

单词 画插图者

See also:

画画 n

paint n

图画 n

picture n
drawing n

图画 pl

drawings pl


picture (e.g. of life in the city)
draw designs, maps etc

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,项目还出资印制了彩插图小 册 子和招 画 , 对 学生在发生地 震时应当做什么提出实用建议。
In addition the project paid for a colourful illustrated booklet and a poster with practical advice for school children about what they should do in the event of an earthquake.
用户几乎能将其Dundas图表的所有元素都设为Fla sh 或 者 S V G 格 式的 画 , 且能使用其预置的各种动画效果。
Nearly every element of Dundas Chart can be animated in either Flash or SVG formats, with [...]
a full assortment of pre-built animation effects.
插图画家感到学习到很多东西, 这些东西有助于自己在未来的职业生活中向前发展。
The young illustrators felt they had [...]
learned a great deal that would help them in their future professional life.
插图中画着一 位长胡子教徒,正在病人头顶上方挥舞着一根木棍,还画了一个骷髅和两根交叉的人骨,警告人们这种看病方法是非常危险的。
It shows a long-haired holy man waving a wand over his patient’s head as a skull and crossed bones warn of danger.
对网站任何内容的复制和借用,特别是文字、部分文字、说明性材料 者插图 , 应 事先获得NSK的书面同意。
Duplication or borrowing of parts of the website, particularly
of texts, parts of texts, illustrative
[...] material or graphic illustrations requires the [...]
advance written permission of NSK.
在执行比较后,用户可以看图像是 否经过了修改,删除 者插 入 操 作。
After running a
[...] comparison you will see whether an image has been modified, deleted or inserted.
你无法想象出,那些专注于现实世界业务流程的职业BPM设 者 能 画 出 什 么样 图 , 因为这些流程本质上就是高度并行和非结构化的。
You can hardly imagine
[...] the result for diagrams produced by professional BPM designers focusing on [...]
real business processes
since they are highly parallel and unstructured in essence.
Chart FX 7 for Java Developer建立在以Chart FX for Java 6.5 Developer为基础的企业质量技术上,通过增加一个框架独立,基于Ajax的运行时用户界面来使您 图 表 , 地 图 和 统 计 图 提 供丰富的用户接口元素,这些元素具有零空间占用 者插 件 的 需求。
Chart FX 7 for Java Developer builds on the enterprise-quality technology base of Chart FX for Java 6.5 Developer by adding a framework-independent, Ajax-based
runtime UI which will
[...] allow your charts, maps and statistical representations to provide rich user interface elements that have zero footprint or plugin requirements.
向筹备委员会第二届和第三届会议的与 者 分 发 了关于原子弹经历的画 和图画书。
Mangas and picture books related to the
experience of the atomic
[...] bombs were distributed to the participants at the second and third sessions [...]
of the Preparatory Committee.
发行了学生-插图版法语海地历史《扬帆驶向美好的未 来》和关于 TST 的特别电子画,出版了关于 TST 的 16 页英语和法语小册子。
The French version of the student-illustrated history of Haiti, Levons le voile pour un futur meilleur, and a special electronic TST Flash were distributed and a new 16-page brochure in English and French about TST was published.
第一是使用直升机的使用预见分析器,76A 将这一预见分析器应用到选择的地区,将其结果与实 际飞行活动比较,可能会给予计者 对 于 情况的混合 和适当性更好的一图画。
The first is a utilization predictor for HEMS.76 Applying this predictor to a selected geographic area, and then comparing its result against actual flight activity, may give planners a better picture of the case mix and appropriateness.
这幅精心制作插画通过数字彩绘 图 片 库 /3D渲染的组合方法完成。
The elaborate illustration was created using a combination of matte painting and stock photography/3d [...]
约翰森本人及其布罗克均颇受欢迎,而其他演 者 , 如 :瑞典 者 亚 丽 珊德拉·伯格(Alexandra Borg)、丹麦作家兼出版商卡斯滕·佩尔斯(Karsten Pers)、冰插图画家阿 斯劳格·约翰斯多蒂尔(Aslaug Jonsdottir)和芬兰CME彼德·韦斯特巴卡(Peter Vesterbacka)的发言也同样反应良好。
Both Block and
[...] Åshild were well received, as were the other speakers; the Swedish scholar Alexandra Borg, the Danish writer and publisher Karsten Pers, the Icelandic illustrator Aslaug Jonsdottir, [...]
and Finnish CME Peter Vesterbacka.
图像设计大专课程的毕业生可以从事相关领域的工作,包括了平面设计师、DTP艺术家、包装设计师、视觉效果师、企业设计师、内部设计师、色彩分析员 插画 家 、 艺术总监、创意总监、数 图 像 艺术家、设计顾问、数码影印员、活动设计师及陈列展示设计师。
Graphic design career paths cover all ends of the creative spectrum including: Graphic Designer, DTP Artist, Packaging Designer, Visualiser, Corporate Designer,
In-house Designer, Colour
[...] Separator, Illustrator, Art Director, Creative Director, Digital Image Artist, Design [...]
Consultant, Digital
Printer, Event Designer, Display Artist.
内部的负荷将一直计算到单个滚动体接触,然后可以用表格形式 者图画 形 式 呈现出来。
The internal load is calculated down to the level of single rolling element contact and can be
[...] displayed in a table or as a graphic.
无论是自雇者是为 其他大型企业所工作,工作性质,角色以及地点会随着所投入的不同室内设计工作而所不同,可从事的工作包括了室内设计师、室内设计顾问、家具设计师、空间顾问、商品橱窗设计人、灯光设计师、自动电脑辅助 图 员 、 插画 家 、 模型制作人、展览与活动设计师、博物馆展览设计师及内部与宴会协调员。
The working conditions, job roles and places
of employment
[...] can vary largely within the career of interior design, from being self-employed to working with large corporations, within various job roles including: Interior Designer, Interior Design Consultant, Furniture Designer, Space Consultant, Window Dresser, Lighting Designer, AutoCAD Draughtsman, Illustrator, Model Maker, Exhibition & Events [...]
Museum Exhibitions Designer, and Interior Coordinator & Function Coordinator.
(a) 競者之間 所訂立協議的綜合市場佔有率門檻為 10%,而非競者之間則為15%。
(a) thresholds of the combined market shares of 10% for agreements between competitors and 15% for agreements between non-competitors.
它具有插件式的体系结构插入安全供者, 支持ldif 和 i18n ,在线帮助,用户可配置的 可以显示更多信息的html格式 。
It has a plug-in architecture , plug in security providers , ldif support and i18n, online help , user-configurable to display more information in html format .
爱彼今年二度担任这场艺术盛会的主要赞助厂商和官方计时伙伴,并有幸邀请到享誉盛名的时 插画 大 师阿 尔 图 罗 ·埃 林纳 (Arturo Elena)出任客座艺术家与合作伙伴。
A main sponsor and official timekeeper of the fair for the second year
running, Audemars Piguet was delighted to
[...] have renowned fashion illustrator, Arturo Elena, as [...]
their guest and collaborator.
其中插图包括 208 幅木刻,刻工采用奥格斯堡风格,其特点包括使用粗轮廓线来 画 人 物 ,使用白色的空白而非使用繁复的装饰来点 画 面 , 而且在远景上很少使用背景或风景图案。
It is illustrated with 208 woodcuts, cut in the Augsburg style, which is characterized by thick contour lines outlining the figures, a reliance on white space rather than highly detailed embellishment [...]
to decorate the
image, and little background or landscape to create perspective.
接连与BBH New York和MPC的可爱团队合作,伦插图动 画 工 作 室 I Love Dust为雪碧创作了两条新的动画,作为其全球品牌重塑的一部分。
Working in conjunction with BBH New York and
the lovely people at
[...] MPC, London based illustration and animation house, I Love Dust created these two animations for Sprite as [...]
part of their global rebrand.
其实,上周我已经自己购买了一本,完全是为了这位 画 家 兼电影导演Enki Bilal强具表现力和重量级插图。
Actually, I bought it myself last week, because the illustrations by cartoonist and film director Enki Bilal are of such an incredible expressiveness and strength.
在斯洛伐克国际儿童艺术之家(BIBIANA)的合作 下,举办了教科文组织--布拉迪斯拉发两年一次的插 图展览会(BIB)2001 年儿童图插图画家讲习班。
The UNESCO-BIB 2001 Workshop for Illustrators of Children’s Books, organized in collaboration with the Slovak International House of Art for Children (BIBIANA), constituted a rare moment of intense creativity in a wonderful atmosphere of friendship and harmony.
作為香港唯一的土地供者,特 區政府有責任理順土地供應,包括長遠而 言,都有穩定的土地供應,和制定措施令土地市場存在較大的競爭,包括降低門 檻讓小型經者參與土地競投及發展。
It should provide a stable stream of land supply over a long run, and as well as ensure that a competitive market would take in place, such as in the lowering of barriers of entry for small scale operators in the land market.
Tadanori Yokoo(横尾忠则) 是一个以多才多艺而著名的日本平面设计师 插图画 家 、版画家和画家。
Tadanori Yokoo
[...] is a Japanese graphic designer, illustrator, printmaker [...]
and painter known for his enormous versatility.
除了在屋邨的公用地方增建設施,我們亦為有需要的 者 改 建單位內的 設施,例如將大門的門檻改為斜道、改良電制開關按鈕的位置及形狀、改良 廁所間隔、花灑及淋浴設施、改良座廁位置、加闊廁所門口、改低門檻,以 便者出入
Apart from providing
[...] additional facilities in the common areas in public housing estates, we have also carried out flat alteration works for the elderly in need, such as replacement of door thresholds by ramps, improvement to locations and shapes of electricity switches, toilet [...]
shower facilities and locations of pedestal type toilets, widening toilet doors and lowering door thresholds for their easy access.
许多国家建议,必须大力加强各级科技教育(包括支持青年科学工 者 和 为建 立 图书 馆 和实验室动员潜在的捐资者),还建议教科文组织应在教育部门与自然科学部门之间扩大 [...]
32 C/5 中的跨部门联合行动。
Many countries suggested that science and technology education at all levels needs to be significantly strengthened (including support to young
scientists and the mobilization of
[...] potential donors for the establishment of libraries [...]
and laboratories) and that UNESCO
should expand the joint intersectoral action of document 32 C/5 between the Education Sector and the Natural Sciences Sector.
在提供军事和安保服务时,雇员在下列情况下方可使用武力或火 器:(a) 保卫自己或公司其他雇员免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死 亡或重伤威胁,属于行使自卫的基本权利;(b) 保卫按照合同受其 保护者免遭其认为迫在眉睫的非法的死亡或重伤威胁;(c) 阻止其 有合理理由认为非法绑架其本人、公司的其他雇员或按照合同受其 保者的企图;(d ) 预防或阻止犯下可能或已经构成死亡或重伤威 胁的罪行。
In providing military and security services, employees may use force or firearms only (a) to defend him/herself or other employees of the company against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury, in respect of the exercise of the essential right of selfdefence; (b) to defend persons whom he/she is under a contract to protect against what he/she believes to be an imminent unlawful threat of death or serious bodily injury; (c) to resist what he/she reasonably believes to be an attempt to unlawfully abduct him/her, other employees of the company or a person whom he/she is under contract to protect; (d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious bodily injury.
在教科文 组织--流动图书阅读车(UNESCO-BIB)2001 年儿童图插图画家讲习班期间,展出了 21 个国家的艺术家创作的作品,这期讲习班是与斯洛伐克国际儿童艺术公司合作,于 3 月 25 日至 4 月 16 日在总部举办的(BIBIANA)。
An exhibition of works produced by artists from 21 countries during the UNESCO-BIB 2001 Workshop for Illustrators of Children’s Books was held at Headquarters from 25 March to 16 April in collaboration with the Slovak International House of Art for Children (BIBIANA).




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