电车轨、 铁路、支架桥或边轨桥、水塘、水道、码头、电气工程及其他工程,以及可 能直接或间接计算以提高本公司的权益的有利设施,以及与任何其他人士或 公司一起从事该等项目。
(e) To build, construct, alter, maintain, enlarge, pull down, remove or replace, and to work, manage and control any buildings, offices, factories, mills, shops, machinery, engines, roads, ways, tramways, railways, branches or sidings bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, electric works and other works and conveniences which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to advance the interests of the Company, and to join with any other person or company in dong any of these things.
(12) 拆除、建造、建立、执行、改善、改变、维修、维护、装饰、开发、工作、管 理、进行、控制及以其他方式处理(无论是作为建设者、土木工程或总承包商 或搭棚、挖掘、打桩、水喉管道、电气、电子或任何种类之指定承包商)工程 及建筑工程,以及各种便利设施(包括海港工程、机场、道路、永久公路、电 报、电话、建筑物、桥梁、水库、水道、填海工程、排污、排水、疏浚和水利 工程、工厂、水、蒸汽、煤气、石油及电力工程,一般的公共设施及所有其他 工程或结构以及所有类型及形形色色的公共及私营部门的便利设施)及作出贡 献、补贴,或以其他方式协助或参与有关建设、改善、维护、发展、工作、管 理、规划、开展或控制
(12) To demolish, construct, build, execute, improve, alter, repair, maintain, decorate, develop, work, manage, carry out, control and otherwise deal with, whether as builders, civil engineering or general contractors or as scaffolders, excavators, piling, plumbing, electrical, electronic or special contractors of whatever kind, engineering and construction works, and conveniences of all kinds, including harbour works, airports, roads, permanent ways, telegraphs, telephones, buildings, bridges, reservoirs, water-courses, reclamations, sewage, draining, dredging and conservancy works, factories, water, steam, gas, oil and electric power works, in general public utilities and all other works or structures and conveniences of every kind and description both public and private and to contribute to, subsidise, or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, development, working, management, planning, carrying out, or control thereof
合资格证券交易并 不包括本地买卖之海外证券、任何以非港币结算之上巿证券、i-Shares、 外外基金票据、「五隧一桥」债券、香港特别行政区政府零售债券/通胀挂挂 债券、透过「「生每月投资计划」买入之交易及新股认购。
Eligible Securities Transactions exclude locally traded overseas stocks, any listed securities settled by nonHong Kong dollars, i-Shares, Exchange Fund Notes, Hong Kong Link retail bonds, Government of HKSAR retail bonds/ibonds, purchase transactions of Hang Seng Monthly Investment Plans and IPO shares subscriptions.
(iv) 於二零零三年五月十四日订立的土地使用权租 赁协议,开始日期及届满日期分别为二零零三 年五月十四日及二零二三年五月十四日,有关 魏桥第三生产区土地的年度租金开支为人民币 1,503,000元。
(iv) Land use rights lease agreement dated 14 May 2003 with the commencement date and expiry date on 14 May 2003 and 14 May 2023, respectively, at an annual rental expense of RMB1,503,000 for the land relating to the Weiqiao Third Production Area.
As a conclusion, the hardest part would be the beginning, the dangerous part would be the narrow wooden bridge at the water race (a small portion), just be careful when crossing this section.
香港作为内地与世界各地之间的桥梁,可以在传达數码信息方面担当中介人 的角色,从而刺激经济增长。
In linking the Mainland of China through Hong Kong to the rest of the world, we will be able to act as a digital intermediary which will help stimulate economic growth.
14. 建造、改善、维修、操作、管理、实行或控制任何道路、路段、电车轨道、分支或旁轨、桥 梁、水库、河道、码头、工厂、货仓、电气工程、商店、店铺及其他工程以及可能会提升公 司利益的便利设备及贡献、补贴或以其他方式加以协助或参与建造、改善、维修、操作、管 理、实行或控制
14. to construct, improve, maintain, work, manage, carry out or control any roads, ways, tramways, branches or sidings, bridges, reservoirs, watercourses, wharves, factories, warehouses, electric works, shops, stores and other works and conveniences that may advance the interests of the company and contribute to, subsidize or otherwise assist or take part in the construction, improvement, maintenance, working, management, carrying out or control thereof
It’s been a time over which we’ve built flyovers, gyratorys, motorways, traffic lights, suburbs, multi-story car-parks, out-of-town retail centres, paved over front gardens and built garages for parking; created the driving licence, invented a host of criminal offences and written the highway code to regulate people’s behaviour whilst developing a plethora of much less noticeable cultural expectations around diving – it has it’s own citizenship and moral order (ever notice talk of the good driver?).
郭先生持有剑桥大学法律系硕士学位、 哈佛大学工商管理硕士学位、香港公开大学荣誉工商管理博士学位及香港中文大学荣誉法学博士学位。
Mr. Kwok holds a Master of Arts degree in Law from Cambridge University, a Master degree in Business Administration from Harvard University, an Honorary Doctorate degree in Business Administration from The Open University of Hong Kong and an Honorary Doctorate degree in Laws from The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
b. 复杂牙科治疗:牙科执业医生的收费以及以下治疗的费用:承保范围内的复杂牙科治疗:例如针对 以下项目进行牙根尖切除术 - 齿根断裂、齿根严重弯曲、牙齿上有牙帽或牙桩、根管治疗无法治愈的 囊肿或感染、根管穿孔、新装或修复牙冠、假牙、嵌体和牙桥、反复发作的疼痛和感染、无法通过 X 光确定问题根源的持续症状、牙髓钙化/根管钙化、需要进行手术的牙根表面和周围骨质的损伤。
A co-insurance of 20% applies b Complex dental treatment: Fees of a registered dental practitioner and associated costs for the following procedures: eligible complex dental treatment: including for example, an apicoectomy done to treat the following – a fractured tooth root; a severely curved tooth root; teeth with caps or posts; cyst or infection which is untreatable with root canal therapy; root perforations; new or repair of crowns, dentures, in lays and bridges; recurrent pain and infection; persistent symptoms that do not indicate problems from x-rays; calcification; damaged root surfaces and surrounding bone requiring surgery
就其与财务和其他通报、内部控制、对外和内部审计以及董事会不时厘定的任 何其他财务和会计事宜有关的职责,委员会将担任公司的其他董事、外聘审计 师与内部审计师(如设有内部审计部门)之间的主要沟通桥梁。
The Committee is to serve as a focal point for communication between other directors, the external auditors and the internal auditors (where an internal audit function exists) of the Company as regards their duties relating to financial and other reporting, internal controls, external and internal audits and such other financial and accounting matters as the Board determines from time to time.
於本公告日期,会德丰的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、徐耀祥先生和黄光耀 先生,以及五位独立非执行董事欧肇基先生、张培明先生、刘菱辉先生、丁午寿先生和 余灼强先生,而九龙仓的董事会成员为吴光正先生、吴天海先生、周安桥先生、李玉芳 女士、吴梓源先生和徐耀祥先生,以及六位独立非执行董事陈茂波议员、陈坤耀教授、 钱果丰博士、方刚议员、捷成汉先生和詹康信先生。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of Wheelock comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui and Mr. Ricky K. Y. Wong, together with five independent non-executive directors, namely, Mr. Alexander S. K. Au, Mr. B. M. Chang, Mr. Herald L. F. Lau, Mr. Kenneth W. S. Ting and Mr. Glenn S. Yee, and the board of directors of Wharf comprises Mr. Peter K. C. Woo, Mr. Stephen T. H. Ng, Mr. Andrew O. K. Chow, Ms. Doreen Y. F. Lee, Mr. T. Y. Ng and Mr. Paul Y. C. Tsui, together with six independent non-executive directors, namely, Hon.




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