

单词 画龙点睛

See also:

画画 n

paint n


strokes of a Chinese character

External sources (not reviewed)

作为 600 系列低音炮中最具震撼力的一款扬声器,ASW610XP 为宽敞的房间中摆放的高保真或家庭影院系统添上了浓墨重彩的、甚至 画龙点睛 的 一 笔。
The ASW610XP, the most powerful of the 600 Series subwoofers, delivers the finishing touch – or finishing thump – to a hi-fi or home theatre system for larger rooms.
Wan Thai的白饭采用了100%的泰国香米,上头还放了一小撮的红米, 画龙点睛 的 效 果。
Wan Thai uses 100% Thai fragrance rice. On top of it, there is a small pinch of red rice as decoration.
这个奖项为世服宏图成绩斐然的2012年添加 画龙点睛 的 一 笔。2012年,世服宏图不但将其独创、优越的服务模式带入全球市场,并将其服务式办公室和虚拟办公室的服务拓展至全球18座城市,并新增4间全新的商务中心。
The award tops off a big year for Servcorp, as it introduces new services and continues its strong overseas expansion, adding 18 new cities and 4 new floors to its global portfolio of Serviced and Virtual offices.
曾获得金马奖最佳新人奖并入围今年金钟奖最佳男主角的杨佑宁,异材黑色西装礼服显得挺拔帅气,袖口间的伯爵黑玛瑙白金袖扣 画龙点睛 , 衬托出他对于细节重视的不凡品味。
Tony Yang, Former Golden Horse “Best New Actor Award” winner and Golden Bell Award “Best Leading Actor” nominee, was in a handsome black collage suit.
星光大道上以黑色镶衬金色细节短礼服,展现青春的活力却又不失隆重大气,更选择配戴了Piaget Rose戒环以及Limelight 藤蔓造型耳坠,优雅简洁,成 画龙点睛 之 作
Her black dress with golden embroidery along
[...] with the Piaget Rose ring and Limelight earrings brought out her youthful grace on the red carpet.
水乃万物之源,润物细无声,看似温顺柔和,却又蕴含这勃勃的生机,看似矛盾却又那么和谐地共处着。水显灵动之美,形态多样,作为艺术创作中不可缺少的元素之一,常常起到 画龙点睛 之 效
Water is the silent bearer of life for creatures great and small, and yet it appears to be so gentle and soft.
与此同时,优秀的插图却可以为文 画龙点睛 , 吸 引人们进一步阅读——同时仍然能够留有想像空间,让你得到惊喜,当然,保罗的故事里肯定会惊喜不断。
At the same time, a good illustration can underpin the text, sell it, stimulate reading – and still leave room for the surprises that, of course, you would expect to find in Paulo’s stories.
奢华 的雅生“淋浴天堂”头顶花 洒配有三种截然不同的出水 模式,为这套完美的淋浴设画上点睛之笔
The luxurious Axor Starck ShowerHeaven overhead shower with three different jet types is the finishing touch for a perfect shower.
采用立体方式观看 3D 电影时,每只睛看到的画面都 是全高清 3D 图像,而采用其他方式观看时,图质仅能达到高清效果的一半。
When watching a 3D film, the stereoscopic method has the advantage of a Full High Definition 3D image for each eye versus other methods where the resolution is only half of Full HD.
而同样来自HATESPHERE乐队的前任主唱Jonathan Albrechtsen也以不凡的演唱实力在这张作品中 画 出 了 最绝妙 点睛 之 笔
Scarred by Beauty consists of active and dedicated musicians,
and harbors former singer in Hatesphere Jonathan Albrechtsen, who
[...] recently left Hate-sphere to focus on Scarred by Beauty.
据中国神话,龙王有九个儿子,而这些神 物被视作权力的象征,中国宫殿和许多传统艺术品(包 括北京的紫禁城,城中有龙戏珠 的琉璃 画 ) 中 常常 有龙戏海的图案。
According to Chinese legend, the Dragon king has nine sons and the mystic creatures are seen as symbol of power, images of nine dragons playing in the sea can be found in Chinese palaces and many traditional artworks
(including in the Forbidden City in Beijing
[...] where there is a glazed mural featuring nine dragons each playing with a pearl).
因为我有一些童话情节,喜欢巴洛克洛可可时期的宫廷服饰,华丽感和装饰感十足的时装非常吸引我,虽然不能直接把那个时代的服饰直接穿在身上,但珠宝上身等元素因为2012年秋冬的T台趋势,已经逐渐能融入我们平时的穿着了,如果觉得太过华丽,一些古董首饰也可以起 画龙点 晴 的 作用,有种把时光穿在身上的感觉。
The sense of royalty and exquisite decorations are very appealing to me. I agree it is hard to apply clothes and accesories from that era to our dailywear; yet, on the other hand, we all have seen those in the passed Fall/Winter 2012-13 Season and how skillfully they were implemented in modern pret-a-porter.
拼贴始终有一个点,不是它画面 有多明显多有力量,而恰好相反,拼贴是最隐藏‘叙述式内容’的一个艺术形式。
Rather, it’s the other way around: collage is the form that conceals the most “narrative”.
此外,宽达160度的视角使用户能够欣赏到各种各样的van ta g e s 点 惊 险 画 面 图 像,使9系列易于使用无论是在用户的腿上,在办公桌上或公共空间的共享。
Additionally, the wide 160-degree viewing angle
allows users to appreciate
[...] breathtaking screen images from a variety of vantages points, making the 9 Series [...]
easy to use whether
in a user’s lap, on a desk or shared in a communal space.
教科文组织北京办事处该工作点下 开 展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 月中国人与 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省九寨沟和 龙 生 物圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府和学术机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 [...]
护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。
The UNESCO Beijing Office
[...] carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National Committee for MAB in October 2002 at the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, [...]
Sichuan Province,
China; a series of seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany).
胶片画格通常被标记为为 A,B,C 和 D 格,A 画格作为起点,人们就清楚需 要处理画格和视场次序了。
Film frames in the transfer sequence are designated A, B, C and D. Starting with an A-frame, people know the frame and field sequence they’re dealing with.
(d) 依在那种认为外来资本在经济发展中一向是 龙 套 的 观 点 看 来 ,决策 者应该注重其它因素,诸如机构、教育和医疗开支。
(d) As for the belief that external capital had been a sideshow in economic development, policymakers should focus their attention on other factors, such as institutions, education and healthcare expenditures.
放眼望去,这如诗画的福州景点就 像一个巨大的海龟。
This picturesque tourist sight of Fuzhou resembles a gigantic turtle.
The site uses animation and audio to communicate content, signal important changes in interface states, bridge between sections of content, pace content delivery, and create an emotional context.
[...] Cézanne 还是Bacon,或更久之前的画家,一个艺术家的最大挑战是如 画 你 的 眼 睛 所 看到的,通过你的时间和世纪,一样是有影响和彩色的,但也在某种程度上,是永恒的,永久的。
Whether it is Cézanne or Bacon, or painters much further back in time, the
greatest challenge an artist
[...] has is how to paint what you see with your eyes, as influenced [...]
and coloured by your time and
the century, but also in a way that is eternal and atemporal.
终极点睛之笔 是外形类似古董柱子的表耳被饰以微小的紫水晶椭圆切工凸圆宝石(玫瑰金版本)与蓝宝石(白金版本)。
In an ultimate touch of refinement, the lugs resembling antique columns are adorned with tiny amethyst briolette-cut cabochons for the rose gold versions and blue sapphires for the white gold models.
[...] Antoine)先生和苏州新区招商局局长谷光(Gu Guang音)共同举行了雄狮开眼仪式,该仪式也称 点睛 , 以 唤醒雄狮精神并开始了“好运”舞蹈。
Following a series of introduction speeches, Cicor Chairman, Mr. Kohler Antoine, and Suzhou New District Officer, Mr. Gu Guang,Director of SND
Investment Promotion Bureau carried
[...] out the ritual of dotting (opening) the eyes of the lion, knows [...]
as dian jing 点睛, to awaken
the lion’s spirit and commence the ‘good luck’ dance.
该摄像机的录制和播放均可通过宽带有效传输,让您可查看更多 点 的 更 多场 画 面 ,凭借成熟的运动检测、智能视频内容分析和新型防篡改技术,DinionHD摄像机成为商店、学校或体育馆等场所安防摄像机的理想选择。
Recording and streaming is bandwidth-efficient, so you can run more units in more places, and sophisticated motion detection, smart video content analysis and new tamper-proofing technology make the DinionHD the obvious choice for any security camera application, be it a store, school or stadium.
为隆重其事,行政长官何厚铧、立法会主席曹其真、经济财政司司长谭伯源、社会文化司司长崔世安及何鸿燊博士将会为「澳门日」宣传活动主持醒狮 点睛 仪 式
To mark the occasion, Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Fernando Chui Sai On, Secretary for Economy and Finance Francis Tam Pak Yuen, President of the Legislative Assembly Susana
Chou and Chairman of STDM Dr. Stanley Ho is going
[...] to hold the eye-dotting ceremony at the [...]
"Macau Day" Promotion Campaign.
其中的插图包括 208 幅木刻,刻工采用奥格斯堡风格,其特点包括使用粗轮廓线来刻画人物,使用白色的空白而非使用繁复的装饰 点 缀 画 面 , 而且在远景上很少使用背景或风景图案。
It is illustrated with 208 woodcuts, cut in the Augsburg style, which is characterized by thick contour lines outlining the figures, a reliance on white space rather than highly detailed embellishment to decorate the image, and little background or landscape to create perspective.
秘书处代表介绍了 UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11 号文件,其中载有下列项目的执行 进度报告:阿根廷氟氯化碳全国淘汰计划、不丹最终淘汰管理计划、中国氟氯化碳和龙 加速淘汰项目、柬埔寨氟氯化碳和 龙 全 国 淘汰项目、克罗地亚最终氟氯化碳淘汰管理计 划核查审计报告、加纳最终淘汰管理计划、肯尼亚在土壤熏蒸方面淘汰甲基溴的技术转让 项目、墨西哥全国氟氯化碳淘汰计划和墨西哥在化工生产行业淘汰 CFC-11 和 CFC-12 的行 业计划。
The representative of the Secretariat introduced document UNEP/OzL.Pro/ExCom/56/11, which consisted of progress reports on the implementation of: the national CFC phase-out plan in Argentina, the TPMP in Bhutan, the accelerated phase-out of CFCs and halons in China, the NPP for CFCs and halons in Colombia, the verification audit report of the terminal CFC phase-out management plan in Croatia, the TPMP in Ghana, the technology transfer leading to methyl bromide phase-out in soil fumigation in Kenya, the national CFC phase-out plan in Mexico and the sector plan for phasing out the CFC-11 and CFC-12 production sector in Mexico.
[...] 际中心的环境和费用绩效采取了许多前瞻性措施:安装照明光电感应器和效率更 高的龙头; 使用再生纸和为循环使用分离废物。
However, benefiting from a high level of public environmental consciousness in the host country, they have adopted many proactive measures in recent years to improve the environmental and cost performance of Vienna International Centre (VIC): the installation of
motion-detectors for lighting and of more
[...] efficient water faucets; use of recycled [...]
paper and segregation of waste for recycling purposes.




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