

单词 畅所欲言

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在任何团队中伤害和分歧总会发生, 因此我们需畅所欲言和解 决矛盾,而不是 将它们置之不理。
Hurts and disagreements can happen in any
[...] team, and we need to speak about them and resolve [...]
them rather than bury them.
大会 51/172
[...] 号决议强调必须支持促成对话的双向交流系统,让各社 畅所 欲言,表 达其抱负和关注事项,并参与与其发展有关的决定。
In resolution 51/172, the General Assembly stressed the need to support twoway communication systems
that enable dialogue and that
[...] allow communities to speak out, express their aspirations and [...]
concerns, and participate in
the decisions that relate to their development.
他还说该数 据库是此类中的第一个,并请与会者就该工 畅所欲言 , 从而协助改进它。
That database was a first, he added, and asked the participants to feel free to comment to help improve that tool.
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进程的力量交换看法畅所欲言的机会。
Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes.
我们希望安理会多听 取广大会员国的意见和建议,也希望广大会员国充分 利用公开会、出兵国会议等各种渠 畅所欲言 , 向安 理会表达真知灼见。
We also hope that the latter will make the best use of such occasions as open meetings and meetings with TCCs to air their views so that the Council can be informed of their valuable opinions.
建议各政府间国际科学计划主席与新任总干事在适当的时候举行会议,直接进行一系 畅所欲言 的交 流,向新任总干事简要介绍教科文组织科学计划作为服务于会员国的有效平台、目前准备实施的计划和 开展的活动,并探讨政府间国际科学计划如何更加有效参与实施各项科学计划。
Suggest that a meeting with all Chairs of the ISPs and the new Director-General could take place at an appropriate time in order to establish a fluid and direct line of communication and to brief her on the immediate plans and activities, of the UNESCO Science Programmes which are effective platforms for serving the Member States, as well as to explore the ways the ISPs could better participate in reinforced sciences programmes.
任何规范媒体工作的法 律应当遵守见解和言论自由的最高国际标准,并按照多样性和多元化的原则,允 许在媒体畅所欲言地展开辩论。
Any laws regulating the work of the media should adhere to the highest international standards on freedom of opinion and expression and allow uninhibited debate in the media, in line with principles of diversity and plurality.
这些都是普世的标准,它们包括有权享受正当法律程序,能 畅所欲言 , 公 开结社,以自己选择的方式祷告,以及享受新闻自由的益处。
These are universal standards, and
they include the right to due process of
[...] law, to be able to speak freely, to associate [...]
openly, to pray in the manner one chooses
and to enjoy the benefits of a free press.
全球企业精神周是一个国际性的创始活动,在这活动中,年 轻人对当今社会最紧要的问 畅所欲言 , 营 造了一种承认企业精神能推动经济和 社会繁荣的全球文化。
Global Entrepreneurship week is an international initiative to unleash young people’s ideas on issues that matter most to present-day society, and to foster a global culture which recognizes entrepreneurs as drivers of economic and social prosperity.
通过这种方式,可以增进大家感情 畅所欲言。
Priming the relationship pump this way encouraged honest discussion when retrospective time came.
将邀请会员国、非政 府组织以及秘书处的代畅所欲言, 并 交流新的思想,加强三方合作,提高实效。
The Member States, the representatives of NGOs and the Secretariat are invited to express frank opinions and exchange new ideas to enhance tripartite cooperation and improve concrete effectiveness.
他在讲话中重申,举行全会部长论坛的主要目的是在总政策辩论进行的同时,为部长们提供一个合适的对 话和讨论平台,使他们能就从中长期角度看,教科文组织要面对的重要问题,进行真正开诚布公 畅所欲言的 政治对话和讨论。
The session was opened by Mr Davidson L. Hepburn, President of the 35th session of the UNESCO General Conference, who welcomed the participants and recalled the main objective of the Plenary Ministerial Forum: to provide a platform for a true and stimulating dialogue and open policy exchange among ministers of issues with a medium- and longer-term relevance for the Organization, conducted in parallel to the general policy debate.
让员畅所欲言,敢 于提问和表达观点。
(Make employees feel secure enough to express ideas and ask questions)
我们不是 一个大国,也不是具有经济或军事实力的国家,但我
[...] 们有权以自己的方式和从自己的观点出发,与其他国 家一起为世界作出贡献,共同处理课题和问题 畅所 欲言,表达支持或反对的意见。
We may not be a large country or a country of economic or military power, but in our own way and from our own standpoint, we have a right to contribute to the world
among other nations, to collectively approach issues
[...] and problems and to speak out whether in support or in disagreement.
大会 1996 年第 51/172 号决议关于“信息流通促进发展”的定义特别强调
[...] “必须支持促成对话的双向交流系统,让各社 畅所欲言 , 表达其抱负和关注事 项,并参加与与其发展有关的决定。
The definition of “communication for development” in General Assembly resolution 51/172 of 1996 stresses, inter alia, “the need to support two-way communication
systems that enable dialogue and that
[...] allow communities to speak out, express their [...]
aspirations and concerns, and participate
in the decisions that relate to their development”.
主席说,各成员畅所欲言,指 出需要更正的 任何规定,即使是已经通过的条款草案。
said that members should feel free to point out anything that required changing, even if it was in draft articles that had already been adopted.
会议邀请会员国、非政府组织以及秘书处的代 畅所欲 言,并 交流新的思想,推动真正的“伙伴关系文化”,促进三方合作,从而实现教科文组织 的目标和目的。
The Member States, the representatives of NGOs and the Secretariat are invited to express frank opinions and exchange new ideas to promote a genuine “culture of partnership” and encourage tripartite cooperation to attain UNESCO’s goals and objectives.
在发言畅所欲言环节中,与会者讨论了是否可能通过举办关于具体议题 的年度部长级圆桌会议,改善对高级别会议的投入。
In their presentations and during the ‘poetry slam’, participants discussed the possibility of improving high-level segment inputs through annual ministerial round tables on specific issues.
在关于上述问题的辩论期间,特别小组明显感到,计划的监督与问责制的原则和机制 要求必须很好地了解总部、地区、多国和国家办事处、研究机构各自担负的责任,以及在秘 书处各组成部门之间进行定期磋商 畅所欲言 的 交 流。
During its debates on the above matters, it was clear to the Task Force that programme and accountability monitoring principles and mechanisms required good understanding of the respective responsibilities of Headquarters, of the regional, cluster and national offices and of the Institutes, and that there be regular consultation of and fluid communication among these Secretariat entities.
如果一个人不畅所欲言或者被逮捕 后无法保证得到公正的审判,他们能去投票站投票又 [...]
If one cannot speak their mind or be guaranteed [...]
a fair trial if arrested, it matters little that they can go to the polling booth.
工作组主席宣布第二届工作组会议开幕,鼓励各会员国和民间社会组织 推动在老年人人权方面取得必要进展并就 畅所欲言。
The Chair of the Working Group opened the second working session by encouraging Member States and civil society organizations to enable the necessary progress and engage in a robust dialogue regarding the human rights of older persons.
长期来看,公司声誉和业绩取决于我们每个人遵循本准则和始 终坚持诚信正直的作风,以营造一 畅所欲言 、 团队合作和个人责任的工作环境。
Long term, our reputation and business depend on each of us following this Code and always acting with integrity to create an environment of open communication, teamwork and personal responsibility.
人们应当能畅所欲言,向 当局进谏,知道政治决定是如何做 出的,公共资源是如何消费的。
People should be able to speak their minds, criticize [...]
their authorities, know how political decisions were made, or how
public resources were being spent.
我认为, 如果本组织和安全理事会在今后几周里通过一项明
[...] 确、有力和果断的决议,向正在等待的全世 畅所欲 言,将有助于鼓励各项举措,并为调动我刚才提到的 [...]
I believe that, if in the course of the next few weeks our Organization and the Security Council
were to adopt a clear, robust and
[...] resolute resolution that speaks to and is awaited [...]
by the entire world, it would serve to
encourage initiatives and facilitate the mobilization of the financial resources to which I have just referred.
受邀的 CEO 将有机会直接面向投资者、分析师以及技术领袖,生动展示自己的公司、产品以及战略研究,来宾也 畅所欲言 向 CE O提出个人见解或极具价值的反馈意见。
This lively and fast-paced program will provide invited CEOs an opportunity to present their companies, products and strategies to a panel of investors, analysts and technology leaders, who in turn will provide insightful feedback.
届时,埃顿服务中国区首席执行官Sebastien Puydebois(裴迪安)先生将参加9月14日下午的小组讨论,和其他4位嘉宾一起与台下观众就设施管理的创新之 畅所欲言。
Mr. Sebastien Puydebois, CEO of ADEN Services China, together with four guests from authorities will join in a panel discussion in the afternoon on September 14th, to speak out the trend of innovation to Facility Management in the front of the audience.
最后,教科文组织有 关自由、独立及多元化媒体的发展,促 言 论 自 由以及信息和交流 畅 通 无 阻 所 进 行的项目 和活动为联发援框架成果 1 做出了贡献,其目的是建立一个有利于良好的国家治理、民主及 [...]
Lastly, UNESCO’s programmes and activities on the development of free,
independent and pluralist
[...] media, the promotion of freedom of expression, access to information, and communication [...]
for development
contribute to UNDAF Effect No. 1 on creating an environment conductive to good governance, democracy and the rule of law.
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫,而我亦敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家 所欲言 , 事 後亦不會有投訴、誤解、歪曲事實或洩漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
最令人關注的是:防止出 現上訴法庭在有關判詞中所認定的極差劣訟辯工作這個目的,與維持 對辯式刑事司法制度的優點,即律師能 所欲言 , 無畏無懼地進行訟 辯,兩者之間須取得平衡。
The main concern is to ensure that the purpose of deterring extremely deficient work of the nature identified in the relevant judgments of the Court of Appeal is balanced against the interest in maintaining a vibrant and uncowed adversarial component in the criminal justice system.
香港可貴 之 處 , 在 於 無論身處 中 國 銀 行 大 廈 或 豐 銀 行總行, 也 可 以所 欲 言 地 表 達 自己心中的 意見。
One great merit of living in Hong Kong is that one can speak his mind freely and unreservedly no matter he is in the Bank of China Building or the headquarter of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation.




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