


adjective ()

free adj


流畅 adj

smooth adj

畅销 adj

best-selling adj
marketable adj

顺畅 n

smooth n

External sources (not reviewed)

这些差异可能会成为妨碍在各次区域之间进行 畅 和 有 效的交通运 输的有形和无形障碍。
These differences can act as physical and non-physical barriers to smooth and efficient transport between subregions.
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进程的力量交换看法畅所欲言的机会。
Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes.
这一切带来的结果是更有成效的员工和 畅 顺 的 互动。
The result is more productive employees and smoother interactions.
古巴重申它要求以色列应立即全面无条件解除 对加沙的残酷和非法封锁,以便使物资运 畅 行 无阻 和保证长期人道主义准入。
Cuba reiterates its demand that Israel immediately, fully and unconditionally lift the cruel and illegal blockade of Gaza in order to allow for the free movement of supplies as well as permanent humanitarian access.
河马读书提供了逼真的读书体验和人性化的考虑,包括真实的翻书效果、羊皮纸阅读效果、舒服的阅读配色;自动保存书签、自由调节行间距及文字大小、背景模式可调、当前阅读的章节记录、阅读省电设计等等;在阅读杂志和漫画时,用户可以保存喜欢的图片作为手机背景,或者将图片作为彩信发给好友;同时河马读书拥有最快速的TXT搜索功能,同时支持ANSI、UTF-8、UTF-16、UNICODE等各种TXT编码格式,随 畅 读。
Hippo Reader provides a vivid reading experience and humane considerations, including the real effects of page flipping, the parchment texture effect, comfortable reading color options; automatically save bookmarks, free to adjust line spacing and text size, background mode adjustable, records of current reading chapter, battery saving design, etc.; in reading magazines and comics, the user can save favorite pictures as backgrounds for mobile phones or sent to friends as an MMS picture; while Hippo Reader provides the most rapid TXT search function, supports ANSI, UTF-8, UTF-16, UNICODE encoding and many other TXT format etc..
因此,易感性受一些重要问题的直接影响,如粮食和营养不安全、 机制薄弱、冲突以及市场准入畅。
Thus, susceptibility is directly affected by underlying issues such as food and nutrition insecurity, weak institutions, conflict and poor access to markets.
选择配备VISION引擎和AMD合作伙伴软件的PC,意味着互联网浏览速度更快、有应用软件一样的体验;1080p高清视频播放华丽、 畅 、 安 静;标清视频看起来像高清;2D内容可转换成3D立体画面;即使是图形密集的网站也可快速加载;可快速、简单地操控高清内容;高清分辨率下的3D游戏速度快、栩栩如生。
Selecting a PC equipped with the VISION Engine and software from AMD partners means Internet browsing is a faster, application-like experience; 1080p HD video playback is gorgeous, smooth and quiet; standard definition video looks high-definition; 2D content can be converted into stereoscopic 3D; even the most graphics-intensive websites load quickly; manipulating HD content is fast and easy; and 3D gaming at HD resolutions is fast and life-like.
大会第 65/245 号决议第二节 B 请秘书长除其他外:确保基本建设总计划的 实施,包括会议服务人员临时迁至周转空间,不影响以 6 种正式语文向会员国提 供会议服务的质量;在施工期间向委员会定期报告与联合国会议日历有关的事 项;在大会和会议管理部现有资源范围内继续向会议服务部门提供适当的信息技 术支持,以在实施基本建设总计划的整个过程中确保会议服务部门 畅 运 作 ;在 该部现有资源范围内继续提供适当支助,以确保持续维护该部的信息技术设施, 实施全球信息技术举措,提供优质会议服务;就影响会议服务和会议设施利用的 举措同会员国协商。
the construction period; to continue to provide adequate information technology support for conference services, within the existing resources of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, in order to ensure their seamless operation throughout the implementation of the capital master plan; to continue to provide adequate support, within the existing resources of the Department, to ensure continued maintenance of the information technology facilities of the Department, implementation of the global information technology initiative and delivery of quality conference services; and to consult Member States on initiatives that affected the utilization of conference services and conference facilities.
除标准 交货周期外,我们还可对比畅销的 产品 提供“当日递”服务。
Besides great standard lead times, Same Day Express is offered on more popular products.
我眼前的任务是继续与的黎波里和班加西当局 和其他有关对话者紧急磋商,落实第 1970(2011)号决 议和第 1973(2011)号决议的重要规定,即对需要人道 主义援助的地方提畅通无 阻的此种援助,立即实行 停火和开始一个满足利比亚人民的愿望的政治进程。
My immediate task is to continue to undertake urgent consultations with the authorities in Tripoli and Benghazi, and with other concerned interlocutors, on the key elements of resolutions 1970 (2011) and 1973 (2011) — which are, unrestricted access for humanitarian assistance wherever it is needed, an immediate ceasefire and a political process that meets the aspirations of the Libyan people.
为此目的,冲突中的各方必须遵守国际人 道主义法,允许迅速畅通无阻的人道主义援助并 提供便利,必须严格遵守国际法下的义务。
To that end, all parties to the conflict must allow and facilitate rapid and unimpeded humanitarian access, in conformity with international humanitarian law, and must comply strictly with all their obligations under international law.
最后,教科文组织有 关自由、独立及多元化媒体的发展,促进言论自由以及信息和交流 畅 通 无 阻所进行的项目 和活动为联发援框架成果 1 做出了贡献,其目的是建立一个有利于良好的国家治理、民主及 权利的环境。
Lastly, UNESCO’s programmes and activities on the development of free, independent and pluralist media, the promotion of freedom of expression, access to information, and communication for development contribute to UNDAF Effect No. 1 on creating an environment conductive to good governance, democracy and the rule of law.
工具的性能良好,界面设计功能畅 , 代 码解析/生成速度快。
Tools, good performance, interface design features smooth , code parsing/generation speed.
近两个星期以来,不断呼吁安理会采 取行动,解决危机,解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民遭受的苦难,经过一系列长时间 紧张会晤和磋商,包括部长级会晤和磋商,安理会通过了载有许多重要条款的第 1860(2009)号决议,其中呼吁刻不容缓地“立即实行持久的、受到全面尊重的停 火”,并“在加沙各畅通无 阻地提供和分发人道主义援助,包括食品、燃料和 医疗”。
After nearly two weeks of incessant calls upon the Council to act to address the crisis and suffering being endured by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and after a long series of intensive meetings and consultations, including at the Ministerial level, the Council adopted resolution 1860 (2009), which, among many important provisions, calls in the immediate stage for “an immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire” and “the unimpeded provision and distribution throughout Gaza of humanitarian assistance, including food, fuel and medical treatment”.
MSC旗舰船型所引入的MSC游艇俱乐部专注于为客人在每个停靠港都提供高质量的服务,让您能用相同的形式,私密,奢华而又舒适的方 畅 游 全 球。
The MSC Yacht Club's dedication to service extends from our flagships to every port of call, enabling you to explore the world in the same style, privacy, luxury and comfort.
论坛 还指出,提供畅的物 流服务日趋重要,这一点也正在通过各个具体的项 目体现出来,诸如许多国家目前业已或正考虑发展和建立行各种多式联运 设施或联运枢纽。
It also observed that the growing importance of smooth logistics was behind specific projects, such as the development of intermodal facilities or hubs already being implemented or considered in many countries.
基于其对色彩的知识,他们可以建立每个镜头之间的 畅 衔 接 ,及决定能整个故事 的色彩基调。
Using their knowledge of color, they establish continuity between shots and make color decisions that support the story.
[...] 若干章节进行了调整,以使信息更加 畅 , 并简化了关键用途提名程序;删除 [...]
了有关行为守则的章节,因为委员会认为其不属于该文件范畴;更新了提名表 格,以便各缔约方在申请有关土壤、工厂设施和商品用途方面的新旧提名时可 以使用同一表格。
Selected sections had been moved within the document to facilitate
[...] information flow and simplify the [...]
critical-use nomination process; the section
relating to the code of conduct removed, as the Committee did not consider that it belonged in the document; and the nomination forms updated so that only one form was proposed for both new and continuing nominations, for both soils and structures and commodities.
在任何团队中伤害和分歧总会发生, 因此我们需畅所欲 言和解决矛盾,而不是 将它们置之不理。
Hurts and disagreements can happen in any team, and we need to speak about them and resolve them rather than bury them.
他进一步呼吁以色 列终止对加沙的封锁,不仅确保近东救济工程处工 作人员的安全,而且保证其人畅通 无 阻地进入执 行任务的区域。
He further called on Israel to end its blockade of Gaza and to ensure not only the safety of UNRWA personnel but also their unimpeded access to the areas in which they performed their tasks.
继续改善签证程序使一些重要领域的国际学生和学者的来 美求学和留美工作之路更加畅从而 使之有助于美国的创 新和在全球的竞争力。
Continue to improve the visa process to make the pathway for international students and scholars in high-priority fields more efficient, allowing them to contribute to U.S. innovation and global competitiveness.
这种药在加沙十畅销, 并且很容易上瘾。
It has become a popular drug in Gaza and can be very addictive.
备忘录的宗旨是确立对国家法律和国际法律所赋予儿童权利的 基本原则的理解,并概畅行无 阻核查这些法律遵守情况的条件,尤其是确保正 义与平等运动不招募 18 岁以下儿童或与这些儿童建立联系。
This memorandum of understanding aimed at establishing an understanding of the basic principles of child rights enshrined in national and international laws, and outlining conditions for unhindered access to verify compliance with such laws, particularly that no child under the age of 18 is recruited or associated with JEM.
国家臭氧机构将与牵头执行机构协商确定制订这一机制所需的资源和技术支持,并 确保其运行畅。
The NOU in consultation with the Lead IA will identify the resources and technical support needed to establish this mechanism and ensure its smooth operation.
除公路外,还为东西两大岛和离岛上的住区提供沿海运 输服务,在两个大岛之间提供定期渡轮服务,以及提供地方空运服务,确保通畅通。
In addition to roads, a coastal shipping service to settlements on the east, west and outlying islands, a regular ferry service between the two main islands, and local air services ensure communications.
此外,正常的劳工移徙渠道应该保 畅 通 以 期满足对移徙工人的持续不 断的需求,从而帮助防止非正常的移徙和人口贩卖,并且能够减少移徙工人在正 常劳动市场之外面临剥削性就业的脆弱性。
In addition, regular labour migration channels should remain open with a view to meeting a continuing demand for migrant workers, thus helping to prevent irregular migration and trafficking and to reduce the vulnerability of migrants to exploitative employment outside the regular labour market.
徜徉于位于西澳大学的 伯恩特人类学博物馆,无需离开佩思,即可令人心醉 畅 游 西 澳大利亚州,这是澳大利亚最好的传统和当代澳洲土著艺术品和人工制品展览馆之一。
Providing a fascinating journey through Western Australia without leaving Perth, the Berndt Museum of Anthropology at The University of Western Australia is one of Australia's finest collections of traditional and contemporary Australian Aboriginal art and artefacts.
本区域许多国家都因缺乏连通农村地区的全天候道路、前往偏 远地区和岛屿的交通运输服务匮乏或不可靠、很难深入内地地区、以及农村 与城市之间的连接畅等因 素而存在着大规模的地域不平等现象,包括收 入、资产和机会诸方面。
Many countries in the region suffer large spatial inequalities with regards to income, wealth and opportunity. This is due to a lack of all-weather roads to villages, infrequent or unreliable transport services to outlying areas and islands, poor access to deeper hinterlands and weak rural-urban connectivity.
需要立即采取措施解决加沙地带巴勒斯坦人民 迫切的人道主义和经济需要,包括充分遵守第 1860(2009)号决议内容和规定,长期持续开放加沙过
[...] 境点,以确保人道主义援助和其他必要物质供畅 通,方便人员进出加沙。
pressing humanitarian and economic needs of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, including by the sustained and permanent opening of Gaza’s border crossings in full compliance with the terms and provisions of resolution 1860 (2009), in order to ensure the free
access of humanitarian aid and other essential supplies and goods and
[...] to facilitate the passage of persons [...]
to and from Gaza.




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